Xi Jinping: We must consolidate our unity and safeguard the right to development

Between July 2-6, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid state visits to the neighbouring Central Asian states of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Whilst in Kazakhstan, he also took part in the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which, along with the first Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Plus Meeting, was held in the capital Astana on July 4, as well as holding a number of bilateral meetings with other heads of state who participated in the meetings.

The SCO Summit admitted Belarus as the organisation’s tenth full member and at its conclusion China assumed the rotating chair for 2024-25.

In his speech to the Heads of State Meeting, Xi Jinping welcomed Belarus to attend the SCO Summit for the first time as a member state. He pointed out that the SCO was established at the turn of the century, when the antagonism and division left over from the Cold War had yet to be bridged. The founding members of the SCO have made a historical choice to pursue peaceful development, committed to good-neighbourliness and friendship, and built a new type of international relations, and the “Shanghai Spirit” has become a common value and action guide for the member states. Twenty-three years after its founding, the number of SCO member states has increased to 10, and the “SCO family” embraces 26 countries on three continents. The SCO stands on the right side of history, on the side of fairness and justice, and is of vital importance to the world.

Xi went on to make a number of calls to the gathering, including:

  • In the face of the real threat of the Cold War mentality, we must guard the bottom line of security.
  • In the face of the real risk of “small courtyards and high walls”, we must safeguard the right to development.
  • In the face of the real challenge of interference and division, we need to consolidate our unity.

He stressed that the reason why the SCO has been able to withstand the test of the changing international situation is that we have always adhered to the fine tradition of solidarity and cooperation, the way of cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the pursuit of the values of fairness and justice, and the broad-mindedness of inclusiveness and mutual learning.

The leaders of the SCO member states signed and issued the Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States; approved the SCO initiative on solidarity and joint efforts to promote justice, harmony and development in the world; proposals on improving the operational mechanisms of the SCO; a statement on the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual trust and partnership; and a series of resolutions on cooperation in the fields of energy, investment and information security.

The Astana Declaration begins by stating that:

“The political and economic situation in the world is undergoing major changes. The international system is developing in a more just and multipolar direction, providing more opportunities for countries to develop and carry out international cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. At the same time, the rise of power politics, the intensification of trampling on the norms of international law, and the intensification of geopolitical confrontation and conflicts pose more risks to global and regional stability.”

Among the many issues covered in the declaration, member states advocate respect for the right of the peoples of all countries to independently choose their path of political, economic and social development, and emphasise that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and non-use or threat of use of force are the basis for the sustainable development of international relations.

They reaffirmed their commitment to building a more representative, democratic and just multipolar world system based on the universally recognised principles of international law, diversity of cultures and civilisations, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, and the central coordinating role of the United Nations.

They expressed deep concern at the intensification of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and strongly condemned the acts that caused numerous civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip; Emphasising the importance of ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire as soon as possible and facilitating humanitarian access and intensifying efforts to bring peace, stability and security to the population of the region, it was noted that the only possible way to ensure peace and stability in the Middle East was a comprehensive and just settlement of the question of Palestine.

They also reaffirmed their commitment to helping Afghanistan become an independent, neutral and peaceful country, free from terrorism, war and drugs, and supported the efforts of the international community to achieve peace and development in Afghanistan and reaffirmed that the formation of a government that is truly inclusive of representatives of all ethnic and political sectors of Afghan society is the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the country.

Member States support the prevention of the weaponisation of outer space, believe that strict adherence to the existing legal system for the peaceful uses of outer space is of paramount importance, and stress the need to sign international instruments with mandatory legal force to enhance transparency and provide strong guarantees for the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

With the exception of India, all the other SCO member states reaffirmed their support for the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the People’s Republic of China and affirmed the work done by all parties in the joint implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, including the promotion of the synergy and cooperation between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the cooperation in the implementation of joint projects.

Underlining moves to dedollarisation and to promote mutual support in areas of banking, investment and finance, the SCO member states stressed the importance of continuing to implement the Roadmap for Expanding the Quota of SCO Member States in Local Currency Settlements. They further stressed the need to secure project financing in order to fully exploit the investment potential of the SCO and will continue consultations on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund (Special Account). 

They agreed to declare 2025 the SCO Year of Sustainable Development. Member States noted the need to strengthen cooperation in the field of environmental protection, ensure ecological security, rationally use natural resources, expand cooperation in technology transfer and resource allocation, especially to meet the needs of developing countries, and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. 

The SCO initiative on the solidarity of all countries to promote justice, harmony and development in the world declared that:

“Nearly 80 years ago, the United Nations was established to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Nearly 80 years later, the international system with the United Nations at its core is facing multiple threats and challenges unprecedented in modern history, with tensions and uncertainties escalating.”

Against this background, the SCO is firmly committed to upholding the central coordinating role of the United Nations, supporting the universally recognised norms of international law, building a more representative, just and democratic multipolar world system, and advocating that all countries, regardless of their geographical location, territorial size, demographic, military or resource strength, or political, economic and social structure, should be ensured equal opportunities for development.

And the SCO believes that it is essential to provide adequate financial support for the realisation of ambitious plans to combat climate change and calls on developed countries to fulfil their commitments to finance climate change projects and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Later on July 4, Xi Jinping addressed the SCO Plus Meeting, which was attended by a number of leaders from the organisation’s growing network of observers and dialogue partners, a number of whom have expressed interest in graduating to full membership.

Xi Jinping said: “Today, we get together for our first ‘SCO Plus’ Meeting, with good friends and new partners in the same room holding important discussions. This shows that under the new circumstances of the new era, the vision of our organisation is widely popular, and that SCO member states have friends across the world.”

He proceeded to make a number of proposals, including:

  • We should build a common home of solidarity and mutual trust. A few days ago, China held the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The Shanghai Spirit is consistent with the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. 
  • We need to bridge our differences, build more consensus, and enhance mutual trust through strategic communication. China proposes that SCO member states do more to share their experience on governance and hold the SCO Political Parties Forum at an appropriate time.
  • We should build a common home of peace and tranquillity. Real security is premised on the security of all countries.
  • Afghanistan is indispensable for the security in the region. We need to make best use of the mechanism of coordination and cooperation among Afghanistan’s neighbours and other platforms to increase humanitarian support to Afghanistan, and encourage Afghanistan to establish a broad-based and inclusive political structure and embark on a path of peace and reconstruction.
  • We should build a common home of fairness and justice. The current SCO Summit has issued the Astana Declaration, the SCO initiative on world unity for justice, harmony and development, and the statement on the principles of good-neighbourliness, trust and partnership. It is a strong message of the new era, one that calls for solidarity, cooperation and justice rather than division, confrontation, and hegemonism.

In his conclusion, the Chinese President noted that: “A Chinese adage reads, ‘Victory is ensured when people pool their strength together; Success is secured when people put their heads together.’ The SCO owes its success to solidarity and cooperation throughout the years. This is also naturally the inevitable way for us to respond to the changing world and open new horizons on the new journey ahead.”

We reprint below the report of President Xi’s speech to the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO, the summary of the Astana Declaration, the text of the initiative on the solidarity of all countries to promote justice, harmony and development in the world, and the Statement of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual trust and partnership. These were originally published in Chinese on the website of People’s Daily. They have been machine translated and lightly edited by us. 

We also reprint the full text of President Xi Jinping’s speech to the SCO Plus meeting. It was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi Jinping attends the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Astana, July 4 (Reporter Du Shangze, Xie Yahong) On the morning of July 4, local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation at the Independence Palace in Astana.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the rotating chair of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), presided over the meeting, which was attended by President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan, President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev  of Uzbekistan, Acting President of Iran Mohammad Mokhber , representatives of India, and the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Xi Jinping took a group photo with the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states, and then attended the meeting of the Council of Heads of State.

In his speech, Xi Jinping spoke highly of Kazakhstan’s positive efforts and important contributions to improving the operational mechanism of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and deepening cooperation in various fields during its presidency and welcomed Belarus to attend the SCO summit for the first time as a member state.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was established at the turn of the century, when the antagonism and division left over from the Cold War had yet to be bridged. The founding members of the SCO have made a historical choice to pursue peaceful development, committed to good-neighbourliness and friendship, and built a new type of international relations, and the “Shanghai Spirit” has become a common value and action guide for the member states. Twenty-three years after its founding, the number of SCO member states has increased to 10, and the “SCO family” covers 26 countries on three continents. At present, the world is undergoing changes unseen in a century at an accelerated pace, and human society is once again standing at the crossroads of history. The SCO stands on the right side of history, on the side of fairness and justice, and is of vital importance to the world.

In the face of the real threat of the Cold War mentality, we must guard the bottom line of security. We should adhere to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, respond to complex and intertwined security challenges through dialogue and cooperation, and respond to the profoundly adjusted international landscape with a win-win mentality, so as to jointly build a world of lasting peace and universal security.

In the face of the real risk of “small courtyards and high walls”, we must safeguard the right to development, adhere to inclusiveness, work together to promote scientific and technological innovation, maintain the stability and smoothness of industrial and supply chains, stimulate the endogenous driving force of the regional economy, and promote the realisation of common development goals.

In the face of the real challenge of interference and division, we need to consolidate our unity. We should work together to resist external interference, firmly support each other, take care of each other’s concerns, handle internal differences with peace as the most important thing, resolve differences to solve difficult problems of cooperation, and firmly grasp the future and destiny of our countries and the peaceful development of the region in our own hands.

Xi Jinping stressed that the reason why the SCO has been able to withstand the test of the changing international situation is that we have always adhered to the fine tradition of solidarity and cooperation, the way of cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the pursuit of the values of fairness and justice, and the broad-mindedness of inclusiveness and mutual learning. We should stay true to our original aspirations, continue to hold high the banner of the “Shanghai Spirit”, help each other, achieve mutual success, jointly stabilise the direction of the SCO’s development, and build the SCO into a reliable support for the common prosperity and rejuvenation of the SCO member states.

The leaders of the participating member states spoke positively of the constructive role played by the SCO in maintaining regional peace and security, and pledged to further strengthen cooperation in trade, transportation, energy, finance, agriculture, digital economy, scientific and technological innovation, and deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, youth and other fields. The leaders believe that the current world political and economic situation and international relations are undergoing major changes, and the United Nations should play a central and coordinating role to promote the building of a more representative, democratic and just multipolar world system, and promote economic globalisation that benefits all people. We should respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries, work to resolve differences and disputes between countries by peaceful means, oppose unilateral sanctions, and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The leaders agreed to improve the SCO’s mechanism for responding to security threats and challenges, resolutely crack down on the “three evil forces” [of terrorism, separatism and extremism], drug trafficking and transnational organised crime, support the efforts of the international community to achieve peace and development in Afghanistan, and support a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian question based on the two-state solution.

The leaders of the SCO member states signed and issued the Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States, approved the SCO initiative on solidarity and joint efforts to promote justice, harmony and development in the world, proposals on improving the operational mechanisms of the SCO, a statement on the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual trust and partnership, and a series of resolutions on cooperation in the fields of energy, investment and information security.

The meeting officially approved Belarus’ accession to the SCO and decided that China will take over the rotating chairmanship of the SCO for the period 2024-2025.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi and others participated in the above activities.

Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (Summary)

《 People’s Daily 》( 05.07.2024)

On July 4, 2024, the leaders of the SCO member states met at the Council of Heads of State in Astana and issued a declaration. The summary is as follows:

The political and economic situation in the world is undergoing major changes. The international system is developing in a more just and multipolar direction, providing more opportunities for countries to develop and carry out international cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. At the same time, the rise of power politics, the intensification of trampling on the norms of international law, and the intensification of geopolitical confrontation and conflicts pose more risks to global and regional stability.

The SCO member states believe that the SCO should play a greater role in promoting the consolidation of comprehensive peace, security and stability, as well as in building a new democratic and just international political and economic landscape. To this end, the SCO member states adopted the SCO Initiative on Solidarity for Justice, Harmony and Development in the World and proposed the participation of the international community.

Member States advocate respect for the right of the peoples of all countries to independently choose the path of political, economic and social development, and emphasise that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and non-use or threat of use of force are the basis for the sustainable development of international relations. The parties reaffirmed that differences and disputes between countries should be resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation.

Member States shall not participate in any decision that interferes in their internal affairs and is contrary to international law.

Member States reaffirmed their efforts to build a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for humanity featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation.

Member States reaffirmed their commitment to building a more representative, democratic and just multipolar world system based on the universally recognised principles of international law, diversity of cultures and civilisations, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, and the central coordinating role of the United Nations.

In accordance with the principles of the SCO Charter and the Shanghai Spirit, which focuses on “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilisations and the pursuit of common development”, the SCO member states oppose the use of a confrontational mindset to resolve international and regional issues and to address traditional and non-traditional security threats and challenges.

Member States reaffirmed that unilateral and unfettered strengthening of the global anti-missile system by individual States or groups of countries would jeopardise international security and stability and considered it unacceptable to pursue their own security at the expense of the security of other states.

Member States are willing to further strengthen policy coordination, security cooperation, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds, so as to jointly build a peaceful, secure, prosperous and clean world and realise the harmonious coexistence of people and nature.

Member States will take measures to prevent any violation of the principle of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states in their territories.

Member States reaffirmed their commitment to resolutely combat terrorism, separatism and extremism.

Member States expressed deep concern at the intensification of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and strongly condemned the acts that caused numerous civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip; Emphasising the importance of ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire as soon as possible and facilitating humanitarian access and intensifying efforts to bring peace, stability and security to the population of the region, it was noted that the only possible way to ensure peace and stability in the Middle East was a comprehensive and just settlement of the question of Palestine.

The SCO member states will continue to promote the development of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure and further enhance the effectiveness of its cooperation in combating the “three forces”, and to this end adopted the Programme of Cooperation of the SCO Member States in Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2025-2027.

The SCO member states will continue to carry out joint actions aimed at strengthening the SCO’s counter-terrorism cooperation, including the holding of joint counter-terrorism exercises and joint anti-terrorist military exercises of the competent authorities, as well as regular monitoring of the situation in the region through the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.

Member States reaffirmed their willingness to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of rule of law in the judicial departments of Member States, and to support the exchange of experience and cooperation in the fields of legislation, legal services, judicial expertise, legal popularisation, and informatisation.

Member States abide by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, reaffirm the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of human rights, emphasise the obligation to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, and oppose the adoption of double standards on human rights issues and interference in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of protecting human rights.

Member States reaffirmed their commitment to helping Afghanistan become an independent, neutral and peaceful country, free from terrorism, war and drugs, and supported the efforts of the international community to achieve peace and development in Afghanistan and reaffirmed that the formation of a government that is truly inclusive and inclusive of representatives of all ethnic and political sectors of Afghan society is the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The SCO member states consider the approval of the SCO Anti-Drug Strategy for 2024-2029 and its implementation action plan as one of the important steps in countering the global drug threat and building a drug-free society. Member States support the regular holding of the “Spider Web” anti-drug operation, the “Drug-Free World” anti-drug prevention action and other activities.

Member States believe that the continued implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA – on the Iranian nuclear issue] is of paramount importance, and call on all parties to strictly implement their obligations to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2231 adopted on 20 July 2015.

As a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which was signed on 1 July 1968, the SCO member states stand for scrupulously abiding by the provisions of the Treaty, promoting the implementation of the Treaty’s purposes and principles in a comprehensive and balanced manner, consolidating the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, advancing the process of nuclear disarmament, and promoting equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Member States support the prevention of the weaponisation of outer space, believe that strict adherence to the existing legal system for the peaceful uses of outer space is of paramount importance, and stress the need to sign international instruments with mandatory legal force to enhance transparency and provide strong guarantees for the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

Member States noted the important role of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and advocated adherence to the Convention and the adoption of a legally binding protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, and opposed the establishment of any mechanism that duplicated the functions of the Convention.

The member states consider the fight against transnational organised crime to be one of the key areas of law enforcement and security cooperation, support the further strengthening of the international legal basis for countering criminal threats and challenges, recognise the central coordinating role of the United Nations in this process, as well as the important contribution of other international and regional organisations, including the SCO.

Member States stressed the crucial role of the United Nations in countering information threats and advocated the establishment of a secure information space based on the principles of respect for national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States.

The SCO member states noted the role of the SCO region in promoting global economic recovery, maintaining the stability of global industrial and supply chains and achieving sustainable development.

Member States support the further improvement and reform of the global economic governance system, and will continue to uphold and consolidate an open, transparent, fair, inclusive and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on internationally recognised principles and rules, promote the development of an open world economy, and guarantee fair market access and special and differential treatment for developing countries.

Member States oppose protectionist practices and unilateral sanctions and trade restrictions that undermine the multilateral trading system and hinder global sustainable development.

The SCO member states support the deepening of people-centred cooperation, improving people’s well-being and improving the living standards of the people in the SCO region, and consider it essential to continue to implement the Programme of Multilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation of the SCO Member States and the SCO Economic Development Strategy to 2030 adopted by the SCO countries, and to give full play to the potential of relevant mechanisms, public platforms and cooperation platforms.

The Republic of Belarus, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan reaffirmed their support for the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the People’s Republic of China and affirmed the work done by all parties in the joint implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, including the promotion of the synergy and cooperation between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the cooperation in the implementation of joint projects.

Member States reaffirmed their commitment to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to promote inclusive economic globalisation, eliminate trade barriers, and form a common position on trade facilitation.

The member states reaffirmed that they will continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of agriculture and food security, maintain food security, and continue to play the role of a multilateral platform, including the SCO Demonstration Base for Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training, to promote the development of modern agriculture in the region.

The member states believe that strengthening e-commerce cooperation is of great significance to expand and promote regional economic and trade cooperation, and are willing to work to bridge the digital development gap between each other, and emphasise the need to jointly address relevant challenges by aligning with national digital economy development plans.

The Member States stressed the importance of further deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of digital economy and were willing to support the development of digital technologies, take advantage of the opportunities of digital transformation, promote the construction of digital infrastructure, and ensure the popularisation of digital finance.

The SCO member states stressed the importance of the SCO member states continuing to implement the Roadmap for Expanding the Quota of SCO Member States in Local Currency Settlements.

The member states stressed the need to secure project financing in order to fully exploit the investment potential of the SCO and will continue consultations on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund (Special Account).

Member States support further deepening cooperation in the field of energy security.

The SCO member states stressed the important role of the SCO Interbank Consortium, the Business Council and young entrepreneurs in tapping the economic potential of the SCO.

The member states reaffirmed the importance of deepening local cooperation within the framework of the SCO.

The SCO member states noted the vigorous development of humanitarian cooperation and support the expansion of cooperation in the field of culture and art, the transmission of rich historical and cultural heritage and indigenous languages and cultures, as important aspects of promoting peace, cooperation, prosperity and harmony.

Member States are willing to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of tourism, including rural tourism, gastronomic tourism, medical tourism and ecotourism, and use modern technologies to develop tourism infrastructure and expand the number of tourists between member countries.

The member states note the declaration of Qingdao City of the People’s Republic of China as the SCO Capital of Tourism and Culture for 2024-2025 in order to tap the potential of tourism cooperation in the region and further strengthen cultural cooperation.

Member States noted the importance of further deepening World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) cooperation in the field of education, expanding inter-school exchanges, discussing best practices, strengthening digital education and using innovative educational technologies. The parties supported the continued improvement of the work of the SCO University and took note of the initiative of the People’s Republic of China to establish the SCO Digital Education Alliance.

Member States noted that cooperation in the field of science and technology among the SCO member states is in the common interest of global technological development, and they are ready to implement multilateral joint scientific research and innovation projects within the framework of the SCO programme.

Member States attach great importance to the development and application of AI technology, and are willing to cooperate in this field, jointly prevent risks, and continuously improve the safety, controllability, reliability, credibility and fairness of AI technology, so as to ensure that AI benefits all humanity.

The member states agreed to declare 2025 the SCO Year of Sustainable Development.

Member States noted the need to strengthen cooperation in the field of environmental protection, ensure ecological security, rationally use natural resources, expand cooperation in technology transfer and resource allocation, especially to meet the needs of developing countries, and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. To this end, the member States welcomed the signing of the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation between the Governments of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

The SCO member states spoke positively of the SCO’s cooperation in the field of emergency disaster relief and are ready to strengthen exchanges, mutual learning and cooperation in the fields of emergency warning and response, elimination of the consequences of disasters, and production safety.

Member States agreed on the need to strengthen the public health system and promote the development of primary health care as one of the important means to ensure people’s health and health and epidemic prevention safety.

The SCO member states welcomed the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the SCO Secretariat (Beijing) and the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure Executive Committee (Tashkent), and spoke highly of the work of the two institutions in promoting cooperation in various fields, ensuring regional security and stability, and promoting regional prosperity and sustainable development.

The member states stressed the historic significance of the Republic of Belarus becoming a member of the SCO.

The member states highly value the achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan during its presidency of the SCO in 2023-2024.

The next SCO presidency will be held by the People’s Republic of China. The next meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States will be held in the People’s Republic of China in 2025.

(Xinhua News Agency, Astana, July 4)

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s initiative on the solidarity of all countries to promote justice, harmony and development in the world

《 People’s Daily 》( 05.07.2024) 

Nearly 80 years ago, the United Nations was established to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Nearly 80 years later, the international system with the United Nations at its core is facing multiple threats and challenges unprecedented in modern history, with tensions and uncertainties escalating.

Against the backdrop of the gradual collapse of the existing international peace and security architecture, international relations and the global trading system, the intensification of geopolitical confrontation and the arms race, the rise of international terrorism, the deepening of the trust deficit, the escalation of intolerance and nationalism, and the overlapping of old and new conflicts and crises, the Charter of the United Nations and the universally recognised basic principles and norms of international law have been systematically undermined. The global political and economic landscape is undergoing drastic changes, and a multipolar world is taking shape.

Geopolitical rivalry has intensified, and artificially created trade barriers and economic protectionism have intensified. Unilateral sanctions have violated international law and harmed the interests of developing countries.

Decades-old trade systems and supply chains are being disrupted, causing irreparable damage to food, energy, transport security, and accelerating inflation, threatening global stability and sustainable development.

Against this background, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is firmly committed to upholding the central coordinating role of the United Nations, supporting the universally recognised norms of international law, building a more representative, just and democratic multipolar world system, and advocating that all countries, regardless of their geographical location, territorial size, demographic, military or resource strength, or political, economic and social structure, should be ensured equal opportunities for development.

As a responsible interregional organisation, the SCO is determined to work together to consolidate peace, security and stability through multilateral cooperation and to achieve these common goals. The SCO calls on the international community to jointly promote the SCO Initiative on Solidarity for World Justice, Harmony and Development, and is ready to contribute constructively to the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024 and create conditions for its implementation.

New security system

The SCO stands for joint settlement of the issues of the 21st century, the prevention of new conflicts and the peaceful settlement of international disputes, opposes hostile acts against other countries or regions, and calls on all countries to refrain from confrontation, to refrain from threats, blackmail and interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and to refrain from undue pressure in the political, military, economic and ideological spheres.

The SCO believes that UN Member States should engage in a frank, direct and transparent global dialogue to create favourable conditions for strengthening cooperation on an equal footing in accordance with the UN Charter, consolidating stability and security, and addressing traditional and non-traditional threats.

The SCO supports reducing the risk of conflict, strengthening the resilience of international relations in order to cope with crises and achieve peaceful coexistence. Emphasising that political diplomacy is the only way to solve international security problems, the SCO proposes to find solutions in favour of a just world.

The SCO believes that stability and fairness in the world cannot be achieved without the adjustment of multilateral mechanisms to keep pace with the times, and supports the comprehensive reform of the United Nations and the consolidation of the system of international relations.

The SCO calls on UN Member States to achieve general and complete disarmament under effective international control, to consolidate the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, to oppose the arms race in outer space, to take concrete measures to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism under the auspices of the United Nations and within its framework, and to support close cooperation in countering modern security threats.

Achievements in these areas will enable the international community to greet the eightieth anniversary of the United Nations with tangible results.

A fair economic environment

In the view of the SCO, the world is in a period of significant socio-economic imbalances. All parties need to work together to restore sustained economic growth and ensure the stability of global markets and major industries to enhance people’s well-being and livelihood. The international community needs to work more broadly to achieve inclusive and sustainable global economic development.

The SCO praised UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) stimulus plan, which includes reforming the global financial architecture through increased financing for low-carbon energy, universal social protection, full employment, health care, and quality education.

The SCO believes that the complete eradication of global hunger is crucial. Consolidating food security requires greater cooperation and enhanced exchange of information on food production, imports and exports. Monitoring of food markets is an important and effective early warning mechanism, which must be complemented by a transparent tracking mechanism for financing the international community’s response to the food crisis.

The SCO noted the need to continue to defend and strengthen an open, transparent, fair, inclusive and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, promote an open world economy, provide developing countries with fair market access and special and differential treatment regimes, and oppose protectionist practices and trade barriers.

The SCO noted that reliable and diversified supply chains are key factors in maintaining the stability of international trade. Covering more than 60% of the Eurasian continent and housing nearly half of the world’s population, the SCO will provide strategic opportunities for regional land-sea transport corridors to play a role. The SCO calls on countries around the world to work together to eliminate supply chain disruptions.

Clean the world

The SCO noted that global environmental problems, including climate change, have a serious negative impact on the sustainable socio-economic development of countries around the world.

The SCO calls for environmental protection to be a global priority based on the fundamental principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The SCO supports the “Clean and Safe World” campaign and is committed to eliminating the adverse effects of climate change and promoting a sustainable green and low-emission economy.

The SCO stresses that the climate agenda must not be used as a pretext to restrict trade, investment and technical cooperation.

The SCO believes that it is essential to provide adequate financial support for the realisation of ambitious plans to combat climate change and calls on developed countries to fulfil their commitments to finance climate change projects and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The SCO is ready to engage in an active dialogue with the relevant international bodies and considers it important to promote the financing of joint projects and programmes in the field of environmental protection, including mountain development.



Summing up the past, looking forward to the future and examining the general trend of the times, the SCO firmly believes that the initiative of the international community to promote solidarity and promote justice, harmony and development in the world will contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, promote dialogue, deepen friendly relations and mutually beneficial economic cooperation between countries, and promote mutual understanding and mutual understanding among peoples.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

(Xinhua News Agency, Astana, July 4)

Statement of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual trust and partnership

《 People’s Daily 》( 05.07.2024) 

We, the leaders of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (hereinafter referred to as “the SCO” or “the Organisation”):

Reaffirming its adherence to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the universally recognised norms of international law, and its support for the maintenance of world peace and security and the development of good-neighbourly and friendly relations;

In accordance with the SCO Charter and the Treaty on Long-term Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation among the SCO Member States, and to carry forward the “Shanghai Spirit”, which is based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for the diversity of civilisations and the pursuit of common development, which is a valuable asset of the SCO;

Reaffirming its determination to deepen relations among the Member States and to create a lasting peaceful environment for their peoples in the face of security threats and challenges;

Believes that today’s security threats and challenges are global in nature and can only be solved by building a multipolar world, further improving global economic governance, and coordinating responses to traditional and non-traditional security threats and forming a joint force.

We therefore state as follows:

  1. All Member States are equal on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

All Member States, irrespective of their political, economic and social systems, population size, geographical location and level of economic development, have equal rights to make and take decisions within the Organisation.

The member states have developed long-term good-neighbourly, friendly, and cooperative relations in all areas of common interest, such as security, economy and trade, energy, transportation, science and technology, information, environmental protection, and people-to-people relations.

2. Peaceful settlement of possible differences between Member States.

Member States should insist on the peaceful resolution of differences that might arise.

The SCO member states do not discuss issues of bilateral disputes at meetings of the SCO bodies.

3. The SCO is not directed against other countries and international organisations.

The SCO member states reaffirmed the SCO’s commitment to non-alignment, non-targeting of other countries and regions, and openness to the outside world.

The SCO is ready to carry out various forms of dialogue, exchange and cooperation with other countries and relevant international and regional organisations, and to admit new members who agree with the purposes, tasks and principles of the SCO Charter on the basis of consensus.

4. Prevent any illegal acts that harm the interests of the SCO.

The member states comply with the UN and SCO Charters and take measures to prevent any activity in their territories that contravenes the principles of the above-mentioned documents.

Member States strongly condemn terrorism, separatism and extremism and share a common commitment to combat international terrorism, organised crime and illicit drug trafficking.

Member States stressed that the imposition of unilateral sanctions violates the principles of international law and adversely affects international economic relations.

5. Conscientiously implement the provisions of the SCO Charter and other documents within the framework of the SCO.

The SCO member states reaffirmed their firm adherence to the SCO Charter and other treaties and documents in force within the framework of the SCO.

Member States will strengthen institutional consultations on international and regional issues, take coordinated actions, and support and cooperate closely with each other in major international and regional affairs.

(Xinhua News Agency, Astana, July 4)

Full text of Xi Jinping’s speech at “Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus” Meeting in Astana

Joining Hands to Build a More Beautiful Home Of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China at the “Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus” Meeting in Astana

Astana, July 4, 2024

Your Excellency President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev,


It is a great pleasure to be with you in beautiful Astana. I would like to thank President Tokayev for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. Kazakhstan has done an excellent job as President of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) over the past year, and the SCO has made new progress.

As a Chinese saying goes, “No mountain or ocean can distance people who have shared aspirations.” Today, we get together for our first “SCO Plus” Meeting, with good friends and new partners in the same room holding important discussions. This shows that under the new circumstances of the new era, the vision of our Organization is widely popular, and that SCO member states have friends across the world.

At present, changes of historical significance across the world during our times are unfolding in ways like never before. The international landscape is undergoing rapid transformation. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing fast. As human civilization marches forward in big strides, factors of insecurity, instability and uncertainty are evidently increasing.

To cope with this major transformation, the key is to have the wisdom to see the changes, the ability to deal with the changes, and the courage to make changes. We need to bear in mind that we live in a community with a shared future, and always uphold the Shanghai Spirit. We need to stay firmly on the development paths that suit our respective national conditions and regional realities, and jointly build a more promising home of the SCO so that our peoples can live a peaceful, successful and happy life. To that end, I wish to propose the following:

First, we should build a common home of solidarity and mutual trust. A few days ago, China held the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The Shanghai Spirit is consistent with the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It is the shared value of our Organization, and should be all the more cherished and faithfully observed at all times.

We need to respect the development path of respective, independent choosing, and support each other in safeguarding core interests. We need to bridge our differences, build more consensus, and enhance mutual trust through strategic communication. China proposes that SCO member states do more to share their experience on governance and hold the SCO Political Parties Forum at an appropriate time.

Second, we should build a common home of peace and tranquility. Security is a prerequisite for national development, and safety is the lifeline to happiness of the people. No matter how the international landscape changes, our Organization must hold the bottom line of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Real security is premised on the security of all countries.

We need to have a complete set of measures under the security cooperation mechanisms, because more lines of defense will give us more protection. The SCO should move faster to build a universal center and its branches to address the challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and the Anti-Drug Center. It should strengthen intelligence sharing and conduct joint operations to jointly safeguard security in our part of the world. As the current chair of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, China will do what it can to ensure the success of the Interaction-2024 joint counterterrorism exercise and other events.

Afghanistan is indispensable for the security in the region. We need to make best use of the mechanism of coordination and cooperation among Afghanistan’s neighbors and other platforms to increase humanitarian support to Afghanistan, and encourage Afghanistan to establish a broad-based and inclusive political structure and embark on a path of peace and reconstruction.

Third, we should build a common home of prosperity and development. Modernization is the shared goal of all countries in the SCO. China proposes that 2025 be designated as the SCO Year of Sustainable Development so as to help us focus on fostering new forces for growth. China is ready to work with all parties to fully implement the eight major steps under high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We will promote regional cooperation through platforms such as the demonstration base for agricultural technology exchange and training, the local economic and trade cooperation demonstration area, and the ecology and environment innovation base. We will also expand local currency settlement, and actively promote the establishment of an SCO financing platform.

China welcomes all parties to use the Beidou Satellite Navigation System and participate in the development of the International Lunar Research Station. China proposes establishing an SCO digital education alliance, and is willing to provide at least 1,000 training opportunities on digital technology to fellow countries in the SCO in the next three years. We should also modernize the governance system of our Organization, improve its operation mechanisms, and boost its effectiveness.

Fourth, we should build a common home of good-neighborliness and friendship. Dialogue among civilizations is ever more important for world peace and harmony. China is ready to provide quality platforms for countries in the SCO to engage in such dialogues. It will give full play to the role of non-official organizations such as the SCO Committee on Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation. It will continue to organize events under signature programs such as the Forum on Traditional Medicine, the Forum on People-to-People Friendship, the Youth Campus, and the Youth Development Forum. It will hold a green development forum and a women’s forum in Qingdao, the tourism and cultural capital of the SCO. We welcome all parties to take an active part in these events.

In the next five years, China will host 1,000 young people from countries in the SCO for exchange opportunities in China. I believe that with our joint efforts, there will be more robust interactions and mutual learning among regional countries as well as deeper understanding and friendship among our peoples.

Fifth, we should build a common home of fairness and justice. The current SCO Summit has issued the Astana Declaration, the SCO initiative on world unity for justice, harmony and development, and the statement on the principles of good-neighborliness, trust and partnership. It is a strong message of the new era, one that calls for solidarity, cooperation and justice rather than division, confrontation, and hegemonism.

We should jointly advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, practice true multilateralism, and make global governance more just and equitable. The SCO should make its important contribution to eliminating the deficits in peace, development, security and governance.


A Chinese adage reads, “Victory is ensured when people pool their strength together; Success is secured when people put their heads together.” The SCO owes its success to solidarity and cooperation throughout the years. This is also naturally the inevitable way for us to respond to the changing world and open new horizons on the new journey ahead.

China will take the rotating presidency after the Astana Summit. We will work with SCO partners in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, and join hands with more countries and international organizations that identify with the Shanghai Spirit to strive for common progress and foster brighter prospects for a community with a shared future for mankind.

Thank you. 

3 thoughts on “Xi Jinping: We must consolidate our unity and safeguard the right to development”

  1. Indeed, Honorable Comrade President.
    The West has created deep, serious and damaging disbalance and disharmony in the system of human rights by aggressively stressing and artificially elevating subjective rights but purposely neglecting objective rights, namely Articles 25 and 26 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    It must be corrected.

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