Xi meets Hungarian prime minister, exchanging views on ties, Ukraine crisis

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban paid a surprise visit to Beijing on July 8 as part of a whirlwind of diplomatic activity aimed at promoting a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine. Hungary assumed the six-monthly rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) on July 1. Orban then visited Ukraine the very next day, his first visit to the country since Russia launched its Special Military Operation. This was followed by a July 5 visit to Russia, as well as to Azerbaijan, where he attended the Informal Summit of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS). 

Meeting President Xi Jinping, just two months after they had met in the Hungarian capital Budapest and elevated their bilateral relationship to that of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, the two leaders exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis.

Orban briefed Xi on his recent visits to Ukraine and Russia. Xi expressed appreciation for Orban’s efforts in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and elaborated on China’s relevant views and propositions.

Xi called on the international community to create conditions and provide support for the resumption of direct dialogue and negotiation between the two sides, saying that only if all major countries inject positive rather than negative energy, can a ceasefire in this conflict emerge as soon as possible, adding that the basic propositions of China and Hungary and the direction of their efforts are the same and that China is willing to stay in communication with Hungary and all relevant parties.

Orban said that over the past two months, the two sides have earnestly implemented the important outcomes of President Xi’s visit to Hungary, strengthened friendship and mutual trust, and laid a solid foundation for the future development of bilateral relations.

In the face of the current turbulent international situation, China not only loves peace but has also put forward a series of constructive and important initiatives, proving with its own concrete actions that it is an important stabilising force for world peace.

He added that Hungary highly appreciates and values China’s role and influence and is willing to maintain close strategic communication and coordination with China.

Far from welcoming Hungary’s efforts for peace, the country has come under intensified imperialist pressure in response. 

The South China Morning Post headline said that Orban’s visits to Moscow and Beijing had “prompt(ed) EU members to seek ways to punish Hungary.” The paper reported:

“At every stop on Orban’s tour, fury has spread like wildfire through the Belgian capital [where the EU is headquartered]. Ambassadors plan to grill Hungary’s representatives in Brussels on Wednesday, a diplomatic source said.

“On Monday, some member states were ‘seriously considering gathering a majority’ to come up with a way to punish Budapest for abusing the terms of the rotating role, a senior EU official said, with the European Commission’s legal service also preparing to give its opinion.”

Two days later, the Financial Times duly reported that the commission’s legal service had concluded that Orban’s  “solo trip to Moscow last week contravened the EU’s treaties.” The Hungarian Prime Minister had, “violated the bloc’s treaties that forbid any ‘measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union’s objectives’, according to three people familiar with the matter. He also violated a legal provision that calls on all members to perform foreign policy activities ‘unreservedly in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity’, they added.

“Many EU member states have discussed boycotting the traditional informal ministerial meetings to be held in Hungary during the country’s presidency, several diplomats told the FT. A smaller group of capitals has also begun informal discussions on how to use the EU treaty to restrict Orban’s room for manoeuvre during the presidency. Some EU officials have privately floated stripping Hungary of the rotating presidency, officials said.”

Getting in on the act, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “any leader visiting Russia or China must make NATO’s positions clear that the military alliance is ‘not going anywhere, Ukraine’s not going anywhere, the European Union is not going anywhere’.”

This grotesque display of hegemonic arrogance could scarcely better illustrate the undemocratic nature of the EU, its subservience to Washington, its shameless bullying of its smaller member states, especially those in central, eastern and southern Europe, its use of ‘lawfare’ to suppress dissenting standpoints, its opposition to peace and its increasingly dangerous warmongering against Russia, China and other countries.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban here on Monday, and the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis.

Orban briefed Xi on his recent visits to Ukraine and Russia. Xi expressed appreciation for Orban’s efforts in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and elaborated on China’s relevant views and propositions.

Xi stressed that an early ceasefire and a political settlement are in the interests of all sides, adding that the priority is to cool down the situation by observing the three principles of no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting, and no fanning by any party over the flames.

Xi called on the international community to create conditions and provide support for the resumption of direct dialogue and negotiation between the two sides, saying that only if all major countries inject positive rather than negative energy, can a ceasefire in this conflict emerge as soon as possible.

“China has been actively promoting peace talks in its own way and encouraging and supporting all efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis,” he said, adding that the basic propositions of China and Hungary and the direction of their efforts are the same and that China is willing to stay in communication with Hungary and all relevant parties.

Xi noted that during his successful state visit to Hungary two months ago, the bilateral relations were elevated to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, which gave new historical significance to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties this year and injected strong impetus into the high-level development of China-Hungary relations.

Noting that the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee will be held next week, Xi said China will further deepen overall reform and promote high-quality development and high-level opening up, which will provide new opportunities and create new momentum for China-Hungary cooperation.

Xi said that the two countries should maintain high-level exchanges, deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic communication and coordination, continue to firmly support each other, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and continue to enrich the bilateral all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era to better benefit the people.

He congratulated Hungary on assuming the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) and said there is no geopolitical contradiction or fundamental conflict of interests between China and the EU.

China-EU relations are of strategic significance and global influence and should maintain steady and sound development, Xi said, calling on the two sides to jointly respond to global challenges.

Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the EU, Xi said, adding that the two sides should stay committed to the correct path of bilateral partnership with cooperation as the defining trend, continue to promote two-way opening up, strengthen international coordination, and contribute to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

It is hoped that Hungary, as the holder of the rotating EU presidency, will play a positive role in promoting the sound and stable development of China-EU relations and facilitating constructive interactions, Xi added.

Orban said that over the past two months, the two sides have earnestly implemented the important outcomes of President Xi’s visit to Hungary, strengthened friendship and mutual trust, and laid a solid foundation for the future development of bilateral relations.

In the face of the current turbulent international situation, China not only loves peace but has also put forward a series of constructive and important initiatives, proving with its own concrete actions that China is an important stabilizing force for world peace, Orban said.

He added that Hungary highly appreciates and values China’s role and influence and is willing to maintain close strategic communication and coordination with China.

Hungary advocates strengthening cooperation with China and opposes forming exclusionary cliques and bloc confrontation, Orban said.

Hungary is willing to take the rotating EU presidency as an opportunity to actively promote the sound development of EU-China relations, he said.

China ready to consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania

As part of a regional tour, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo recently visited Albania, where he met with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani on July 1st.

Wu spoke highly of China-Albania traditional friendship, saying that China will not forget its old friends and is ready to continue to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania, and take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year as an opportunity to push for new progress in China-Albania relations in the new era.

Although the relations between the two countries soured in the second half of the 1970s, for a considerable period the erstwhile People’s Socialist Republic of Albania (PSRA) was China’s closest political and ideological ally.

Prime Minister Edi Rama also leads the Socialist Party of Albania, the principal descendant of the former Party of Labour of Albania, which led the building of socialism in that country, although the party has long since abandoned Marxism. 

The following article was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

On July 1, 2024, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo met respectively with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani in Albania. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on bilateral relations.

Wu spoke highly of China-Albania traditional friendship, saying that China will not forget its old friends and is ready to continue to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania, and take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year as an opportunity to push for new progress in China-Albania relations in the new era. The Albanian side said that it adheres to the one-China principle and is willing to strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. More Chinese tourists are welcome to Albania and Chinese companies are also welcome to invest and do business in Albania.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on regional hotspot issues of mutual interest.

EU tariffs on China: a script written in Washington

The following article by Carlos Martinez, first published in the Morning Star, comments on the European Union’s recent decision to impose tariffs of up to 38 percent on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs). The only enthusiastic supporter (and presumably instigator) of these tariffs is the US, which is embarked on an escalating New Cold War against China.

Carlos describes the negative reaction to the tariffs not just in China but within much of the European business community and among environmentalists. Ultimately, aside from likely inspiring reciprocal tariffs from China, the move will have the effect of “making the EU’s transition slower and more expensive” – in the words of a Chatham House article.

Carlos further notes that “imposing tariffs on the basis of Chinese public investment creates a precedent that any such central investment in sustainable development is unacceptable”, and as such, “would render any sort of green new deal out of the question”.

The article concludes: “For the sake of peace, development and the habitability of the planet, Europe must change course.”

Last week the EU notified Beijing that, following a nine-month investigation into alleged unfair state subsidies, it will impose new tariffs of up to 38 per cent on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs).

Given the existing 10 per cent tariff on car imports, this will mean Chinese EVs will be hit with tariffs of up to 48 per cent. These new tariffs are due to kick in on July 4.

Germany, Sweden and Hungary have been vocal in opposing the move, with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stating the obvious: “Isolation and illegal customs barriers ultimately just makes everything more expensive, and everyone poorer.”

Of course, this reflects the importance of the Chinese market for German car manufacturers, who will be hoping beyond hope that the authorities in Beijing haven’t been studying the Book of Exodus and thus are not minded to apply the principle of “an eye for an eye.”

BMW CEO Oliver Zipse commented: “The decision for additional import duties is the wrong way to go. The EU Commission is thus harming European companies and European interests.”

This sentiment was echoed by a spokesperson for Volkswagen: “The negative effects of this decision outweigh any potential benefits for the European and especially the German automotive industry.”

Indeed there seems to be little enthusiasm for these tariffs anywhere outside the White House. The Bloomberg editorial board argues that “tariffs won’t bring the EU prosperity” and that the increased price of EVs will decelerate Europe’s green transition.

Similarly, an article for Chatham House — titled “Imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles will make the EU’s transition slower and more expensive” — notes that the EU has a legally binding target of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Meanwhile “decarbonisation technologies like solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles share a characteristic that sets them apart from other traded goods: when swapped for fossil fuel alternatives, they reduce the quantity of planet-warming gases being pumped into the atmosphere.” Such technologies “are needed in vast quantities, and in very short order, to give any chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.”

It is noteworthy — and presumably not entirely coincidental — that the EU’s announcement came just a month after the Biden administration announced tariffs on Chinese EVs of 100 per cent.

In the case of the US, the material impact of these tariffs is virtually non-existent, given that Chinese-made models constitute just 2 per cent of all EV sales; and this in a market where EVs only make up 8 per cent of all car registrations (compared with almost 50 per cent in China).

The US tariff increase is simply an attempt by Biden to appear “tough on China” in the run-up to the presidential election. Donald Trump, not to be outdone on such matters, has promised tariffs of 200 per cent. As such, what we’re talking about is yet another component in the US-led new cold war on China, for which there is bipartisan consensus.

So it would appear the EU is acting in accordance with the strong recommendations (instructions) of Washington.

This certainly wouldn’t be the first time Europe has compromised its climate commitments and economic stability in order to participate in the US’s pursuit of 21st century hegemony.

In 2022, in order to punish Russia and to generate profits for the US’s domestic fossil fuel industry, the Biden administration heavily promoted sanctions on Russian natural gas. The result has been a major increase in US exports of fracked shale gas to Europe.

To get this gas from North America to Europe, it has to be liquified, stored at minus 70°C, and transported by ship. This whole process is extremely costly in both financial and ecological terms, certainly much more so than using existing pipelines running from Russia through Europe.

The European working class and progressive movement should oppose these tariffs on Chinese EVs and should resist the ongoing attempts by sections of the bourgeoisie to align Europe with Washington’s reckless foreign policy.

As noted in these pages in August last year, “major problems facing humanity require international co-operation — and China’s leading position in green technology makes co-operation in this field essential.”

China has raced ahead in renewable energy and electric transport because it has identified those sectors as being absolutely crucial for the future of not only China but the world.

As such, it has built environmental considerations into the core of its planning system and has targeted public investment accordingly. Rather than complaining about China’s investment in new productive forces, Europe should be following its example.

Imposing tariffs on the basis of Chinese public investment creates a precedent that any such central investment in sustainable development is unacceptable. This precedent would render any sort of green new deal out of the question.

Even the Economist acknowledges that “the potential gains to the West from a ready supply of cheap, green vehicles are simply enormous.” And, momentarily overcoming its Eurocentric instincts, it admits that Chinese cars “are not only cheap; they are better-quality, particularly with respect to the smart features in EVs that are made possible by internet connectivity.”

The article concludes that “if China wants to spend taxpayers’ money subsidising global consumers and speeding up the energy transition, the best response is to welcome it.”

Inasmuch as there’s such a thing as a sane bourgeois perspective, this is what it looks like.

In the words of former undersecretary-general of the UN and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme Erik Solheim: “China is now the indispensable country for everything green … And all historical experiences show that if you create closed-down markets and separate markets from different parts of the world, we will all be poorer.”

For the sake of peace, development and the habitability of the planet, Europe must change course.

Engaging with the People’s Republic

A high-level delegation from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, headed by its Chair, Dr. Heinz Bierbaum, visited China in March. The foundation is closely associated with Germany’s Die Linke (Left Party).

The following article, which we reproduce from the foundation’s website, details the background to the delegation, reports its visits and meetings in Beijing, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and outlines the key themes for its future work with China. Giving an overall context, the article notes:

“Over the span of two generations, the People’s Republic of China has gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to its second-largest economy and a rising global power, and did so while maintaining its own, distinct developmental model. Its state-directed market economy has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty, and garnered the attention of other developing countries looking to extract themselves from the middle-income trap.”

It adds that the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is working to reinvigorate ties between China and progressive parties and movements in Germany, in the spirit of fostering a global debate on the nature of socialism in the twenty-first century.

Moving forward, the work of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Beijing Office will focus on exchanges between European and Chinese Marxists, translating Chinese debates into Western contexts and vice-versa.

Dr. Jan Turowski, office director since 2017, argues that different historical contexts must always be taken into account when evaluating debates on Marxism and socialism:

“In China, and particularly in the Communist Party, socialism is treated less as a state of affairs than a goal-oriented strategic process… As a theoretical debate in constant interplay with practical developments, conflicts of interest, and policy demands, it changes, experiments, conforms, and yet continues to structure the political process, giving it direction over the longer term… In contrast, the debate in the West as to whether China is socialist or not often focuses — rather unproductively — on a state of affairs and set of binary categories: either a society is socialist or it is not. Many Western leftists discuss China’s contradictions as good or bad, right or wrong, rather than confronting them as an integral part of the socialist experiment. Nevertheless, bringing Chinese and Western debates on socialism together in an open-minded and interested way, without denying the many differences, might well spark some creative ideas.”

The observation is as banal as it is true: China’s economic and geopolitical rise over the past four decades has transformed both the country and the world around it, and will continue to do so for decades to come. Over the span of two generations, the People’s Republic of China has gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to its second-largest economy and a rising global power, and did so while maintaining its own, distinct developmental model. Its state-directed market economy has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty, and garnered the attention of other developing countries looking to extract themselves from the middle-income trap.

It was thus only natural for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to begin supporting projects in China in 2002, and open one of its first international offices there in 2008. Since then, our Beijing branch has grown from a modest outpost to a fully-fledged regional office, organizing high-level exchanges and joint conferences and publications with a number of universities, research institutions, and even the Communist Party of China. Against a backdrop of growing geopolitical tensions, the foundation’s work seeks to maintain and expand corridors for debate and exchange, and learn from each other’s experiences in the interest of mutual understanding. The many differences between China, Germany, and Europe notwithstanding, we are convinced that only through dialogue can conflicts be resolved in a constructive manner.

As the COVID pandemic draws to a close and travel restrictions ease, the office has intensified its activity by hosting several international delegations and organizing a series of seminars and workshops in China and Germany. Together with the launch of a new bilingual website, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is working to reinvigorate ties between China and progressive parties and movements in Germany, in the spirit of fostering a global debate on the nature of socialism in the twenty-first century. Chinese scholars often emphasize that their experience is unique and cannot be seen as a blueprint for movements and parties in other parts of the world. Nevertheless, any discussion of socialism’s prospects today cannot afford to ignore the experience of 1.4 billion people living under a system that describes itself as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”.

Friends from Afar

A recent sign of the office’s renewed activity was a high-level delegation to China in late March, hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and led by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s chair, Dr. Heinz Bierbaum. Together with representatives from the foundation’s Executive and Academic Advisory Board, Bierbaum visited Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai, and met with representatives of municipal administrations, cultural institutions, and the Communist Party.

The delegation began its trip with a visit to the Central Party School in Beijing, where Vice President Li Yi discussed China’s socialist modernization with participants and emphasized the need for mutual cooperation in international relations. Later in the day, delegates were received by CPAFFC President Yang Wanming, who emphasized the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s longstanding role in strengthening person-to-person exchanges between China and Germany, and expressed optimism that relations between the two countries would continue to develop positively. Further meetings with representatives of the International Department of the Central Committee and the National People’s Congress underlined the depth of cooperation the foundation has developed in China over the past two decades.

The country’s high-speed rail network has helped to transform China’s transportation system, and demonstrates what kind of green infrastructural development is possible under the right conditions.

After taking in the sights of Beijing, the delegation travelled south to Hangzhou, capital of the eastern coastal province Zhejiang. Here, participants visited the nearby model village of Xiaogucheng, where the local Party leadership has instituted a number of effective anti-poverty strategies and pioneered new structures of community governance. Hangzhou has also broken ground in its attempts to integrate high-tech development with environmentally sustainable urban planning, as the delegation learned in Dream Town, a major tech hub along the city’s historic waterfront that seeks to integrate, rather than replace, the existing ecological and urban space.

The delegation’s visit concluded in Shanghai, China’s largest and wealthiest city, where participants met with Chen Jing, President of the Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and learned about the city’s unprecedented growth within the framework of the state-led market economy. The Shanghai Master Plan, which runs from 2017 to 2035, seeks to turn Shanghai into a “modern socialist international metropolis” seamlessly integrating life, work, and the surrounding environment. It stands as an exemplary case of China’s approach to development, whereby the fundamental parameters of economic growth are laid out in a series of five-year plans, leaving ample room for experimentation and creativity at the local and regional levels.

Perhaps most remarkable for delegation participants was the substantial progress the People’s Republic has made in terms of what in China is referred to as “ecological civilization”. Electric vehicles were to be seen in every city the delegation visited, marked by their silent engines and green license plates that set them apart from the rest of the fleet. Indeed, in Shanghai, over half of new vehicle registrations are electric. The country’s high-speed rail network, which consists of 45,000 kilometres of track and encompasses two-thirds of all high-speed rail in the world, has helped to transform China’s transportation system, and demonstrates what kind of green infrastructural development is possible under the right conditions. Summing up his impressions, Dr. Bierbaum remarked that he was “deeply impressed by the level of economic and technical development achieved, above all by the fact that a high degree of qualitative and, in particular, ecological aspects have been taken into account.”

Continue reading Engaging with the People’s Republic

China and Hungary elevate ties to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership

Following his state visits to France and Serbia, Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his European tour in Hungary, arriving in the central European country in the evening of May 8 and returning to Beijing on May 10. He previously visited Hungary 15 years ago.

Coinciding with his arrival, President Xi published an article in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet. He wrote:

“This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. The bilateral relationship has since been developing and growing steadily and soundly with tangible results achieved in all fields. We respect and treat each other as equals, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. We see each other as a priority partner of cooperation. We have gone through hardships together and defied power politics together amid volatile international situations. We have found our respective path for sovereign states to independently conduct friendly exchanges with other countries… We have kept our original aspiration for friendship in mind since the establishment of diplomatic ties… We have shown understanding and provided support to each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us.”

Regarding current cooperation, he observed that, “focusing  on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, our two countries are strengthening synergy in development strategies and deepening results-oriented cooperation in such areas as investment, infrastructure, finance, new energy, and telecommunication technology.

“We will work with Hungary to forge greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary’s Eastern Opening strategy, and accelerate the construction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway link and other significant cooperation projects… We will strengthen cooperation with Hungary in clean energy, artificial intelligence, digital economy, green development, and other emerging areas, foster new quality productive forces, and serve our respective high-quality development.

“China is willing to expand with Hungary exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, sport, youth, the media and at the subnational level, support the teaching of each other’s languages, make full use of cultural centres, and encourage more communication and interaction between peoples and between institutions.”

Regarding the European context, Xi noted that, “Recently, there are signs of stability for the better in China-Europe relations. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Europe have a broad range of shared interests. Their relationship is more cooperative than competitive and features more consensus than differences… We are ready to work with Hungary to deepen and substantiate China’s cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries and to ensure steady and sustained growth of China-Europe relations.”

In his arrival statement at Budapest Airport, Xi said that, “China and Hungary are good friends and good partners of mutual trust. In 1949, Hungary was one of the first countries to recognise and establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. In 2004, we decided to forge a friendly and cooperative partnership. In 2017, the bilateral relationship was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership, upgrading and speeding up the mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthening the popular support for traditional China-Hungary friendship.”

Meeting with Hungarian President Tamás Sulyok on May 9, Xi insisted that China-Hungary friendship from generation to generation does not target any third party, nor should it be dictated by any third party.

It is hoped that Hungary will take the opportunity of taking on the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year to promote the steady and sound development of China-EU relations.

For his part, President Sulyok thanked Xi for proposing the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that Hungary has benefited a lot from infrastructure connectivity and other cooperation.

The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by Xi, which call for strengthening international dialogue and cooperation, are crucial for tackling various challenges facing the world and preventing bloc confrontation, he said, adding that the Hungarian side highly appreciates those initiatives.

Noting that China has advanced technology and experience in green transformation and clean energy, he said more Chinese enterprises are welcome to invest and conduct cooperation in Hungary.

Meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, China and Hungary decided to elevate bilateral relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

The two sides should continue to be good friends of mutual trust and assistance, and good partners of win-win cooperation, Xi said, calling on the two countries to take the establishment of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era as an opportunity to inject new and strong impetus into bilateral cooperation and create a better future for the two peoples.

Following their talks, the two sides issued a joint statement. It noted that they, “always respect and treat each other equally, and set a good example of mutually beneficial pragmatic cooperation.”

Hungary respects the great achievements that China has scored in economic and social development, and hopes that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, will build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, achieve the Second Centenary Goal and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernisation. China commends Hungary’s peaceful, open and pragmatic foreign policy and its positive role in promoting regional stability and common prosperity of Europe.

The Hungarian government remains firm in adhering to the one-China principle, and reaffirms that there is but one China in the world, that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China. Hungary opposes all forms of separatist activities aimed at breaking the unity of China. 

The Hungarian side appreciates the positive role that Chinese enterprises have played in the national development of Hungary, welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Hungary, and is willing to foster a favourable investment and business environment for them. The two sides acknowledge that Hungary has favoirable endowments to provide a meeting point for Eastern and Western economies and technologies. The Hungary-Serbia Railway is a landmark project under Belt and Road cooperation, and also a flagship project of cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. The two sides are willing to actively promote the construction of the Hungarian section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway, and jointly promote high-level connectivity in Central and Eastern Europe.

The two sides spoke highly of the development of the China-Europe Railway Express between China and Hungary, and agreed to establish an inter-governmental cooperation mechanism on the China-Europe Railway Express, promote infrastructure connectivity, and jointly take practical measures to ensure the security of the transport routes and improve the quality and efficiency of the China-Europe Railway Express, so as to provide important support for deepening economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Following this, the two leaders met the press and Xi Jinping noted that: “China values its comprehensive strategic partnership with the European Union (EU), and views Europe as an important pole in a multipolar world and a key partner in China’s bid to advance Chinese modernisation. China supports Hungary in playing a bigger role in the EU and promoting greater progress in China-EU relations.”

On May 10, Prime Minister Orbán and his wife hosted a farewell event for President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan. Overlooking the city of Budapest, with a view of both sides of the River Danube, Orbán briefed Xi on the history, development, transformation and future plans of the city, noting that Chinese enterprises have made significant contributions to Hungary’s economic development and urban construction, and many Chinese-built projects have become flagship projects of bilateral cooperation and symbols of friendship.

China leads the world in many technological sectors, and Hungary looks forward to more cooperation with China and importing more advanced technologies from China to benefit Hungary’s national development and people’s livelihood.

Xi briefed Orbán on the century-old history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the important philosophies of party management and state governance, pointing out that the CPC has grown from a small party with only a few dozen members to a large one with more than 98 million members, and has withstood many severe tests, leading China to achieve today’s achievements.

The CPC is confident in continuing to overcome various risks and challenges on the road ahead and maintain China’s long-term stability and development, Xi said, noting this will not only enable the Chinese people to have better lives but also make a greater contribution to world peace and development.

Analysing the significance of the visit, the Global Times newspaper wrote that: “Both Chinese and Hungarian experts believe mutual respect and a cooperative approach with no ideological strings attached have played decisive roles in bilateral relations.

“On world affairs, China and Hungary often share similar stances. Despite being an EU member state and a NATO member, Hungary has remained committed to not sending any weapons to Ukraine. 

“In recent years, Hungary has become a major logistics hub for China-Europe trade. Hungary is also Europe’s electric vehicle hub ─ Chinese EV maker BYD announced in late 2023 that it will build its first European electric vehicle production base in Hungary and the plant will produce EVs and plug-in hybrids for the Europe market. 

“On several occasions, Hungary has stood aside from or opposed EU positions against China. For instance, in 2021, Hungary blocked an EU statement criticising China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong.”

Sun Keqin, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), noted that: “”Hungary is special among the EU. It does not oppose the bloc every time when it comes to China-related issues, but it has played a special role in China-Europe relations. Hungary is a partner China should seriously cooperate with.”

On July 1, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto believes Hungary can use the opportunity to influence the EU’s policy toward China.

“We will be able to share with our European colleagues in a very credible manner how helpful, how useful and how profitable it can be to work together with China,” Szijjarto told the Global Times in an interview.

Prior to Xi’s visit, Foreign Minister Szijjarto visited China. Meeting his counterpart on April 24, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China appreciates Hungary’s determination to deepen cooperation with China despite interference and pressure, adding that the fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Hungary in various fields not only benefits the two peoples, but also strongly proves that China is an opportunity rather than a challenge, a partner rather than an opponent to Europe.

Noting that Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year, Wang said it is hoped that Hungary will promote the EU’s rational and friendly view of China’s development, pursue a more active and pragmatic policy towards China, strengthen strategic communication between China and Europe, and promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

Hungary is opposed to “decoupling and breaking the chain,” and always believes that viewing China as a threat will only mean missing opportunities, and treating China as a partner is the right choice, Szijjarto said.

Hungary is willing to promote the construction of key projects under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, continuously deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation between Hungary and China in various fields, push bilateral relations to a new level and promote the steady and sound development of EU-China relations, he added.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and by the Xinhua News Agency and Global Times.

Full text of Xi’s signed article in Hungarian media

BUDAPEST, May 8 (Xinhua) — A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled “Embarking on a Golden Voyage in China-Hungary Relations” was published Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.

Continue reading China and Hungary elevate ties to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership

Xi Jinping holds talks with President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia

Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Serbia from May 7-8, 2024, as the second leg of his European tour, which also took him first to France and subsequently to Hungary. His last visit to Serbia was in 2016.

Reporting his arrival on the evening of May 7, Xinhua News Agency reported that the “Serbian Air Force sent two fighter jets to escort Xi’s plane after it entered the country’s airspace. The Chinese president was warmly welcomed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his wife, Tamara Vučić at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. Serbian children presented flowers to Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, and waved the national flags of China and Serbia. Serbian people dressed in national costumes sang and danced to welcome them.”

In an arrival statement, President Xi said that China and Serbia enjoy profound traditional friendship.

“Our bilateral relationship has stood the test of the changing international environment and become a fine example of state-to-state relations. Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, the bilateral relationship has realised leapfrog development, and achieved historic results. The two countries are bound by rock-solid political mutual trust and have seen fruitful results in high quality Belt and Road cooperation. 

“Our ironclad friendship has taken deeper roots in the heart of the two peoples. China and Serbia have rendered each other firm support on issues concerning our respective core interests and major concerns. We have jointly upheld international fairness and justice and contributed our share to promoting world peace and development. Cooperation between the two countries is rooted in the principle of equality and mutual benefits.”

The two heads of state held talks on the morning of May 8, in which they announced the decision to deepen and elevate China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. Prior to this, President Vučić held a grand welcoming ceremony for President Xi, during which some 15,000 Serbian people waved national flags of China and Serbia to express the warmest welcome to the Chinese head of state.

In the talks, President Xi said that the China-Serbia ironclad friendship is characterised by profound historical roots, solid political foundation, extensive common interests and strong popular support.  Actions speak louder than words. China will stand shoulder to shoulder with Serbia, share weal and woe like passengers in the same boat, carry forward the spirit of the ironclad friendship, maintain and grow their friendship, and jointly safeguard fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries.

President Xi stressed that Serbia is China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Under the new circumstances, Serbia has become the first European country to build with China a community with a shared future.  The China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is an upgrade of the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia. It also represents their common values and objectives, namely, joint pursuit of development, win-win corporation and mutual success. These are the common aspirations of China, Serbia, and all countries that are committed to independence, peace, and development. 

China supports Serbia in upholding independence and pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions and supports its efforts in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

With the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement set to take effect on July 1 this year, the high-standard mutual opening up between China and Serbia will surely enter a new stage. China will continue to import more high-quality agricultural specialties from Serbia. It will invite 300 young Serbians to China on study and exchange programs in the next three years.

China will support 50 young Serbian scientists in taking part in scientific research exchanges in China in the next three years. It is ready to work with Serbia to strengthen cooperation on artificial intelligence (AI) and endeavour to ensure humanity properly develop and utilise AI.

It is important for China and Serbia to jointly reject hegemonism and power politics, and oppose bloc politics or bloc confrontation. The two sides should join hands to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, practice true multilateralism, and promote international fairness and justice.

President Vučić extended the warmest welcome to President Xi and noted that China is Serbia’s most sincere friend. Although Serbia is a small country, China always fully respects its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and provides valuable support for its economic and social development. President Xi is a great world leader. Under his strong leadership, China has made remarkable achievements. It has become a beacon of development and progress of the world and is playing an increasingly important leading role in international affairs. The Communist Party of China seeks to enhance the well-being of not only the Chinese people, but also people across the world. The Serbian people are full of gratitude and respect for China, especially for President Xi, and feel truly proud to be an ironclad friend to such a great nation. Serbia firmly supports China’s legitimate position on issues concerning its core interests including on Taiwan. There is but one China in the world. Serbia will, without hesitation, continue to unswervingly provide China with firm support.

After the talks, the two Presidents signed the Joint Statement on Deepening and Elevating the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Building a China-Serbia Community with a Shared Future in the New Era. They also witnessed the exchange of multiple cooperation documents, including on Belt and Road cooperation, green development, digital economy, e-commerce, infrastructure, economic and technical cooperation, information and communication, agri-food, and the media. 

The detailed joint statement signed by the two presidents commits both countries to the defence of their respective core interests.  

The Serbian side reiterated that the development of friendly relations with the People’s Republic of China is one of the main pillars of Serbia’s foreign policy. It reiterates its firm support for the one-China principle, that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, that it opposes any form of “Taiwan independence” and that it opposes interference in China’s internal affairs, that it will not engage in any form of official exchanges with the Taiwan authorities, and that it firmly supports all efforts made by the Chinese government to realise national reunification.

Both sides oppose the imposition of any formula on the final status of Kosovo. All parties concerned should reach a mutually acceptable solution through dialogue and consultation within the framework of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. In doing so, Serbia’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity must be fully respected. China supports the efforts of the Republic of Serbia to find a compromise in a peaceful manner during negotiations with representatives of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo and calls for the implementation of all agreements reached at the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the effective protection of the religious and cultural heritage of the region. (Kosovo occupies a special place in the history of Serbia and in particular of the Serbian Orthodox church.)

Reflecting the global trend towards dedollarisation, the two sides are willing to strengthen financial cooperation, support the opening of the Serbian Renminbi (RMB) Clearing Bank as soon as possible, promote the use of local currency settlement in bilateral trade and investment, and encourage financial institutions of the two countries to provide financing support and financial services for trade and investment cooperation.

The two sides agreed that AI (artificial intelligence) should adhere to the principle of attaching equal importance to development and security, bridge the intelligence gap, jointly do a good job in risk prevention, and explore the formation of an international governance framework for AI with the United Nations as the main channel of communication. The two sides are willing to strengthen policy coordination in the field of artificial intelligence, establish relevant dialogue mechanisms, deepen relevant practical cooperation, and jointly promote artificial intelligence technologies. The Serbian side welcomes the Global AI Governance Initiative announced by President Xi Jinping as well as China’s efforts to strengthen the rights of developing countries in global AI governance.

Both sides agreed to jointly develop new productive forces in the light of local conditions, build high-tech industrial cooperation projects, and encourage and promote investment cooperation to this end. They agreed to deepen cooperation in the field of space science and technology. China welcomes the Serbian side to join the International Lunar Research Station.

They further stressed the importance of continuously deepening cooperation in science and technology innovation and will actively promote more practical results in the exchange of young scientists, poverty alleviation through science and technology, technology transfer, joint research, and joint construction of scientific research platforms, and welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Poverty Alleviation through Science and Technology. China welcomes more young Serbian scientists to engage in short-term scientific research in China.

Both countries believe that the Hungarian-Serbian railway modernisation project is of great significance to strengthening Serbian and regional connectivity and that it opens up new prospects for facilitating the flow of people and expanding commodity circulation and economic exchanges in the region. The two sides spoke highly of the achievements made in the construction of the Serbian section of the railway and will continue to work hard to promote the completion of the construction of the section on schedule and contribute to improving the level of regional connectivity.

Following the signing of the joint statement and the various agreements, the two leaders met the press. 

President Xi noted that in 2016, he paid a state visit to Serbia and experienced the warm hospitality of the Serbian leadership and people. He said that it is a fond memory he still cherishes today, and coming back after eight years, he is heartened to see that, under the leadership of President Vučić, Serbian economic and social development has gained a strong momentum, its national strength and international standing have risen markedly, and the people’s standard of living has kept increasing.

China supports Serbia in upholding its independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. China also supports Serbia’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.

President Xi pointed out that a review of history shows that China-Serbia friendship is, “forged through our extraordinary fight together to promote world peace and development, and with the blood and lives of the two peoples. Looking to the future, the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is a strategic choice made by the two sides. It aims to meet the aspirations of the Chinese and Serbian people for a better life and will be underpinned and sustained by their firm support and extensive participation.”

At the welcoming banquet hosted by President Vučić that followed, Xi Jinping noted that the Chinese people have always cherished a special bond of friendship with Serbia.

“The Yugoslav film The Bridge and the song Bella Ciao, which evoke strong patriotic and anti-fascist sentiments, have been immensely popular in China through the years and became my companion in my youthful days. Other household names in China include athletes Novak Djokovic and Nikola Jokic, and movie director Emir Kusturica.”

(Bella Ciao is originally an Italian song, but such is its popularity and fame in progressive circles that it was chosen as the theme song of The Bridge, a 1969 Yugoslav film depicting the heroic struggle of the communist-led partisans against the Nazi occupation. The film was imported into China, and dubbed into Chinese, in 1977, the year of President Tito’s state visit. Both the film and song became hugely popular in China.)

The following articles were originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and by People’s Daily. The Joint Statement was published in Chinese. It has been machine translated and lightly edited by us.

Arrival Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Serbia

May 7 (MFA) — It gives me great pleasure to pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the warm invitation of President Aleksandar Vučić. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to extend heartfelt greetings and best wishes to the friendly government and people of Serbia.

China and Serbia enjoy profound traditional friendship. Our bilateral relationship has stood the test of changing international environment and become a fine example of state-to-state relations. Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, the bilateral relationship has realized leapfrog development, and achieved historic results. The two countries are bound by rock-solid political mutual trust, and have seen fruitful results in high quality Belt and Road cooperation. We have agreed on comprehensive mutual visa exemption, opened direct flights, and signed a free trade agreement. People-to-people exchanges are becoming more robust. Our ironclad friendship has taken deeper roots in the heart of the two peoples. China and Serbia have rendered each other firm support on issues concerning our respective core interests and major concerns. We have jointly upheld international fairness and justice, and contributed our share to promoting world peace and development. Cooperation between the two countries is rooted in the principle of equality and mutual benefits. It serves the fundamental and long-term interests of both countries, provides strong momentum for our respective development and rejuvenation, brings benefits to the two peoples, and contributes to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Standing at a new historical starting point, China will work with Serbia to jointly stay committed to the original aspiration and forge ahead together to open up a new vista in China-Serbia cooperation with stronger momentum, greater scope, and higher quality. I look forward to taking this visit as an opportunity to have in-depth exchange of views with President Vučić on the bilateral relationship and other issues of mutual interest, renew friendship, plan for cooperation, explore development, and draw up a new blueprint for the development of bilateral relations. I am confident that this visit will be a fruitful one and will open up a new chapter in China-Serbia relations.

President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia

May 8 (MFA) — On the morning of May 8 local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Serbian President Alexandar Vučić at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade. The two Presidents announced the decision to deepen and elevate China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

The sun shines brightly in Belgrade in May. In front of the Palace of Serbia, the national flags of China and Serbia flutter in the wind, and the guard of honor lined up for the occasion. As President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan arrived, they were warmly received by President Aleksandar Vučić and Madame Tamara Vučić.

President Vučić held a grand welcoming ceremony for President Xi. After the two Presidents came to the viewing stand together, the military band played the national anthems of the two countries, and a 10-gun salute was fired. President Xi, accompanied by President Vučić, reviewed the guard of honor. The two Presidents greeted and shook hands with the delegation members of the other side. 

Accompanied by President Vučić, President Xi stepped out onto the platform of the Palace of Serbia. On the square in front of the Palace, 15,000 Serbian people were waving national flags of China and Serbia to express the warmest welcome to President Xi. President Xi waved to the crowd, which burst into jubilant, prolonged applause and cheers. 

After the welcoming ceremony, the two Presidents had a restricted session followed by a plenary meeting. 

President Xi expressed his delight to pay another visit to the beautiful country of Serbia in a span of eight years after the many invitations extended by President Vučić. President Xi said that he was deeply touched when he was greeted at the airport by President Vučić together with many senior government officials who held a grand welcoming ceremony for his visit. He was deeply moved by the genuine friendliness toward China from the Serbian people who are good friends of the Chinese people.

President Xi stressed that the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia has stood the test of the changing international landscape. Such friendship is characterized by profound historical roots, solid political foundation, extensive common interests and strong popular support. Over the past few years, under the leadership of the two Presidents, the bilateral relationship has leapfrogged with historic progress. Since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, in particular, the bilateral relationship has been enriched in substance and expanded in scope. It has become an example for China’s friendly relations with other European countries. Actions speak louder than words. China will stand shoulder to shoulder with Serbia, share weal and woe like passengers in the same boat, carry forward the spirit of the ironclad friendship, maintain and grow their friendship, and jointly safeguard fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries. As the two sides pursue their respective national development and revitalization, China will join hands with Serbia to advance the building of a community with a shared future in the new era.

President Xi stressed that Serbia is China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Their bilateral cooperation has injected strong impetus into their respective development and rejuvenation, and brought tangible benefits to the two peoples. Under the new circumstances, Serbia has become the first European country to build with China a community with a shared future. This speaks volumes about the strategic, special and high-level China-Serbia relations. The China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is an upgrade of the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia. It also represents their common values and objectives, namely, joint pursuit of development, win-win corporation and mutual success. These are the common aspirations of China, Serbia, and all countries that are committed to independence, peace and development. By building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, the two sides should keep deepening and expanding high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and collaboration between China and Central and Eastern European countries, thus contributing to their respective modernization.

First, highlighting the strategic nature of the bilateral relationship and keeping to its general direction. China supports Serbia in upholding independence and pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions, and supports its efforts in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The two sides should continue to offer each other firm support, deepen strategic cooperation, and safeguard their respective political security and fundamental interests. 

Second, staying committed to practical cooperation and delivering for the two peoples. High-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and Serbia has achieved remarkable results. The two sides should steadily advance cooperation in traditional areas such as transportation and energy infrastructure, make sure the entire Serbian section of the Belgrade-Budapest railway go into operation as scheduled, jointly operate well their major cooperation projects, create more small and beautiful livelihood projects, and continue to generate positive economic and social impacts. With the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement set to take effect on July 1 this year, the high-standard mutual opening up between China and Serbia will surely enter a new stage. China will continue to import more high-quality agricultural specialties from Serbia. It will invite 300 young Serbians to China on study and exchange programs in the next three years. China welcomes the opening of direct flights from Belgrade to Shanghai by Serbia so as to comprehensively deepen people-to-people exchanges. 

Third, opening up new prospects of cooperation with a focus on the innovation dimension in bilateral relations and making innovation cooperation a new growth driver in the relationship. China will support 50 young Serbian scientists in taking part in scientific research exchanges in China in the next three years. It is ready to work with Serbia to strengthen cooperation on artificial intelligence (AI) and endeavor to ensure humanity properly develop and utilize AI. It is important for China and Serbia to jointly reject hegemonism and power politics, and oppose bloc politics or bloc confrontation. The two sides should join hands to uphold the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, practice true multilateralism, and promote international fairness and justice.

President Vučić extended the warmest welcome to President Xi and noted that China is Serbia’s most sincere friend. Although Serbia is a small country, China always fully respects its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and provides valuable support for its economic and social development. President Xi is a great world leader. Under his strong leadership, China has made remarkable achievements. It has become a beacon of development and progress of the world and is playing an increasingly important leading role in international affairs. The Communist Party of China seeks to enhance the well-being of not only the Chinese people, but also people across the world. The Serbian people are full of gratitude and respect for China, especially for President Xi, and feel truly proud to be an ironclad friend to such a great nation. Serbia firmly supports China’s legitimate position on issues concerning its core interests including on Taiwan. There is but one China in the world. Serbia will, without hesitation, continue to unswervingly provide China with firm support.

President Vučić noted that China’s investment in and cooperation with Serbia have greatly facilitated the latter’s economic and social development and improved Serbian people’s living standards. Since 2016, in particular, thanks to the personal commitment and support by President Xi, the HBIS Smederevo steel plant has had immensely positive socioeconomic impacts. The transformative changes that had taken place in the steel plant’s development prospects have also boosted the confidence and raised the hope of the people. Serbia’s future is closely linked with China. Serbia looks forward to intensifying exchanges with China in all areas and at all levels, and to strengthening cooperation with China in various fields including infrastructure, new energy, innovation, artificial intelligence and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Serbia will actively advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with China, and work to ensure that the Serbian sector of the Belgrade-Budapest railway will be completed as planned. Serbia welcomes investment cooperation from more Chinese businesses and looks forward to opening more direct flights. Building on the entry-into-force of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement, Serbia is ready to expand economic and trade cooperation with China. The announcement on deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era marks a new milestone in the history of this bilateral relationship. Serbia firmly supports and will actively participate in the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative put forth by President Xi. Serbia will stay in close strategic coordination with China in multilateral fora, jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics, uphold the purposes of the U.N. Charter, and defend international fairness and justice.

After the talks, the two Presidents signed the Joint Statement on Deepening and Elevating the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Building a China-Serbia Community with a Shared Future in the New Era. The two Presidents also witnessed the exchange of multiple cooperation documents including on Belt and Road cooperation, green development, digital economy, e-commerce, infrastructure, economic and technical cooperation, information and communication, agri-food, and the media. 

The two Presidents had a joint meeting with the press.

At noon, President Vučić and Madame Tamara Vučić hosted a grand welcoming banquet in honor of President Xi and Madame Peng Liyuan at the Palace of Serbia.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi, among others, were present at these events.

Joint Statement of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Serbia on Deepening and Enhancing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Building a China-Serbia Community with a Shared Future in the New Era

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China paid a state visit to the Republic of Serbia on May 7-8, 2024.

The two heads of state held talks in a warm and friendly atmosphere and had an in-depth exchange of views on China-Serbia relations, deepening all-round cooperation between the two countries, jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-CEEC (Central and East European Countries) cooperation, China-EU relations, and international and regional issues of common concern, and reached broad consensus.

The two sides agreed that China and Serbia cherish each other’s solid traditional friendship and close cooperation in specific fields, and that coordination and cooperation in multilateral fields have been fruitful, and that bilateral relations have broad prospects for development. Although the two countries have different histories, cultures, and national conditions, they both uphold the spirit of openness and cooperation, adhere to the principles of fairness and justice, are committed to the happiness of the people and the prosperity of the country, and are committed to the noble cause of peaceful development of humanity. Serbia supports efforts to build a community with a shared future for humanity and stands ready to work with China to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilisation Initiative.

The two sides exchanged views on the results of cooperation achieved so far and held that the relevant achievements have further enhanced the iron-clad friendship between the two peoples. The two sides spoke highly of the further deepening of bilateral relations since the signing of the Joint Statement of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Serbia on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2016, and agreed to deepen and enhance the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership based on the principles of independence, mutual respect and trust, win-win cooperation, common development and mutual support, build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, and strive to benefit the two peoples and make new contributions to the cause of peace and progress for humanity. The parties hereby declare as follows:

  1. China speaks highly of Serbia’s achievements in overall economic and social development and improving people’s livelihood and is pleased to see that Serbia has smoothly advanced its development plans such as “Serbia 2027 – Leap into the Future”, achieved its goals as scheduled, and promoted Serbia’s development and people’s well-being.

    The Serbian side spoke highly of China’s historic achievements and changes in the new era, and wished the Chinese people to build themselves into a modern socialist power in an all-round way under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and achieve the second centenary goal. The Serbian side supports China in comprehensively advancing the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernisation.
  2. The two sides believe that close political dialogue at the highest level of the two countries is of great significance to strengthening Sino-Serbian relations and agree to continue to maintain close exchanges between the two heads of state through meetings, telephone calls and exchanges of letters.

    The two sides are willing to give full play to the role of the China-Serbia Legislature Cooperation Committee, the Joint Economic and Trade Committee, the Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation and other mechanisms, strengthen exchanges and cooperation at all levels and in various fields, and continue to deepen the friendship between the two countries.

    The two sides will continue to deepen cooperation between the foreign affairs departments of the two countries, hold regular meetings and consultations at all levels, exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional hotspot issues of common concern, and coordinate their positions in a timely manner. The two sides will continue to strengthen exchanges between the political parties of the two countries, deepen the exchange of experience in governance, and promote bilateral cooperation in various fields.
  3. The two sides will firmly support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests on the basis of respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

    The Serbian side reiterated that the development of friendly relations with the People’s Republic of China is one of the main pillars of Serbia’s foreign policy. The Serbian side reiterates its firm support for the one-China principle, that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, that it opposes any form of “Taiwan independence” and that it opposes interference in China’s internal affairs, that it will not engage in any form of official exchanges with the Taiwan authorities, and that it firmly supports all efforts made by the Chinese Government to realise national reunification.

    Both sides oppose the imposition of any formula on the final status of Kosovo. All parties concerned should reach a mutually acceptable solution through dialogue and consultation within the framework of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. In doing so, Serbia’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity must be fully respected. China supports the efforts of the Republic of Serbia to find a compromise in a peaceful manner during negotiations with representatives of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo and calls for the implementation of all agreements reached at the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the effective protection of the religious and cultural heritage of the region. The establishment of a coalition of Serbian cities is an important element of the 2013 Brussels Agreement and must be implemented.

    China understands Serbian’s commitment to joining the European Union and welcomes Serbian’s policy of developing friendly relations and promoting regional cooperation with countries in the region.

    The two sides agreed that on the South China Sea issue, territorial issues and maritime disputes should be peacefully resolved through friendly consultations and negotiations between the parties directly concerned in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
  4. The two sides will take the opportunity of the Belt and Road Initiative to enter a new stage of high-quality development, jointly implement the outcomes of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, deepen and expand cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, investment, science and technology, innovation, digital, information and communication, jointly safeguard the safety of projects and enterprise personnel, and lay the foundation for building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

    The two sides will actively implement the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Medium-Term Action Plan for the Belt and Road Initiative (2023-2025) signed in Beijing in October 2023.

    The two sides welcomed the positive development of China-Serbia trade and were willing to promote the balanced development of bilateral trade. China is willing to expand imports of Serbian high-quality agricultural products and other products, and speed up the examination and approval of inspection and quarantine permits for specific categories of agricultural products and animal products. The two sides are willing to expand the use of China-Europe trains, and China is happy to see more high-quality products from the Serbian side transported to the Chinese market through the China-Europe trains.

    The two sides spoke highly of the positive results achieved in the cooperation between the two countries in the field of infrastructure construction, and welcomed the upgrading of the Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on Economic and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure, which will further strengthen practical cooperation between the two countries in the fields of transportation infrastructure construction, connectivity, clean energy, industrial investment, agriculture, and economic and trade cooperation zones.

    The two sides are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of geology and mining, jointly carry out scientific research on karst water resources and karst ecology, promote the construction of monitoring stations in key karst zones in Serbia, and continue to strengthen practical cooperation in the field of evaluation of critical mineral resources, and welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Geology and Minerals between China and Serbia.

    The two sides will implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting the Implementation of the Global Development Initiative, jointly promote the implementation of practical cooperation projects in eight major areas, and promote the early harvest of the Global Development Initiative in Serbia.

    The two sides are willing to effectively carry out cooperation in the field of digital economy and green development, and continue to promote the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting Investment Cooperation in the Field of Green Development and the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Investment Cooperation in the Field of Digital Economy signed in 2022 by giving full play to the role of the China-Serbia Investment Cooperation Working Group. We welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Green and Sustainable Development Cooperation and the Memorandum of Understanding on Digital Economy Cooperation, and actively promote the implementation of specific cooperation projects. At the same time, as participants in the Framework Initiative for International Economic and Trade Cooperation on Digital Economy and Green Development, the two sides are willing to work with all parties to actively carry out practical economic and trade cooperation in relevant fields.

    The two sides are willing to strengthen financial cooperation, support the opening of the Serbian RMB Clearing Bank as soon as possible, promote the use of local currency settlement in bilateral trade and investment, and encourage financial institutions of the two countries to provide financing support and financial services for trade and investment cooperation.

    The two sides attach great importance to cooperation in the field of e-commerce and welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on E-commerce Cooperation between China and Serbia.

    The two sides attach great importance to cooperation in the field of information and communication technology, and believe that further strengthening cooperation in the field of information and communication technology is of great significance to strengthening connectivity and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia. China is ready to strengthen bilateral cooperation with Serbia in areas such as communication infrastructure, 5G, cloud computing, big data and smart photovoltaics, and promote high-quality development in the field of information and communication.

    The two sides agreed that AI (artificial intelligence) should adhere to the principle of attaching equal importance to development and security, bridge the intelligence gap, jointly do a good job in risk prevention, and explore the formation of an international governance framework for AI with the United Nations as the main channel of communication. The two sides are willing to strengthen policy coordination in the field of artificial intelligence, establish relevant dialogue mechanisms, deepen relevant practical cooperation, and jointly promote artificial intelligence technologies. The Serbian side welcomes the Global AI Governance Initiative announced by President Xi Jinping and China’s efforts to strengthen the rights of developing countries in global AI governance.

    The two sides agreed to jointly develop new productive forces in the light of local conditions, build high-tech industrial cooperation projects, and encourage and promote investment cooperation to this end. The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation in the field of space science and technology. China welcomes the Serbian side to join the International Lunar Research Station.

    The two sides stressed the importance of continuously deepening cooperation in science and technology innovation and will actively promote more practical results in the exchange of young scientists, poverty alleviation through science and technology, technology transfer, joint research, and joint construction of scientific research platforms, and welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Poverty Alleviation through Science and Technology. China welcomes more young Serbian scientists to engage in short-term scientific research in China.

    The two sides are willing to jointly promote the construction of an international cooperation mechanism for natural disaster prevention and emergency management under the Belt and Road Initiative, implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Natural Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management and the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Work Safety, and continue to deepen practical cooperation in disaster management and production safety between the two countries.
  5. The two sides believe that the Hungarian-Serbian railway modernisation project is of great significance to strengthening Serbian and regional connectivity, and opens up new prospects for facilitating the flow of people and expanding commodity circulation and economic exchanges in the region. The two sides spoke highly of the achievements made in the construction of the Serbian section of the railway and will continue to work hard to promote the completion of the construction of the section on schedule and contribute to improving the level of regional connectivity. China is willing to encourage its enterprises to continue to participate in regional connectivity projects in accordance with business and market principles. The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation to ensure the safety of the railway passing through the Serbian territory.
  6. The two sides attach great importance to cooperation in the fields of health and biotechnology, and China is ready to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Serbia in the fields of disease prevention and control, health emergency response, telemedicine and traditional medicine, jointly promote the building of a global community of health for all, and actively participate in the construction of relevant projects in the biotechnology industrial park in Serbia.
  7. The two sides attach great importance to and are willing to strengthen cooperation in the fields of culture, education, sports, tourism, radio and television, journalism and communication, support two-way exchanges between students, support exchanges and cooperation between institutions of higher learning of the two countries, and expand cooperation in the fields of film and television, media, and online audio-visual.

    The two sides spoke highly of the role played by the China-Serbia Agreement on Mutual Exemption of Visas for Holders of Ordinary Passports signed in 2016 in consolidating friendly relations, promoting bilateral cooperation, and promoting people-to-people exchanges and tourism, and are willing to create more convenient conditions for people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the operation of direct flights between China and Serbia and encouraged the air transport enterprises of the two countries to add more direct routes according to market principles. They agreed to continue to implement the Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on Reciprocal Recognition and Exchange of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses, and further facilitate the citizens of the two countries to work and live in each other’s countries.
  8. The two sides spoke highly of the positive role of the China-CEEC cooperation mechanism. The Serbian side highly recognises, fully supports and is willing to continue to actively participate in various areas of cooperation within the framework of the China-CEEC cooperation mechanism. The two sides will work with other CEE countries to promote the sustained and healthy development of cooperation within the mechanism.
  9. The two sides stressed the need to abide by the international order based on international law, including the UN Charter, respect the principles of independence, equality, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, uphold multilateral cooperation with the United Nations at its core, and uphold true multilateralism.

    The two sides advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalisation, uphold the equality of all countries, big or small, and oppose hegemonism and power politics, as well as all forms of unilateralism and protectionism.

    The two sides support the leading role of the United Nations in resolving global issues, safeguarding world peace, and promoting common development, and advocate strengthening the role and authority of the United Nations and its Security Council. The two sides support the reform of the United Nations and its Security Council to increase the representation of developing countries and advocate that Member States should seek a “package” solution and reach consensus through democratic consultations on the basis of broad consensus. The two sides are willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation in the United Nations and other international organisations to jointly promote global and regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

    The two sides believe that the promotion and protection of human rights is the common cause of all humanity, and that all countries should cooperate in promoting and protecting human rights on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and should not politicise and instrumentalise human rights issues and use them to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The two sides will strengthen communication and cooperation in multilateral human rights forums and promote the development of global human rights governance in a more just manner.
  10. The two sides support the efforts of the international community to promote a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel and call on all parties to prevent further spillover effects and maintain regional peace and stability. The two sides reaffirmed their opposition to bloc confrontation and opposition to any country or bloc that instigates conflicts and undermines the security interests of other countries.
  11. The two sides condemn and oppose terrorism in all its forms and emphasise that the international community should continue to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation, give full play to the central coordinating role of the United Nations, and use comprehensive means to eradicate both the symptoms and the root causes of terrorism. The two sides oppose the adoption of double standards and the politicisation and instrumentalisation of the issue of counter-terrorism. The two sides will continue to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation bilaterally and within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations.

    The two sides believe that expanding cooperation among the judicial, law enforcement, and security departments is of great significance to deepening security cooperation between the two countries and will continue to promote cooperation in combating human trafficking, telecommunications and network fraud, economic crimes, and cross-border corruption.

    The two sides are willing to strengthen inter-departmental contacts and cooperation and deepen practical cooperation in port entry-exit border inspection, facilitation of personnel exchanges, crackdown on illegal immigration activities, and law enforcement capacity building.
  12. The two sides believe that President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the Republic of Serbia and the fruitful talks and exchanges between the two heads of state are of great significance to further promoting the development of China-Serbia friendly relations.

President Xi Jinping expressed his sincere gratitude to President Vučić and the Serbian people for their grand, cordial, and friendly reception, and invited President Vučić to visit China again. President Vučić expressed his gratitude and happily accepted the invitation.

This Declaration was signed in Belgrade on 8 May 2024 in two copies, each in Chinese and Serbian, both texts of which are equally authentic.

President Xi Jinping and President Aleksandar Vučić Jointly Meet the Press

May 8 (MFA) — At noon on May 8 local time, President Xi Jinping and President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia jointly met the press after their talks at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade. 

At the outset, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, President Xi extended sincere greetings and best regards to President Vučić and the Serbian government, and to the brotherly people of Serbia.

President Xi noted that in 2016, he paid a state visit to Serbia and experienced the warm hospitality of the Serbian leadership and people. He said that it is a fond memory he still cherishes today, and coming back after eight years, he is heartened to see that under the leadership of President Vučić, the Serbian economic and social development has gained a strong momentum, its national strength and international standing have risen markedly, and the people’s standard of living has kept increasing. As true friends and good partners, China and Serbia enjoy rock-solid political mutual trust, upgraded practical cooperation, close and effective coordination on multilateral affairs, and an ironclad friendship that’s been growing from strength to strength.

President Xi described how touching it was that President Vučić and his wife, the prime minister, former president, speaker of the parliament, foreign minister and others welcomed him and his wife at the airport last night, and arranged special Serbian performances. He was again moved by the genuine friendliness of the Serbian people toward China and the Chinese people when he saw the huge crowds at the grand and heartwarming welcoming ceremony arranged by President Vučić in the morning. Before the press event, President Vučić and he had an in-depth exchange of views, in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, on the China-Serbia relationship and other issues of mutual interest, and they reached new, important and extensive consensus.

—The two leaders announced together to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, which will open up a new chapter in the history of China-Serbia relations. Eight years ago, Serbia became China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, Serbia becomes the first European country to build a community with a shared future with China. This speaks volumes about the strategic, special and high-level relationship between the two countries.

—The two leaders agreed to enhance strategic communication to guide the building of the China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. The two sides will firmly support each other’s core interests and major concerns, and cement the political foundation for building this community. China supports Serbia in upholding its independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. China supports Serbia’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.

—The two leaders witnessed together the signing of multiple cooperation documents which will empower win-win cooperation between the two countries. High-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and Serbia has produced substantial outcomes. The two sides will continue to advance quality and productive cooperation in a broad range of areas. This will provide a strong impetus to the economic and social development of the two countries. It is also a concrete step to promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

—The two leaders agreed to steadily advance cooperation in traditional areas of strength such as transportation and energy infrastructure, and to make innovation cooperation a new growth driver for the bilateral relationship. The two sides will increase people-to-people exchanges in all sectors, fully advance cooperation in culture, education, sports, tourism and at the subnational level, and strengthen inter-party interactions and experience sharing on governance. The two sides will jointly implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. The two sides will advocate fairness and justice, and jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics.

President Xi announced the first batch of six practical steps China will take to support the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

First, as a result of the two sides’ joint efforts, the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will take effect on July 1 this year. 

Second, China supports Serbia in hosting the Specialized Expo 2027, and will send a delegation to attend the event. Chinese businesses will also be encouraged to take part in relevant construction projects. 

Third, China will import more high-quality agricultural specialties from Serbia. Procedures for the export of dried plums and blueberry to China have already been completed, and the restrictions related to highly pathogenic avian influenza have been lifted. 

Fourth, China will support 50 young Serbian scientists in taking part in scientific research exchange in China in the next three years. 

Fifth, China will invite 300 young Serbians to study in China in the next three years. 

Sixth, China welcomes the opening of direct flights from Belgrade to Shanghai by Serbia, and encourages the two countries’ airlines to open direct flights from Belgrade to Guangzhou.

President Xi pointed out that a review of history shows that China-Serbia friendship is forged through our extraordinary fight together to promote world peace and development, and with the blood and lives of the two peoples. Looking to the future, the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is a strategic choice made by the two sides. It aims to meet the aspirations of the Chinese and Serbian people for a better life, and will be underpinned and sustained by their firm support and extensive participation. China will stand side by side with Serbia to jointly embark on the new journey toward a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

President Vučić noted that it is of significant importance to Serbia that President Xi pays another visit after eight years. Serbia-China cooperation has produced fruitful outcomes and brought tangible benefits to the Serbian people. He described his talks with President Xi as in-depth, extensive and inspiring. He and President Xi signed a joint statement announcing the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. He thanked President Xi for announcing the many practical measures to boost Serbia-China cooperation. He said Serbia takes proud in having such a great friend as China and in the new characterization of the Serbia-China relationship, and has every confidence in the future of this relationship. Serbia will continue to firmly stand with China on all issues concerning China’s core interests. The ironclad friendship between Serbia and China will not be disrupted or broken by any force.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, among others, attended the event.

President Xi Jinping Attends the Welcoming Banquet Held by President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia

May 8 (MFA) — At noon on May 8 local time, President Xi Jinping and his wife Madame Peng Liyuan attended the welcoming banquet held by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his wife at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade.

Amid warm applause, President Xi delivered a toast.

President Xi pointed out that Serbia, located on “the west of the East, and east of the West,” has long been known as “the gateway to the Balkans.” For centuries, this land has been a meeting place of diverse civilizations on the Eurasian continent, which in many ways shaped the diligent, kind, and unyielding character of the Serbian people. Now, under the leadership of President Vučić, the government and people of Serbia are working hard and making proud achievements in economic and social development and living standards. The Serbian people have great confidence and pride as a nation. Bright and broad prospects lay ahead for Serbia’s development and rejuvenation.

President Xi noted that the Chinese people have always cherished a special bond of friendship with Serbia. The Yugoslav film The Bridge and the song Bella Ciao, which evoke strong patriotic and anti-Fascism sentiments, have been immensely popular in China through the years and became my companion in my youthful days. Other household names in China include athletes Novak Djokovic and Nikola Jokic, and movie director Emir Kusturica. In recent years, the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and Serbia has seen robust growth and fruitful outcomes. Such cooperation is a good example of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

President Xi pointed out that he and President Vučić had just had comprehensive and in-depth talks and reached a lot of important consensus. They signed a joint statement announcing the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. This is a new historic milestone in China-Serbia relations. China-Serbia relations now stand at a brand new historical starting point and enjoy precious opportunities and bright prospects. China will work together with the friendly people of Serbia and make tireless efforts to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, among others, attended the event.

China-France joint statement on the situation in the Middle East

Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded a three-day state visit to France, the first leg of his European tour, on May 7. 

Considering the present global situation, one of the most significant outcomes of Xi’s visit was the release of a 10-point joint statement by the two countries on the situation in the Middle East.

It states that, as permanent members of the United States Security Council, China and France are working together to find constructive solutions, based on international law, to the challenges and threats to international security and stability.

It adds that they “condemn all violations of international humanitarian law, including all acts of terrorist violence and indiscriminate attacks against civilians. They recall the absolute imperative of protecting civilians in Gaza in accordance with international humanitarian law. The two heads of state expressed their opposition to an Israeli offensive on Rafah, which would lead to a humanitarian disaster on a larger scale, as well as to forced displacement of Palestinian civilians.”

The two presidents also stressed that an immediate and sustainable ceasefire is urgently needed to enable the delivery of large-scale humanitarian aid and the protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip. 

And they called on all parties to “refrain from unilateral measures on the ground that might aggravate tensions, and in this respect condemned Israel’s policy of settlement construction, which violates international law and constitutes a major obstacle to lasting peace as well as to the possibility of establishing a viable and contiguous State of Palestine.” 

Whilst some of the language also indicates a degree of compromise on China’s part, the overall standpoint adopted by France in this joint statement stands in sharp contrast to the fulsome support extended to Israel’s genocidal war of aggression by US and British imperialism. It therefore clearly refutes the naive and dogmatic view of some on the contemporary left who assert, in flights of rhetoric, that contradictions between imperialist powers no longer exist and can therefore not be utilised. 

In clear contrast to such idealist viewpoints, China’s principled and skilful diplomacy proceeds from the Leninist standpoint, clearly articulated by the founder of the Soviet workers’ state in in his famous article ‘Left-Wing’ Communism: an Infantile Disorder

“To carry on a war for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie, a war which is a hundred times more difficult, protracted and complex than the most stubborn of ordinary wars between states, and to renounce in advance any change of tack, or any utilisation of a conflict of interests (even if temporary) among one’s enemies, or any conciliation or compromise with possible allies (even if they are temporary, unstable, vacillating or conditional allies)—is that not ridiculous in the extreme?”

We reprint below the full text of the China-France joint statement. It was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

At the invitation of H.E. Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a state visit to France from May 5 to 7, 2024. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East:

1. As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and France are working together to find constructive solutions, based on international law, to the challenges and threats to international security and stability.

2. China and France condemn all violations of international humanitarian law, including all acts of terrorist violence and indiscriminate attacks against civilians. They recall the absolute imperative of protecting civilians in Gaza in accordance with international humanitarian law. The two heads of state expressed their opposition to an Israeli offensive on Rafah, which would lead to a humanitarian disaster on a larger scale, as well as to forced displacement of Palestinian civilians.

3. The two heads of state stressed that an immediate and sustainable ceasefire is urgently needed to enable the delivery of large-scale humanitarian aid and the protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip. They called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and the guarantee of humanitarian access to meet their medical and other humanitarian needs, as well as respect for international law with regard to all detainees. They called for the immediate and effective implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions, in particular Security Council resolutions 2712, 2720 and 2728. This is the only credible way to guarantee peace and security for all and to ensure that neither Palestinians nor Israelis will suffer from the horrors they have experienced since the attack on October 7, 2023.

4. The two heads of state called for the effective opening of all necessary corridors and crossing points to enable rapid, safe, sustainable and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid throughout the Gaza Strip. The two heads of state stressed the importance of strengthening the coordination of international humanitarian efforts.

5. The two heads of state called on all parties to refrain from unilateral measures on the ground that might aggravate tensions, and in this respect condemned Israel’s policy of settlement construction, which violates international law and constitutes a major obstacle to lasting peace as well as to the possibility of establishing a viable and contiguous State of Palestine. The two heads of state reiterated that the future governance of Gaza cannot be dissociated from a comprehensive political settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict based on the two-State solution.

6. The two heads of state called for a decisive and irreversible relaunch of a political process to concretely implement the two-State solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security, both with Jerusalem as their capital, and the establishment of a viable, independent and sovereign State of Palestine based on the 1967 borders. The two heads of state reaffirmed their commitment to this solution, which is the only way to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Israeli and Palestinian people for lasting peace and security.

7. The two heads of state also expressed deep concern over the risk of escalation in the region, and called for the prevention of regional turbulence. China and France are working with their partners to deescalate the situation and call on all parties to exercise restraint.

8. China and France reaffirm their commitment to promoting a political and diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action concluded in 2015 is a major outcome of multilateral diplomacy. The two countries are concerned about the risks of escalation, recall the importance of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and facilitation of diplomatic efforts, and reaffirm their commitment to safeguarding the international non-proliferation regime and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

9. The two heads of state stressed the importance of safeguarding freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and called for an immediate cessation of attacks on civilian vessels to safeguard maritime security and global trade and prevent regional tensions and humanitarian and environmental risks.

10. The two heads of state called for the observance of the Olympic Truce during the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Olympic Truce calls on all parties to stop hostilities throughout the Games. As conflicts spread and tensions rise, the Truce is an opportunity to work toward a durable resolution of conflicts in full respect of international law. 

Full text of Xi’s signed article in Serbian media

As part of his May 5-10 state visits to three European countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping began a visit to Serbia on May 7, following the conclusion of his visit to France. It is his second state visit to the Balkan country, his previous one being in 2016. 

Coinciding with his arrival, the Serbian daily newspaper Politika published an article by Xi, hailing the “ironclad friendship” between the two countries and peoples. The Chinese President wrote:

“There has always been an affinity between Chinese and Serbian peoples despite the long distance between us. During the bitter Anti-Fascist War and our respective nation-building in the last century, the Chinese and Serbian peoples forged a strong friendship that extends through time and space… Whatever changes in the international landscape, China and Serbia remain true friends and good partners. Our ironclad friendship is ever-growing, setting a model for state-to-state and people-to-people interactions.”

Recalling how the two countries had come together and helped each other during the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi states: “China provided assistance, prioritised the provision of multiple shipments of protective medical supplies, and sent medical experts to Serbia… Nongovernmental organisations in Serbia voluntarily donated masks and other supplies to the Chinese people. Our mutual support in challenging times testifies to our invaluable brotherly friendship.”

Xi also alluded to the attempts to permanently separate Serbia’s Kosovo region, and the pressures exerted on Serbia by certain powers regarding its external relations in particular, writing:

“We support Serbia’s efforts to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose any attempt by any forces to interfere in Serbia’s internal affairs.”

What makes Xi’s visit to Serbia particularly significant this time is that May 7, 2024, marks exactly a quarter century since US-led NATO forces bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, killing three journalists, during their illegal war against the then socialist Yugoslavia. In his article, Xi recalls this as follows:

“Our ironclad friendship has withstood the test of blood and fire, and shines even brighter in the new era… Twenty-five years ago today, NATO flagrantly bombed the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists – Ms. Shao Yunhuan, Mr. Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying. This we should never forget. The Chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such tragic history to repeat itself. The China-Serbia friendship, forged with the blood of our compatriots, will stay in the shared memory of the Chinese and Serbian peoples, and will inspire us to march forward with big strides.”

We reprint below the full text of President Xi’s article in Politika. It was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

May the Light of Our Ironclad Friendship Shine on the Path of China-Serbia Cooperation

Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

When summer comes, all beings flourish. This is what makes summer the season of hope. I will pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of President Aleksandar Vučić. This will be my second visit to your country, a land of beauty and legends, as President of the People’s Republic of China. The sweet scenes that prevailed during my last visit eight years ago remain very much alive in my mind. The close cooperation between our two countries over the past eight years has delivered fruitful outcomes. I look forward to meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić and other Serbian leaders and friends to renew our friendship, explore ways of cooperation, and make the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia more dynamic.

There has always been an affinity between Chinese and Serbian peoples despite the long distance between us. During the bitter Anti-Fascist War and our respective nation-building in the last century, the Chinese and Serbian peoples forged a strong friendship that extends through time and space. Amid the ongoing transformations unseen in a century in the world, our mutual support remains as strong as ever, our cooperation is closer, and our exchanges and mutual learning more substantive. Whatever changes in the international landscape, China and Serbia remain true friends and good partners. Our ironclad friendship is ever-growing, setting a model for state-to-state and people-to-people interactions.

Continue reading Full text of Xi’s signed article in Serbian media

Serbian President completely rejects suggestions of Chinese ‘debt trap diplomacy’

In this episode of the CGTN series Leaders Talk, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić speaks to Wang Guan about the special friendship that links the two countries. Chinese people often refer to Serbia as their “iron clad brother”.

Vučić recalls that China has been the most supportive country to Serbia in difficult times, mentioning, in particular, the fight against Covid-19. Other countries talked about solidarity yet hoarded vaccines, incubators, and other medical equipment. But China came to the aid of Serbia and of countries around the world. In 2020, President Vučić touched the hearts of many people in China when he went to the airport to personally receive the medical relief supplies from China and kissed first the Serbian and then the Chinese flag.

He also recalled how his intercession with President Xi Jinping during the Chinese leader’s state visit in 2016 had saved the country’s Smederevo steel mill and also spoke about the 2022 inauguration of the Belgrade to Novi Sad (Serbia’s second largest city) link of the Serbia-Hungary high-speed railway.

Vučić completely rejects suggestions of Chinese ‘debt trap diplomacy’. He was presented with such allegations in Brussels but countered that Serbia had taken many loans from China, but the country’s public debt to GDP ratio was some 51-52% whereas the average in the Eurozone is 92% and, in some cases, it is over 100%.

Additionally, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that Serbia signed with China last October will bring many benefits to his country, both in facilitating exports and making imports cheaper.

Recalling the NATO bombing of the then Yugoslavia 25 years ago, which also claimed the lives of Chinese citizens, the Serbian President notes that NATO’s actions were illegal and criminal – there was no resolution or authorisation from the United Nations Security Council. Territorial integrity is important to both China and Serbia and his position on Taiwan is very straightforward: Taiwan is China. It is up to China when and how it achieves reunification. Whatever China does in this regard will be supported by Serbia.

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping, Vučić says that you can see the depth of his thoughts, and his love for his country, from the simple but profound way in which he deploys Chinese proverbs in his writings.

The full video of President Vučić’s interview is embedded below.

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation chair calls for further development of Germany-China relations

Heinz Bierbaum, Chair of the Executive Board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and former President of the Party of the European Left, recently visited China. The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is the think tank associated with Germany’s Die Linke (Left Party).

In his meeting with Bierbaum on March 26, Zhao Shitong, Assistant Minister of the  Communist Party of China’s International Department (IDCPC), said that the CPC attaches importance to the traditional friendly relations with Germany’s Left Party and is willing to continue deepening personnel and ideological exchanges between the two parties with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.  

Bierbaum said that the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is willing to actively build a dialogue platform, promote exchanges between Die Linke and the CPC, and contribute to the development of Germany-China relations.  

The below article was originally published on the website of the IDCPC.

Beijing, March 26th—Zhao Shitong, Assistant-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today on the morning with Heinz Bierbaum, Chair of the Executive Board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and former President of the Party of the European Left.  

Zhao said, amidst the complex and changing world situation, China and Germany should strengthen dialogue and cooperation, achieve win-win cooperation, benefit the people of both countries, and make due contributions to addressing global challenges. The CPC attaches importance to the traditional friendly relations with the German left-wing party and is willing to continue deepening personnel exchanges and ideological exchanges between the two Parties with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.  

Bierbaum said, Germany and China should enhance exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as politics and economy, jointly promote international cooperation and world stability. The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation of Germany is willing to actively build a dialogue platform, promote exchanges between the German left-wing party and the CPC, and contribute to the development of Germany-China relations. 

Senior AKEL delegation visits China

A delegation of the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) of Cyprus, led by its General Secretary Stephanos Stephanou, recently visited China. AKEL is Cyprus’s communist party and plays a major part in the political life of the country. 

On February 27 Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee (IDCPC), met with Stephanou and his delegation. 

Liu said that AKEL is an important political party in Cyprus. The CPC and AKEL are both Marxist parties, and the two parties maintain close exchanges through various forms, injecting strong impetus into the development of China-Cyprus relations. The Chinese side is willing to work with the Cypriot side to strengthen mutual visits between the two parties at all levels, deepen exchanges of experience in state governance and administration, promote in-depth and solid practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields, and promote the steady and long-term development of China-Cyprus strategic partnership. 

Stephanou noted that AKEL and the CPC share similar ideals and beliefs and are close comrades and friends. AKEL is willing to learn from the CPC’s experience in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the further development of relations between the two parties. AKEL supports the Cypriot government in developing relations with China in an all-round way, firmly adheres to the one-China principle, and appreciates China’s stance on the Cyprus question.

The following day the delegation met with Li Hongzhong, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Li said that the CPC attaches great importance to friendly relations with AKEL and is willing to strengthen exchanges between political parties and legislative bodies to push China-Cyprus strategic partnership to a higher level.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the IDCPC and by the Xinhua News Agency.

Liu Jianchao Meets with a Delegation of the AKEL of Cyprus

Beijing, February 27th—Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with a delegation of the Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL) of Cyprus led by Stephanos Stephanou, General Secretary of the AKEL.    

Liu said, the AKEL is an important political party in Cyprus. The CPC and the AKEL are both Marxist parties, and the two Parties maintain close exchanges through various forms, injecting strong impetus into the development of China-Cyprus relations. The Chinese side is willing to work with the Cypriot side to strengthen mutual visits between the two Parties at all levels, deepen exchanges of experience in state governance and administration, promote in-depth and solid practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields, and promote the steady and long-term development of China-Cyprus strategic partnership. The Chinese side appreciates Cyprus’ support and active participation in the three major global initiatives, and is willing to work with the Cypriot side to safeguard world peace and development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.    

Stephanou noted, the AKEL and the CPC share similar ideals and beliefs and are close comrades and friends. The AKEL is willing to learn from the CPC’s experience in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the further development of relations between the two Parties. The AKEL supports the Cypriot government in developing relations with China in an all-round way, firmly adheres to the one-China principle, and appreciates China’s impartial stance on the Cyprus problem. China has made world-renowned development achievements in recent years. It is believed that under the leadership of the CPC, China will achieve its second centenary goal as scheduled and make greater contributions to world peace and development. As a member of the European Union (EU), Cyprus is willing to actively advance the development of EU-China relations. 

Sun Haiyan, Vice-minister of the IDCPC, was present. 

Senior Chinese legislator meets delegation of Cypriot Progressive Party of Working People

BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) — Li Hongzhong, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, met with a delegation of the Cypriot Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), led by its general secretary Stefanos Stefanou, in Beijing on Wednesday.

Li, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China and Cyprus have continuously deepened political mutual trust, and achieved fruitful results in various fields of practical cooperation.

The CPC attaches great importance to friendly relations with the AKEL, and is willing to strengthen exchanges between political parties and legislative bodies to push China-Cyprus strategic partnership to a higher level, Li said.

For his part, Stefanou said that the AKEL adheres to the one-China principle, supports key global initiatives proposed by China, and hopes to strengthen exchanges with the CPC to promote the development of Cyprus-China and EU-China relations. 

Why is China’s economy doing so well and why is that a good thing?

In this thoughtful and highly informative article, Marc Vandepitte – an author on international politics from Belgium – uncovers some of the secrets behind China’s remarkable economic success, and explains why this success should be considered favourably in Europe.

Marc starts by debunking the narrative gaining ground among Western ‘China-watchers’ that China’s economic outlook is grim; after all, “the country is still achieving growth rates that we can only dream of”, in spite of a US-led containment campaign and assorted other challenges.

Marc notes that China’s per capita GDP has increased by a factor of 50 in the last four decades, and that since 1990 China’s share of global industrial production has increased from 2.5 percent to 35 percent. What’s more, “in terms of industrial production of the future – green production – China is the absolute leader.”

The article goes on to explain how China’s economic success is based on a combination of factors, including its socialist model of land ownership, its huge investment in education and health care, its focus on science and technology, and its striking blend of state-led planning and decentralisation.

China’s dramatic successes are driving development throughout the Global South – in particular via the Belt and Road Initiative – but the country’s emergence is also a boon for the West. “Western economies are closely intertwined with the Chinese economy and in many areas the West needs China more than the other way around. For example, Europe cannot possibly achieve its climate goals without China.”

Marc concludes:

Europe stands at an important crossroads in history. Will it allow itself to be dragged into a destructive trade war initiated by the US, or will it succeed in charting its own autonomous course and building a constructive economic relationship with China, based on mutual benefit? The stakes are high.

Peculiar media framing

If you believe the mainstream media, China is in bad shape: the economic engine is said to be sputtering, or worse, the economy is in a downward spiral. Bizarre, as the IMF expects economic growth of 4.6 percent in China this year. That is almost five times as much as in Europe and more than three times as much as in the US.

The Western media are apparently struggling with China’s growth miracle, and so they focus blindly on the problems and challenges. By concentrating on what is going less well, they lose sight of what China is very strong at.

Certainly, the Chinese economy is facing some significant challenges, but despite an aging population and increasing hostility from the West, both in terms of investment and trade, the country is still achieving growth rates that we can only dream of.

In this article, we are exploring the reasons for this decades-long spectacular growth. We also look at why this is a good thing and what is the best way for Europe to respond.

Continue reading Why is China’s economy doing so well and why is that a good thing?

China and Norway call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Since the start of 2024, in its diplomatic dealings with European countries, China has placed considerable emphasis on identifying areas of common ground and promoting friendly cooperation with the continent’s small and medium-sized countries.

Particularly significant in this regard was the early February visit to Beijing by Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide. 

Noting that Eide is the first European foreign minister to visit China in 2024, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Eide’s visit shows the importance Norway attaches to China and the fact that relations between the two countries are maintaining forward momentum. Norway is a uniquely influential European country and one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of those relations. China appreciates the Norwegian government’s objective, rational and friendly view of China’s development, its adherence to the one-China principle and its friendship with China.

Wang Yi stressed that, to promote greater development of China-Norway relations in the next stage the two sides should first uphold the right way to get along with each other, respect the choices of their respective people, and accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns. The two sides should deepen practical cooperation, promote bilateral cooperation in various fields with a vision for development and a proactive attitude, strengthen multilateral collaboration, advocate multilateralism, adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and jointly promote peace and prosperity in the world.

Eide said that after 70 years of development, China-Norway relations have entered a mature stage. The Norwegian side firmly adheres to the one-China policy and advocates mutual respect and constructive dialogue to promote greater development of relations between the two countries, so as to jointly build a universal and inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world. 

The two sides have broad space for cooperation in areas such as green transformation, and Norway is ready to work with China to jointly address global challenges such as climate change. China’s great achievements in poverty eradication are admirable and have made important contributions to the global poverty reduction cause.

What was undoubtedly of greatest significance in this visit, given Israel’s current genocidal war in Gaza, is that the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the recent situation in the Middle East and agreed on the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a substantial increase in humanitarian assistance. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East should be allowed to continue its vital humanitarian work in Gaza and the region, and donor countries were urged not to suspend their support to the Agency. Both sides also agreed on the need to strengthen support for the Palestinian National Authority and to start a political process leading to a two-state solution in which both the Israeli and the Palestinian peoples could live in peace and security. They also expressed concern about the spillover of the rising situation in the Middle East and agreed to continue to maintain communication on the issue.

Besides Norway, other West European countries calling for a ceasefire in Gaza include Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Malta, and Luxembourg, along with the devolved government in Scotland.

Former Minister Eide also met with Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang and Minister Liu Jianchao of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC).

Minister Liu said that the CPC is willing to strengthen exchanges with the Labour Party and other major political parties in Norway, carry out exchanges on governing concepts and development strategies, deepen mutual understanding and trust, and build bridges for local exchanges and practical cooperation between the two countries through inter-party channels, so as to promote the development of bilateral relations.

He also highlighted the need to deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, along with green and maritime issues, as well as winter sports.

The Norwegian Foreign Minister’s Beijing visit was immediately followed by that of Swiss Federal Councillor and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis, who jointly held the third round of China-Switzerland Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue with Foreign Minister Wang Yi. He also met with Chinese Vice President Han Zheng.

This visit had been preceded in January by Premier Li Qiang making Switzerland and Ireland his first overseas destinations of 2024.

Also, on February 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China and Portugal have upheld the idea of mutual respect, openness and inclusiveness since their diplomatic ties were established, vividly demonstrating the right way for countries to get along with one another. He made the remarks as he exchanged congratulations with his Portuguese counterpart, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, in the wake of the ‘Carnation Revolution’ that overthrew the previous fascist dictatorship.

China and Portugal have properly settled the Macao issue through friendly consultation and taken stock of the situation to establish their comprehensive strategic partnership, Xi added, and noted that the two sides have jointly coped with the global financial crisis and public health challenges, expanded mutually beneficial cooperation among their enterprises, worked together for stronger Belt and Road cooperation and the development of China-EU relations, and upheld multilateralism.

For his part, Rebelo de Sousa said that despite the long distance, Portugal and China have always been getting along and maintained friendly exchanges in political, economic, cultural, social, and other fields.

Noting that bilateral ties have been thriving since the establishment of diplomatic relations, Rebelo de Sousa said the two countries have successfully achieved the smooth handover of Macao, worked together to boost the development of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and actively carried out multilateral cooperation.

Meanwhile, the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo visited China in January, and in a February 2 phone call, Premier Li Qiang and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte agreed to further promote cooperation between their two countries. 

In contrast to some naïve and simplistic analyses of the current international situation that see only a united Global North, essentially devoid of contradictions, China’s sophisticated and nuanced handling of its relations with various countries in Europe, not least with regard to the present war in Gaza, embodies Leninist strategy and tactics as, for example, set out here in VI Lenin’s, “Left-Wing” Communism: an infantile disorder (and further developed by Mao Zedong, particularly with his concept of intermediate zones, as initially set out, for example, in his August 1946 talk with Anna Louise Strong):

“To carry on a war for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie, a war which is a hundred times more difficult, protracted and complex than the most stubborn of ordinary wars between states, and to renounce in advance any change of tack, or any utilisation of a conflict of interests (even if temporary) among one’s enemies, or any conciliation or compromise with possible allies (even if they are temporary, unstable, vacillating or conditional allies) – is that not ridiculous in the extreme?”

The following articles were originally published on the websites of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Xinhua News Agency.

Wang Yi Holds Talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Espen Barth Eide

On February 5, 2024, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Espen Barth Eide in Beijing.

Noting Eide is the first European foreign minister to visit China in 2024, Wang Yi said Eide’s visit shows the importance Norway attaches to China and the fact that relations between the two countries are maintaining forward momentum. Norway is a uniquely influential European country and one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Norway. After 70 years of development, China-Norway relations have become more mature and resilient, and have maintained a strong endogenous momentum. China appreciates the Norwegian government’s objective, rational and friendly view of China’s development, its adherence to the one-China principle and its friendship with China.

Wang Yi said that the world today has entered a new period of turbulence and change, and the global political, economic and security situation is full of uncertainties. Human society is at a critical crossroads. China believes that the overall direction of pursuing peace and development by people of all countries will not change, the overall dynamics of human civilization moving forward will not change, and the overall trend toward a shared future for the international community will not change. Although China and Norway are geographically apart with different national conditions and systems, the two countries should be the forces of stability, peace and prosperity in the international community. The two sides should insist on candid communication, pragmatically promote cooperation, properly deal with differences, follow the overall direction, overall dynamics and overall trend, and jointly inject more certainty, stability and positive energy into the world.

Wang Yi stressed that to promote greater development of China-Norway relations in the next stage, the two sides should first uphold the right way to get along with each other, respect the choices of their respective people, and accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns. The two sides should deepen practical cooperation, treat bilateral cooperation in various fields with a vision for development and a proactive attitude, strengthen multilateral collaboration, advocate multilateralism, adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and jointly promote peace and prosperity in the world.

Continue reading China and Norway call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Premier Li Qiang holds talks with Irish President and Taoiseach

In his first overseas visit of 2024, China’s Premier Li Qiang attended the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Swiss resort of Davos and paid official visits to Switzerland and Ireland.

The visit to Ireland coincides with the 45th anniversary of the two countries’ establishment of diplomatic relations, but more generally, as the only other European destination chosen by Premier Li around his attendance at Davos, it represents a significant statement by China regarding its friendly sentiments towards Ireland and its keen desire to promote that relationship.

This was further underlined by two unilateral gestures announced during the visit. With immediate effect, China has reopened its market to Irish beef. China suspended imports last year after a routine check detected an atypical BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as ‘mad cow disease’) case in a cow. China is Ireland’s fourth largest trade partner, and this move was greatly welcomed by the country’s farming community. 

In addition, China added Ireland to its list of countries whose citizens will enjoy visa-free entry.

Following his arrival on January 16, Premier Li held meetings with Irish President Michael D. Higgins and Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar on the 17th.

Premier Li told President Higgins that, although China and Ireland are geographically far apart with different national conditions, they have enjoyed enduring friendship. 

In recent years, he added, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Michael D. Higgins, China-Ireland relations have developed steadily, and bilateral practical cooperation has yielded fruitful results. 

The Irish Times further reported that Li praised Higgins as “a seasoned political leader in Ireland [who has] all along attached importance to Ireland-China relations and followed China’s development.”

China, Li said, stands ready to work with Ireland to adhere to mutual respect and equality, and take the opportunity of the 45th anniversary of China-Ireland diplomatic ties this year to further implement the important consensuses reached by the heads of state of the two countries, continuously enhance mutual understanding and trust, fully accommodate each other’s major interests and core concerns, continuously advance the level and boost the effects of cooperation in various fields, and push for greater development of the China-Ireland strategic partnership for mutually beneficial cooperation.

He added that both sides should practice genuine multilateralism, bridge differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through cooperation, so as to push for better global governance, promote common development and inject greater stability and energy into a world rocked by changes and chaos.

President Higgins recalled his state visit to China in December 2014 and his discussions with President Xi Jinping both during that visit and when President Xi visited Ireland as China’s Vice-President in 2012.

The two statesmen agreed on the need for science and technology to be shared where they have the greatest effect, without borders, and that the test for this should be where it can have the greatest benefit for humanity.

In their discussions, the President also recalled conversations which he had with President Xi in 2014 with regard to the interacting crises of climate change, global poverty, food security, global conflict, and the need to recast development to take account of debt.

In his meeting with Leo Varadkar, Li said that China and Ireland have maintained healthy and stable development of their ties since their establishment of diplomatic relations. China is ready to work with Ireland to carry forward traditional friendship, consolidate political mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and share development opportunities more fully, in a bid to bring more benefits to the two countries and the two peoples.

The Chinese Premier expressed his country’s willingness to work with the Irish side to adhere to mutual respect and trust, strive to seek common ground while shelving and resolving differences, deepen mutual understanding, and support each other on major issues.

China and Ireland should continuously expand trade, strengthen cooperation in green and low-carbon development, sustainable agriculture, finance, and other fields, and expand innovation cooperation in digital economy, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, he added.

Varadkar said that Ireland appreciates China’s great achievements in economic and social development, always abides by the one-China policy, and hopes that China will achieve peaceful reunification at an early date.

Ireland, he added, stands ready to expand two-way investment with China, strengthen bilateral cooperation in such fields as agriculture, food, innovation, and green development, and deepen people-to-people exchanges in education and culture.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and the website of the President of Ireland.

China, Ireland should jointly practice genuine multilateralism: Chinese premier

DUBLIN, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Wednesday called on China and Ireland to work together to uphold a free and open international trading system and practice genuine multilateralism.

Li made the call while meeting with Irish President Michael D. Higgins here in Aras an Uachtarain, the official residence of the Irish president.

Though China and Ireland are geographically apart with different national conditions, they have enjoyed enduring friendship as well as highly compatible development concepts, Li noted.

In recent years, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Michael D. Higgins, China-Ireland relations have developed steadily and bilateral practical cooperation has yielded fruitful results, he said.

China stands ready to work with Ireland to adhere to mutual respect and equality, and take the opportunity of the 45th anniversary of China-Ireland diplomatic ties this year to further implement the important consensuses reached by the heads of state of the two countries, continuously enhance mutual understanding and trust, fully accommodate each other’s major interests and core concerns, continuously advance the level and boost the effects of cooperation in various fields, and push for greater development of the China-Ireland strategic partnership for mutually beneficial cooperation, Li said.

The Chinese premier also pointed out that mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Ireland is promising.

Li said China is willing to deepen cooperation with Ireland in such fields as economy, trade and investment, green development as well as scientific and technological innovation.

He also pledged strengthening people-to-people exchanges in education, culture and other fields to facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries.

Both sides should work together to uphold a free and open international trading system and maintain the stable and smooth flow of global industrial and supply chains, Li noted.

He said that both sides should practice genuine multilateralism, bridge differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through cooperation, so as to push for better global governance, promote common development and inject greater stability and energy into a world rocked by changes and chaos.

For his part, Higgins said that relations between Ireland and China have maintained a sound momentum of development and both sides have always adhered to mutual understanding and respect.

Ireland stands ready to strengthen friendly communications with China to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, jointly meet climate change, food security, sustainable development and other global challenges, and deepen the friendship between the two peoples so as to promote the continuous and in-depth development of bilateral ties, he said. 

President meets Premier Li Qiang of the People’s Republic of China

Jan. 17 (President of Ireland) — Uachtarán na hÉireann, President Michael D. Higgins received H.E. Mr Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, on a courtesy call at Áras an Uachtaráin. Premier Li relayed warm greetings to the President from President Xi Jinping, which were reciprocated by the President.

At their meeting, President Higgins recalled his State Visit to China in December 2014 and his discussions with President Xi Jinping both during that State Visit and when President Xi visited Ireland as China’s Vice-President in 2012.

In their discussions, the President resumed conversations which he had with President Xi in 2014 with regard to the interacting crises of climate change, global poverty, food security, global conflict, and recasting development to take account of debt.

President Higgins further took up some of the points on the five macro-economic principles which Premier Li advanced in his recent special address in Davos. There was agreement between the President and the Premier on the need for science and technology to be shared where they have the greatest effect without borders and there was common agreement that the test for this should be where it can have the greatest benefit for humanity.

The President referred to the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and China, and in that context noted the value of enabling straightforward dialogue on issues between countries with friendly relations to the benefit of all in a fundamental and long-term sense.

In this regard, the President referenced the forthcoming meetings of the Universal Periodic Review taking place in Geneva, the points that are likely to arise during that process, and gave the background to the Irish position on those matters.

Chinese premier says China, Ireland should regard each other as key cooperative partners

DUBLIN, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) — China and Ireland should adhere to mutual benefit, and always regard each other as key cooperative partners and development opportunities, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said here Wednesday.

Li made the remarks when meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh House, the official Irish state guest house, in the Irish capital of Dublin.

During their talks, Li said China and Ireland have maintained healthy and stable development of their ties since the establishment of their diplomatic relations 45 years ago.

In recent years, particularly, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Michael D. Higgins, the China-Ireland strategic partnership for mutually beneficial cooperation has increasingly deepened, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields have continuously expanded, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples, Li said.

China is ready to work with Ireland to carry forward traditional friendship, consolidate political mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and share development opportunities more fully, in a bid to bring more benefits to the two countries and the two peoples, Li noted.

Li expressed China’s willingness to work with the Irish side to adhere to mutual respect and trust, strive to seek common ground while shelving and resolving differences, deepen mutual understanding, and support each other on major issues.

China and Ireland should continuously expand trade, strengthen cooperation in green and low-carbon development, sustainable agriculture, finance and other fields, and expand innovation cooperation in digital economy, biomedicine and artificial intelligence, making the pie of cooperation bigger, he said.

China will apply unilateral visa-free policy to Ireland to facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries, Li said, voicing the expectation that Ireland will provide an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises.

China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Ireland within the United Nations and other multilateral frameworks, practice genuine multilateralism, jointly tackle global challenges and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, he said.

It is hoped that Ireland will play a greater role in promoting the sound and stable development of China-Europe relations, said Li.

For his part, Varadkar said that China is an important cooperative partner of Ireland, and the two countries have always adhered to mutual respect and trust.

Ireland appreciates China’s great achievements in economic and social development, always abides by the one-China principle, and hopes that China will achieve peaceful reunification at an early date, he added.

Ireland stands ready to expand two-way investment with China, strengthen bilateral cooperation in such fields as agriculture, food, innovation, and green development, and deepen people-to-people exchanges in education and culture, Varadkar continued.

The Irish side is willing to actively consider providing more convenience for Chinese citizens to visit Ireland, and welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Ireland, he noted, adding that Ireland supports further deepening Europe-China cooperation.

Prior to the talks, Li attended a grand welcome ceremony held by Varadkar and reviewed the Irish Guard of Honor. 

Xi Jinping meets with Cuban and Serbian PMs

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently met with a number of foreign leaders who came to China to attend the Sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE), held in Shanghai.

On November 6, President Xi met with Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz. Noting that China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades, and good brothers, Xi said that under the guidance and cultivation of the two countries’ leaders, China and Cuba have worked hand in hand on the path of building socialism with their own characteristics, supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, and cooperated closely on international and regional issues, thus forging an unbreakable bond of trust and friendship.

Xi added that China viewed and developed the special friendly relations between the two parties and countries from a strategic and overall perspective, adhered to the policy of long-term friendship between China and Cuba, and was willing to continue to deepen political mutual trust and strategic coordination with Cuba and carry out theoretical discussions and experience exchanges on party and state governance.

“China will continue to firmly support the Cuban people in opposing foreign interference and blockades and safeguarding national sovereignty and dignity,” he said, and went on to note that Cuba successfully hosted the summit of the Group of 77 and China in September this year, making important contributions to promoting solidarity and cooperation among developing countries. China is willing to work with Cuba to continue to jointly safeguard the sovereignty, security, and development interests of developing countries.

While conveying cordial greetings from Comrade Raul Castro and Cuban President and Communist Party leader Miguel Diaz-Canel, Marrero expressed his pleasure to attend the 6th CIIE in China. He said through this visit, he had learned more deeply about the great achievements China had made in its development, adding that President Xi’s important thoughts on governance are of great inspiration and reference to Cuba and the world.

On the same day, President Xi also met with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. The Chinese leader said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s attendance at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China and Brnabic’s attendance at the sixth China International Import Expo demonstrated Serbia’s sincere friendship with the Chinese people and firm belief in developing relations with China.

China and Serbia are “iron friends” who have stood together through thick and thin, Xi said, underscoring the profound historical foundation, solid public support, extensive common interests and strong impetus for cooperation of their bilateral relations.

He called on the two sides to make joint efforts to build and operate major cooperation projects, promote the early entry into force of the China-Serbia free trade agreement, strengthen cooperation in science and technology innovation, deepen cooperation in education, sports, and tourism, expand personnel exchanges, and inherit and carry forward China-Serbia friendship.

Brnabic said that China had become Serbia’s largest investment partner, and bilateral cooperation projects had changed the face of Serbia’s national development. The conclusion of the free trade agreement between the two countries in half a year fully demonstrates the firm determination of both sides to further deepen relations. China has always supported Serbia in safeguarding national sovereignty and dignity, for which the Serbian people are deeply grateful.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi meets Cuban prime minister, calling for further strategic coordination

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday met with Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Noting China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades, and good brothers, Xi said under the guidance and cultivation of the two countries’ leaders, China and Cuba had worked hand in hand on the path of building socialism with their own characteristics, supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, and cooperated closely on international and regional issues, thus forging an unbreakable bond of trust and friendship.

Continue reading Xi Jinping meets with Cuban and Serbian PMs

Clare Daly: ‘derisking’ from China would be suicidal for European industry

In this episode of the CGTN program Dialogue, Xu Qinduo interviews Clare Daly, the outspoken, anti-imperialist member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Ireland on the EU’s attitude towards the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as on China.

Clare notes that the recent resolution on Gaza adopted by the European parliament, which she and her colleague Mick Wallace voted against, did not address the root causes of the conflict or the crimes, including ethnic cleansing and genocide, perpetrated by the Israeli apartheid state. The EU and the United States, she notes, are complicit in Israeli genocide and that makes them equally culpable in international law.

On Ukraine, she is not presently hopeful of prospects for peace. Rather she fears that working class Ukrainian men will continue to be killed in the interests of western arms companies who seek to perpetuate the conflict. 

Asked about the moves to expand NATO to Asia, possibly starting with the establishment of an office in Tokyo, Clare responds that she has said before that the last bite of a dying snake is the most dangerous. US hegemony is in decline and there is no going back on this. But in its lashing out in desperation it is very dangerous. In this regard, she cites President Biden’s recent demand for US$100 bn for not only Israel and Ukraine but Taiwan as well. She feels that the US managed to provoke Russia and now seeks to do the same to China over Taiwan. However, she believes that Chinese diplomacy is more measured and the country will not walk into a similar trap.

Asked what impressed her most on her recent visit to China, she says there is not enough time to recount all the amazing things she saw. China, she notes, has built whole cities, but in Dublin it has not been possible to build even one metro station in 30 years. Ireland does not have a single high-speed train and neither does the US. Unfortunately, the EU has been following the US in seeking to restrict relations with China under the guise of ‘derisking’ and similar terms. Such a policy, she notes, if followed through, would be suicidal for European industry. In the face of these provocations, Clare advises China to continue with its diplomatic overtures and says she can think of nothing that China should be doing differently.

Within this situation, Clare asserts that Ireland has a special role to play. The EU is largely made up of former colonising powers or former socialist countries. Ireland, however, was colonised. It knows what it is like to be oppressed. Therefore, Ireland can be a voice for neutrality, non-alignment, multilateral cooperation and international solidarity.

The full interview with Clare Daly MEP is embedded below.

Liu Jianchao: the peoples of China and Iceland have an indomitable spirit of struggle

In the first week of October, Minister Liu Jianchao of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, led a delegation to visit Iceland.

Meeting with Iceland’s Foreign Minister, Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir on October 7, Liu said that, despite different national conditions, the two countries have similar historical experiences, and the two peoples have an indomitable spirit of struggle. The Chinese side has always upheld the principles of mutual respect and equality among all countries regardless of their size, actively developed China-Iceland relations, and regarded Iceland as a trustworthy good friend.

Liu’s reference to similar historical experiences and an indomitable spirit of struggle is significant and apposite. Having been under Danish colonial rule for centuries, during which the people suffered from dire poverty and mass emigration, an independence movement emerged from the 1850s onwards. Iceland finally won national independence in 1944.

Between 1958-61, 1972-73 and 1975-76, Iceland fought the so-called ‘cod wars’ against Britain, supported by West Germany, regarding the extension of its territorial waters and fishing rights in the North Atlantic, on which the country’s economy and diet were both heavily dependent. Iceland emerged victorious against British imperialism in all these disputes, a remarkable victory for a small country whose population (2023 figure) is just 375,000. Iceland’s victories also contributed to the democratisation of the international law of the sea and helped numerous countries of the Global South to enhance their sovereignty over their territorial waters and marine resources.

From 2009-2011, the Icelandic people waged the ‘pots and pans revolution’ in response to the devastating impact of the global financial crisis on their country, which was exacerbated by the pursuit of short-sighted neoliberal policies in the preceding years.

Turning to the environment, Liu went on to say that China tries to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, and is willing to deepen cooperation with the Icelandic side in climate change, green energy, sustainable development and other aspects.

Iceland is a world leader in geothermal energy and fighting the looming threat of climate catastrophe and promoting sustainable development was a main theme of Liu’s visit.

Gylfadóttir said that the Icelandic side attaches great importance to developing relations with China. Iceland is the first European country to sign a bilateral free trade agreement with China and the first Western European country to recognise China’s market economy status. Both countries have great cooperation potential in energy transition, climate change and other aspects. It is hoped that both sides will strengthen exchanges, share respective successful experiences, and help the international community better respond to global challenges.

The previous day, Liu met with Birgir Ármannsson, Speaker of Iceland’s Parliament, and had exchanges with members of parliament from different political parties, including the Independence Party, Left-Green Movement, Social Democratic Alliance, Pirate Party, and People’s Party. The present Icelandic government is a three-party coalition formed by the Independence Party, Progressive Party and Left-Green Movement.

China’s development, Liu said, will provide broad development space for China-Iceland cooperation and new opportunities for the growth of all countries. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen cooperation with the Icelandic side in economy, trade, geothermal, tourism, communication, and cooperation at local level. Iceland is a major country of clean energy. It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen cooperation in ecological civilisation construction and jointly make the Earth a place where people and nature can coexist in harmony and economy and environment can advance in parallel.

The members of Iceland’s parliament happily recalled their visits to China and the stories of exchanges with China. They spoke highly of the great development achievements the Chinese people have made under the leadership of the CPC. They expected to intensify mutual visits and exchanges and strengthen practical cooperation to benefit the two peoples. In recent years, extreme climate events have occurred frequently, posing severe challenges to human survival and development. The Icelandic side spoke highly of the Chinese side’s important contributions to global sustainable development and expressed the willingness to deepen cooperation with China in fields such as geothermal and climate change based on existing cooperation, benefit more developing countries and contribute to the protection of the Earth, the homeland for humanity.

The same day, Liu also met with Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, former President of Iceland and Chairman of the Arctic Circle. Describing Grímsson as a friend of China, Liu said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iceland more than 50 years ago, the two sides have always carried out practical cooperation based on the principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit and win-win results, becoming a model for win-win cooperation between countries with different social systems, histories, and cultures. He thanked the Icelandic side for supporting China’s participation in Arctic affairs and expressed the willingness to strengthen Arctic cooperation and coordination in international affairs, promote the improvement of global governance, as well as the healthy and stable development of China-Iceland relations.

Grímsson said: “I am willing to actively promote Iceland-China friendship and enhance the understanding of China among people of all walks of life in Iceland. China has huge development potential… Last month, I visited China to participate in the 2023 World Geothermal Congress in Beijing. Many standards of the global geothermal industry were released for the first time during the conference. The world today is facing severe challenges such as climate change. Energy transformation is the key to solving this problem. China can play a leading role in the world in this regard.”

On his way to Iceland, Liu made a stopover in Copenhagen Airport, where he met with Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen, Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

Liu said, this year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Denmark comprehensive strategic partnership. The two sides released a Green Joint Work Programme recently, injecting new impetus into the mutually beneficial cooperation between our two countries. We look forward to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in economy, trade, environmental protection, climate change, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

China, he added, will unswervingly promote high-level opening up to the outside world, constantly provide impetus for world economic recovery and growth, and provide mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities for investors from various countries, including Denmark. Trends such as deglobalisation, severing supply chains, and de-risking are not in line with the trend of the times. De-risking advocated by some in fact throws away opportunities and cooperation and will ultimately harm the world economy and the interests of all countries. Under the current situation, the international community should work together to promote world economic recovery and prosperity.

Jeppe said, the Green Joint Work Programme released by the two sides has built a new platform for further cooperation between the two countries. It is hoped that both sides will fully tap into the huge opportunities brought by green transformation and promote greater development of Denmark-China relations.

He added that Denmark opposes “decoupling” from China, but went on to disingenuously claim, quite possibly reflecting the pressures being brought to bear on relatively small European countries by US and EU imperialism, that “de-risking” is not aimed at China but aims to ensure the security of the supply chain.

He also said that China has made rapid progress in green energy and other fields and has already provided technologies and solutions for the world. China is an important force in the global response to climate change, he added.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the CPC International Department.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland

Reykjavík, October 7th—Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland.

Liu said, China-Iceland relations have shown good momentum of continuous development. Despite different national conditions, the two countries have similar historical experiences and the two peoples have an indomitable spirit of struggle. The Chinese side has always upheld the principles of mutual respect and equality among all countries regardless of their size, actively developed China-Iceland relations, and regarded Iceland as a trustworthy good friend. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation in economy, trade, investment, environmental protection, tourism and other areas. China strives to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieves carbon neutrality before 2060, and is willing to deepen cooperation with the Icelandic side in climate change, green energy, sustainable development and other aspects. The Chinese side appreciates Iceland’s commitment to the right direction of free trade and economic globalization, and hopes that the two sides will expand cooperation at the Nordic sub-regional, European and global levels and jointly shoulder the responsibility of responding to global challenges.

Continue reading Liu Jianchao: the peoples of China and Iceland have an indomitable spirit of struggle

Liu Jianchao meets with Irish leaders

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), led a delegation of his department to visit Britain, Ireland and Italy in the second half of June. His meetings in Ireland included with Fine Gael Senator Jerry Buttimer, Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann (the presiding officer of the Senate, the upper house of the Oireachtas, or Irish parliament), Bertie Ahern, former leader of Fianna Fáil, former Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland, and Co-chair of the InterAction Council, and Eamon Ryan, Leader of the Green Party and Minister for Transport, as well as Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications of Ireland.

Senator Buttimer said that both Ireland and China have splendid culture and art. The two countries enjoy close cooperation in areas including economy, trade, science, education, and agriculture, as well as robust people-to-people and cultural exchanges and exchanges at local levels. The friendship between Ireland and China is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. Ireland, he said, speaks highly of China’s important efforts and achievements in helping the development of Africa and other developing countries.

Bertie Ahern congratulated China on its great achievements in economic and social development and in successfully lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and expressed full confidence in China’s development prospects. He said, both Ireland and China cherish respective excellent traditional culture, and attach importance to education, innovation and development.

Minister Liu responded that since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China-Ireland relations have always maintained healthy and stable development. Despite different history, culture and social system of the two sides, they have both adhered to mutual respect, tolerated differences, continuously consolidated mutual trust, constantly expanded consensus, and carried out exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The CPC, he added, is willing to strengthen inter-party exchanges and cooperation with all political parties of Ireland, exchange experience in state governance and administration, push economic and trade cooperation, and enhance non-governmental friendship.

Meeting Minister Ryan from the Green Party, Liu said that Ireland is one of the countries in the world that loves green development the most. And the Green Party of Ireland has actively contributed to the cause of domestic and global green development. Pursuing harmonious co-existence between people and nature and striving for sustainable development has become the important consensus between China and Ireland. He added that the Chinese side is willing to, together with the Irish side, adhere to mutual understanding and mutual respect, deepen cooperation in areas such as renewable energy, clean development, energy conservation, environmental protection, and addressing climate change, so as to promote the development of a China-Ireland strategic partnership for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Ryan said that he had visited China in 1987, 2010 and 2023, and was deeply impressed by China’s development achievements. China is a major energy producer and consumer, as well as a major producer of clean energy technology and equipment. The Green Party of Ireland appreciates the concept of ‘lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets’, put forward by President Xi Jinping, he noted.

The following reports were first published on the website of the IDCPC.

Jerry Buttimer, Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann of Ireland Meets with Liu Jianchao

Dublin, June 23rd—Jerry Buttimer, Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann of Ireland, met here today with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Buttimer welcomed Liu on behalf of the Oireachtas. He said, both Ireland and China have splendid culture and art. The two countries enjoy close cooperation in areas including economy, trade, science, education, and agriculture, as well as robust people-to-people and cultural exchanges and exchanges at local levels. The friendship between Ireland and China is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. The Oireachtas attaches great importance to developing relations with China and adheres to the one-China principle. Ireland speaks highly of China’s important efforts and achievements in helping the development of Africa and other developing countries. He expressed the willingness to strengthen dialogue and communication with the Chinese side, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as parliament and political parties, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation between Ireland and China for greater development.

Continue reading Liu Jianchao meets with Irish leaders

CPC deepens ties with Central and Eastern European Marxist parties

On June 2, the delegation met with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the Communist Party of China’s International Department (IDCPC). Liu told the visitors that the CPC and the communist parties and left-wing parties from Central and Eastern European countries visiting China this time are all Marxist parties. Both sides should strengthen theoretical discussions and jointly tell the stories of Marxism in the 21st century and the communist parties in our respective countries. And both sides should deepen exchanges and mutual learning in the concept and experiences of party building and state governance, better assist each other in advancing the adaptation of Marxism to the local context and the needs of our times, and explore development paths for socialism. Both sides should also strengthen solidarity and cooperation on multilateral platforms, safeguard common interests, and push relations between China and Central and Eastern European countries as well as China-Europe relations more generally.

Leaders of the various parties said that their visit to China had allowed them to witness the tremendous achievements China has made in the economic, social, and cultural fields, fully demonstrating the superiority of the socialist system and indicating that socialism is not only viable but also represents the future of the world. China’s achievements have provided confidence and inspiration for other countries around the world, and more and more countries hope to strengthen cooperation with China, while more and more political parties hope to enhance exchanges and mutual learning with the CPC on state governance and administration.

The following article was originally carried on the website of the IDCPC.

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with a delegation of political parties from Central and Eastern European countries led by Katerina Konecna, Chairwoman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and Member of the European Parliament from the Czech Republic.

Liu said, China and Central and Eastern European countries have a long-standing traditional friendship, and bilateral cooperation has maintained good development momentum in recent years. Inter-party exchanges are an important support for the development of state-to-state relations. The CPC and the communist parties and left-wing parties from Central and Eastern European countries visiting China this time are all Marxist parties. Both sides should strengthen theoretical discussions and jointly tell the stories of Marxism in the 21st century and the communist parties in our respective countries. Both sides should deepen exchanges and mutual learning in the concept and experiences on party building and state governance, better assist each other in advancing the adaption of Marxism to the local context and the needs of our times, and explore development paths for socialism. Both sides should also strengthen solidarity and cooperation on multilateral platforms, safeguard common interests, and push relations between China and Central and Eastern European countries as well as China-Europe relations for further development.

Continue reading CPC deepens ties with Central and Eastern European Marxist parties

Friendly ties between the communists of China and Cyprus reaffirmed

Ties of friendship and solidarity between the communists of China and Cyprus were reaffirmed in a June 1st meeting between Zhu Rui, Assistant Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC), and Nicos Ioannou, Political Bureau member of the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus (AKEL). 

Originally founded as the Communist Party of Cyprus, the party assumed its present name due to British colonial repression. AKEL is a major force in Cypriot politics and society. It presently holds 15 out of 56 seats in the Cypriot parliament and two of the country’s six seats in the European Parliament. A former General Secretary of the party, Dimitris Christofias, served as President of Cyprus, 2008-2013.

The below short article originally appeared on the website of the IDCPC

Zhu Rui, Assistant-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today on the morning with Nicos Ioannou, the member of the Political Bureau of the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus.

Zhu spoke positively of the relations between the two Parties and the two countries, saying that the CPC attaches great importance to the friendly inter-party relations with the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus, and is willing to further strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between the two Parties on policies and concepts, thus jointly promoting the healthy and stable development of the relations between China and the European Union (EU).

Ioannou said that the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus cherishes the traditional friendship with the CPC and stands ready to promote pragmatic cooperation in economy and trade with China, so as to actively contribute to the development of Cyprus-China and EU-China relations.