Use the linked Google Form to register as an individual or organizational supporter of Friends of Socialist China.
We, Friends of Socialist China, aim to support the People’s Republic of China and to promote understanding of Chinese socialism.
Why socialism? As Marxists, we believe that although capitalism has brought about unprecedented progress in the development of the productive forces, its expansion throughout the world has directly led to the most appalling crimes against humanity. It has proven itself totally incapable of solving the problems of poverty and inequality; meanwhile it is inextricably linked with war, empire, racism, misogyny, alienation, and environmental destruction.
The global advance to socialism is indispensable if humanity is to survive and to flourish; humanity needs socialism in order to prevent climate breakdown, end poverty, establish global peace and work towards dismantling structural discrimination and oppression. We believe that the record of the socialist countries is overwhelmingly positive; that socialism has been able to – or has the potential to – solve many of humanity’s most burning issues; that the most impressive advances in people’s living conditions have occurred under socialist systems; that socialist states and movements played the decisive role in the defeat of European fascism and Japanese militarism; that the socialist world was pivotal to the dismantling of colonialism; that the socialist states have made historic strides in tackling discrimination based on race, ethnicity and gender.
However, owing largely to the reach and power of capitalist cultural hegemony, socialism is widely considered (particularly in the imperialist heartlands) to be a brutal, authoritarian system that suppresses human creativity and impedes progress. Socialist states – past and present – are portrayed as miserable backwaters, characterized by overzealous secret services, prison camps, thought control, stale uniformity, dictatorship, famines, social conservatism, corruption and poverty. In order to promote and uphold socialism, it is important to provide a counter-narrative and corrective to this propaganda.
Why China? We support all states building or aspiring to socialism, and we favour the highest level of unity and friendship between them. We foreground China in particular because its size and level of development give it an objectively critical role in the global transition to socialism. China is the most prominent force pushing for the establishment of a multipolar system of international relations and a new international economic order; meanwhile, it is emerging as the global leader in the struggle to avoid climate breakdown. As such, the continued survival of Chinese socialism is a crucial matter not only for the Chinese people but for all humanity.
Furthermore, given its continued rise and implied threat to the US-led imperialist system, it is being subjected to an intense, systematic and escalating hybrid war, including military/economic ‘containment’ measures along with relentless propaganda. This Cold War carries with it the danger of a ‘hot’ world war, and as such constitutes an existential threat to humanity.
For the above reasons, we resolve to support, defend and build understanding of Chinese socialism.
Note: once you sign the statement via Google Forms, your name will appear on this page within a few hours. If you are having difficulty accessing the form, please email your name and organization/role to statement[at]
Danny Haiphong | Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China | United States |
Keith Bennett | Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China | Britain |
Carlos Martinez | Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China | Britain |
Bennett Lloyd | CPUSA | United States |
Benjamin Reinhard | United States | |
Maher Nassour | Leader of the English Socialist Group | England |
Merter Mehmet Mermer | Turkey | |
Kevin Law | Malaysia | |
Aaron Nolan | Communist Party of Ireland | Ireland |
Josue | United States | |
Vishnu | All India Student Association (Marxist Leninist) | India |
Morrigan Johnson | Canada | |
Wendy Emmett | Britain | |
Ryan Cotten | Center for Political Innovation | United States |
K K Wren | IvyHouseFarm | Switzerland |
Claudio González Montoy | Digital designer / animator | Mexico |
Khalil Fazal | individual | Canada |
Mirah Wood | Co-Chair Middle East & Africa Subcommittee, DSA International Committee | United States |
Matthew Luckey | USA | |
Edwin Lim | United States | |
Jonathan Jones | CPUSA member at large | USA |
Luis Chiquito | Netherlands | |
Camara Starks | United States | |
Dr. Jason Bowers | United States | |
Arnold August | The Canada Files, Contributing Editor | Canada |
Eigil Møller | Denmark | |
Michael Wongsam | Britain | |
Samore Herbstein | South Africa | |
Salah Annabi | Tunisia | |
Michael | Retired | Italy |
Ryan Wilson | United States | |
Nick Hokkanen | Movement for a People’s Democracy & SPUSA | United States |
Joshua Verity | Independent | Britain |
Robert Nunez | Individual | United States |
David Peat | Britain | |
Lucas Azevedo Furlan | Individual MLM | Brazil |
Calum Baird | Scotland | |
Braden DuPree | Marxist Leninist | United States |
Christian | Indonesia | |
Devin | United States | |
Mandy L | United States | |
Kerry McNamara | College instructor | United States |
Dede Mulyanto | Perhimpunan Muda | Indonesia |
John LK Wong | Director | New Zealand |
Ballerd vinson | United States | |
Jacobo Roa | Perú | |
Eric Tan Huang | United States | |
Paul Karitis | United States | |
Aidan Jonah | Editor-in Chief of The Canada Files | Canada |
Leyla Goka | Canada | |
Kinion | Hawaiian Kingdom (Kingdom of Hawaiʻi) | |
Carel Nieuwoudt | Teacher | South Africa |
Matthew Waite | Australia | |
Blake Shaw | United States | |
George Tsolakis | Britain | |
Yang | Doctor | Malaysia |
Ian Richard Guy | Britain | |
Alexandre Júlio dos Santos Sousa | Brazil | |
Kevin Lindemann | United States | |
Lauren Broussard | MLM | United States |
David Bureš | Writer | Czech Republic |
Mona Sulzman | United States | |
Damien Marsic | China | |
Jimmy Macintyre | Britain | |
James De Burghe | SACU member | China |
赵常林 | Student | China |
Jason Lee | Director, Ocean Earths. | Hong Kong, China |
Iain Inglis | CPB Member/Television Presenter | China |
Mitchell Wells | Britain | |
Aidan Croot | Communist Party of Australia | Australia |
James K Inkenbrandt | United States | |
Juergen Suttner | Germany | |
Michael Kramer | Co-Coordinator/Veterans For Peace-China Working Group | United States |
Danish Syed | Pakistan | |
Carlos Garcia | Spain | |
Peter Sylveire | Britain | |
S M Baichoo | Britain | |
Lekx Imers | Netherlands | |
Frederick | USA | |
Michael Holmes | Britain | |
Dr Ralf Hohmann | Author | Germany |
Erwin Franzen | retired - one-time journalist | Luxembourg |
Ismail Muhammad | Independent | Nigeria |
Zhen Chi | Associate Professor | China |
Nigel Green | Former activist, Public & Commercial Services Union (now retired member) | Britain |
Seshadri Srinivas | Activist | United States |
Renate Bridenthal | United States | |
Syd Locke | Member of Democratic Socialists of America. | United States |
Jef en Trees Bossuyt-Rosseel | Belgium Korea Friendship Association | Belgium |
Larry Wasslen | Canada | |
Bob Stoker | Huddersfield TUC | Britain |
Dr Colin Craig | Ireland (Northern) | |
Tony Kinder | Visiting Professor, Beijing University of Science and Technology | Britain |
Kyle Rosse | Marxist-Leninist-Maoist | United States |
Ian leggat | CPB | Britain |
mike caggiano | United States | |
Ko Ruijter | Retired from Lucent | Netherlands |
Ng Sauw Tjhoi | Chief-editor China Vandaag (Belgium-China Association) | Belgium |
Jessica Ryan | Member of Democratic Socialists of America | United States |
Dhruv Haria | Britain | |
Wagner | Coletivo Planejamento Estatal | Brazil |
Luciano D’Agostini | Macroeconomist | Brazil |
Pedro Bordinhão dos Santos Barbosa | PDT | Brazil |
Dr. Kim E. Koo | Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group | United States |
Chris Minter | Member of Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Stan Squires | Retired | Canada |
Tulio Gnoatto Grison | Estudante | Brazil |
Melissa Cambuhy | UERJ - PT | Brazil |
Daniel Antiqueira da Luz | Brazil | |
Paulo Bretas Vilarinho Junior | Militante/Partido Comunista do Brasil-PCdoB | Brazil |
Jovan | Marxist-leninist | Serbia |
Francyne | Brazil | |
Thiago Barboza da Cunha | Brazil | |
Ana Maria da Rocha Soares | Brazil | |
Gordon Scobie | Treasurer, Edinburgh Branch, CPB | Scotland |
Denis Wesley Tavares Santos | Left / Secretary | Brazil |
Zuzanna Zak | Poland | |
Alberto Togni | member of the CC of the Communist Party (Switzerland) | Switzerland |
John Beard | Retired | New Zealand |
Guilherme Vergueiro Heuri | Brazil | |
Thiago do Nascimento Silva de Souza | Lawyer | Brazil |
Hugo Castro | PCB/UJC | Brazil |
Chris Larsson | Sweden | |
Kh Tan | Malaysia | |
Joel Wendland-Liu | United States | |
Chin K Seah | Structural Engineer | Canada |
Nicholas Christie | Retired | United States |
Fábio Cunha | Ciência Política | Brazil |
Manfred Bobke | Germany | |
Antônio Carlos Miranda | PCdoB | Brazil |
Sam Bradley | United States | |
Hank Keeton | Keeton Corporation | United States |
Ana Bazac | Professor | Romania |
Marvin Eagle | United States | |
Kevin Neish | Canada | |
Nicolas Latorre | Brazilian Communist Party | Brazil |
Mr Michael Quinn | Britain | |
Paul Lookman | Editor 'Geopolitiek in context' | Belgium |
Trudi Wallace | United States | |
Ange Power | Retiree | Australia |
Evan Turner | Australia | |
João Adelar Anger | Brazil | |
Keith Heywood | Britain | |
Niels Duus Nielsen | - | Denmark |
MR STEVEN J HANDFORD | CPB Chair Newcastle and Gateshead Branch | Britain |
Eugene E Ruyle | Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies, CSU Long Beach | United States |
Ethan Blake | United States | |
Phillip Courneyeur | Nicaragua/Canada | |
Al Sargis | Moderator, China Study Group Boston (csgboston) Google Group | United States |
João Guilherme Brito Gurgel | Brazil | |
Owen Hughes | Caravan for Cuba/Montreal chapter | Canada |
Ed Burley | Retired | United States |
Yinette Rojas Marin | Venezuela | |
Thalysson Baptista | Brazil | |
Régis Apolinário Coelho | Brazil | |
Jamie Lang | England | |
OscarJosé Plentz Neto | AbraViet RS | Brazil |
David Fox | Union Organiser | Australia |
Donald Murphy | USA | |
Barry Ryan | CPB | Britain |
Lenny Brody | University of the Poor | United States |
Rageh Ali | Local community union member (ACORN Tottenham, London) | Britain |
Octávio Henrique Alves Costa de Oliveira | Master’s degree student / State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) | Brazil |
Pat Byrne | Britain | |
Ana Caroline de Sousa Sampaio | Student/UFPI | Brazil |
Stephen Joseph | Australia | |
Nilton | Professor | Brazil |
Lim Kim | Retired | Australia |
Ronaldo Do Espirito Santo Rodrigues | Teacher | Brazil |
Jonathan Smith | China | |
Kelvin Dale Gall | | Asia Pacific Region |
Diego Batista guerra | PDT | Brazil |
Colin Thomson | Britain | |
Douglas Meira Ferreira | PT | Brazil |
Loh Wai Poon | Volunteer | Singapore |
Rafael Henrique Zerbetto | Brazil | |
Camilla Gaia Miotto | PhD. candidate at SWUFE | China |
Peter Purich | Retired | Canada |
Ron Judd | Building Manager | New Zealand |
Larry M Lee | Retired | Canada |
Facundo Coelho | independent | Uruguay |
Jack Shneidman | United Sates | |
Scott Hegarty | Hong Kong | |
Wolfgang Schade | Noch parteilos | Germany |
Demba Moussa Dembele | Senegal | |
Tan Kin Lian | Tan Kin Lian & Associates Pte Ltd | Singapore |
João P. | Marxist-Leninist organizer | Brazil |
Dr. Anne Roesgen | Germany | |
Bertil Carlman | Retired teacher | Sweden |
wilhelm Reichmann | Austria | |
Lennart Lundberg | Sinologist, Translator | Sweden |
Carl A Davidson | Online University of the Left | United States |
Vitor Boa Nova | Brazil | |
jono de vries | South Africa | |
Pete Foley | Member, CPB | Britain |
Marcel Nogueira | Brazil | |
Bruno Gusmão | PSOL | Brazil |
Kevin Patrick McCann | CPB | Britain |
Edoardo Cappelletti | Member of the CC of the Communist Party (Switzerland) | Switzerland |
Chris Matlhako | South African Communist Party(SACP), 2nd Deputy General Secretary | South Africa |
Justin Theodra | Graduate Student, University of Connecticut | United States |
Peter Goselin | Co-chair, Green Party of Connecticut (US) | United States |
Austin | United States | |
José Mario Tiengo | Teacher | Brazil |
Thiago | Brazil | |
Arthur Siqueira Veronez | Student, SPBU Faculty of International Relations, Russia | Russia/Brazil |
Arthur Lousa | Brasil | |
Bob Oram | Chair, Morning Star Management Committee | Britain |
Edward Tripp | Retired | United States |
Peter Magee | United States | |
Cherylene Lee | Malaysia | |
Michael Shane | Moratorium Now Coalition | United States |
University of Vermont | Revolutionary Socialist Union | United States |
Aiden Krysciak | Canada | |
Dirk Nimmegeers | | Belgium |
cem kizilcec | Chief Organizar of Socialist Unity (Marxist) | Turkey |
Grant MacDonald | Young Communist League | Britain |
Rudi Alves | Member of the CC of the Communist Party (Switzerland) | Switzerland |
Alexandros Schulman | WPGB | United Kingdom |
Liam B Patrick | Camera person | Australia |
Dave | Worker | United Kingdom |
Isaac | Radical Future UK | UK |
Steve Sweeney | Morning Star International Editor | United Kingdom |
Anthony Gidora | Canadian Peace Congress | Canada |
Bill | Canada | |
Seamus Warreb | Australia | |
Nan Zhang | Canada | |
Bruce Levy | United States | |
Nick Troy | Scotland | |
高玮鸿/Arcticol | China | |
Luca Frei | Member of the CC of the Communist Party (Switzerland) | Switzerland |
Brian Soro Odhiambo | Kenya | |
Tulio Barbosa | Professor | Brasil |
Robert Laffin | United States | |
Faye Harries | Retired | Australia |
Bernard Harries | Australia | |
Christopher Helali | International Secretary, Party of Communists USA | United States |
Arthur Joedson | Academic at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba (IFPB) | Brazil |
Sam Bradley | United States | |
Byron Swan | Canada | |
Stephen Shields | Ireland | |
Robert Lindsay | Writer | United States |
EA | Netherlands | |
Tyler Kadow | United States | |
Andy Brooks | General Secretary, New Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Blake Roux | United States | |
Peter Magee | United States | |
Chris Remington | Retired trade union organiser | Britain |
Karl Lötberg | Free lance journalist | Sweden |
Helen Whooley | Australia | |
Sara Flounders | Contributing Editor, Workers World Newspaper - and Co-Director of International Action Center | United States |
John P. Hollt | Principal, School of Vocation; Curator, Xevarion Institute | Hong Kong, China |
Joseph Toney | Marxist-Leninist-Maoist & Communist Party Kenya Supporter | United States |
John Parker | National Coordinator, Socialist Unity Party | United States |
Scott Schaeffer | Writer, | United States |
Frederick Frederick | Socialist | United States |
Daniel Sihombing | Kristen Hijau | Indonesia |
Samuel Iembo | Member of the CC of the Communist Party (Switzerland) | Switzerland |
Masao Suzuki | Professor of Economics, Skyline College | United States |
Leader | Independent Workers Party of Chicago | United States |
Bhavik Grover | Publisher at The Revoltist | India |
Stefania Fusero | independent researcher | Italy |
Nicolas A Kallas | Marxist-Leninist, Sandinista | United States |
Dustin L. | United States | |
Thomas kipkore | Teacher | Kenya |
Juha Kieksi | Finland | |
Tobias Ian Martin | Australia | |
Miguel Figueroa | President, Canadian Peace Congress | Canada |
Lucas | Brazil | |
Shawn MacKay | United States | |
Daniel Galvan | United States | |
Stephen Gallagher | Attorney | United States |
Simon Maskell | Britain | |
Sami Ghidini | Student | Netherlands |
Kai Thomas Matolat | Student | Australia |
Abayomi Azikiwe | Pan-African News Wire | United States |
Communist Workers League | Communist Workers League | United States |
Alessandro Attanasio | Partito Comunista | Italy |
Paul Chatlain | United States | |
Vítězslav Jiřík | Member of Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia | Czech Republic |
James Wong | Retired | Hong Kong, China |
Liam J. Taylor | Urban Planner | United States |
Sidney Lowe | Marxist | United States |
Leo Bordier Hagen | Rød Ungdom (Red youth Norway) & Rødt (Norway’s sosialist party) | Norway |
Don Mervyn | Malaysia | |
Richard Deutsch | Retired | Britain |
Liam J. Taylor | Urban Planner | United States |
Gotama | Australia | |
Adriana Bernardeschi | La Città Futura | Italy |
Ascanio Bernardeschi | Editor, La Città Futura | Italy |
John McGrath | DSA International Committee (anti-war) | Britain |
Murdo Ritchie | Independent Researcher | Britain |
Frederick | Socialist | United States |
Luna | United States | |
Renne Rus | Netherlands | |
Ryan Bridendolph | United States | |
Kelvin Gall | Editor, | Australia |
Dr Paul Rutherford | Editor, | Australia |
Keith Smith | Retired academic | Britain |
David Sliwinski | Retired former journalist | United States |
Ali J. Zaidi | Contested U.K. Parliamentary Elections in 2005 as an Anti War and Socialist candidate. | Britain |
Terry Wang | Australia | |
A.F. Reysenbach | Belgium | |
S. Henry Calway | Educator & Revolutionary | United States |
Toots | Hundred Flowers Society | United States |
Mark Aston | Skyport Radio | Britain |
Hui Tan | World News Group | Hong Kong, China |
Frederick Frederick | Socialist | United States |
Janek Hill | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Liam Coffey | Australia | |
Doctor Colin Craig | Historian | Britain |
Ben Chiu | Taiwan, China | |
Llux Hawx | United States | |
Sunny Kim | United States | |
J.D. Mersault | Marxist-Leninist | United States |
Sam Petker | United States | |
Miguel Ángel González | Marxist-Leninist and Xi Jinping Thought | Spain |
Connie Reed | Canada | |
Gustavo Reyes | PhD candidate in strategic studies | Italy |
Charles Atkins | Communist Party USA | United States |
Jason Laurent Blakes | The Daily Dig News | United States |
MARIA TERESA PAEZ | activist | Canada |
Yap Hon Ngian | F8 | Singapore |
kedar korde | United States | |
George Vickers | Britain | |
Mark C. Rosenzweig | Former director, Reference Center for Marxist Studies (NYC) | United States |
Mike Lewis | Retired teacher | United States |
Noor Singh | Russia | |
Alexandre Mask | Ambientalista - PCB/BA | Brazil |
Nenad | Serbia | |
Bart Blommaert | Member of PTB (Workers Party of Belgium); Admin of GenZhukov Reddit & Discord | Belgium |
Tristan Campbell | Canada | |
Matt Widdowson | Member, Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Jordan Kiehl | United States | |
Kenneth J Hammond | Pivot to Peace; Party for Socialism and Liberation | United States |
Andrew Dawson | United States | |
Paul Martin | CPUSA | United States |
Andrew Smith | United States | |
Adam David Burch | United States | |
John Prince | Canada | |
Derek Ambrogi | United States | |
Charles Cole | Master's Student at University of Geneva | Switzerland |
Alex Lapp | United States | |
Darian Douraghy | Reporter at Big League Politics | United States |
Piers Maddox | Britain | |
Archibald V. A. Weyland | Student | Netherlands |
Calla Mairead Walsh | Young Communist League | United States |
Geoff Lee | Anti Imperialist and former draughtsman | Britain |
Erik Halvorson | United States | |
Russell Grant | Independent | South Africa |
Ethan Evalobo | United States | |
Jonn Mero | Retired | Norway |
Richard D Dallalio | Communist supporter of Socialist China | United States |
Noah Berman | Britain | |
Ricky Page | United States | |
Peter Olech | Britain | |
Ethan Evalobo | United States | |
Joe Barnes | Young Communist League | Britain |
Pedro Freire | Graduate Student/DSA | United States |
Adrian C.Y. Fu | Canada | |
Bob Ansell | Britain | |
Geoff Lee | Britain | |
Aria Shao | China | |
Mathew Thongminlal | PhD candidate | India |
Ray Gaston | Britain | |
Kalique Vails | United States | |
Peter Olech | Britain | |
Paul Richards | Estuary Press | United States |
Brian Precious | United member | Britain |
Stephen Liebbe | United States | |
Giles Geetooah | United States | |
Tamar Yaron | Israel | |
Clinton Scott | United Kingdom | |
McFaddean Aoraunisaka | Director Pacific Games 2023- Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet | Solomon Islands |
Mason M Colbert | Marxist Leninist | United States |
Marlon Topper | DKP | Germany |
Lara Rosenkranz | Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands - Die Falken | Germany |
Rick Nagin | CPUSA | United States |
M Zhao | United States | |
Michael Voigt | United States | |
Verrant James | Britain | |
Diane Keefauver | Industrial Workers of the World and Communist Party usa | United States |
Kyle De Wolf | United States | |
Gregory Brundage | Editor at Silk Road Virtual University | United States |
Robert Williamson | United States | |
Hanns B Wetzel | Australia | |
Mateo Flores | United States | |
Jonn Mero | Norway | |
Michael Dellwing | Lecturer, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | Germany |
Clark Pagels | United States | |
Michael Ofori-Akuffo | Ghana | |
John El-Amin | United States | |
Will Neville | United States | |
Lee D'Amato | Malta | |
Benjamin Calvete | Active member - Miami DSA | United States |
M Louie | United States | |
王秋鹤 Kole Maravilla | PSL | United States |
Eric Barr | CPUSA | United States |
Mark Blacklock | Journalist, lecturer; member CPB; contributor Global Times | Britain |
Jesse Winney | Workers Party of Britain | Britain |
Grace Stoecker | FRSP | United States |
John Shubert | United States | |
Jonn Mero | Norway | |
Jeff Schindel | Canada | |
Josh van der Merwe | Student at University of York | Britain |
Matthew R. | Chairman, MCP | Britain |
Milovana Curuvija | Britain | |
Larry M Lee | Canada | |
Alvin Tan | Singapore | |
RAFAEL QUEIROZ ALVES | Researcher | Brazil |
Brishni Chattopadhyay | Students Federation Of India | India |
Jerald Davidson | United States | |
Fulya Yurdagül | Germany | |
Khan Jooneed | Writer and Human Rights, also Retired Journalist. | Canada |
Rasigan Maharajh | IERI | South Africa |
Cui Guowei | President/Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association | China |
John A. El-Amin | United States | |
Wilf Dixon | Britain | |
Gabriel Perez | Britain | |
Paul Matters | Wollongong Against Corruption | Australia |
Geoffrey Jones | Retired CEO and CFO - Asia | Hong Kong |
Brandon Love | Canada | |
Adrian Coles | Britain | |
Lou Pavlin | Retired CEO | Australia |
Peter Billington | Secretary, Lancashire Association of Trades Union Councils | Britain |
IGOR TEIXEIRA SENA | Músico e Comunista | Brazil |
Shashank Prasad | India | |
Scott Lewington | Independent | Australia |
Jonathan Ramnac | Australia | |
Henrik Wahren | Australia | |
Juhani Lahtinen | Finland | |
Aeddon Stiles | United States | |
John Allen | Class-conscious wage slave. | United States |
John Miller | Bus Driver | United States |
Justin Freitag | Australia | |
Tshediso Nyamathe | Chairperson ANC Joe Nthejane Branch | South Africa |
James long | Unemployed | United States |
Samuel Braz | Independent Artist & Graduate Student - UFAM | Brazil |
Pasquale Vecchiarelli | La Città Futura | Italia |
Gregory Brundage | Editor/Silk Road Virtual University | Thailand |
Jesse Heller | MLM | United States |
Dr Edgar Ernstbrunner | Britain | |
Jeremy Millen | Britain | |
Kevin Armstrong | Retired Teacher | Britain |
Jack D Sorensen | Public Defender | United States |
Amrit Randay | Canada' | |
Kenneth Campbell | Retired | Britain |
Stephen Leyden | Anti imperialist | Australia |
RAUL BERMELL | Spain | |
Russel Harland | Trade Unionist | Britain |
Hamish Josef Dubsky Prescott | Marxist Leninist - Pro China | Australia/Czech Republic |
Frederick | United States | |
Simon | Scotland | |
Jesse Steinmetz | United States | |
Seb | Spain | |
Mathias Onika | Germany | |
JP Sauveterre | CPUSA | United States |
Joni Sujarman | Aktivist | Indonesia |
Alejandro Sotomayor | Teacher and Researcher | Ecuador |
Mitch Schiller | United States | |
Souvik Sengupta | Researcher/iExec Blockchain Tech | France |
Frederick Frederick | Socialist | United States |
Gary Lefley | Admin/editor, Facebook page for The Socialist Correspondent | Britain |
Gerald A. Perreira | Chair, Organization for the Victory of the People | Guyana |
Omar Rabbee | Bangladesh | |
Avril Marx | CPUSA, DSA, IWW, SRA | United States |
Hanna Estephan Eid | Teacher | United States |
Fin Deane | Communist Party of Britain / Young Communist League | Britain |
Mengyuan Zheng | United States | |
Pernet | France | |
Erik Höhne | Deutsche Kommunistische Partei DKP | Germany |
Johanna | Mathematical scientist | Netherlands |
Clive Haswell | Britain | |
Robert Amos | Workers Party of Britain | Britain |
Margaret Hepburn | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Lee Campbell | Teacher | Britain |
Brad Jansen | member- CPUSA | United States |
Lauren Conway | Britain | |
Corey Garriott | Canada | |
Versbraegen | Belgium | |
John Lessells | Britain | |
Jason Hunt | United States | |
Shane Gannon | United States | |
Margaret Hepburn | Communist Party of Britain | Scotland |
Thomas McKinlay | Marxist-Leninist | Wales |
Kelley Zhou | Orinoco Tribune | United States |
Natasha Hoherchak | United States | |
A. Madcow | Retired Data Manager NHS | Britain |
Joe Nally | Anti-capitalism | United States |
Kaivon Kjems | Marxist-Leninist | Denmark |
Kooper Caraway | Executive Director - Service Employees International Union of Connecticut | United States |
Mark Campey | New Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Lee Lynch | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Steve | United States | |
Michael J Anderson | CP USA | United States |
Charles and Karen McFadden | Canada | |
Jeanine Maland | long time grassroots organizer | United States |
Dan Morgan | Chile | |
Massimiliano | Italy | |
Ian Sidebottom | Canada | |
Colin Thomson | Individual | Britain |
Stuart Booth | Retired Lecturer | Britain |
Cat | Student who supports world peace | Britain |
Adrian Perry | Britain | |
Ben Ughetti | CPB | Britain |
Oliver Martin | Britain | |
Logan Wiliams | Britain | |
Michael J Anderson | United States | |
Eric Mar | Emeritus Professor/San Francisco State University | United States |
Nicholas Robert | PhD Researcher | United States |
Lauren | Psychology teacher in China | UK |
Stig R. Wangberg | Norway | |
Emil Lau Boost | Kommunistisk Parti | Denmark |
Morrigan Johnson | The Calgary Peace Council | Canada |
sun tzu | journalist | France |
Gary Porter | Socialist Action | Canada |
Hamish Josef Dubsky Prescott | Czech Republic | |
Joao Nunes | Portugal | |
Huang | Indonesia | |
Jesse Steinmetz | United States | |
Tadele Addisu | promotion and Event officer | Ethiopia |
Charles C. | CPUSA | Switzerland |
David Wraxall (aka Dave Puller) | Writer/poet/ psychotherapist | Britain |
Brian Mein | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Peter Rainsbury | Individual | Britain |
Ray Collins | Britain | |
David Taylor Searle | Retired dental surgeon | Britain |
Piers Maddox | Britain | |
Ann Green | British Pensioner Magazine | Britain |
Clint Harrison | United States | |
Marc Shuman | Comrade/Ally | United States |
Paul Whitehouse | Trade union activist in higher education (UNISON) | Britain |
Richard C Brown | United States | |
Andrew Like | United States | |
Hilary Leerman | DAWN! Daytonians Against War Now! | United States |
Francis James C. Pagdanganan | Philippines | |
Na-iem Dollie | Chief Editor: Education as Change | South Africa |
Gearóid Ó Machail | National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland | Ireland |
Michael | N/A | United States |
Dr Christopher Erswell | Unite | Britain |
Jesse Heller | United States | |
Marcel Cartier | Journalist, Hip-Hop Artist | Germany |
Marko Velimir Kobak | Marxist-Leninist | Canada |
Craig Bell | United States | |
Judith V. Moreno | Colombia | |
Aidan Johnson | Korean Friendship Association | United States |
Mark Anthony France | Britain | |
Teresa Sanchez | United States | |
Mollie Solomon | Canada | |
Joseph Dumortier | Emeritus Full Professor of Law KU Leuven-Belgium | Belgium |
Sara Birkby | CPUSA | United States |
John A. El-Amin | United States | |
Timothy Buchanan | CPUSA | United States |
Dr. Muhammadi | Associate Director Research, Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS), Islamabad | Pakistan |
Agney Shaji | India | |
Lachlan M | Communist Party of Australia | Australia |
Craig Bell | United States | |
Rui Miguel da Cunha Campos | Portugal | |
Sean Esrafily | Class Unity | United States |
Jonathan Gonzales | N/A | United States |
JJ Curtis | Britain | |
Mikhail | Head of the Ideology branch of the local organization/ Young Communist League (LKSM) | Russia |
Stefan Vukovic | President at Eurasian Diplomatic Center | Russia |
Benjamin Schalke | Marxist-Leninist | United States |
Robert Poole | Editor - Education for Tomorrow | Britain |
Gerardo Del Val Cid | Asociacion Cultural Sierra Oeste de Madrid | Spain |
amirudin muhammad | Mahasiswa | Indonesia |
Mahdi Talebipour | Marxist Leninist | Iran |
G. Gopikrishnan | Students Federation Of India | India |
Hayrettin Belli | Socialism studies association. Member | Turkey |
Philip Cosgrove | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Robyn Bray | Assistant Professor | Scotland/China |
Leonard Shannon-Bright | Young Communist League and Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Bud Carlson | Contract CFO | United States |
Anish Ankur | Communist Party of India | India |
Victoria | Communist Party of Britian Member | Britain |
Matthew Jones | Britain | |
Matthew Toczko | CPUSA (Bloomington-Normal Club) | United States |
Dempsey Keppa | Former public servant | Republic of Nauru |
Charles Yan | United States | |
Scott Lewington | Independent | Australia |
Hans Jørgen Mala Milde | Chairman of the Communisty Party in Bergen & Organizational Secretary of the Young Comminsts in Norway | Norway |
Alf Beckinsale | Anti-imperialist activist and journalist | Britain |
Brian Rowe | United States | |
Julian | Chairman New Unity Movement | South Africa |
Graham Harrington | International Secretary, Communist Party of Ireland | Ireland |
Neil Wicks | Retired | United States |
edmund vanroosendael | Australia | |
Aden Wells | United States | |
Trond Marius Pettersen Jarsve | Red Party (Norway) | Norway |
Shiran Illanperuma | Sri Lanka | |
Martin Hall | CPB | Britain |
Dempsey Keppa | Retired public servants | Nauru |
Ralph Petroff | German Communist Party (DKP) | Germany |
Robert Evans | Britain | |
Mike Beranek | Quakers in Britain | Britain |
Thomas bloomstine | Denmark | |
Marc Shuman | United States | |
Reb Zhou | marxist anti-imperialist | China |
Calum Baird | Britain | |
Nick | Chair/unite hospitality | Scotland |
Gage Bearson | United States | |
Abdulla Almadhi | Marxist Leninist | Bahrain |
Simon Gorman | Australia | |
Colum McDonagh | Individual | Ireland |
James Braithwaite | RMT London Transport Regional Council, Apprentice Officern | Britain |
Steve Weaver | Retired | Britain |
Abdulla Almadhi | Bahrain | |
Steven Coffey | United States | |
Tian Wong | Britain | |
David Wraxall (aka Dave Puller) | Writer/poet | Britain |
David Adkins | N/A | United States |
Joseph Allen | Not affiliated with any organization | United States |
James Baillie MA Theology | Independent Liberation Theologian | Britain |
Alexandros Schulman | Anti-imperialist Secretary, Workers Party Britain | Britain |
Arthur Massingham | YCL | Britain |
Peter Macpherson | Pensioner | Britain |
Hipólita Fernández | AGC/CGT, union delegate and national collective bargaining commission member | Argentina |
Michael Stocks | Britain | |
Vernon S. | Graduate Student | United States |
Gustav Duarte | ML, deng xiaopingtheory/xi jinping thought | Brazil |
N. Camp | YCL | Britain |
Michael Stocks | Britain | |
Sue Turner | Great Britain | |
Liam Hokkanen | Canada | |
Eirik Stefansen | Norway | |
Sunil Suwal | Head of Department | Nepal |
Jackson Ciolfi | United States | |
Madhusudan Rimal | PhD Candidate at the University of Alberta, Edmonton | Canada |
Chris Nyland | Professor - Business and Economics Monash University | Australia |
BRIAND | France | |
Damien J. Baldwin | Socialist student | United States |
Jonathan Bailey | United States | |
Zhaonan Lin | New York University | China |
Huib van Amstel | Netherlands | |
Lallan Schoenstein | Struggle-La Lucha | United States |
Bob Kolstad | Activist | United States |
Gus | anarchist | United States |
Fin Dale | independant | Britain |
casydie | Socialist | United States |
Adam Lewis | United States | |
Oliver Goldthorpe | Britain | |
Caleb chura | United States | |
Jack O'Rourke | Ireland | |
Jack Cassidy | Marxism-Leninism/Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland | Ireland |
Eva | Student | Palestine |
Angela Abbs | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Simon Karmisholt | Denmark | |
Matt Edwards | Socialist | United States |
Leonardo D. P. | Marxist International Party | Germany |
kevin thompson | farmer-----gardener | New Zealand |
Ryan Stanage | Communist | Northern Ireland |
Ricardo Simões | Member of the Portuguese Communist Party | Portugal |
Callum Norris | Young Communist League | Britain |
Douglas de Castro | Professor of Law, lanzhou University | China |
Janina Paasonen | Student at University of Helsinki | Finland |
betsy dilello | unemployed | United States |
Zhang Han | China | |
Bonnie Setiawan | Resistance and Alternatives to Globalization | Indonesia |
Rodrigo Dedes | Chile | |
Bruno | Estudiante escolar | Chile |
Brendon Charest | Administrative member of the Trois-Rivières association of the Conservative Party of Canada | Canada |
thomas bloomstine | Denmark | |
Bud Carlson | Financial Consultant | United States |
Danny Jennings | Chair, CPB Greater Manchester Branch | Britain |
Troy Heagy | American Communist Party | United States |
Sa'id Abdul Latif | Marxist-Leninist | United States |
Liz Matthews | average human | United States |
Seth Allen | Comrade/Ally | United States |
Martha Duenas | Member/Pulan Collective | United States |
Creighton Ward | United States | |
Lynn Best | Germany | |
Aaron G. | Germany | |
Betty Nobue Kano | United States | |
John Revie | Scotland | |
Keith Hays | United States | |
魏玮 | China | |
Dimitri C. | Italy | |
Tommy McKearney | Ireland | |
Jananthan Thavarajah | Sri Lanka | |
Martha Duenas Baum | Member/Pulan Collective | US |
Muhammad Ameer hamza | Awami (Peoples) Workers Party Pakistan | Pakistan |
Redsite pakistan | political workers website | Pakistan |
Don "Orfeo" Rechtman | USA | |
Uhuru McCray | Social work | Sweden |
Nick Kollerstrom | I co-manage the 'Keeptalking group' which has met mothly for the last 12 years in london | Britain |
Ari On | DSA | United States |
Siyang | Britain | |
Kieran Coles | CPB/YCL Member | Scotland |
Markus Moenig | Thailand | |
Gabriel Joaquin Marcus Willrodt | United States | |
Rehan Abeysekera | Workers Party Member | Britain |
Pamela H | United States | |
Emil Osmicevic | United States | |
John Fisher | United States | |
Ben D Verdin | Marxist-Leninist | United States |
Bailey Thomas | United States | |
纳帕亨利 | Mathematics Teacher | Britain |
A Catrina | Communist Party of Britain | Britain |
Murtala Ibrahim | Germany | |
Thomas Koert | Britain | |
juri Peter | Communist | Germany |
Jerzy Ziętek | Comrade | Poland |
Ashlyn Pizana | N/A | United States |
Gerrard Anthony Sables | Britain | |
Nathan Hennebry | Communist Party of Britain | Scotland |
Tyler Allen | Member of CPUSA | United States |
Pauline | Britain | |
Joao Delgado Nunes | Portuguese Communist Party | Portugal |
Dempsey Keppa | Retired Nauru public servant | Nauru |
Jey Clayton | Workers World Party | United States |
Scott F | Marxist Leninist | Scotland |
Carlos Villanueva | Pastor-Fate Music | United States |
Mary Adossides | Chair of Brent Trades council/GLATUC (Greater London Association of the TUC) | Britain |
L Scott Blankenship | Scientist. Member of Communist Party of Britain. | Britain |
Betsy dilello | United States | |
Murat | BilimKoop | Turkiye |
John Nix | United States | |
Michael Belton | United States | |
Oncu Erk Gokdogan | Turkiye | |
Tom Cole | Equalities Rep, Unite the Union | Britain |
Harry Johnstone | Communist Party of Britain (member) | Britain |
Jack | United States | |
Syd Locke | United States | |
Jessica Ryan | United States | |
Sara Bajocco | Italy | |
Atlanta Rey | Student | Britain |