Fu Cong: The tragedy in Gaza is unimaginable and unbelievable in the 21st century

Within the first ten days of October, Chinese Ambassador Fu Cong has spoken out strongly in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) against the criminal behaviour, war crimes and atrocities of the Israeli regime as well as against the support, connivance and protection afforded to it by the United States.

On October 10, speaking at the UNSC Briefing on the Lebanese-Israeli Situation, Ambassador Fu stated:

“A few hours ago, the IDF [“Israeli ‘Defence’ Force”] attacked UNIFIL [UN peace keepers] positions and an observation tower, causing injuries to UNIFIL personnel. China expresses grave concerns and strong condemnation. UNIFIL carries out its peacekeeping tasks under the mandate from the Security Council resolution. Any deliberate attacks on peacekeepers constitute a severe violation of international humanitarian law and Security Council Resolution 1701.”

He went on to make three points:

First, since October last year, the series of destabilising events that have taken place in the Middle East have resulted in more than 100,000 civilian casualties and left millions of people displaced. The cleanup work will take a decade or so. What’s more, the trauma brought by conflicts will be a lingering nightmare for generations to come. The Middle East cannot afford a full-scale war.

Second, achieving a ceasefire must be an overarching priority. We note that all parties in Lebanon have already made a unanimous call for an immediate ceasefire. The Arab League has also issued an explicit appeal. It is clear who holds the key to ending this crisis.

Third, there is no time to lose for the Council to act. Clearly referring to the United States. he said: “We urge a certain country to stop its passive procrastination, cover-up, and connivance. Instead, it should act responsibly and play a constructive role in order to prevent further destabilisation of the situation.”

The previous day, during the UNSC Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Gaza, he noted:

Two million people in Gaza are struggling under the blockade and fire, and one out of every fifty people has suffered violent death. The authority of international law seems to exist in name only for certain states, and the bottom line of international humanitarian law has been repeatedly shattered. The tragedy in Gaza is unimaginable and unbelievable in the 21st century. Like many Council members, China is shocked, disappointed, and outraged. However, we do not believe that the Palestinian people are destined to suffer. Nor do we believe that the Council as a collective body has exhausted all efforts to maintain peace.

We cannot accept that death and hunger have become the new normal in Gaza. Gaza is already an inferno on Earth. For the people there, humanitarian aid is the hope for survival. The role of UNRWA [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] is indispensable and irreplaceable. China firmly opposes Israel’s smearing and suppression of UNRWA and is gravely concerned about the relevant Knesset [Israeli parliament] bills targeting the Agency.

We cannot allow the conflict to drag on and expand. We cannot just sit back and watch the entire Middle East plunging into an all-out war. The harsh reality has proved that winning a war does not necessarily mean having peace, military might alone cannot guarantee lasting security, and the obsession with force only creates more killings and hatred. Israel must cease all military operations in Gaza and put an end to the collective punishment of the people in Gaza. The intensified settlement activities and violence in the West Bank were a de-facto obliteration of the foundation of the two-State solution, and must stop immediately. Lebanon must not become the next Gaza.

We cannot ignore the marginalisation of the Council. There is broad consensus among the vast majority of Council members on the Palestinian-Israeli issue. After repeated vetoes of the Council’s demand for an immediate ceasefire, the US put forward a ceasefire initiative last May, claiming that Israel had accepted it and requesting the Council’s support for an agreement through diplomatic talks. However, over the past five months, the so-called diplomatic efforts seemed to be going in circles, and more time and patience have led to greater civilian casualties and more reckless military adventurism.

Days earlier, on October 2, Ambassador Fu addressed a previous UNSC Briefing on the Lebanese-Israeli Situation. He said: “I would like to reiterate China’s resolute support for the Secretary-General’s work, and we oppose Israel’s groundless accusations against him,” and continued:

“Following the remotely operated and simultaneous detonation of thousands of communications devices in Lebanon, Israel carried out several rounds of large-scale airstrikes in southern and eastern Lebanon, and launched ground offensive and military incursion into Lebanon yesterday. Israel also intensified airstrikes against Syria.”

He then carefully and precisely added: “Iran has concluded a series of military attacks on the military and security targets of Israel, and sent correspondence to the Security Council explaining its position”, and noted that China condemns “all violence and attacks against civilians.” [Emphasis added by us.]

“Gaza has become a hell on Earth. In the meantime, in Lebanon, there has been massive destruction of civilian facilities, thousands of casualties, and more than one million people displaced from their homes, including a large number of Palestinian refugees.”

Finally, he addressed himself to the United States, as well as a tiny number of other countries, including Britain: “With the current situation hanging by a thread, any passive procrastination would be irresponsible, and any rhetoric of condoning further military adventurism would send a wrong message and could cause serious consequences. We hope major countries with influence will adopt a sincere and responsible attitude and earnestly play a constructive role to avoid further escalation of the situation.”

Continue reading Fu Cong: The tragedy in Gaza is unimaginable and unbelievable in the 21st century

Message of greeting from the DFLP on the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

We reprint below the message of greetings that was sent from the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), which was read to the events held by Friends of Socialist China in London and New York marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

In their message, the Palestinian comrades note that China is known for defending the cause of the Palestinian people and that it sponsored dialogue between the Palestinian factions to achieve internal unity and consensus on a Palestinian government, with the aim of stopping projects related to the future of the Gaza Strip that do not reflect the ambitions of the Palestinian people.

We were honoured to receive this message sent from the embattled and heroic city of Beirut.

It has been lightly edited by us for style.

Dear Comrades

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) sends its greetings to the participants, and hopes for the success of the conference on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, known for defending the cause of the Palestinian people who face an Israeli colonial and apartheid regime, which commits massacres and crimes against the Palestinian people; and which sponsored dialogue between the Palestinian factions to achieve internal unity and consensus on a Palestinian government, with the aim of stopping projects related to the future of the Gaza Strip that do not reflect the ambitions of the Palestinian people.

The DFLP appreciates your struggle in defending the rights of the Palestinian people stipulated in international legitimacy resolutions, specifically their right to self-determination and ending the Israeli occupation of their lands based on the decision of the International Court of Justice, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of refugees to their homes in accordance with UN Resolution 194.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) points out the necessity of sustaining the relationship between us in order to defend the interests of the people and confront global imperialism that contributes to the destruction of societies and countries, as well as with all leftist parties that are struggling to reach this goal.

The DFLP hopes you continue to provide your permanent political support to the Palestinian people and the just Palestinian cause.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Department of Foreign Affairs

September 2024

Building on past achievements and forging ahead together toward a Community with a Shared Future

Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, visited New York from September 22-28 to attend the United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future and the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly as the special representative of President Xi Jinping.

During that week, in a hectic program, Wang Yi also attended a number of events hosted by China, including to promote the Global Development Initiative and to enhance international cooperation on AI, as well as multilateral events, including the Security Council High Level Open Debate, the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting and the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting. He also met with the UN Secretary-General, the President of the 79th session of the General Assembly, and with leaders and foreign ministers of numerous countries.

On September 28, Wang Yi addressed the General Assembly, taking as his theme, ‘Building on Past Achievements and Forging Ahead Together Toward a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity’. He stated that:

This institution, the United Nations, embodies the aspirations of people across the world for lasting peace and common prosperity, and bears witness to the glorious journey of the international community coming together in pursuit of progress. President Xi Jinping stressed on multiple occasions that the role of the UN should be strengthened, not weakened.

He went on to note that, in today’s world:

  • The security of all countries is tied together. In the face of various kinds of global challenges and risks, no one can stay immune or enjoy security alone. Countries need to be guided by a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We should respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, take the legitimate security concerns of others seriously, and resolve disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation.
  • The development of all countries is deeply integrated. If the rich get richer while the poor remain poor, then “everyone is born equal” would become an empty slogan, and fairness and justice would be even more elusive. Achieving modernisation is a legitimate right of the people of all countries, not a prerogative of a few.
  • Each civilisation has its own strengths. President Xi Jinping pointed out that there is no such thing as a superior or inferior civilisation, and civilisations are different only in identity and location. We should respect the diversity of civilisations and strive to replace estrangement and clash of civilisations with exchanges and mutual learning.
  • Countries should all enjoy sovereign equality. As a large number of Global South nations are growing with a strong momentum, gone are the days when one or two major powers call the shots on everything. We should advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world, and see that all countries, regardless of their size, have their own place and role in the multipolar system.

Prior to addressing a number of the acute areas of conflict and tension at present, the Chinese Foreign Minister noted that:

Peace is the most precious thing in our world today. You may wonder if there is a path leading to peace. In fact, peace is the path. Without peace, development will not sustain; without peace, cooperation cannot happen. For the sake of peace, a single ray of hope is reason enough not to give up; the slightest chance deserves a hundredfold effort.

Besides outlining China’s positions on Ukraine and Afghanistan, Wang said:

The question of Palestine is the biggest wound to human conscience. As we speak, the conflict in Gaza is still going on, causing more civilian casualties with each passing day. Fighting has spread to Lebanon; might must not take the place of justice. Palestine’s long-held aspiration to establish an independent state should not be shunned anymore, and the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people should not be ignored any longer.

China, he added, has always been a staunch supporter of the just cause of the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate national rights, and a staunch supporter of Palestine’s full UN membership. We have recently helped to bring about breakthroughs in intra-Palestine reconciliation and will continue to work in concert with like-minded countries for a comprehensive and just settlement of the question of Palestine and durable peace and security in the Middle East.

The Korean peninsula, he stressed, should not experience war again. The important thing is to make persistent effort for de-escalation, commit to seeking solutions through dialogue and consultation, realise a transition from the armistice to a peace mechanism, and safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula.

China, once a victim of foreign power bullying, knows full well the value of peace and the hard-won gains of development. In fact, China is the only major country that has written peaceful development into its constitution, and the only country among the five nuclear-weapon states [recognised by the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)] to pledge no-first-use of nuclear weapons.

Wang further noted that:

In the face of unilateral, bullying acts such as sanctions and blockade, China firmly supports countries in defending their legitimate rights, upholding the equity and openness of the international system, making global development more coordinated and beneficial for all, and jointly opposing technology blockade and rejecting decoupling or severing supply chains. Sanctions and pressure will not bring monopolistic advantages. Suppressing and containing others will not solve problems at home. The right of people of all countries to pursue a better life should not be taken away. Here, we once again urge the United States to completely lift its blockade, sanctions and terrorism-related designation against Cuba.

In the face of aggravating ecological challenges, he said that China is firmly committed to a path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development. We will move from carbon peaking to carbon neutrality in the shortest time span in world history, contributing China’s efforts to harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

In conclusion, Wang Yi stated that:

Next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of this very organisation. China stands ready to work with all countries to renew the founding purposes and mission of the UN, reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the UN Charter, advocate and practice true multilateralism, build a community with a shared future for humanity, and jointly usher in a better world.

The following is the full text of the Chinese Foreign Minister’s speech. It was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Mr. President,

Continue reading Building on past achievements and forging ahead together toward a Community with a Shared Future

China’s UN representative: Ending the occupation is not an option but a legal obligation for Israel

On Tuesday 17 September, the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine addressed the United Nations General Assembly, introducing a text entitled Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The text was adopted by a two-thirds majority, with 124 voting in favour, 14 against, and 43 abstaining. China voted in favour, as did the other socialist and progressive countries. The US voted against and Britain abstained.

Speaking in support of the resolution, Fu Cong, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN, said:

“Decades of occupation and oppression have inflicted untold sufferings on the Palestinian people, and made the long-cherished dream of independent statehood ever more elusive… Ending the occupation is not an option, but a legal obligation for Israel… Independent statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people as a nation, which is unquestionable and undeniable.”

Ambassador Fu added:

“Today is a historic moment. The State of Palestine has taken a seat among Member States and introduced a draft resolution to the General Assembly that focuses on the implementation of the advisory opinion of the ICJ. China will vote in favor of the draft resolution. We hope that this GA resolution will give new impetus to ending the occupation, implementing the two-State solution, and advancing the Middle East peace process.”

At a Security Council briefing the previous day, Geng Shuang, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, noted that, “despite strong joint international calls for a ceasefire and the cessation of killings, Israel has not halted its military operations, which have led to the death of over 41,000 Palestinian civilians”. It is “past belief” that this terrible tragedy continues in spite of the repeated calls of the international community for a ceasefire. Ambassador Geng pointed to the US’s repeated blocking of ceasefire attempts:

“Had the US not shielded one side time and again, multiple resolutions of this council would not have been flagrantly rejected and defied… We urge the United States to show a responsible attitude, use the significant influence it holds over the party, and take tangible actions to push Israel to cease its military operations without delay, as demanded by the Council resolutions, to give the long-suffering Palestinian people a chance to live.”

We republish below the full remarks by Ambassadors Fu Cong and Geng Shuang.

Remarks by Ambassador Fu Cong at the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on the Palestinian Question

Sep 17 (MFA) — President,

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been dragging on for over seven decades. Generations of Palestinians have lost their homes and been displaced. This is a gaping wound of the world today. Decades of occupation and oppression have inflicted untold sufferings on the Palestinian people, and made the long-cherished dream of independent statehood ever more elusive. 

Ending the occupation is not an option, but a legal obligation for Israel. The International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion issued on July 19, unequivocally concluded that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is a violation of international law which impedes the realization of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and that Israel is under an obligation to immediately bring to an end its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territories. The advisory opinion of the ICJ affirms the long-standing consensus of the international community and pinpoints the crux of the Palestinian question. We urge Israel to heed the strong call of the international community by immediately ending its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory. 

Continue reading China’s UN representative: Ending the occupation is not an option but a legal obligation for Israel

Tunnel Warfare – From China and Vietnam to the Gaza Strip

A specific military art of tunnel warfare, as a distinct component of people’s war, was developed by the Chinese communists in the 1930s during the war to resist Japanese aggression. It was subsequently utilised by the Korean and Vietnamese peoples in their wars against US imperialist aggression and is now playing an important part in the Arab resistance to Zionism and imperialism in Palestine, Lebanon and Yemen.

In a recent article written for The Palestine Chronicle, Enrico Di Gregorio, a Brazilian journalist who currently writes for A Nova Democracia, explains:

“More than 80 years after the Chinese communists began building tunnels to resist the Japanese invasion of their country, this tactic of the people’s war, derived from a broader military theory, is still current and developing.

“On July 16, the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah released a video about an underground military base with impressive capabilities: in the footage, fighters circulate on foot, on motorcycles and in trucks fuelled with rockets, through carefully dug tunnels… Elsewhere on the same base, soldiers work and are treated in a field hospital and provided with supplies that will allow them to survive for a year underground, according to the Al-Mayadeen news outlet.”

The 1965 Chinese film, ‘Tunnel Warfare’, “portrays the different tricks invented by the masses in the tunnels, such as a system that captured the water sent by the Japanese in flood attempts and redirected it to the villages, to reuse it for basic day-to-day operations.

“Experts point out that there is a relationship of influence between the tactics used in Asia and those employed by the Arab peoples. ‘Tunnels have been used for thousands of years, but the Vietnamese and Chinese have used them particularly successfully. There are several direct references to these experiences in Fatah and PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine] materials,’ argues researcher Alberto García Molinero, from the University of Granada.”

Referring to the developments in the Palestinian revolution in the 1960s, Molinero adds: “The success of the guerrilla struggle strategy was very much inspired by China and Vietnam. Both Asian countries were a major global inspiration for the world’s revolutionaries, much more so than the Soviet Union. This was due to various factors, including the essence of Maoism. Both Mao, with his concept of people’s war, and the Vietnamese demonstrated that it was possible to defeat an infinitely superior enemy, such as imperialism, as long as you mobilise the people for the cause.”

Tunnels began to be built in Gaza in the 1980s and later by Hezbollah in Lebanon and by the Ansarallah movement (more commonly known as the Houthis) in Yemen.

“Today, there is no denying that tunnels play a fundamental role in the anti-imperialist war waged by the various Arab organisations. The scale that these structures have reached is impressive: in 2016, the former head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh (assassinated by Israel in July 2024), said that the tunnel network in Gaza is twice the size of the Cu Chi tunnels [which had around 250 kilometres of interconnected passages interspersed with small chambers used as classrooms and outpatient clinics and entrances and exits scattered throughout the rainforest.]”

Di Gregiorio concludes: “The anti-imperialist struggle in the Middle East has shown, more than any other revolutionary experience in the 21st century to date, the incredible relevance of the armed struggle and military doctrine developed in China and applied, even partially, by the Arab peoples.”

We reprint the article below.

More than 80 years after the Chinese communists began building tunnels to resist the Japanese invasion of their country, this tactic of the people’s war, derived from a broader military theory, is still current and developing.

On July 16, the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah released a video about an underground military base with impressive capabilities: in the footage, fighters circulate on foot, on motorcycles and in trucks fueled with rockets, through carefully dug tunnels.

In large chambers, combatants plan day-to-day military operations, while others drive several trucks to gates that, when opened, allow missiles to be fired directly at Israeli territory.

Elsewhere on the same base, soldiers work and are treated in a field hospital and provided with supplies that will allow them to survive for a year underground, according to the Al-Mayadeen news outlet.

Everything takes place in secret. High-tech equipment guarantees absolute encryption of the information, which is transmitted in a combination of speed and clandestinity.

The video shows the remarkable development of tunnel warfare by oppressed peoples, particularly the Arabs, some 50 years after experiences such as the Vietnam War (1955-1975) – one of those conflicts responsible for making this guerrilla tactic famous throughout the world.

Continue reading Tunnel Warfare – From China and Vietnam to the Gaza Strip

The Beijing Declaration is a key step to resolve the Palestinian question

In the following article, which was originally contributed to Al Jazeera, China’s Ambassador to Qatar, Cao Xiaolin explains the significance of the July meeting in Beijing of Palestine’s 14 main resistance movements. 

According to Cao: “The important consensus from the Beijing talks is to achieve reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions. The core outcome is the affirmation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people. The biggest highlight is the agreement on establishing an interim government of national reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza. The strongest call is for establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.”

In contrast to those who either see the Beijing meeting and its resultant declaration as a panacea or those who dismiss it as of little consequence, the Ambassador highlights the need to make “incremental progress”, noting: “Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity. On the path towards reconciliation, China shares the same direction and destination with Arab and Islamic countries.”

He adds that: “China and many of the Middle Eastern countries are bound by similar memories of the devastation wrought by imperialism and colonialism, and share a kindred pursuit of national liberation, independence and self-reliance… China has no selfish interests in the Palestinian question. It was among the first countries to recognise the PLO and the State of Palestine, and all along has firmly supported the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights.”

The Palestinian question is at the core of the Middle East issue. Over the past years, China has put forward proposals and taken action to address the Palestinian question with Chinese wisdom and solutions.

At China’s invitation, senior representatives of 14 Palestinian factions engaged in dialogue in Beijing in July and signed the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity. The Beijing Dialogue was the most inclusive and in-depth reconciliation talks of 14 political factions to date.

The important consensus from the Beijing talks is to achieve reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions. The core outcome is the affirmation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people. The biggest highlight is the agreement on establishing an interim government of national reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza. The strongest call is for establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.

Mousa Abu Marzouk, head of the Hamas delegation to the Beijing Dialogue, declared Hamas’s readiness to implement the Beijing Declaration, strengthen unity among factions and advance the reconciliation process to achieve Palestinian national unity. Mahmoud al-Aloul, deputy chief of the Fatah movement, said China is a light and its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions are rare on the international stage. European Union Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process Sven Koopmans stressed it is a remarkable achievement and fully demonstrates China’s positive and constructive role in the Middle East peace process.

The key to the Palestinian reconciliation process is to bolster confidence, keep in the right direction, and make incremental progress. Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity. On the path towards reconciliation, China shares the same direction and destination with Arab and Islamic countries.

At present, the Gaza conflict is dragging on and its spillovers continue to spread, as multiple regional conflicts are interconnected. To help get out of the current conflict and predicament, China proposes a three-step initiative.

The first step is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground. The international community should build more synergy for ending the hostilities and establishing a ceasefire.

The second step is to make joint efforts towards post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine”. Gaza is an inseparable, integral part of Palestine. Restarting post-conflict reconstruction as soon as possible is an urgent priority. The international community needs to support Palestinian factions in establishing an interim national consensus government and realising the effective management of Gaza and the West Bank.

The third step is to help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-state solution. It is important to support the convening of a broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution.

The three-step initiative lays out a detailed and feasible plan for peacefully resolving the Palestinian question, contributing to building consensus among all stakeholders and guiding the Palestinian question back on the right track of a political solution.

China and many of the Middle Eastern countries are bound by similar memories of the devastation wrought by imperialism and colonialism, and share a kindred pursuit of national liberation, independence and self-reliance. China has never engaged in geopolitical confrontation or seeking proxies in the Middle East, nor does it intend to draw spheres of influence to fill the so-called power vacuum in the region.

China has no selfish interests in the Palestinian question. It was among the first countries to recognise the PLO and the State of Palestine, and all along has firmly supported the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights.

There is no simple solution to the Palestinian question, and peace cannot be achieved overnight. The intra-Palestinian reconciliation will bring hope and a future to the Palestinian people. It is an important step towards resolving the Palestinian question and achieving stability in the Middle East.

China firmly supports the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights and supports the people of Middle Eastern countries in holding their future in their own hands. China looks forward to the day when Palestinian factions achieve internal reconciliation and, on that basis, realise national unity and independent statehood as early as possible. China will continue to work relentlessly to this end, making more contributions to promoting peace and prosperity in the region.

China strongly condemns Israeli operations and settlement expansion in the West Bank

In its latest statement at the United Nations Security Council on the question of Palestine, China has drawn serious attention to the situation on the occupied West Bank, where Israel is increasingly replicating the openly genocidal measures it has employed in the Gaza Strip for the last nearly one year.

Speaking at a UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, on August 29, Ambassador Geng Shuang first referred to the situation in Gaza, where, in the past month alone, “Israel issued 16 emergency evacuation orders. Schools and refugee camps that sheltered a large number of people were targeted in attacks. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to flee time and again, unable to find a safe place of living,” and where the polio virus seriously threatens the health of children,

He continued: “In the West Bank, Israel continues to violate international law and Council resolutions, its settlements continue to grow, and it ramps up searches, arrests, and raids against Palestinians. Since last October, over 620 Palestinians have lost their lives. Yesterday, the Israeli military launched a large-scale military operation targeting Tulkarm, Jenin, and Tubas, among others in the West Bank, which resulted in at least 10 deaths and many injuries. China strongly condemns this. Senior Israeli officials in the government recently spoke of using the same approach in the West Bank as they have employed in operations in Gaza. We are shocked and seriously concerned by such extreme remarks that risk global condemnation. Gaza has now turned into hell on earth. We must never allow the same humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza to happen in the West Bank, which will turn the West Bank into another hell on earth.”

We reprint below the full text of Ambassador Geng Shuang’s remarks. It was originally published on the website of China Permanent Mission to the UN.

Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question


I thank Switzerland and the UK for requesting this meeting, and thank Assistant Secretary-General Joyce Msuya and Deputy Director-General Mike Ryan for their briefings.

Over 10 months have passed since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza, which has led to the death of over 40,000 civilians and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. Despite the repeated calls by the international community for an end to the fighting, the multiple resolutions adopted by the Security Council in this regard, and provisional measures ordered by the ICJ, the situation has not seen any improvement. Rather, it continues to worsen.

In the past month alone, the conflict has consumed the lives of over 1,000 people in Gaza. Israel issued 16 emergency evacuation orders. Schools and refugee camps that sheltered a large number of people were targeted in attacks. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to flee time and again, unable to find a safe place of living. Israel continued to further suppress and restrict the UN and other humanitarian organizations, frequently rejecting deliveries of supplies such as fuel. Recently, humanitarian agencies were compelled to evacuate from their centers and warehouses in Deir al-Balah, further causing serious damage to the humanitarian system in Gaza.

The polio virus seriously threatens the health of children in Gaza. Vaccination is the most effective way to stem the spread of the virus and ensure the safety of children. Virus knows no borders. China supports the appeal by Secretary-General Guterres and urges Israel, in a responsible manner towards its own children and those of the region, to provide security guarantee and facilitation to the vaccination work. We support the Council in making a strong appeal to this end to avoid further worsening of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

In the West Bank, Israel continues to violate international law and Council resolutions, its settlements continue to grow, and it ramps up searches, arrests, and raids against Palestinians. Since last October, over 620 Palestinians have lost their lives. Yesterday, the Israeli military launched a large scale military operation targeting Tulkarm, Jenin, and Tubas, among others in the West Bank, which resulted in at least 10 deaths and many injuries. China strongly condemns this. Senior Israeli officials in the government recently spoke of using the same approach in the West Bank as they have employed in operations in Gaza. We are shocked and seriously concerned by such extreme remarks that risk global condemnation. Gaza has now turned into hell on earth. We must never allow the same humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza to happen in the West Bank, which will turn the West Bank into another hell on earth. China opposes any rhetoric or action that fuels tensions, condemns all attacks on civilians, and calls on all the parties concerned, Israel in particular, to remain calm and exercise restraint and prevent further escalation of the situation.


The priority now is to fully implement the four Council resolutions on the situation in Gaza, promote an immediate and durable ceasefire, and effectively ease the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Ceasefire negotiations cannot be indefinitely delayed, still less should they be used as an excuse to continue committing atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank in violation of international law. China urges Israel to immediately stop all military operations in Gaza, open all border crossings, stop its suppressing and restriction of the UN and other humanitarian organizations, stop its attacks on the West Bank, curb settler violence and impunity. Countries with significant influence on the parties concerned should demonstrate a sincere and responsible approach and take practical actions to promote the realization of a ceasefire. We support further actions by the Council to promote the implementation of relevant resolutions, bring an early end to the fighting, and ease the humanitarian catastrophe.

Thank you, President.

China urges Israel to immediately cease all military operations in Gaza

China has again made a powerful call at the United Nations for an end to Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and increasingly the West Bank, too, as well as drawing attention to the United States’ culpability for the ongoing human tragedy.

Speaking at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question, on August 22, Ambassador Fu Cong began his remarks by stating:

“Gaza has been subjected to more than 10 months of blockade, siege, bombing, and attacks that have killed more than 40,000 people and displaced 1.9 million. 80% of homes in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, and 85% of the area is under emergency evacuation orders imposed by the Israeli military. In the West Bank, nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed since last October. Such a tragedy cannot go on any longer.”

Noting the steadily mounting calls for a ceasefire, he continued: “However, we have seen that Israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a ceasefire. More than two months after the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2735, the Israeli military operations in Gaza continue causing new casualties every day.”

Making unmistakable reference to the United States, in particular, he added:

“We urge countries with significant influence to demonstrate a sincere, impartial, and responsible attitude in pushing Israel to cease its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop the killing of civilians. China supports the Council in taking further necessary actions to promote the implementation of the relevant resolutions and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza.”

The following is the full text of Ambassador Fu’s remarks. They were originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.

Remarks by Ambassador Fu Cong at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question


I thank Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland and Ms. Louisa Baxter for their briefings. 

Gaza has been subjected to more than 10 months of blockade, siege, bombing, and attacks that have killed more than 40,000 people and displaced 1.9 million. 80% of homes in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, and 85% of the area is under emergency evacuation orders imposed by the Israeli military. In the West Bank, nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed since last October. Such a tragedy cannot go on any longer. 

The international community has repeatedly sent clear calls for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting. And the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the International Court of Justice have all made clear demands. However, we have seen that Israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a ceasefire. More than two months after the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2735, the Israeli military operations in Gaza continue causing new casualties every day. At the same time, the repeated provocative and adventurous actions by the Israeli side have intensified the risk of conflict spillovers. The Middle East is hanging by a thread. 

It must be noted that blind faith in achieving a total victory in Gaza will only result in more innocent civilian casualties and will not create the conditions for the release of hostages, nor will it bring peace or tranquility to Israel and the region. Ceasefire negotiations and a political solution are the fundamental way out. 

It must be noted that humanitarian issues cannot be politicized, hunger cannot be weaponized, and civilian lives cannot be trivialized as bargaining chips. Israel must fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law by opening all border crossings, guaranteeing rapid and safe access to humanitarian supplies at scale, ceasing restrictions and attacks on the United Nations and humanitarian agencies, and providing support and cooperation for the polio vaccination program in Gaza. 

It must be noted that sustainable security can only be achieved by upholding the concept of common security. Regional peace must be built with the responsible participation of all parties. Achieving an independent Palestinian state and implementation of the two-State solution is the only viable way forward for the political settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli question.

China urges Israel to immediately cease all military operations in Gaza, to immediately stop its actions that stoke escalation of the situation in the region, and to end immediately placing obstacles to a ceasefire in Gaza. We urge countries with significant influence to demonstrate a sincere, impartial, and responsible attitude in pushing Israel to cease its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop the killing of civilians. China supports the Council in taking further necessary actions to promote the implementation of the relevant resolutions and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza. 

China stands ready to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to end the war in Gaza at an early date, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, implement the two-State solution, and achieve lasting peace and security in the Middle East.

Thank you, President.

Why do sections of the Western left ignore China’s solidarity with Palestine?

The article below, written for China Square, details China’s historic and current support for the national rights of the Palestinian people, and seeks to understand why elements of the Western left overlook this solidarity.

The article tallies “Beijing’s diplomatic tour de force uniting the 14 largest Palestinian resistance organisations around a declaration and programme of internal reconciliation”; China’s proposals for a ceasefire; its longstanding recognition of the State of Palestine; its recent contribution to the International Court of Justice recognising Palestinians’ right to armed resistance to occupation; and its insistence that governance of Palestine is a matter for the Palestinians themselves.

The article urges people in Palestine solidarity movements in the West to recognise China’s contributions, as opposed to “letting the US and EU elites deprive them of an important ally” and rendering themselves “more vulnerable to the propaganda designed to normalise the next round of horrendous wars driven by Washington, London and NATO, wars that seem to be inescapably coming our way in the Pacific region”.

This article has been translated into English by the author, Friends of Socialist China advisory group member Dirk Nimmegeers.

The fact that some elements of the Western left ignore Chinese solidarity with Palestine may indicate shortcomings in pro-Palestinian movements.

The analysis and statements in debates and meetings on Gaza are generally of good quality. Most panellists belong to organisations (or contribute to media outlets) that courageously go against the tide. Speakers dispel doubts around the term genocide, and convincingly argue that what is happening in Gaza is not “deplorable Israeli disproportionality”, but rather, planned and systematic expulsion. They express anger at the culpability of continued Western support and hypocrisy.

Blind spot

It is therefore disappointing that in debates on both the threat of war in general and on Palestine, there is a deafening silence about China and its principles, positions, proposals and actions. For example, in debates in Belgium this summer, there was a very brief mention of Beijing’s diplomatic tour de force uniting the 14 largest Palestinian resistance organisations around a declaration and programme of internal reconciliation. During a debate on the threat of war, someone shouted from the audience “and what about China?”, and during an event on Palestine, the moderator asked whether the Beijing Declaration could offer any hope. The panel remained silent. One speaker merely stressed that “this had been tried so many times before”. The important step forward of bringing together Fatah, Hamas and 12 others seemed to be shrugged off. It was very clear that if someone else had not started talking about the Beijing Declaration, the panellists themselves would not have mentioned it.

In most Western campaigns against genocide and for a ceasefire in Gaza, China is ignored. It is striking how little is published about China’s peace propositions even in courageous progressive media. It is to be feared that this will continue for some time to come. One can legitimately ask why the leftist and progressive community remains silent on China or refuses to show solidarity with a country that is the target of a multifaceted Western offensive, even if the community is well aware of the risk of the current NATO onslaught turning into an unprecedented global conflict.

Neither Washington nor Beijing?

Here and there we hear the idea that “China simply does not think the Middle East is that important now, and that this might change if there is some advantage to be gained”. A variant of this is the idea that China is now only interfering in the region to gain influence or out of rivalry with the US. These caricatures of a self-interested, neo-colonial or neo-imperialist China are among the many fables that the US and the EU successfully spread through their powerful media; myths that all too often carry an undertone of Sinophobia. In European leftist circles, this leads to an attitude of “neither Washington nor Beijing”. This slogan may sound good to some, but where it ends up is de facto support for advancing NATO offensive and acting as junior partners in the rearguard of the US attack.

What is China actually doing?

Another and more innocuous reason why China is often left out of the picture when it comes to Palestine is that many do not think, or rather know, that China is sincerely and usefully working for the cause of the Palestinians in many ways. Nevertheless, it is doing so.

For example, it is correct and important that China has so far never condemned Hamas’s actions. The importance of this is that it gives other countries, especially in the Global South, the necessary courage and strength to stand up to the US and the EU (as with the anti-Russian sanctions). Another strong signal in that regard is the fact that China is treating Hamas as a serious and important interlocutor. In recent months there have been several contacts between representatives of that resistance movement and Chinese diplomats. Neither the US nor Israel could appreciate this. China’s attitude is more correct than that of Western activists who go on and on distancing themselves from Hamas and repeating that the action of 7 October was a war crime (something that is highly questionable, and about which interesting views were expressed during the recent debate in Belgium).

Beijing seldom or never sides with one of the warring parties in conflicts in the Global South. This is in stark contrast to a tried-and-tested tactic of the West. China’s negotiated peace and reconciliation line is applied by Beijing to internal conflicts in Third World countries, e.g. Palestine. And neither does China provide irresponsible, arbitrary and facile criticism of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority, which are still recognised by most countries as official representatives of the Palestinian state.

Continue reading Why do sections of the Western left ignore China’s solidarity with Palestine?

China supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity

China has declared that it supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity in accordance with the law, supports its efforts to safeguard regional peace and stability, and is willing to maintain close communication with the country.

This important statement came in an August 11 telephone conversation between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani. It followed the assassination by Israel on July 31 in Tehran of Ismail Haniyeh, who chaired the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital to attend the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian.

Wang Yi reiterated that China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination, believing that it gravely violates the basic norms governing international relations, seriously infringes on Iran’s sovereignty, security and dignity, directly undermines the Gaza ceasefire negotiation process, and shocks regional peace and stability.

China stands ready to work with the new Iranian government to continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning their respective core interests, steadily advance practical cooperation in various fields, unswervingly promote the sound development of bilateral relations, and constantly add new content to the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership.

Iran is welcome to actively participate in the events hosted by China as the rotating chair of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and China is also willing to strengthen cooperation with Iran within the framework of the BRICS mechanism, further increase the voice and influence of the Global South, and promote more just and reasonable development of international governance, Wang said.

Analysing the significance of the Chinese stance, the online publication, The Palestine Chronicle quoted its Chief Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, as saying:

“The official Chinese position did not include such phrases as ‘using restraint’, or ‘avoiding further escalation’. In itself, this is very important.”

Baroud added, “also considering the guarded nature of Chinese foreign policy, it would not be expected that the Chinese openly declare that Iran has the right to attack Israel or Israeli interests as a form of retaliation for Israel’s infringement on its sovereignty through the assassination of the Palestinian leader.

“A careful reading of the statement of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, however, suggests that China is willing to accommodate, in fact, support an Iranian retaliation against Israel since such retaliation can be considered part of Iran’s ‘safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity.’”

“This development”, Baroud continued, “indicates two things: One, that Iran is succeeding in garnering enough international support for its forthcoming response to the Israeli assassination of Haniyeh; two, that China is inching closer to the pro-resistance camp in the Middle East, a position that would surely frustrate Washington’s designs in the region.”

Earlier, on August 11, Wang Yi also held separate telephone talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty and Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

In his talk with his Egyptian counterpart, Wang said the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh has pushed the regional situation into a more dangerous height, adding that China resolutely opposes and strongly condemns such assassination acts that violate the basic principles of the UN Charter, infringe on Iran’s sovereignty and dignity, severely undermine efforts to promote peace, and make a ceasefire in Gaza increasingly unattainable, adding that that double standards should not be applied to the crisis in Gaza.

He also pointed out that China will continue to stand on the side of international justice, strengthen solidarity with Arab countries, and work with all parties to avoid further escalation and deterioration of the situation.

Speaking with Jordanian Foreign Minister Safadi, Wang pointed that the key to avoiding the deterioration and escalation of the situation is to achieve a full and permanent ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible and the international community should raise a more consistent voice on this issue and form a joint force.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Chinese FM holds phone talks with Iranian counterpart on bilateral ties, Mideast situation

BEIJING, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday held phone talks with Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani at request, focusing on bilateral relations and the situation in the Middle East.

Noting that Iran is a country with important influence in the region and a comprehensive strategic partner of China, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China has always promoted its relations with Iran from a strategic and long-term perspective.

Continue reading China supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity

China strongly condemns “heinous” Israeli air strike on school in Gaza

China has once more spoken out at the United Nations against Israeli aggression and in support of justice for the Palestinians.

Speaking at a Security Council briefing called at the request of Algeria on August 13, Ambassador Fu Cong said that:

Israel’s air strike on the Tabeen school in Gaza last week claimed around 100 innocent civilian lives. China strongly condemns this attack. Civilians and the civilian infrastructure must not be the target of military operations. This is a red line under the international humanitarian law. Attacking schools where a large number of civilians are seeking shelter again and again is a heinous act. Over the past ten months, millions of people in Gaza have seen their homes destroyed and their loved ones separated. They have been forced to move from place to place in search of a corner of peace, only to be met with indiscriminate bombardment and deaths that could befall them at any moment. As we speak, nowhere is safe in Gaza.

Underlining once again the pressing need for an immediate and durable ceasefire, Fu noted: “Two months ago, when pushing for Security Council Resolution 2735, the US claimed that Israel had accepted a ceasefire agreement. But the reality is quite the opposite. Instead of credible signs of Israel’s commitment to a ceasefire, what we see is ever-expanding military operations and ever-increasing civilian casualties.”

Pointing out that the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to worsen, with hunger and disease spreading rapidly, the Chinese Ambassador continued: “Recently, a high-ranking Israeli politician described it as just and moral to starve two million people in Gaza. Such appalling remarks are totally unacceptable.” He added that: “We are gravely concerned about the incidents of sexual abuse by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian detainees. We call for investigations and accountability.”

We print below the full text of Ambassador Fu Cong’s remarks. They were originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.


I thank Algeria for requesting this meeting, and thank Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo and Director Lisa Doughten for their briefings.

Israel’s air strike on the Tabeen school in Gaza last week claimed around 100 innocent civilian lives. China strongly condemns this attack. Civilians and the civilian infrastructure must not be the target of military operations. This is a red line under the international humanitarian law. Attacking schools where a large number of civilians are seeking shelter again and again is a heinous act. Over the past ten months, millions of people in Gaza have seen their homes destroyed and their loved ones separated. They have been forced to move from place to place in search of a corner of peace, only to be met with indiscriminate bombardment and deaths that could befall them at any moment. As we speak, nowhere is safe in Gaza. In Khan Yunis, a place once declared a so-called safe zone by Israel, people there have been forced to flee in the face of new bombing rains. The desperate people of Gaza want to know where is the end of the war and where is the hope for survival.

An immediate and durable ceasefire is what the people of Gaza yearn for. It is also the overwhelming consensus of the international community. Two months ago, when pushing for Security Council Resolution 2735, the US claimed that Israel had accepted a ceasefire agreement. But the reality is quite the opposite. Instead of credible signs of Israel’s commitment to a ceasefire, what we see is ever-expanding military operations and ever-increasing civilian casualties. The US, as the largest supplier of weapons, has enough influence over Israel. We hope that the US will take sincere and responsible actions to push Israel to stop its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop slaughtering civilians.


The humanitarian disaster in Gaza has continued to worsen. Hunger and disease are spreading rapidly. Recently, a high ranking Israeli politician described it as just and moral to starve two million people in Gaza. Such appalling remarks are totally unacceptable. Hunger must not be weaponized. Humanitarian issues must not be politicized. Civilian lives must not be trivialized as bargaining chips. China urges Israel to fulfill its international humanitarian law obligations by opening all border crossings and guaranteeing rapid and safe access for humanitarian supplies at scale. The World Health Organization is conducting a polio vaccination program for children in Gaza, which is crucial for stemming the spread of infectious diseases and protecting children’s health. Israel is obliged to protect the safety and freedom of movement of the medical workers involved.

Continue reading China strongly condemns “heinous” Israeli air strike on school in Gaza

China a credible peace broker in Palestine

In the following article for Middle East Monitor, Ramzy Baroud, editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle, discusses the historic signing of a unity agreement between 14 Palestinian political parties in Beijing and the implications it has for China’s role as a peacemaker in the Middle East.

Ramzy notes that China has long been a supporter of the Palestinian cause, and has been involved in various peace initiatives in the region, including its four-point proposal on the Palestine-Israel conflict, put forward by Foreign Minister Wang Yi in May 2021. This proposal was not immediately successful, but in the intervening period there have been two significant developments: first, “China’s success in ending a seven-year rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran re-introduced Beijing as a powerful new mediator”; and second, “US-dominated western diplomacy is breaking apart” and the US has lost all credibility as a mediator.

Meanwhile, China has been a loud and consistent voice in the international community condemning Israel’s onslaught on Gaza. China has proven itself to be “committed to the rights of the Palestinian people and their historic struggle for freedom and justice”.

China’s efforts towards a lasting peace and justice in the Middle East have been widely welcomed by regional states and by the Palestinian people themselves. “China is now officially a peace broker in Palestine and, for most Palestinians, a credible one at that”.

In the video embedded below the article, Ramzy discusses these issues in greater detail on the Palestine Deep Dive show.

Chinese diplomacy has done it again.

By hosting a historic signing of a unity agreement between 14 Palestinian political parties in Beijing on 23 July, China has, once more, shown its ability to play a global role as a peace broker.

For years, China has attempted to play a role in Middle East politics, particularly in the region’s most enduring crisis, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine.

In 2021, China announced its four-point plan, aimed at “comprehensively, fairly and permanently” resolving the Palestinian question.

Whether the plan itself was workable or not, it mattered little, as neither the Israeli government nor the Palestinian Authority were prepared to ditch Washington, which has dominated Middle East diplomacy for decades.

Continue reading China a credible peace broker in Palestine

China strongly condemns murder of Ismail Haniyeh

China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Fu Cong has reiterated his country’s firm opposition to and strong condemnation of the murder of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. Haniyeh and his bodyguard were murdered in a brazen act of Israeli aggression whilst they were in the Iranian capital Tehran to attend the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian as state guests.

Fu was speaking at a July 31 emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC), called in response to Haniyeh’s murder, by the Russian Federation, which currently holds the rotating chair of the UNSC, and at the request of Algeria and China.

Denouncing the act as a blatant attempt to sabotage peace efforts and one of wantonly trampling on the fundamental UN Charter principle of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, Fu said China is deeply worried about an exacerbation of the upheaval in the region that this incident may trigger.

He further noted that: “We strongly object to and condemn the recent irresponsible acts, including Israel’s attack on Southern Beirut [in which Israel murdered Fuad Shukr, a senior commander of the Hezbollah resistance movement].”

The continued deterioration of the Middle East situation is directly attributable to the continuous failure to implement a ceasefire in Gaza, he noted, adding:

“We urge Israel to implement council resolutions in full, immediately halt all its military operations in Gaza, and immediately stop its collective punishment of the people in Gaza.”

Earlier, at the regular Foreign Ministry press conference in Beijing, spokesperson Lin Jian had also condemned the murder of Haniyeh.

A summary of the debate posted on the UN website summarises a number of the contributions to the meeting, including those of the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Algeria, Iran, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, as well as the United States and Israel, but not those of several others, including China, Russia and Guyana, as well as Britain and South Korea.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

UNITED NATIONS, July 31 (Xinhua) — A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called on the parties concerned to take tangible actions to push for deescalation and the restoration of peace and tranquility in the Middle East region.

China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh that took place in Iran’s capital Tehran, said Fu Cong, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, in remarks at the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Denouncing the act as a blatant attempt to sabotage peace efforts and wantonly trampled on the fundamental UN Charter principle of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, Fu said China is deeply worried about an exacerbation of the upheaval in the region that this incident may trigger.

He expressed disappointment over the ceasefire negotiations. “Over two months ago, the council adopted Resolution 2735. As of now, however, ceasefire negotiations have yet to yield any progress, while the spillover effects of this conflict are increasingly visible, with the tensions between Lebanon and Israel, between Syria and Israel, and in the Red Sea sounding the alarm frequently.”

“The Middle East situation is hanging by a thread, much to the concern of the international community,” he warned,

“Given the severity of the situation, the parties concerned must heed the international calls for a ceasefire and cessation of fighting,” said the ambassador, urging the parties to implement Security Council resolutions fully, actively coordinate with and support international good offices, and take tangible actions to push for deescalation and the restoration of peace and tranquility in the region.

“They must not act singlemindedly and repeatedly take provocative or risky actions to stoke escalations,” he said. “We strongly object to and condemn the recent irresponsible acts, including Israel’s attack on Southern Beirut.”

Emphasizing that “military means and abuse of force offer no solution and will only lead to a bigger crisis,” Fu said the continued deterioration of the Middle East situation is directly attributable to the continuous failure to implement a ceasefire in Gaza.

He called on all parties to comply with the overwhelming international consensus and work jointly for an immediate ceasefire to save lives, mitigate the impact of the havoc, and contain any spillovers. “We urge Israel to implement council resolutions in full, immediately halt all its military operations in Gaza, and immediately stop its collective punishment of the people in Gaza.”

Fu also urged countries with major influence to put more pressure and work more vigorously on the parties concerned and make tangible good-faith efforts to put out the flames of war in Gaza. 

China champions peace in Middle East through concrete actions

Following the July 23 signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by 14 Palestinian resistance movements, the Xinhua News Agency released a commentary on July 26, affirming that China champions peace in the region through concrete actions. 

According to correspondent Zhao Wencai: “As witnessed by their Chinese friends, once-bitter rivals among the Palestinians, notably Hamas and Fatah, have decided to bury the hatchet and join forces.”

He goes on to note that during the reconciliation talks, Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, was asked why different factions could resolve their differences in Beijing.

“After thinking for a while, he replied, ‘Because China is decent and honest and wants to help us without interfering in our internal affairs, (and) to support our struggle by enhancing Palestinian unity and enabling Palestinians to achieve what they deserve, which is their freedom, their independence, their rights to sovereignty.'”

The current war in Gaza has, the commentary notes, highlighted for Palestinians the detrimental impact of internal divisions on their goal of establishing a state. There is a growing recognition that a unified voice will amplify their calls for justice, and only by standing together can they advance their cause for national liberation.

“China’s drive for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict stems not from self-serving geopolitical motives, but from a profound empathy for the Palestinian people and an earnest aspiration for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

“Unlike some Western countries that have often overlooked the suffering in Gaza, China’s historical experience with Western interference has given its people a unique perspective on the hardships faced by those in the Middle East, who long for peace and stability amidst the turmoil of war.”

Meanwhile, in his weekly blog, published on belfastmedia.com, former Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has welcomed the Beijing agreement. He writes: “In a very welcome move Hamas and Fatah and 12 other Palestinian groups signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in Beijing aimed at maintaining Palestinian control over the Gaza Strip once Israel’s genocidal war on the besieged territory ends. The agreement calls for [an] ‘interim national reconciliation government’ to govern Gaza.

“Israel and its allies have sought to dictate the terms of any governance arrangement for the Gaza Strip in any post war situation, including Israel maintaining control of the territory. All of these have been predicated on limiting the democratic rights of the Palestinian people to choose their own representatives and government. This cannot be allowed. The Palestinian people have the right to self-determination.”

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

CAIRO, July 26 (Xinhua) — As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Gaza stretches into its 10th month, there was a bid for peace and unity from Beijing this week: Under China’s mediation, senior representatives from 14 Palestinian factions signed the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity.

According to the declaration, the Palestinian factions have agreed to establish an interim national reconciliation government, carry out reconstruction in Gaza and prepare and hold a general election as soon as possible in keeping with the adopted election laws.

As witnessed by their Chinese friends, once-bitter rivals among the Palestinians, notably Hamas and Fatah, have decided to bury the hatchet and join forces. They are setting their sights on establishing an independent State of Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital, based on relevant United Nations (UN) resolutions and ensuring the integrity of Palestinian territory, including the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza.

During the reconciliation talks, Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, was asked why different factions could resolve their differences in Beijing.

After thinking for a while, he replied, “Because China is decent and honest and wants to help us without interfering in our internal affairs, (and) to support our struggle by enhancing Palestinian unity and enabling Palestinians to achieve what they deserve, which is their freedom, their independence, their rights to sovereignty.”

Barghouti’s remarks offered a compelling elucidation of China’s sincerity and continual progress in assisting the Middle East in achieving peace.

The Palestinian question has always been the core issue in the Middle East, and achieving internal reconciliation within Palestine is an important step toward resolving the issue and achieving peace and stability in the region.

China has long been committed to promoting reconciliation within Palestine, a goal shared by other Arab nations including Egypt and Jordan.

However, efforts have previously stalled due to an unfavorable international environment, particularly interference from the United States.

The recent round of conflicts in Gaza has highlighted for Palestinians the detrimental impact of internal divisions on their goal of establishing a state. There is a growing recognition that a unified voice will amplify their calls for justice, and only by standing together can they advance their cause for national liberation. This has spurred a renewed desire for reconciliation among Palestinian factions.

Meanwhile, the international community has increasingly recognized that the establishment of a Palestinian state is the key to resolving the Palestinian question. Inspired by China’s successful mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the world and the Palestinian leaders in particular are hopeful that China will play a significant role in addressing the thorny issue.

The most urgent task now is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground. China has engaged in close communication and coordination with relevant parties since the outbreak of recent hostilities.

Deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, China has provided significant amounts of humanitarian aid through various channels. It has also actively facilitated the UN Security Council’s adoption of a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

In the Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China on Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict released last November, China calls for Palestine’s full membership in the UN and a more authoritative and effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution.

China’s drive for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict stems not from self-serving geopolitical motives, but from a profound empathy for the Palestinian people and an earnest aspiration for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

Unlike some Western countries that have often overlooked the suffering in Gaza, China’s historical experience with Western interference has given its people a unique perspective on the hardships faced by those in the Middle East, who long for peace and stability amidst the turmoil of war.

China’s efforts to promote peace in the region are underscored by its role in facilitating the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2023, ending seven years of diplomatic deadlock. The current Beijing Declaration further exemplifies China’s concrete steps to bridge regional divides and lay the foundation for a peaceful Middle East.

On their journey toward lasting peace and prosperity, all parties involved in the Middle East conflict will find in China a true advocate committed to peace and justice in the region.

Chinese FM meets head of Fatah delegation

Following the conclusion of talks in Beijing between representatives of 14 Palestinian resistance groups, which resulted in the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity, on July 23, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul.

Wang stressed that a top priority now is to proceed from the fundamental interests of all the Palestinian people, seize the opportunity and seek common ground while shelving differences, so that unity and reconciliation among the various factions could be realised.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, who is also deputy leader of Fatah, thanked China for its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions and for its support and assistance to Palestine over the past decades, calling China a true friend and brother of the Palestinian people.

The following report was first published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul in Beijing on Tuesday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed that no matter how the international situation changes, China will always firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people.

Noting that the conflict in Gaza has caused a huge humanitarian disaster, Wang said to resolve this historical injustice, the principle of “Palestinian-owned, Palestinian-led and Palestinian-ruled” must be upheld.

Wang said the top priority now is to proceed from the fundamental interests of all the Palestinian people, seize the opportunity and seek common ground while shelving differences, so that unity and reconciliation among the various factions could be realized, and they could form a unified position, define a common goal, and create necessary conditions for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the realization of an independent state and the implementation of the two-state solution.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, also deputy chief of the Fatah Movement, thanked China for its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions and its support and assistance to Palestine over the past decades, calling China a true friend and brother of the Palestinian people.

The Fatah Movement will do its utmost to promote reconciliation and unity among Palestinian factions and contribute to a thorough settlement of the Palestinian issue. 

Palestinian factions sign Beijing Declaration on ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity

Three days of intensive talks in the Chinese capital Beijing between 14 Palestinian resistance organisations culminated on July 23, 2024, with the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by the movements represented.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, attended the closing ceremony and witnessed the signing.

According to the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, in his remarks at the closing ceremony, Wang Yi noted that, 14 Palestinian factions are gathering in Beijing with the greater good of their nation in mind. This is an important historical moment in the Palestinian liberation cause. China commends the reconciliation efforts made by all the factions and congratulates them on the success of the Beijing dialogue and the signing of the Beijing Declaration.

Wang Yi pointed out that only when Palestinian factions speak as one can the voice of justice be loud and clear, and only when they join hands and march forward shoulder to shoulder can they succeed in their national liberation cause. The most important consensus from the Beijing talks is to achieve the reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions; the core outcome is the affirmation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people; the biggest highlight is the agreement on establishing an interim government of national reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza; and the strongest call is for truly establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant UN resolutions. The key to the Palestinian reconciliation process is to bolster confidence, keep to the right direction, and make incremental progress. Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity. Reconciliation is the internal affair of Palestinian factions and cannot happen without international support. On the path toward reconciliation, China shares the same direction and destination with Arab and Islamic countries.

The Chinese Foreign Minister further noted that the Palestinian question is at the core of the Middle East issue. China never has any selfish interests on the Palestinian question. China was among the first countries to recognise the PLO and the State of Palestine. China all along firmly supports the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights. We value fairness and advocate for justice.

To help get out of the current conflict and predicament, China proposes a three-step initiative:

  • First is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.
  • Second is to make joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine.”
  • Third is to help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-State solution.

Wang Yi said that intra-Palestinian reconciliation will bring hope and a future to the Palestinian people. It is an important step toward resolving the Palestinian question and achieving peace and stability in the Middle East. Unwavering efforts must be continually made in this direction. China sincerely hopes that Palestinian factions will achieve reconciliation and, on that basis, realise independent statehood at an early date.

Head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul and head of the Hamas delegation Musa Abu Marzouk delivered remarks on behalf of the Palestinian factions. They noted that China holds an important place in the heart of Palestinian people, and expressed sincere appreciation for President Xi Jinping and China’s unchanging, firm support and selfless assistance to Palestine over a long period of time. They expressed deep appreciation for China’s strong support for intra-Palestinian dialogue and reconciliation. 

Diplomatic envoys from Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Russia and Türkiye also attended the closing ceremony.

Speaking to Al Jazeera from Beijing, Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, one of the 14 factions to sign the accord, said that the agreement goes “much further” than any other reached in recent years.

He said its four main elements are the establishment of an interim national unity government, the formation of unified Palestinian leadership ahead of future elections, the free election of a new Palestinian National Council, and a general declaration of unity in the face of ongoing Israeli attacks.

The move towards a unity government is especially important, he said, because it “blocks Israeli efforts to create some sort of collaborative structure against Palestinian interests.”

Barghouti said the war in Gaza was the “main factor” motivating the Palestinian sides to set aside their differences. “There is no other way now but for Palestinians to be unified and struggle together against this terrible injustice… The most important thing now is to not only sign the agreement, but to implement it.”

Addressing the Beijing meeting, Jamil Mezher, Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said in part that:

China has proven, through its long history, its steadfast support for the Palestinian cause, through its political and diplomatic stances and its support for the Palestinian people in international forums.

What is required today is a unified Palestinian stance that clearly declares that we are all united behind the goals of our people in achieving freedom, self-determination, the return of refugees, and realising the dream of a Palestinian state with Al-Quds [Jerusalem] as its capital.

It is essential to announce the restoration of Palestinian national unity, uniting our forces and people and the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, through the convening of a unifying Palestinian National Council with the participation and representation of all Palestinian forces.

Today, our people are not only facing a genocide war but also the consequences of decades of comprehensive political failure and deficiency, as well as the price of international bias led by the United States and supported by all governments and tools of the dominant colonial system in this world.

Our urgent and pressing demand is not only to end and stop the genocide but to secure our people’s rights to freedom, self-determination, the return of refugees, and the establishment of an independent state with Al-Quds as its capital.

Peoples have never achieved their rights through blame, contention, and disputes over descriptions and conflicting wills; rather, by uniting around major national goals, deeply understanding the meaning of historical responsibility, and having leadership capable of bearing responsibility and translating popular will. This is our duty today… Is there a stronger and more precious incentive than 40,000 Palestinian martyrs?

Being united in the face of this aggression is the only guarantee to achieve our major national goals. Let us work with all our strength and sincerity to achieve this goal, knowing that history will not forgive the complacent, and our people will not forgive those who fail in their national and humanitarian duty.

Let us pledge today, before our people and the martyrs of this nation, that this moment will be the beginning of a journey towards freedom, independence, the state, and the return of refugees, and let our unity be the strongest weapon in facing this oppressive enemy.

Majida Al-Masri, Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) said in her speech:

Continue reading Palestinian factions sign Beijing Declaration on ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity

The heroic Palestinian people are helping to bring about the defeat of imperialism

On Saturday 29 June 2024, the International Manifesto Group and Friends of Socialist China co-organised a webinar on the topic Changes unseen in a century – Gaza, the shifting balance of forces and the rise of multipolarity, bringing together leading analysts of global politics to explore the unfolding geopolitical consequences of Zionism’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people.

The speakers included Seyed Mohammad Marandi (University of Tehran), Lowkey (Political campaigner and hip-hop artist), Ramzy Baroud (Editor, Palestine Chronicle), Faoud Bakr (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), Sara Flounders (International Action Center) and Bikrum Gill (International relations expert).

Embedded below is the full video of the event, followed by the text of the remarks given by Friends of Socialist China co-editors Carlos Martinez and Keith Bennett.

Carlos Martinez: The heroic Palestinian people are in the vanguard of the struggle for a better world

Thank you very much everyone for joining this webinar today, and thanks especially to the speakers.

The speakers are all a great deal more knowledgeable than I am on the subject matter, so I’m going to keep these introductory remarks brief.

I just wanted to explain a little bit about the theme of the event; the rationale for holding it.

The title references “Changes unseen in a century”, which is an expression that’s often been used by Chinese President Xi Jinping over the course of the last five years to describe the global political shift that’s taking place.

What does “changes unseen in a century” mean? And what were the big changes that happened a century ago?

What happened a century ago, in 1917, is that a revolution took place in Russia, which was the start of humanity’s transition from the era of capitalism to the era of socialism. The October Revolution led to the formation of the Soviet Union, which contributed to the building of socialism in China, Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, and the people’s democracies of Eastern Europe.

It also gave an important impetus to the anti-colonial movement and national liberation struggles around the world – in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America, in the Caribbean, in the Pacific.

It was the first major breach in the imperialist world system, and it hastened the demise of colonialism. It changed the world forever.

Of course, a lot has happened in the intervening period, and not all of it good. A lot of countries won their liberation, but the Soviet Union and many other socialist countries don’t exist any more. We’ve witnessed the rise of neoliberalism and neocolonialism. We’ve lived through the supposed “end of history”.

But times are changing once again. These are the changes unseen in a century. The so-called post-war rules-based international order – that is, US hegemony – is breaking down.

The “end of history” narrative isn’t convincing any more.

Neoliberalism has run out of road.

The countries of the Global South are rising. China is stronger than it’s ever been. Iran is stronger than it’s ever been. Several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have thrown off the neocolonial shackles and are pursuing sovereign development and explicitly aligning themselves with the forces resistance of worldwide.

Africa is recovering from the period of structural adjustment and moving towards unity and development. BRICS is becoming increasingly important – and has overtaken the G7 in population size, economic size, and global influence.

The US and its allies can no longer impose their will on the world.

They pummelled Afghanistan for 20 years and ended up handing it back to the very same forces that they claimed to be going after in the first place.

Continue reading The heroic Palestinian people are helping to bring about the defeat of imperialism

Webinar: Changes unseen in a century – Gaza, the shifting balance of forces and the rise of multipolarity

Friends of Socialist China is pleased to be co-organising (with the International Manifesto Group) this webinar on Saturday 29 June 2024, which will bring together leading analysts of global politics to explore the unfolding geopolitical consequences of Zionism’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people.

Date: Saturday 29 June 2024

Time: 11am US Eastern / 8am US Pacific / 4pm London / 11pm Beijing


  • Seyed Mohammad Marandi (University of Tehran)
  • Lowkey (Political campaigner and hip-hop artist)
  • Ramzy Baroud (Editor, Palestine Chronicle)
  • Faoud Bakr (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine)
  • Sara Flounders (International Action Center)
  • Camila Escalante (Kawsachun News)
  • Bikrum Gill (International relations expert)
  • Keith Bennett (Friends of Socialist China, International Manifesto Group)
  • Moderator: Carlos Martinez (Friends of Socialist China, International Manifesto Group)


This webinar will bring together leading analysts of global politics to explore the unfolding geopolitical consequences of Zionism’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people. Following on from the Ukraine crisis of recent years, the hypocrisy and blatant double standards of the major western powers have united the countries and peoples of the Global South to an unprecedented degree, and on both the diplomatic and mass popular level, rendering US imperialism and its Zionist shock troops increasingly isolated, as significant European powers at last recognise a Palestinian state, people from all walks of life mobilise, and young people in the imperialist heartlands start to be drawn into struggle in a way not seen since the Vietnam War. Together, the global majority are starting to drive changes unseen in a century. The webinar will examine such key topics as the relationship between the Palestinian people’s struggle and the overall multipolar process; the importance of Israel to the perpetuation of the US-led world order; and the potential for China and Russia to play a leading role in bringing about a lasting and just resolution to the Palestinian question.

Joint statement of China and Arab states on the question of Palestine

The tenth ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) was held in Beijing on May 30. The opening session was attended by four Arab heads of state as well as by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who delivered an opening address. Ministers from China and the 22 members of the League of Arab States attended the conference.

Among the conference outcomes, the most significant was the adoption of a 21-point joint statement on the question of Palestine. Showing a high degree of unity between China and the Arab world, and among the Arab states themselves, the comprehensive joint statement calls, among other things, for the implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions, condemns Israeli aggression, calls for a sustained ceasefire, and for the implementation of the interim measures issued by the International Court of Justice in response to the legal case brought against Israel by the government of South Africa under the Genocide Convention. It supports the admission of Palestine to the United Nations as a full member state, the convening of an international peace conference, and calls for Palestinian national unity under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). It further calls for an end to Israel’s settlement program in occupied territories and protection of the Arab, Islamic and Christian attributes of the city of Jerusalem.  

We carry below the full text of the joint statement. It has been machine translated and sub-edited by us, including by cross checking with other unofficial translations. The full Chinese language text, as released by the Xinhua News Agency, may be read here.

Joint Statement of China and Arab States on the Question of Palestine

On May 30, 2024, the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing, during which the two sides had in-depth discussions on the Palestinian issue.

The two sides believe that the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, including UN Security Council Resolution 2728, must be fully and effectively implemented, and that joint efforts should be made to promote an early ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible and to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue at an early date. The parties agreed on the following:

  1. The two sides condemn Israel’s continued aggression against the Palestinian people. More than 125,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed or injured in the Gaza Strip, most of them women and children. The Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip have been forced to suffer deadly famine and blockades, cutting off all their livelihoods, systematically destroying residential areas, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, and detaining and ill-treating thousands of Palestinian prisoners.
  2. The two sides condemned the invasion of the city of Rafah, the bombing of refugee camps and the control of the Rafah crossing.
  3. The two sides oppose the implementation of plans, intentions and acts of forcibly transfering the Palestinian people outside their national territory, which will destroy the opportunity for peace in the Middle East region and lead to the expansion and deterioration of the conflict in the region.
  4. The two sides call on the Security Council to issue binding resolutions to achieve an immediate, comprehensive and sustained ceasefire, to stop the forcible transfer of the Palestinian people, to ensure the delivery of relief supplies throughout Gaza, and to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions so that life in the Gaza Strip can return to normalcy. Both sides condemn the use of the veto by the United States to prevent Palestine from becoming a full Member of the United Nations.
  5. The two sides support the Interim Measures Orders issued by the International Court of Justice on 26 January, 28 March and 24 May 2024 concerning the case against Israel brought by South Africa for violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and hold that Israel should comply with the relevant legal provisions, in particular international humanitarian law. Both sides stressed that Israel, as the occupying power, bears responsibility for the dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza.
  6. The Arab side stresses the importance of implementing the resolutions of the Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Joint Summit held in Riyadh on 11 November 2023, including breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip and enabling the immediate access of humanitarian relief supplies from Arab and Islamic countries and the international community to the entire Gaza Strip by land, sea and air. The Chinese side expressed its understanding.
  7. The two sides stress that peace, security and stability cannot be achieved in the region without an end to the occupation of the territory of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the occupied Lebanese territory. Calling upon the international community to take irreversible steps towards the independent establishment of Palestine and to achieve a political settlement based on international law and relevant international resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 497 (1981), 1515 (2003) and 2334 (2016), as well as all the elements of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, so as to enable the Palestinian people to fulfil their legitimate and inalienable rights. These include the right to self-determination, the right to establish an independent State of Palestine based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the right to return and reparation for Palestinian refugees under United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 (1948). The two sides support the admission of the State of Palestine as a full Member of the United Nations and reaffirmed that the two-State solution is the only realistic way out of the Palestinian question.
  8. The two sides call for the convening of a larger-scale, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible, and the initiation of an authoritative peace process on the basis of recognised international principles. The above process should be carried out within a defined time frame and with international guarantees until the end of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, along with the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the remaining occupied Lebanese territories.
  9. The two sides support the Palestinian Government in carrying out its duties in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in accordance with recognised international principles. The Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine. Both sides stressed their support for the relief efforts of the Palestinian Government in Gaza. The two sides reaffirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and called on all Palestinian factions to unite under the PLO banner and assume their respective responsibilities in a national partnership under the leadership of the PLO.
  10. The two sides welcome the adoption by the UN General Assembly of resolution A/RES/ES-10/23 on 10 May 2024. The resolution affirmed that the State of Palestine was eligible to become a full Member of the United Nations and requires the Security Council to reconsider supporting Palestine’s accession to the United Nations and to grant more rights and interests to the State of Palestine.
  11. The two sides called for support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to avoid its closure. They welcomed the resumption of funding  by some countries to the Agency, and called on countries that had frozen their funding to resume their support for the Agency. They welcomed the results of the independent investigation into the work of the Agency, recognised the neutrality and professionalism of the Agency and believe that it is indispensable and irreplaceable.
  12. The two sides welcome the recent recognition of the State of Palestine by many countries, stressing that this was a driving force for achieving the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and for international and regional peace, security and stability, and called upon those countries that have not yet recognised the State of Palestine to do so as soon as possible.
  13. The Arab side appreciates China’s long-standing position on supporting the Palestinian issue and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in bilateral and multilateral forums, and appreciates Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposals on resolving the Palestinian question, as well as a series of initiatives and propositions put forward by China on the Palestinian question. It appreciates China’s adherence to fairness and justice on the Palestinian issue and its unremitting efforts to promote the peace process. It appreciates China’s support for Palestine in improving people’s livelihood and developing the economy, providing humanitarian assistance to Palestine, and its commitment to promoting the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations.
  14. Both sides stressed that Israel’s unilateral measures aimed at changing the status quo in Jerusalem are invalid and support the protection of Islamic and Christian monuments in occupied Jerusalem by the Hashemite family and its role in protecting the Arab, Islamic and Christian attributes of the city and maintaining the current historical and legal status of Jerusalem and its holy sites. The two sides stressed the need to uphold the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s current historical and legal status.
  15. The two sides condemn the continued promotion by the government of Israel of the targeted settlement programme aimed at changing the existing historical and legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
  16. The Parties support the efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco as Chairman of the Jerusalem Committee. They stressed the important role played by the Chairman of the Jerusalem Committee and the efforts of the Jerusalem Wealth House Agency, an institution under the Committee.
  17. The two sides support Egypt in taking all measures to respond to the impact of the aggression in the Gaza Strip and rely on Egypt’s efforts to deliver relief supplies to the Gaza Strip in an immediate and sustained manner and in sufficient quantities. The two sides expressed their support for the measures taken by Egypt to safeguard its national security, which is also a fundamental component of the security of the Arab nation.
  18. The two sides support the joint efforts of Egypt and Qatar to promote a lasting ceasefire and bring life back to normal in the Gaza Strip. Both sides support the role played by Egypt and Algeria in bringing about reconciliation among the Palestinian factions.
  19. The two sides appreciate the role played by Algeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the Palestinian issue during their tenure as non-permanent members of the Security Council, including their efforts to promote the adoption of relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to promote the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations.
  20. The two sides appreciate the appeal of the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar for immediate action to help all Palestinian orphans who have lost their parents and families as a result of the aggression against Gaza. They call on all states and the international community to work together to provide the necessary medical and psychological support to orphans and amputee children within the framework of the relevant efforts of the League of Arab States.
  21. The two sides appreciate Algeria’s efforts to support the question of Palestine at the political and material levels, as well as President Tebboune’s active efforts, in particular the convening of the intra-Palestinian reconciliation conference among the various factions on 13 October 2022 and the adoption of the Algiers Declaration, which is a positive step on the road to national unity in Palestine.

Xi Jinping’s speech at the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

The tenth conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) was held in Beijing on May 30, marking 20 years since the launch of the biannual gathering.

Representatives from the 22 member countries of the League of Arab States participated and the growing importance attached by both sides to their relationship was underscored by President Xi Jinping delivering a keynote speech in the opening session and the presence of the heads of state of Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who combined attendance at this ministerial level gathering with state visits to China.

President Xi began his speech in personal vein, stating that, “I always find it heart-warming to meet Arab friends,” adding:

“The friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples is deeply rooted in our friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road, in our joint struggles for national liberation, and in our win-win cooperation in promoting national development.”

He noted that: “As changes unseen in a century unfold rapidly across the world, both China and Arab states strive to accomplish their historical missions of national rejuvenation and faster national development. Building a China-Arab community with a shared future is a strong statement of our common desire for a new era of China-Arab relations and a better future for the world.”

The Chinese leader’s remarks served to underscore the difference between China’s approach to fellow members of the Global South compared to that displayed by the imperialist powers. He observed: “In this turbulent world, peaceful relations come from mutual respect, and lasting security is built on fairness and justice… In a world of growing diversity, more dialogue means less confrontation, and more inclusiveness means less estrangement.

“We are ready to work with the Arab side to jointly champion an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation and set a model of South-South cooperation on global governance.”

His forward looking spirit was also reflected in the key areas he highlighted for cooperation, which included not only oil and gas, but also trade and infrastructure, along with new growth areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), investment, new energy, and green innovation.

Referring to the first China-Arab States Summit, which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in December 2022, and having announced that the second summit will be held in China in 2026, Xi recalled that he had put forward eight major cooperation initiatives in Riyadh, adding:

“New progress has been made in scientific R&D and technology transfer. Trade and energy cooperation have scaled new heights. Small and beautiful livelihood projects are advancing in parallel with signature flagship projects. Cooperation in areas such as food security, green innovation and health is deepening and getting more substantial. Platforms for people-to-people exchanges and cooperation are functioning well.”

To further propel these positive developments, he suggested five cooperation frameworks, aimed at achieving:

  • A more dynamic framework for innovation
  • An expanded framework for investment and finance cooperation (including welcoming Arab banks to join the Cross-border Interbank Payment System, which represents an alternative to the US-controlled SWIFT system)
  • A more multifaceted framework for energy cooperation – embracing renewable energy projects
  • A more balanced framework for mutually beneficial economic and trade ties – including accelerating negotiations on bilateral and regional free trade agreements; and
  • A broader framework for people-to-people exchanges. China will invite 200 leaders of Arab political parties to visit China every year.

Naturally, no dialogue with Arab leaders, especially at the present time, could possibly fail to pay keen attention to the situation facing the embattled Palestinian people in the face of a genocidal Zionist war of aggression.

President Xi noted that, since last October, the people in Gaza had been thrown into tremendous suffering:

“War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever… China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. It supports Palestine’s full membership in the UN, and supports a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference.”

He further pledged another round of emergency humanitarian aid from China.

The following is the full text of President Xi’s speech. It was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Continue reading Xi Jinping’s speech at the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum