Chinese FM meets head of Fatah delegation

Following the conclusion of talks in Beijing between representatives of 14 Palestinian resistance groups, which resulted in the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity, on July 23, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul.

Wang stressed that a top priority now is to proceed from the fundamental interests of all the Palestinian people, seize the opportunity and seek common ground while shelving differences, so that unity and reconciliation among the various factions could be realised.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, who is also deputy leader of Fatah, thanked China for its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions and for its support and assistance to Palestine over the past decades, calling China a true friend and brother of the Palestinian people.

The following report was first published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul in Beijing on Tuesday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed that no matter how the international situation changes, China will always firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people.

Noting that the conflict in Gaza has caused a huge humanitarian disaster, Wang said to resolve this historical injustice, the principle of “Palestinian-owned, Palestinian-led and Palestinian-ruled” must be upheld.

Wang said the top priority now is to proceed from the fundamental interests of all the Palestinian people, seize the opportunity and seek common ground while shelving differences, so that unity and reconciliation among the various factions could be realized, and they could form a unified position, define a common goal, and create necessary conditions for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the realization of an independent state and the implementation of the two-state solution.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, also deputy chief of the Fatah Movement, thanked China for its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions and its support and assistance to Palestine over the past decades, calling China a true friend and brother of the Palestinian people.

The Fatah Movement will do its utmost to promote reconciliation and unity among Palestinian factions and contribute to a thorough settlement of the Palestinian issue. 

Starmer should develop balanced strategy

In the following article, Grenville Cross dissects the likely foreign policy trajectory and options of Britain’s new Labour government which took office following the July 4 general election. 

Regarding the manifesto on which the Labour Party fought the election, he notes that its references to foreign policy are relatively sparse, but that it committed the party to “working with the US, supporting NATO, enhancing the AUKUS pact, and backing Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, so no surprises there. They mirrored the policies of Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government, and [now Prime Minister Sir Keir] Starmer was trying to steal its clothes,” adding that he had also thrown in some Cold War rhetoric of his own:

“This will have delighted the US and its military-industrial complex, even though it is the long-suffering Ukrainian people who will pay the price of their bellicosity.”

Having noted that the manifesto promised that “Labour will bring a long-term and strategic approach to managing our relations” [with China] and committed to an “audit of our bilateral relationship” to  “understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses,” Cross observes, “If Starmer can be more principled on the world stage, this will be welcome, although the early signs are less than reassuring,” adding:

“On July 7, his new foreign secretary, David Lammy, eager to make a splash on his second day in office, said he hoped China would not become involved in the Ukraine conflict. He warned that Beijing had to be ‘very careful’ about ‘deepening its partnerships with Russia, Iran and North Korea’. As China has remained neutral in the conflict, has not supplied weapons to either side, and is pressing for a ceasefire, Lammy should have congratulated it upon its continuing role as an honest broker. Unfortunately, years of instinctive prejudice toward Beijing have taken their toll on British foreign policy.”

However, as China was Britain’s fifth-largest trading partner in 2023, the last thing the UK needs is a political neophyte like Lammy trying to worsen relations. Citing Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s congratulatory message to Starmer on his election, where he expressed his willingness “to work with the new UK government to consolidate mutual political trust and expand mutually beneficial cooperation”, Cross opines that it is regrettable that Lammy did not respond in kind.

He argues that: “The hypocrisy that was the hallmark of Sunak’s administration in other areas is again rearing its ugly head and suggests the two governments have more in common than people realised. After a Russian air raid (accidentally, according to Putin) hit a children’s hospital in Kyiv, killing 22 people, Starmer, on July 9, accused him of ‘the most depraved of actions’. However, his words came back to bite him.

“The former First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, whose relatives have suffered in Gaza, immediately took Starmer to task. He compared Putin’s invasion of Ukraine with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bombardment of Gaza. Writing on X, Yousaf told Starmer that if he condemned Russia for killing children but continued ‘to sell arms to Israel, who have killed over 14,000 children (and counting) and destroyed Gaza’s hospitals with impunity, then you are a hypocrite.”

The author argues that: “Starmer would do well to heed Yousaf’s words. If he wishes to be taken seriously, he cannot slavishly follow his predecessor’s policy of condemning Putin’s actions in Ukraine while allowing Netanyahu to get away with blue murder in Gaza. In the general election on July 4, pro-Palestinian candidates became effectively the sixth-largest party in parliament when five independents opposed to the Gaza massacres were elected, and they will undoubtedly hold Starmer’s feet to the fire.”

Grenville Cross is a senior counsel and law professor and was previously Hong Kong’s Director of Public Prosecutions.

The article originally appeared in China Daily Hong Kong edition.

On June 13, when the UK Labour Party issued its manifesto for the general election on July 4, its focus was domestic issues. This was understandable, as elections are won and lost on bread-and-butter issues. There were, however, some references to foreign policy, albeit nothing too beefy. Signed by the Labour Party leader (now prime minister), Sir Keir Starmer, the manifesto committed the party to working with the US, supporting NATO, enhancing the AUKUS pact, and backing Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, so no surprises there. They mirrored the policies of Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government, and Starmer was trying to steal its clothes.

He also threw in some Cold War rhetoric of his own, claiming that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was “attempting to break European security with his full-scale invasion of Ukraine”. If nothing else, this showed that he, like Sunak, favored turning an eastern European territorial dispute into a “forever war”. This will have delighted the US and its military-industrial complex, even though it is the long-suffering Ukrainian people who will pay the price of their bellicosity.

However, despite the similarities, Starmer insisted his party would “end the chaotic approach to foreign affairs”. The UK would “once again stand strong on the world stage”, which sounded fine. A new approach to UK-China relations was also foreshadowed, and time alone will tell if this is serious.

The manifesto declared, “After 14 years of damaging Conservative inconsistency over China, Labour will bring a long-term and strategic approach to managing our relations.” This meant “we will cooperate where we can, compete where we need to, and challenge where we must,” all very nice sound bites. Moreover, an “audit of our bilateral relationship” was also envisaged for improving the UK’s ability to “understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses”.

As Sunak cynically enfranchised the estimated 140,000 BN(O) passport holders who have relocated to the UK since 2021, hoping they would then vote Conservative in gratitude, Starmer decided he better go after their votes. His manifesto said the Labour Party would “stand with and support members of the Hong Kong community who have relocated to the UK”, and many undoubtedly voted for Labour.

If nothing else, Starmer was right about the inconsistencies of successive Conservative governments in their policies toward Beijing. Whereas then-prime minister David Cameron (2010-16) saw the development of UK-China relations as heralding a “golden era”, his successors, notably Boris Johnson and Liz Truss (2019-22), switched to confrontation (albeit under US pressure).

Not only did Johnson join the US in imposing hostile measures upon Hong Kong when China acted decisively to end the insurrection that sought to wreck the “one country, two systems” policy in 2019, but he also hoodwinked China in 2020. Having granted Huawei a 35 percent stake in the UK’s 5G network in January 2020, he then, at US insistence, reneged on the agreement six months later. If Starmer can be more principled on the world stage, this will be welcome, although the early signs are less than reassuring.

On July 7, his new foreign secretary, David Lammy, eager to make a splash on his second day in office, said he hoped China would not become involved in the Ukraine conflict. He warned that Beijing had to be “very careful” about “deepening its partnerships with Russia, Iran and North Korea”. As China has remained neutral in the conflict, has not supplied weapons to either side, and is pressing for a cease-fire, Lammy should have congratulated it upon its continuing role as an honest broker. Unfortunately, years of instinctive prejudice toward Beijing have taken their toll on British foreign policy.

However, as China was Britain’s fifth-largest trading partner in 2023, the last thing the UK needs is a political neophyte like Lammy trying to worsen relations. When the Chinese premier, Li Qiang, congratulated Starmer on his election, he said China was “willing to work with the new UK government to consolidate mutual political trust and expand mutually beneficial cooperation”, and it is regrettable that Lammy has not responded in kind.

However, while Lammy was busy stoking tensions, the peacemakers were at work. The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, having discussed the conflict over several days with both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents, met with President Xi Jinping in Beijing on July 8, in what he described on X (formerly Twitter) as “Peace mission 3.0”. Although Hungary currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, the EU, which is pouring cash and arms into the conflict, distanced itself from Orban’s initiative. Instead of wishing Orban well, the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that “appeasement will not stop” the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, which was music to the ears of the warmongers.

However, Orban refused to be deterred, given that peace in Ukraine benefits not only Europe but also mankind. He said China was a “key power in creating the conditions for peace,” which was “why I came to meet with President Xi”. He described China as a stabilizing force during global turbulence and praised its “constructive and important” peace initiatives. These included China’s six-point peace plan, which it issued with Brazil on May 23 and which the West downplayed.

It is a pity that Starmer has yet to take a leaf out of Orban’s book, although hope springs eternal.

According to CCTV, Xi said, “Only when all major powers exert positive energy rather than negative energy can the conflict see the dawn of a cease-fire as soon as possible,” and Lammy was hopefully listening. However, it was not only the EU that was unhappy with the peace talks. The US National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, also weighed in. He said the Xi-Orban meeting was “concerning” for the US and did not hold any promise “of trying to get things done in Ukraine”.

It is, moreover, not only with Ukraine that the new Labour government has been found wanting. The hypocrisy that was the hallmark of Sunak’s administration in other areas is again rearing its ugly head, and suggests the two governments have more in common than people realized. After a Russian air raid (accidentally, according to Putin) hit a children’s hospital in Kyiv, killing 22 people, Starmer, on July 9, accused him of “the most depraved of actions”. However, his words came back to bite him.

The former first minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, whose relatives have suffered in Gaza, immediately took Starmer to task. He compared Putin’s invasion of Ukraine with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bombardment of Gaza. Writing on X, Yousaf told Starmer that if he condemned Russia for killing children but continued “to sell arms to Israel, who have killed over 14,000 children (and counting) and destroyed Gaza’s hospitals with impunity, then you are a hypocrite”.

Given his background as a human rights lawyer, Starmer would do well to heed Yousaf’s words. If he wishes to be taken seriously, he cannot slavishly follow his predecessor’s policy of condemning Putin’s actions in Ukraine while allowing Netanyahu to get away with blue murder in Gaza. In the general election on July 4, pro-Palestinian candidates became effectively the sixth-largest party in Parliament when five independents opposed to the Gaza massacres were elected, and they will undoubtedly hold Starmer’s feet to the fire.

On July 10, moreover, when at least 29 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured in an Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced people outside the al-Awda school in southern Gaza, it was immediately condemned by the European Union. It was the fourth attack on or near schools sheltering displaced people in four days, and the German Foreign Ministry, in a statement on X, said, “The repeated attacks on schools must stop and an investigation must come quickly.” However, there were no such words of condemnation from Starmer (or Lammy), and his silence cannot be explained away by his absence abroad.

If, as seems likely, the International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants shortly against Netanyahu, Starmer must give it his full support. The warrants have been sought by Karim Khan KC, the ICC’s British chief prosecutor. Like Starmer, Khan made his mark as a human rights lawyer, and Starmer must stand with him, even if it upsets the US. He must also immediately end arms sales to Israel, as the UK can no longer be a party to Netanyahu’s crimes against humanity.

On July 10, Starmer arrived in the US for the NATO summit hosted by the US president, Joe Biden. Like his predecessors, he decided that some tough talking at China’s expense would not go amiss. He declared he would be “robust” with Beijing, and willing to challenge China about human rights and security concerns.

Although this undoubtedly pleased Biden, he must have been ecstatic when Starmer announced that, although he plans to force members of the UK’s House of Lords to retire at 80, it did not mean that Biden was too old to carry on serving as president at the age of 81 (and beyond).

If Starmer imagined this type of sycophancy could advance the so-called “special relationship” between the UK and the US, so be it. He will have to learn the hard way that all the US is really concerned about is British subservience, including unquestioning support of its hegemonistic policies around the world.

Biden would also have been relieved that Starmer’s concern for human rights in China did not extend to Gaza, where Israel, with US connivance, is committing human rights violations on an industrial scale on an almost daily basis.

Although it is still early days, the Labour government has already misstepped on foreign policy. While its ministers are on a learning curve, they must quickly master their briefs and make a clean break from the past. If they can stop kowtowing to the US, build a constructive relationship with China, support the peacemakers, and plow an independent furrow, a new dawn is still possible.

In his manifesto, Starmer declared “This election is about change,” and this must encompass foreign affairs. He needs to develop global strategies that are honest, pragmatic and balanced. If he can achieve this, he will not only undo much of the harm caused by his predecessors, but also promote the UK’s best interests and those of humanity.

Palestinian factions sign Beijing Declaration on ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity

Three days of intensive talks in the Chinese capital Beijing between 14 Palestinian resistance organisations culminated on July 23, 2024, with the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by the movements represented.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, attended the closing ceremony and witnessed the signing.

According to the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, in his remarks at the closing ceremony, Wang Yi noted that, 14 Palestinian factions are gathering in Beijing with the greater good of their nation in mind. This is an important historical moment in the Palestinian liberation cause. China commends the reconciliation efforts made by all the factions and congratulates them on the success of the Beijing dialogue and the signing of the Beijing Declaration.

Wang Yi pointed out that only when Palestinian factions speak as one can the voice of justice be loud and clear, and only when they join hands and march forward shoulder to shoulder can they succeed in their national liberation cause. The most important consensus from the Beijing talks is to achieve the reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions; the core outcome is the affirmation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people; the biggest highlight is the agreement on establishing an interim government of national reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza; and the strongest call is for truly establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant UN resolutions. The key to the Palestinian reconciliation process is to bolster confidence, keep to the right direction, and make incremental progress. Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity. Reconciliation is the internal affair of Palestinian factions and cannot happen without international support. On the path toward reconciliation, China shares the same direction and destination with Arab and Islamic countries.

The Chinese Foreign Minister further noted that the Palestinian question is at the core of the Middle East issue. China never has any selfish interests on the Palestinian question. China was among the first countries to recognise the PLO and the State of Palestine. China all along firmly supports the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights. We value fairness and advocate for justice.

To help get out of the current conflict and predicament, China proposes a three-step initiative:

  • First is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.
  • Second is to make joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine.”
  • Third is to help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-State solution.

Wang Yi said that intra-Palestinian reconciliation will bring hope and a future to the Palestinian people. It is an important step toward resolving the Palestinian question and achieving peace and stability in the Middle East. Unwavering efforts must be continually made in this direction. China sincerely hopes that Palestinian factions will achieve reconciliation and, on that basis, realise independent statehood at an early date.

Head of the Fatah delegation Mahmoud al-Aloul and head of the Hamas delegation Musa Abu Marzouk delivered remarks on behalf of the Palestinian factions. They noted that China holds an important place in the heart of Palestinian people, and expressed sincere appreciation for President Xi Jinping and China’s unchanging, firm support and selfless assistance to Palestine over a long period of time. They expressed deep appreciation for China’s strong support for intra-Palestinian dialogue and reconciliation. 

Diplomatic envoys from Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Russia and Türkiye also attended the closing ceremony.

Speaking to Al Jazeera from Beijing, Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, one of the 14 factions to sign the accord, said that the agreement goes “much further” than any other reached in recent years.

He said its four main elements are the establishment of an interim national unity government, the formation of unified Palestinian leadership ahead of future elections, the free election of a new Palestinian National Council, and a general declaration of unity in the face of ongoing Israeli attacks.

The move towards a unity government is especially important, he said, because it “blocks Israeli efforts to create some sort of collaborative structure against Palestinian interests.”

Barghouti said the war in Gaza was the “main factor” motivating the Palestinian sides to set aside their differences. “There is no other way now but for Palestinians to be unified and struggle together against this terrible injustice… The most important thing now is to not only sign the agreement, but to implement it.”

Addressing the Beijing meeting, Jamil Mezher, Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said in part that:

China has proven, through its long history, its steadfast support for the Palestinian cause, through its political and diplomatic stances and its support for the Palestinian people in international forums.

What is required today is a unified Palestinian stance that clearly declares that we are all united behind the goals of our people in achieving freedom, self-determination, the return of refugees, and realising the dream of a Palestinian state with Al-Quds [Jerusalem] as its capital.

It is essential to announce the restoration of Palestinian national unity, uniting our forces and people and the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, through the convening of a unifying Palestinian National Council with the participation and representation of all Palestinian forces.

Today, our people are not only facing a genocide war but also the consequences of decades of comprehensive political failure and deficiency, as well as the price of international bias led by the United States and supported by all governments and tools of the dominant colonial system in this world.

Our urgent and pressing demand is not only to end and stop the genocide but to secure our people’s rights to freedom, self-determination, the return of refugees, and the establishment of an independent state with Al-Quds as its capital.

Peoples have never achieved their rights through blame, contention, and disputes over descriptions and conflicting wills; rather, by uniting around major national goals, deeply understanding the meaning of historical responsibility, and having leadership capable of bearing responsibility and translating popular will. This is our duty today… Is there a stronger and more precious incentive than 40,000 Palestinian martyrs?

Being united in the face of this aggression is the only guarantee to achieve our major national goals. Let us work with all our strength and sincerity to achieve this goal, knowing that history will not forgive the complacent, and our people will not forgive those who fail in their national and humanitarian duty.

Let us pledge today, before our people and the martyrs of this nation, that this moment will be the beginning of a journey towards freedom, independence, the state, and the return of refugees, and let our unity be the strongest weapon in facing this oppressive enemy.

Majida Al-Masri, Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) said in her speech:

Continue reading Palestinian factions sign Beijing Declaration on ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity

History has amply proved that wherever NATO’s hand extends, turmoil and chaos will ensue

On July 16, the United Nations Security Council held an Open Debate on ‘Multilateral Cooperation in the Interest of a More Just, Democratic and Sustainable World Order’. The meeting was convened on the initiative of the Russian Federation and chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

In his speech during the debate, China’s UN Ambassador Fu Cong, noted that the world body had been founded in 1945, to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” and continued:

“Since then, a large number of countries have emerged from waves of national independence and liberation.” Seventy years ago, “the Chinese leaders put forward the five principles of peaceful coexistence, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefits, and peaceful coexistence. The five principles of peaceful coexistence embody the spirit of the [UN] Charter.”

Now, President Xi Jinping’s proposal of building a community with a shared future for humanity has been put forward with the aim of carrying forward the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the five principles of peaceful coexistence under the new circumstances.

Fu Cong went on to say that today, “some obvious truths [are] being willfully distorted, while certain specious arguments gaining currency.” Responding to this, he continued, making pointed reference to a number of imperialist countries, principally the United States and Britain:

“We often hear the talk about a rules-based international order by some countries. But what kind of rules are they talking about? And who are the rule makers? No one has given us a clear and precise answer. In fact, the so-called rules-based international order advocated by some is really intended to create another system outside the existing system of international law and to seek legitimacy for double standards and exceptionalism. I would like to emphasise that there is only one order in the world, that is the international order based on international law. There is only one set of rules, and they are the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.”

And, while many peace-loving countries and people are working tirelessly to achieve peace in response to the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine:

“NATO, a regional military bloc left over from the Cold War, has been seeking to expand its sphere of influence, stopping at nothing to create false narratives, pouring oil on the fire wherever they go, stirring up confrontation between camps, and even shifting the blame to countries outside the region to frame them on the issue of Ukraine.”

This last comment clearly refers to accusations levelled against China at NATO’s Washington Summit earlier in July, when China was ludicrously described as being a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s Special Military Operation. 

Doubtless with such wars of aggression as those waged against Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia in mind, Fu Cong went on to say that: “History has amply proved that wherever NATO’s hand extends, turmoil and chaos will ensue. China hereby advises NATO and certain countries to conduct some soul-searching and stop being the troublemakers who jeopardise common security at the expense of others.”

He also said that common development and common security are mutually reinforcing. A just and equitable international order cannot be built on the basis of developed countries getting ever richer while developing countries remain locked in poverty and the lack of development.

We reprint below the full text of Ambassador Fu Cong’s remarks. They were originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.


China appreciates Russia’s initiative to convene this open debate. I welcome Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presiding over today’s meeting. 

To build a just, democratic, and sustainable international order is the joint pursuit of humanity. In 1945, to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, our forefathers, upholding the spirit of multilateralism, established on the ruins of the Second World War the most universal, representative, and authoritative international organization, that is, the United Nations. The UN Charter, laying down the cornerstone of the modern international order and establishing the basic norms of contemporary international relations, is an embodiment of our noble ideal of working towards a just and equitable international order. 

Continue reading History has amply proved that wherever NATO’s hand extends, turmoil and chaos will ensue

Wang Yi: The historic step from peaceful coexistence to a shared future for humanity

With China having recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, on July 17, Foreign Minister Wang Yi published an important article outlining the historical progression from the Five Principles to President Xi Jinping’s vision of a shared future for humanity and their interrelationship of continuity, inheritance, application and development.

Wang points out that this occurs against the backdrop of accelerated global transformation not seen in a century and profound adjustment of the international landscape and that it sends a powerful message of the Global South working together with people across all countries working together for a better future.

He expounds on the relevance of championing the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new circumstances from historical, realistic, theoretical and practical perspectives:

  • From a historical perspective, it is an inevitable development of the trend toward multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations. Born at a time when national independence and liberation movements were sweeping across Asia, Africa and Latin America, the Five Principles embodied the legitimate aspiration of newly independent countries to safeguard their sovereignty and grow their national economy, provided a powerful rallying force behind the efforts of developing countries to pursue cooperation and self-strength through unity, and pushed forward the historic process of reforming and improving the international order. In the new century, the collective rise of emerging market and developing countries is unstoppable. The Global South stands out with a strong momentum, and groupings such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation have gained notably stronger influence. The trend toward multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations is irreversible. Championing the essence of the Five Principles under the new circumstances is a crucial step to fully capture the political and economic reality of today’s world and move toward a more just and equitable international order.
  • From a realistic perspective, it is a response to the urgent call for uniting all progressive forces across the world and tackling global challenges together.  Championing the essence of the Five Principles under the new circumstances is an inevitable choice for enhancing solidarity and cooperation among all countries to meet challenges and build a better future together.
  • From a theoretical perspective, it is an important cornerstone for building a new type of international relations.As the first systematic theory of international relations proposed by developing countries, the Five Principles stress the importance of mutuality and equality in handling state-to-state relations and highlight the essence of international rule of law. Replacing power politics, bullying and the law of the jungle with respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit, the Five Principles have served as the prime guidance for the establishment and development of relations between countries with different social systems, and set an important benchmark for international relations and international rule of law. Facing the various practices of unilateralism, protectionism, power politics and bullying, humanity must make a historic choice between peace and war, prosperity and recession, and unity and confrontation.
  • From a practical perspective, it offers a path to upholding the UN Charter and international rule of law.The Five Principles are highly consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Shortly after their debut in Asia, the Five Principles soon ascended to the world stage, forming the basis for the ten principles outlined at the 1955 Bandung Conference and becoming the guiding principles of the Non-Aligned Movement that rose in the 1960s.

Regarding the need to sustain, promote and upgrade the Five Principles under the new circumstances, Wang Yi notes that:

“General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the baton of history is passed from generation to generation, and the cause of human progress moves forward from one era to another as humanity seek answers to the questions of the times. Seven decades ago, leaders of China, India and Myanmar jointly advocated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, giving the answer of their times to the major question of how to handle state-to-state relations. Seven decades on, bearing in mind the common and fundamental interests of people around the world, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity, the response of our times to the question of ‘what kind of world to build and how to build it.’ The Vision both carries forward and renews the spirit of the Five Principles… This is a new historical step forward in the progressive cause of humanity.”

Explaining the Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity, he explains that the world today has become a community with a shared future, i.e. the future of all countries is bound more closely together for good or ill by common challenges, common interests and common responsibilities. Living in such an era, we need to take more proactive steps to pursue win-win cooperation under the principles of equality and mutual benefit and take peaceful coexistence to the higher level of harmony and shared prosperity.

“The building of a community with a shared future for humanity meets the prevailing aspiration of people around the world, points the direction for the progress of world civilisation, and underscores the Communist Party of China’s commitment to pursuing not only happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation but also human progress and world harmony.”

The article stresses the need for the Global South to achieve greater strength through unity.

“China is always a member of the Global South and always stands with all countries of the South through thick and thin. China will accelerate the implementation of the eight measures in support of Global South cooperation, ensure the success of the upcoming Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, develop the ‘five cooperation frameworks’ in concert with Arab states, upgrade its relations with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and deepen cooperation with Pacific Island countries. China will stay committed to the development and revitalisation of the Global South and walk side by side with other Global South countries in our common pursuit of modernisation.”

Writing on China’s proposals for better global governance, Wang Yi says that China will take an active part in the reform and improvement of the global governance system, support the Summit of the Future in adopting a Pact for the Future that reflects the trend of our times and the aspirations of people around the world, actively participate in international cooperation on climate change, build greater consensus on the Global AI Governance Initiative, and work for improving the governance rules for such new frontiers as deep sea, polar regions, outer space and cyberspace. It is important to deepen cooperation under the expanded BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, support Brazil and Peru in hosting G20 and APEC meetings respectively and augment the strength of the South in global governance.

In conclusion, he writes that:

“The implementation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is an ongoing process. So is the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. Taking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as a new starting point, China will work with all countries to draw wisdom from history, undertake the responsibility for our times, and keep striving for the great goal of building a community with a shared future for humanity.”

We reprint below the full text of Wang Yi’s article. It was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

The year 2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. On June 28, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended and delivered an important address at the conference marking the occasion. This is a major home-court diplomatic event held by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, against the backdrop of accelerated global transformation not seen in a century and profound adjustment of the international landscape and with both domestic and international imperatives in mind, to promote international solidarity and cooperation and humanity’s cause of peace and development.

Continue reading Wang Yi: The historic step from peaceful coexistence to a shared future for humanity

China boosts ties with Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

Chinese President Xi Jinping met separately in Beijing with the Prime Ministers of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu on July 12. The premiers of the two South Pacific island nations were on official visits that underscored China’s policy of treating all countries, big or small, as equal.

Meeting Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele of Solomon Islands, Xi noted that China regards the Solomon Islands as a good friend, good partner and good brother. China supports the Solomon Islands in pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions and in safeguarding its national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

China, he added, is ready to enhance strategic communication with the Solomon Islands to firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests and addressing major concerns, enhance the synergy between the Belt and Road cooperation and the development strategy of the Solomon Islands, deepen cooperation in areas such as rural development, medical services, infrastructure, sustainable development and climate change response, and work together to build a community with a shared future between the two countries in the new era, thereby bringing greater benefits to the two peoples.

China has always been committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and advocates that all countries, regardless of size, strength or wealth, are equals. China’s friendly cooperation with the Solomon Islands and other Pacific Island countries is a sincere effort to assist these island nations in achieving development, falls within the framework of South-South cooperation, and is part of the common development of the Global South, without targeting any third party or seeking any selfish gain, he added.

Manele said his visit to China began in Fujian province, where he witnessed China’s remarkable development achievements and felt the immense potential and broad prospects of cooperation between the Solomon Islands and China. Noting that China has set an example for developing countries, he added that China advocates the common values of humanity, upholds multilateralism, avoids forming exclusive cliques or playing geopolitical games, does not require other countries to take sides, and calls on the international community to strengthen unity and cooperation.

The previous day, Manele had met with his Chinese counterpart, Premier Li Qiang, who called for further development of their bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era.

Li said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties five years ago, bilateral relations have maintained strong development, setting an example of South-South cooperation among developing countries. China is ready to share more development experience with the Solomon Islands, and strengthen cooperation in infrastructure, rural development, information and communications and low-carbon transition. And it  hopes to import more quality agricultural and food products from the Solomon Islands and encourages Chinese enterprises to invest there. The two sides should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, health, sports, culture and youth to further facilitate personnel exchanges and cement the social foundation of bilateral cooperation.

Manele expressed appreciation for China’s strong support for the economic and social development of the Solomon Islands. He said that the Solomon Islands firmly abides by the one-China principle, supports the vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the three major global initiatives, supports the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and highly appreciates China’s important contribution to world peace and development.

The Solomon Islands is willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation with China in fields such as economy and trade, infrastructure construction, medical and health care, people-to-people exchanges and poverty alleviation, jointly cope with global challenges such as climate change and push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era.

In a joint statement, the two sides reaffirmed that they will continue to follow the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, firmly support each other in independently exploring a development path suited to national conditions, and further enhance sharing and mutual learning of governance experience.

The Chinese side will continue to provide help to the best of its capacity for Solomon Islands’ pursuit of independent and sustainable development, to help Solomon Islands graduate from the Least Developed Countries (LDC) category by 2027 as scheduled.

They agreed to expand exchanges and cooperation in such areas as culture, education, health including malaria eradication, sports, law enforcement, youth and media. The Chinese side will continue to provide government scholarships and various training opportunities for Solomon Islands, continue to send medical teams and police liaison teams to Solomon Islands, and continue to provide Solomon Islands with support in Chinese language teaching.

The two sides share the view that climate change is a global challenge that requires all countries to respond with joint efforts under the framework of multilateralism and in accordance with the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. The two sides will jointly promote the full and effective implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement.

They also reiterated their commitment to firmly upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as the cornerstone and the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, and call on relevant countries to fulfill international obligations and prudently handle issues such as the ocean discharge of nuclear-contaminated water and cooperation on nuclear submarines.

Continue reading China boosts ties with Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

Algerian foreign minister: China-Algeria friendship has deep roots

As part of a regional tour, Zhai Jun, the Chinese government’s Special Envoy for Middle East issues, visited Algeria on July 3, which afforded both governments the opportunity to reiterate their long-standing solidarity forged during the Algerian people’s war of independence against French colonialism. 

Meeting Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf, Zhai Jun warmly congratulated Algeria on the upcoming 62nd anniversary of the victory of the independence revolution, and thanked Algeria for its consistent and firm support for the Chinese side on issues related to China’s core interests. He said that China will continue to firmly support Algeria in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and following a development path that suits its national conditions to achieve national development and revitalisation. 

Ahmed Attaf said that the traditional friendship between Algeria and China has deep roots and a time-honoured history, and the Chinese side has provided valuable support for Algeria’s independence revolution, which has been remembered by the Algerian people for generations. Algeria is willing to actively participate in the preparations for this autumn’s summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and to contribute to its success.

The following report was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

On July 3, 2024, Special Envoy Zhai Jun of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue visited Algeria, during which he met with Foreign Minister of Algeria Ahmed Attaf and had an exchange of views on bilateral relations as well as the development of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Zhai Jun warmly congratulated Algeria on the upcoming 62nd anniversary of the victory of the independence revolution, and thanked Algeria for its consistent and firm support for the Chinese side on issues related to China’s core interests. He said that China will continue to firmly support Algeria in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and following a development path that suits its national conditions to achieve national development and revitalization. China is ready to take the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries as an opportunity to deepen practical cooperation between the two countries in infrastructure construction, energy and mining, finance, information and communications, digital economy and other fields, so as to continuously enrich the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. China is ready to work with Algeria to make good preparations for the summit of the FOCAC and to promote the sustained and in-depth development of China-Africa relations.

Ahmed Attaf said that the traditional friendship between Algeria and China has deep roots and a time-honored history, and the Chinese side has provided valuable support for Algeria’s independence revolution, which has been remembered by the Algerian people for generations. In recent years, Algeria-China relations have maintained high-level development, and the Algerian side is greatly proud of this. Algeria is ready to work with China to further deepen the friendly cooperation in investment, artificial intelligence, mining and other areas to take the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level. Algeria is willing to actively participate in the preparations for the summit of the FOCAC and contribute to the success of the summit.

On the same day, Special Envoy Zhai Jun held talks with Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria Lounes Magramane, and they had an exchange of views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual interest and concern.

China and Guinea-Bissau elevate bilateral relations to a strategic partnership

The President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo paid a state visit to China from July 9-13 at the invitation of his counterpart, Xi Jinping. 

At their meeting on July 10, the two leaders elevated their bilateral relations to a strategic partnership.

President Xi noted that in recent years, China and Guinea-Bissau have deepened bilateral relations, strengthened political mutual trust, expanded pragmatic cooperation and enhanced international coordination. China supports Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path that suits its national conditions. He stressed that China stands ready to strengthen friendly exchanges with Guinea-Bissau at all levels, enhance experience-sharing on governance, and expand cooperation in areas such as agriculture, mining, infrastructure construction and the blue economy under the guidance of the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China is willing to continue to provide support within its capacity for Guinea-Bissau’s domestic construction and will continue to send its rice experts and medical teams to assist Guinea-Bissau in ensuring food security and developing public health, he added, calling on the two sides to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in education, youth and other fields to bring the two peoples’ hearts closer.

Both China and Africa have splendid civilisations, both have suffered from the painful history of colonisation and aggression, and both cherish and pursue national independence and liberation, Xi said, adding that mutual support and assistance between China and African countries are sincere and genuine. China and African countries are good brothers with sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and offer an exemplary model for unity and cooperation between developing nations.

Noting that two weeks ago, the commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were held in Beijing, and this autumn, a new Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit will be held in Beijing, Xi said China is willing to work with Guinea-Bissau and other African countries to champion the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, discuss major plans for China-Africa cooperation in the new era, safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice, and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

Embalo said Guinea-Bissau and China enjoy a solid and cordial relationship marked by unwavering mutual support, adding that whenever Guinea-Bissau faces difficulties, China has always provided invaluable assistance without hesitation, a gesture that the people of Guinea-Bissau will never forget.

Guinea-Bissau admires China’s remarkable development achievements and regards China as its top priority in foreign relations and most important partner. China, he added, has never engaged in colonialism, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, or pointed fingers at other countries, and China has always treated small countries with equality and respect, consistently matching its words with actions.

Noting that China has brought cooperation projects to Africa, including schools, hospitals and roads, delivering benefits to the African people, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau greatly appreciates China’s important role and positive contributions in helping the development of the African continent, and actively supports China in hosting the new FOCAC Summit. Guinea-Bissau supports the BRI, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by President Xi and is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with China on multilateral affairs, to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Meeting Li Qiang on the same day, the Chinese Premier noted that China and Guinea-Bissau are reliable good brothers and good partners. China always attaches importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with Guinea-Bissau. He added that China supports the people of Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions and supports Guinea-Bissau in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.

Noting that Guinea-Bissau sincerely appreciates China’s long-term valuable support for its economic and social development, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau is willing to further strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields such as economy, trade and infrastructure construction, and continue to move forward for common development.

Announcing  Embalo’s visit at a Foreign Ministry press conference, spokesperson Lin Jian  noted that the Chinese people firmly supported the people of Guinea-Bissau in their struggle for national independence and liberation in the 1970s. And giving a press conference at Bissau airport prior to his departure for China, Embalo said the two countries “have been traditional partners since the beginning of the national liberation struggle of Guinea-Bissau.” 

In a generally hostile article, Germany’s Deutsche Welle nevertheless noted, “Bissau and Beijing are already collaborating in the areas of education, health, agriculture, infrastructure, fisheries and defence. Ahead of the state visit, the next joint projects were announced: China will finance a large conference centre for the upcoming rotating presidency of Guinea-Bissau in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). Additionally, 300 kilometres of roads will be renovated. Furthermore, a new university campus for 12,000 students will be constructed, among other investments, the Bissau-Guinean president announced.

“‘Before we set off for Beijing, China had already announced a donation of $27.5 million for Guinea-Bissau,’ said  Embalo.” 

It quotes local journalist Bacar Camara as saying that “the relationships date back to the 1970s when Mao Zedong’s China supported our freedom fighter Amilcar Cabral in his fight against the Portuguese colonial rulers. The first soldiers of the liberation organisation PAIGC [the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde] were trained militarily in China.”

(Besides leading the liberation struggle in Guinea-Bissau, Amilcar Cabral was also a significant and creative Marxist-Leninist thinker and theoretician.)

A scholarly article in the journal International History Review dates the relationship between China and the PAIGC to May 1960. A touching feature article carried by the Xinhua News Agency to coincide with the state visit underlined the longevity of this fraternal relationship of solidarity. 

According to Xinhua: “In the square outside the east entrance of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping held an official welcome ceremony for President Umaro Sissoco Embalo of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on Wednesday, featuring a unique touch: the playing of Guinea-Bissau’s national anthem, ‘This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland.’

“The anthem, written by Guinea-Bissau’s founding father Amilcar Lopes Cabral, has a surprising composer – Chinese musician Xiao He. In the later official meeting between the two presidents, Xi talked with a smile about this intriguing detail. ‘China and Guinea-Bissau have a special history of friendship,’ he said. ‘The national anthem of Guinea-Bissau, ‘This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland,’ which was played at the welcome ceremony just now, was written by Amilcar Lopes Cabral, the founding father of Guinea-Bissau, and composed by Chinese musician Xiao He.”

In response, Embalo said: “President Xi mentioned our national anthem just now, which we sing every day. It was written by our founding father and composed by a Chinese friend. This is something we will never forget.”

He also highlighted China’s support before and after the founding of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, saying the two peoples have always stood together.

The history of the national anthem traces back to 1963, when a delegation from then Portuguese Guinea visited China and heard a piece of music by Xiao He. Cabral, a member of the delegation, then asked Xiao to compose a piece that would inspire his people in their fight for independence. Xiao gladly agreed. Drawing inspiration from African music and set to a 1963 poem by Cabral, Xiao composed a song which later became the national anthem of the western African country.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Continue reading China and Guinea-Bissau elevate bilateral relations to a strategic partnership

Xi meets Bangladeshi PM, bilateral ties elevated

Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina visited China from July 8-10 at the invitation of her Chinese counterpart Li Qiang.

Meeting with President Xi Jinping on July 10, the two leaders announced that they had elevated their relations to those of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Xi said that China and Bangladesh have always respected and supported each other, treated each other as equals and cooperated for win-win results since the establishment of diplomatic ties, setting an example of friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries, especially among Global South countries.

China cherishes the profound friendship forged by the older generation of leaders of the two countries and is willing to take the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties next year as an opportunity to deepen high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, expand cooperation in various fields, and promote the steady and long-term development of China-Bangladesh comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Xi’s reference to the profound friendship forged by the older generation of leaders of the two countries is particularly significant. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Founding Father of Bangladesh, who is also the father of Sheikh Hasina, visited China in 1952 and 1956, where he formed friendships with the first generation of Chinese leaders, including Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai. On his 1952 visit, he participated in the Asia and Pacific Rim Peace Conference, where he delivered a rousing speech in Bangla, putting the language movement in the then East Pakistan on the international map.

China, Xi continued, is ready to work with Bangladesh to enhance coordination on international and regional affairs, strengthen cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, uphold the common values of humanity, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Hasina said the Bangladeshi side admires China’s great achievements in overcoming various difficulties and challenges and continuously improving people’s living standards under the brilliant leadership of President Xi. Bangladesh is firmly committed to advancing the cause of national liberation, poverty reduction and development, and thanks China for its valuable support in this process.

Meeting with Li Qiang the same day, the Chinese Premier said that his country will always give priority to developing relations with Bangladesh in its neighbourhood diplomacy, deepen mutual understanding and give firm support to Bangladesh on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns.

Hasina expressed appreciation for China’s valuable support over the years, saying that China has made remarkable development achievements and become an example for other developing countries. She said Bangladesh will continue to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), strengthen cooperation with China on international multilateral affairs, push for further all-round development of bilateral relations and safeguard world peace and stability.

In their joint statement on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, the Bangladesh side “congratulated the Chinese side on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and applauded China’s historic achievements and transformation in economic and social development in the new era. Bangladesh lauded China’s efforts to build itself into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernisation and expressed the sincere wish for China to realise the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation as scheduled.

 “The Chinese side congratulated the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on holding the election of the 12th National Parliament, and congratulated the Bangladesh Awami League led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on winning the general election.”

Leaders of the two countries agreed to stay committed to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, carry forward the long-standing friendship, foster greater synergy between development strategies of the two countries, advance the Belt and Road cooperation, and elevate the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

The two sides decided to take the opportunity of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Bangladesh diplomatic relations in 2025 to plan together for the future development of bilateral ties and take the China-Bangladesh relationship to another new height.

China commended Bangladesh for being the first country in South Asia to join and take part in the BRI and, having reviewed significant Chinese contributions to Bangladesh’s national development, the statement continued:

“The Chinese side expressed readiness to continue providing assistance to Bangladesh to the best of its capacity and positively consider the possibility of building hospitals and bridges and renovating convention centres to support economic and social development of Bangladesh.”

Reflecting the international trend to dedollarisation, the two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in financial regulation and encouraged increased use of local currency settlement in bilateral trade.

The statement said that bearing in mind that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the two sides agreed on the need to carry forward the Five Principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence, with a view to jointly building a community with a shared future for Asia and for humanity. The two sides agreed to firmly safeguard the international system with the UN at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, uphold true multilateralism together, promote greater democracy in international relations, and work to foster an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation.

China also welcomed Bangladesh’s bid for BRICS membership and its interest in associating with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

The two sides reiterated that the fundamental way out of the ongoing grave crisis in Gaza lies in the implementation of the two-State solution and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. Relevant resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council are binding and should be enforced effectively to achieve an immediate, unconditional and lasting ceasefire. The two sides called on the international community to address the question of Palestine with a greater sense of urgency and step-up efforts to facilitate the resumption of peace talks and to achieve enduring peace.

Regarding the situation of the Rohingya people, a Muslim minority in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, who have taken refuge in Bangladesh, the two sides share the view that early repatriation is the only way to resolve the issue. They call on all parties in Myanmar to bridge their differences through dialogue and consultation and underscored the cessation of hostilities in Rakhine State as soon as possible. The Bangladesh side expressed its appreciation to and requested China to continue playing a constructive role to facilitate dialogue for the peaceful settlement of the issue concerning the displaced people from Rakhine State. The Chinese side commended efforts made over the years by Bangladesh to provide humanitarian assistance for the displaced people and expressed support for Bangladesh and Myanmar to find a mutually acceptable solution through friendly consultations and following the arrangements on repatriation existing between the countries. China will continue to provide support for this purpose to the best of its abilities, including providing a platform for dialogue to help achieve early repatriation of the displaced people.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Continue reading Xi meets Bangladeshi PM, bilateral ties elevated

Xi meets Hungarian prime minister, exchanging views on ties, Ukraine crisis

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban paid a surprise visit to Beijing on July 8 as part of a whirlwind of diplomatic activity aimed at promoting a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine. Hungary assumed the six-monthly rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) on July 1. Orban then visited Ukraine the very next day, his first visit to the country since Russia launched its Special Military Operation. This was followed by a July 5 visit to Russia, as well as to Azerbaijan, where he attended the Informal Summit of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS). 

Meeting President Xi Jinping, just two months after they had met in the Hungarian capital Budapest and elevated their bilateral relationship to that of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, the two leaders exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis.

Orban briefed Xi on his recent visits to Ukraine and Russia. Xi expressed appreciation for Orban’s efforts in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and elaborated on China’s relevant views and propositions.

Xi called on the international community to create conditions and provide support for the resumption of direct dialogue and negotiation between the two sides, saying that only if all major countries inject positive rather than negative energy, can a ceasefire in this conflict emerge as soon as possible, adding that the basic propositions of China and Hungary and the direction of their efforts are the same and that China is willing to stay in communication with Hungary and all relevant parties.

Orban said that over the past two months, the two sides have earnestly implemented the important outcomes of President Xi’s visit to Hungary, strengthened friendship and mutual trust, and laid a solid foundation for the future development of bilateral relations.

In the face of the current turbulent international situation, China not only loves peace but has also put forward a series of constructive and important initiatives, proving with its own concrete actions that it is an important stabilising force for world peace.

He added that Hungary highly appreciates and values China’s role and influence and is willing to maintain close strategic communication and coordination with China.

Far from welcoming Hungary’s efforts for peace, the country has come under intensified imperialist pressure in response. 

The South China Morning Post headline said that Orban’s visits to Moscow and Beijing had “prompt(ed) EU members to seek ways to punish Hungary.” The paper reported:

“At every stop on Orban’s tour, fury has spread like wildfire through the Belgian capital [where the EU is headquartered]. Ambassadors plan to grill Hungary’s representatives in Brussels on Wednesday, a diplomatic source said.

“On Monday, some member states were ‘seriously considering gathering a majority’ to come up with a way to punish Budapest for abusing the terms of the rotating role, a senior EU official said, with the European Commission’s legal service also preparing to give its opinion.”

Two days later, the Financial Times duly reported that the commission’s legal service had concluded that Orban’s  “solo trip to Moscow last week contravened the EU’s treaties.” The Hungarian Prime Minister had, “violated the bloc’s treaties that forbid any ‘measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union’s objectives’, according to three people familiar with the matter. He also violated a legal provision that calls on all members to perform foreign policy activities ‘unreservedly in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity’, they added.

“Many EU member states have discussed boycotting the traditional informal ministerial meetings to be held in Hungary during the country’s presidency, several diplomats told the FT. A smaller group of capitals has also begun informal discussions on how to use the EU treaty to restrict Orban’s room for manoeuvre during the presidency. Some EU officials have privately floated stripping Hungary of the rotating presidency, officials said.”

Getting in on the act, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “any leader visiting Russia or China must make NATO’s positions clear that the military alliance is ‘not going anywhere, Ukraine’s not going anywhere, the European Union is not going anywhere’.”

This grotesque display of hegemonic arrogance could scarcely better illustrate the undemocratic nature of the EU, its subservience to Washington, its shameless bullying of its smaller member states, especially those in central, eastern and southern Europe, its use of ‘lawfare’ to suppress dissenting standpoints, its opposition to peace and its increasingly dangerous warmongering against Russia, China and other countries.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban here on Monday, and the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis.

Orban briefed Xi on his recent visits to Ukraine and Russia. Xi expressed appreciation for Orban’s efforts in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and elaborated on China’s relevant views and propositions.

Xi stressed that an early ceasefire and a political settlement are in the interests of all sides, adding that the priority is to cool down the situation by observing the three principles of no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting, and no fanning by any party over the flames.

Xi called on the international community to create conditions and provide support for the resumption of direct dialogue and negotiation between the two sides, saying that only if all major countries inject positive rather than negative energy, can a ceasefire in this conflict emerge as soon as possible.

“China has been actively promoting peace talks in its own way and encouraging and supporting all efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis,” he said, adding that the basic propositions of China and Hungary and the direction of their efforts are the same and that China is willing to stay in communication with Hungary and all relevant parties.

Xi noted that during his successful state visit to Hungary two months ago, the bilateral relations were elevated to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, which gave new historical significance to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties this year and injected strong impetus into the high-level development of China-Hungary relations.

Noting that the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee will be held next week, Xi said China will further deepen overall reform and promote high-quality development and high-level opening up, which will provide new opportunities and create new momentum for China-Hungary cooperation.

Xi said that the two countries should maintain high-level exchanges, deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic communication and coordination, continue to firmly support each other, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and continue to enrich the bilateral all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era to better benefit the people.

He congratulated Hungary on assuming the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) and said there is no geopolitical contradiction or fundamental conflict of interests between China and the EU.

China-EU relations are of strategic significance and global influence and should maintain steady and sound development, Xi said, calling on the two sides to jointly respond to global challenges.

Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the EU, Xi said, adding that the two sides should stay committed to the correct path of bilateral partnership with cooperation as the defining trend, continue to promote two-way opening up, strengthen international coordination, and contribute to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

It is hoped that Hungary, as the holder of the rotating EU presidency, will play a positive role in promoting the sound and stable development of China-EU relations and facilitating constructive interactions, Xi added.

Orban said that over the past two months, the two sides have earnestly implemented the important outcomes of President Xi’s visit to Hungary, strengthened friendship and mutual trust, and laid a solid foundation for the future development of bilateral relations.

In the face of the current turbulent international situation, China not only loves peace but has also put forward a series of constructive and important initiatives, proving with its own concrete actions that China is an important stabilizing force for world peace, Orban said.

He added that Hungary highly appreciates and values China’s role and influence and is willing to maintain close strategic communication and coordination with China.

Hungary advocates strengthening cooperation with China and opposes forming exclusionary cliques and bloc confrontation, Orban said.

Hungary is willing to take the rotating EU presidency as an opportunity to actively promote the sound development of EU-China relations, he said.

Important bilateral meetings on sidelines of SCO summit promote multipolarity and regional cooperation

Chinese President Xi Jinping held bilateral meetings with a number of his counterparts during their visits to Kazakhstan for the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

On July 3, he met with the Presidents of Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Russia.

Meeting Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov, Xi said that the two leaders held fruitful talks in Xi’an last May and reached a high degree of consensus on China-Kyrgyzstan relations and bilateral cooperation in various fields. Good neighbours wish each other well, Xi said, adding that China is happy to see a stable and developing Kyrgyzstan and will, as always, firmly support Kyrgyzstan in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and in finding a development path suited to its national conditions.

China is willing to import more high-quality green agricultural products from Kyrgyzstan, support Chinese enterprises in investing and doing business in the Central Asian country, strengthen cooperation in areas such as new energy vehicles and cross-border e-commerce, and accelerate the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project.

Japarov said he still vividly remembers his visit to China in May last year, which opened up a new era in bilateral relations. At present, the political relations between Kyrgyzstan and China are developing at a high level, various departments of the two countries maintain close communication, sub-national exchanges and cooperation are booming, and bilateral trade and investment are growing steadily. 

He said that in the face of global changes unseen in a century, Kyrgyzstan-China relations have always been rock-solid, and there are no political differences or cooperation obstacles between the two countries.

Meeting with Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, Xi said that China and Azerbaijan have upgraded bilateral relations to strategic partnership, which is a new positioning and a new starting point. China and Azerbaijan are good friends with sincerity and mutual trust, as well as good partners with equality and mutual benefit, and bilateral relations have been developing healthily and steadily, with fruitful cooperation and richer strategic connotations. The two sides should promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, deepen cooperation in such fields as trade, investment, oil and gas, and photovoltaics, strengthen connectivity, advance the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, and ensure the healthy and stable operation of China-Europe freight trains. China supports Azerbaijan in hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

President Aliyev said that Azerbaijan firmly abides by the one-China principle and firmly supports China’s great cause of national reunification, which is the trend of history, and no force can stop it. Azerbaijan is willing to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with China, tap the potential, enhance cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, investment, new energy and culture within the framework of Belt and Road cooperation, closely collaborate within the SCO and other frameworks, oppose external interference and safeguard regional security and stability.

Meeting with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Xi said that during his counterpart’s successful state visit to China in January, China and Uzbekistan agreed to elevate their ties to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era and promote the construction of a China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future from a higher starting point.

Noting that China firmly supports Uzbekistan in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty and security, Xi said China is always a trustworthy friend and partner of Uzbekistan.

He urged the two sides to further advance the Belt and Road cooperation, well implement the medium- and long-term cooperation plan on economy, trade and investment, speed up the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, as well as cooperation in fields of photovoltaic, wind power and new energy vehicles, and continue to strengthen cooperation in poverty reduction and social governance.

China supports the expansion of exchanges between the two countries at the sub-national level, as well as exchanges in tourism, education and other fields, he said, noting China welcomes Uzbekistan’s participation in the seventh China International Import Expo as the guest country of honour.

This meeting was followed up by a July 6-9 visit to Uzbekistan by Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC). 

Meeting with President Mirziyoyev, Zhao noted that the Uzbek leader had met with President Xi in Astana just a few days ago and reached a broad consensus, charting the course for the high-level development of China-Uzbekistan relations.

Mirziyoyev asked Zhao to convey his best wishes to President Xi and extended congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Uzbekistan fully supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilisation Initiative, firmly abides by the one-China principle, and is willing to deepen bilateral cooperation in such fields as economy, trade, local governments, education and energy resources.

Continue reading Important bilateral meetings on sidelines of SCO summit promote multipolarity and regional cooperation

Xi says ready to join Tokayev for more substantive, dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with shared future

Prior to attending the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which was held in the capital Astana, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Kazakhstan.

Meeting his Kazakh counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on July 3, Xi noted, in their small-group talks, that last year Tokayev and he met twice in Xi’an and Beijing respectively, and made new arrangements and plans for the development of China-Kazakhstan relations, leading the “golden 30 years” of rapid development of China-Kazakhstan relations. The Chinese side has always viewed its relations with Kazakhstan from a strategic and long-term perspective, and regards Kazakhstan as a priority in China’s neighbourhood diplomacy and an important partner for cooperation in Central Asia.

The Chinese side, Xi added, will continue to strengthen cooperation with Kazakhstan in traditional energy such as natural gas, expand new energy cooperation including photovoltaic and wind power, encourage more Chinese enterprises to invest in Kazakhstan, and help Kazakhstan to convert its resource advantages into development capabilities to achieve green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

Tokayev said Xi’s state visit to Kazakhstan is of historic significance to the development of Kazakhstan-China relations, hailing China as a friendly neighbour, close friend and important strategic partner of his country.

He added that the Kazakh side appreciates China’s firm support for his coutry’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and will firmly abide by the one-China principle, resolutely fight against the “three forces” [of terrorism, separatism and extremism], and safeguard the common security of the two countries.

In their big-group talks, Xi said the friendly relations between China and Kazakhstan are rooted in the millennia-old ancient Silk Road, reinforced by 32 years of cooperation after the establishment of diplomatic relations, and have reached the high level of a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership.

He pledged that China will further expand imports of high-quality Kazakh goods and create new growth drivers for cooperation in e-commerce and digital economy, calling on the two sides to increase the scale of cooperation in production capacity investment, tap the potential of cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, and expand cooperation in electric vehicles, new energy, cross-border e-commerce and satellite communications.

Xi noted that China supports Kazakhstan in hosting the second China-Central Asia Summit next year and is ready to work with relevant parties including Kazakhstan to make the China-Central Asia mechanism better and stronger, and to promote the China-Central Asia cooperation to achieve more new results.

China is willing to work closely with Kazakhstan within the framework of the United Nations and other multilateral frameworks, practice genuine multilateralism and safeguard the common interests of the two countries and other developing countries.

Tokayev said that Kazakhstan and China enjoy a solid friendship spanning thousands of years along with fruitful cooperation in various fields, adding that in recent years in particular, bilateral ties have entered a new “golden era,” with smooth progress in major cooperation projects and positive results in agriculture, green energy, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, contributing to the well-being of the two peoples.

Speaking highly of China’s diplomatic concept of peace, a series of global initiatives put forward by Xi, and China’s important contribution to promoting world peace and development, Tokayev added that the Kazakh side is willing to work with China to promote the building of a Kazakhstan-China community with a shared future as well as a community with a shared future for humanity.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

ASTANA, July 3 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Wednesday that he is ready to work with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to jointly build a more substantive and dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future, and inject more positive energy to the development and stability of the region and beyond.

Xi made the remarks in his meeting with Tokayev at the presidential palace in Astana.

In their small-group talks, he noted that last year Tokayev and him met twice in Xi’an and Beijing respectively, and made new arrangements and plans for the development of China-Kazakhstan relations, leading the “golden 30 years” of rapid development of China-Kazakhstan relations.

The Chinese side has always viewed its relations with Kazakhstan from a strategic and long-term perspective, and regards Kazakhstan as a priority in China’s neighborhood diplomacy and an important partner for cooperation in Central Asia.

Xi said China’s will and determination to maintain and grow bilateral relations stand firm, and will not be changed due to any single incident or transformations in the international situation.

Continue reading Xi says ready to join Tokayev for more substantive, dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with shared future

Xi Jinping: We must consolidate our unity and safeguard the right to development

Between July 2-6, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid state visits to the neighbouring Central Asian states of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Whilst in Kazakhstan, he also took part in the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which, along with the first Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Plus Meeting, was held in the capital Astana on July 4, as well as holding a number of bilateral meetings with other heads of state who participated in the meetings.

The SCO Summit admitted Belarus as the organisation’s tenth full member and at its conclusion China assumed the rotating chair for 2024-25.

In his speech to the Heads of State Meeting, Xi Jinping welcomed Belarus to attend the SCO Summit for the first time as a member state. He pointed out that the SCO was established at the turn of the century, when the antagonism and division left over from the Cold War had yet to be bridged. The founding members of the SCO have made a historical choice to pursue peaceful development, committed to good-neighbourliness and friendship, and built a new type of international relations, and the “Shanghai Spirit” has become a common value and action guide for the member states. Twenty-three years after its founding, the number of SCO member states has increased to 10, and the “SCO family” embraces 26 countries on three continents. The SCO stands on the right side of history, on the side of fairness and justice, and is of vital importance to the world.

Xi went on to make a number of calls to the gathering, including:

  • In the face of the real threat of the Cold War mentality, we must guard the bottom line of security.
  • In the face of the real risk of “small courtyards and high walls”, we must safeguard the right to development.
  • In the face of the real challenge of interference and division, we need to consolidate our unity.

He stressed that the reason why the SCO has been able to withstand the test of the changing international situation is that we have always adhered to the fine tradition of solidarity and cooperation, the way of cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the pursuit of the values of fairness and justice, and the broad-mindedness of inclusiveness and mutual learning.

The leaders of the SCO member states signed and issued the Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States; approved the SCO initiative on solidarity and joint efforts to promote justice, harmony and development in the world; proposals on improving the operational mechanisms of the SCO; a statement on the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual trust and partnership; and a series of resolutions on cooperation in the fields of energy, investment and information security.

The Astana Declaration begins by stating that:

“The political and economic situation in the world is undergoing major changes. The international system is developing in a more just and multipolar direction, providing more opportunities for countries to develop and carry out international cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. At the same time, the rise of power politics, the intensification of trampling on the norms of international law, and the intensification of geopolitical confrontation and conflicts pose more risks to global and regional stability.”

Among the many issues covered in the declaration, member states advocate respect for the right of the peoples of all countries to independently choose their path of political, economic and social development, and emphasise that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and non-use or threat of use of force are the basis for the sustainable development of international relations.

They reaffirmed their commitment to building a more representative, democratic and just multipolar world system based on the universally recognised principles of international law, diversity of cultures and civilisations, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, and the central coordinating role of the United Nations.

They expressed deep concern at the intensification of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and strongly condemned the acts that caused numerous civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip; Emphasising the importance of ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire as soon as possible and facilitating humanitarian access and intensifying efforts to bring peace, stability and security to the population of the region, it was noted that the only possible way to ensure peace and stability in the Middle East was a comprehensive and just settlement of the question of Palestine.

They also reaffirmed their commitment to helping Afghanistan become an independent, neutral and peaceful country, free from terrorism, war and drugs, and supported the efforts of the international community to achieve peace and development in Afghanistan and reaffirmed that the formation of a government that is truly inclusive of representatives of all ethnic and political sectors of Afghan society is the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the country.

Member States support the prevention of the weaponisation of outer space, believe that strict adherence to the existing legal system for the peaceful uses of outer space is of paramount importance, and stress the need to sign international instruments with mandatory legal force to enhance transparency and provide strong guarantees for the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

Continue reading Xi Jinping: We must consolidate our unity and safeguard the right to development

China ready to consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania

As part of a regional tour, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo recently visited Albania, where he met with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani on July 1st.

Wu spoke highly of China-Albania traditional friendship, saying that China will not forget its old friends and is ready to continue to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania, and take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year as an opportunity to push for new progress in China-Albania relations in the new era.

Although the relations between the two countries soured in the second half of the 1970s, for a considerable period the erstwhile People’s Socialist Republic of Albania (PSRA) was China’s closest political and ideological ally.

Prime Minister Edi Rama also leads the Socialist Party of Albania, the principal descendant of the former Party of Labour of Albania, which led the building of socialism in that country, although the party has long since abandoned Marxism. 

The following article was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

On July 1, 2024, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo met respectively with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani in Albania. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on bilateral relations.

Wu spoke highly of China-Albania traditional friendship, saying that China will not forget its old friends and is ready to continue to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, consolidate friendship and deepen cooperation with Albania, and take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year as an opportunity to push for new progress in China-Albania relations in the new era. The Albanian side said that it adheres to the one-China principle and is willing to strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. More Chinese tourists are welcome to Albania and Chinese companies are also welcome to invest and do business in Albania.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on regional hotspot issues of mutual interest.

China and Vietnam deepen cooperation and enhance political mutual trust

A high-level delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), led by Nguyen Trong Nghia, Politburo member and Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, paid a working visit to China from June 11-15, as part of the intensive diplomatic and political exchanges between the two socialist neighbours.

In Beijing, the delegation had meetings with Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and Li Shulei, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee.

In his meeting with Wang Huning, Nghia said that Vietnam sincerely appreciates China’s valuable support for its revolution and construction, adheres to the spirit and principle of “comrades-plus-brothers” and “top priority” to advance the relations between the two parties and two countries, and firmly pushes forward the building of a community of shared future that carries strategic significance between Vietnam and China.

Wang said the CPC is ready to foster cooperation and sharing of experience in party building and country management with the CPV, adding it believed that the 14th National Congress of the CPV will be successful.

He held that cooperation between the two parties and the two countries have entered a new stage with a new level defined after the mutual visits by the two parties’ General Secretaries. The development of party-to-party ties will give orientations and be a solid guarantee for the two countries’ cooperation in various fields to grow healthily and sustainably.

Agreeing with Nghia’s opinions about the direction for promoting the two parties and two countries’ cooperation in the coming period, Wang suggested the two sides step up the sharing of experience in theory research and review of experience, properly carry out ideological work and coordinate to build a defence line against sabotage and imperialist plot of peaceful evolution (from socialism to capitalism) and ‘colour revolutions’.

Meeting Li Shulei, Nghia said  Vietnam is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges with China, enhance political mutual trust, deepen cooperation between corresponding government departments, promote publicity related to the Vietnam-China friendship, and promote the continuous development of the relationship between the two parties and two countries, as well as the socialist cause.

Li and Nghia agreed that the two sides also need to work together to effectively manage and control information about complicated and sensitive issues as well as differences so as not to let hostile and reactionary forces take advantage of them to distort or drive a wedge into the relations between the two parties and countries.

Following his meetings in Beijing, Nghia visited the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. He noted that Guangdong always pays attention to preserving the relics and historical sites connected to President Ho Chi Minh and other Vietnamese revolutionaries in the locality, particularly the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League relic site and the grave of Martyr Pham Hong Thai.

Nghia paid tribute to Martyr Pham Hong Thai at his tomb and visited the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League relic site on June 15.

Pham Hong Thai (1896–1924) was a Vietnamese patriot and a member of Dong Du, an early revolutionary nationalist organisation. He was responsible for the assassination attempt on Martial Merlin, the governor-general of ‘French Indochina’ (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia), when he was on a visit to Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.

Disguised as a journalist at the party given in Merlin’s honour, Pham Hong Thai detonated an explosive device but failed to kill Merlin. Pursued by the authorities, he chose to drown himself in the Pearl River rather than be captured.  He was buried in the Huanghuagang Cemetery in Guangzhou, next to 72 Chinese revolutionaries who fell in the Second Guangzhou Uprising against the Qing dynasty in April 1911.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and Nhân Dân.

China’s top political advisor meets CPV delegation

BEIJING, June 13 (Xinhua) — China’s top political advisor Wang Huning met with a delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Nguyen Trong Nghia, member of the Political Bureau and secretariat of the CPV Central Committee, as well as head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education in Beijing on Thursday.

Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), urged China and Vietnam to adhere to the strategic guidance of the general secretaries of the two parties and promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future.

He noted that the CPPCC is ready to contribute positively to this end.

Continue reading China and Vietnam deepen cooperation and enhance political mutual trust

Chinese defence minister holds talks with Mozambican counterpart

Chinese Defence Minister Admiral Dong Jun held talks with his visiting counterpart from Mozambique Cristóvão Artur Chume in Beijing on June 27.

Admiral Dong said that the friendship between China and Mozambique boasts a long history and is growing steadily. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Filipe Nyusi, the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries has been further deepened.

Minister Chume also affirmed that the friendship between the Mozambican and Chinese militaries has a long history and he thanked China for its long-term valuable support and assistance to Mozambique’s national defence.

The timing of the visit is noteworthy in that Mozambique celebrated its 49th independence anniversary on June 25. China had strongly supported the liberation struggle led by FRELIMO since the 1960s and the two countries established diplomatic relations the same day.

The following article was originally published by China Military.

BEIJING, June 27 — Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun held talks with visiting Mozambican Defense Minister Cristóvão Artur Chume in Beijing on Thursday.

Admiral Dong said that the friendship between China and Mozambique boasts a long history and is growing steadily. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Filipe Nyusi, the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries has been further deepened. In recent years, exchanges between the two militaries have become increasingly close and the cooperation has yielded fruitful results. Deepening mil-to-mil cooperation between the two countries is of strategic significance to achieving common development and maintaining regional stability.

The Chinese defense minister also noted that China attaches great importance to the friendly cooperation with the Mozambican military and is willing to work with the Mozambican side to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen practical cooperation in such fields as stability maintenance and counter-terrorism, maritime security, and personnel training, and constantly push the relations between the two militaries to a new level.

Defense Minister Chume said that Mozambique firmly upholds the one-China principle and firmly supports China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The friendship between the Mozambican and Chinese militaries has a long history. He thanked China for its long-term valuable support and assistance to the national defense construction of Mozambique. He hoped that the two sides will continue to strengthen friendly exchanges and create new highlights of cooperation.

Prior to the talks, Admiral Dong held a welcome ceremony for Defense Minister Chume and accompanied him to review the Guard of Honor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

Xi Jinping: China and Vietnam demonstrate the strengths of socialism

As a highpoint in the continued development of close cooperative and comradely relations between China and Vietnam, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh paid a working visit to China, June 24-27, at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart, Premier Li Qiang.

The main purpose of Chinh’s latest visit, his third working visit to China in the space of a year, was to attend the 15th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), popularly known as the ‘Summer Davos’, held in Dalian, in China’s north-east Liaoning province.  He was one of just two heads of state or government invited to attend, the other being President Andrzej Duda of Poland.

On June 26, having concluded his program in Dalian, Chinh met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Xi asked Chinh to convey his cordial greetings to Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, and to Vietnamese President To Lam. He said that during his visit to Vietnam at the end of last year, he and Trong had announced the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, ushering bilateral relations into a new stage. Over the past half a year, the two parties and the two countries have enjoyed close exchanges among high-ranking officials and smooth cooperation in various fields, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples, he added.

Noting that the world today is going through changes unseen in a century, Xi said both China and Vietnam have maintained rapid economic development and long-term social stability, demonstrating the strengths of the socialist system. The building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance is in line with the modernisation needs of the two countries and is conducive to maintaining regional peace and stability and to promoting the development of the global socialist cause. China is willing to work with Vietnam to maintain solidarity and friendship, consolidate mutual support, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, Xi said, adding that China also stands ready to join hands with Vietnam to march toward modernisation and make greater contributions to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

Chinh conveyed cordial greetings from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President To Lam to Xi. He said that Vietnam and China, both as socialist countries led by the communist party, have a tradition of good-neighbourliness and friendship. Vietnam hopes to learn from China’s new theories, practices and achievements in party and state governance, and to stick to the path of socialism along with China to achieve common development.

Noting that Vietnam supports China’s position on the Taiwan question and firmly adheres to the one-China principle, Chinh said that it is the top priority and strategic choice of Vietnam’s foreign policy, which will not be disrupted by external interference, to deepen strategic mutual trust and pragmatic cooperation with China and build a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

On the same day, Chinh also met with Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Political Bureau and Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee.

Chinh stated that Vietnam and China are close neighbours bound by shared mountains and rivers as well as many similarities in political systems, development paths, and socio-cultural characteristics. The Vietnamese party, state, and people always remember the significant and valuable support of their Chinese counterparts during Vietnam’s past struggle for independence and current process of national construction and development.

He affirmed that strengthening and fostering the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with China is an objective requirement, a strategic choice, and a top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, and diversification of relations.

Concurring with Chinh’s views on the relationship between the two parties and countries, Wang stated that China always prioritises its relationship with Vietnam in its neighbourhood diplomacy, and consistently supports it in advancing its Doi Moi (renewal) policy under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam toward industrialisation, modernisation, and increasing prestige and heightened position on the international stage. Lauding Vietnam’s significant theoretical achievements, he noted the need for both sides to enhance theoretical exchanges, thereby making contributions to the cause of building socialism in their respective countries.

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, as a member of Chinh’s delegation, met separately with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on June 26. 

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said that the close high-level exchanges between China and Vietnam fully demonstrate the special friendship between the two parties and countries, as well as the high level of their mutual trust and cooperation.

Son said that Vietnam is willing to work with China to strengthen exchanges at all levels and cooperation in various fields, and jointly advance the cause of socialist construction, adding that Vietnam is willing to actively participate in a series of global initiatives proposed by China.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and Nhân Dân.

Xi meets Vietnamese PM

BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh in Beijing on Wednesday. Chinh is in China to attend the 2024 Summer Davos.

Xi asked Chinh to convey his cordial greetings to Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, and to Vietnamese President To Lam.

Xi said that during his visit to Vietnam at the end of last year, he and Trong announced the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, ushering bilateral relations into a new stage.

Over the past half a year, the two parties and the two countries have enjoyed close exchanges among high-ranking officials and smooth cooperation in various fields, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples, he said.

Continue reading Xi Jinping: China and Vietnam demonstrate the strengths of socialism

Xi Jinping: Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence a groundbreaking achievement in the history of international relations

A conference marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, a cornerstone of Chinese foreign policy, was held in Beijing on June 28. With guests from around the world, including former political leaders from some 20 countries, President Xi Jinping made an important speech, and the event was moderated by Premier Li Qiang.

In his speech, President Xi said that the five principles, “marked a groundbreaking and epoch-making achievement in the history of international relations.”

He noted:

“The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence answered the call of the times, and its initiation was an inevitable historic development. In the wake of the Second World War, national independence and liberation movements swept across the globe, and the colonial system around the world crumbled and collapsed. At the same time, the world was overshadowed by the dark clouds of the Cold War.”

Meanwhile, newly independent countries aspired to safeguard their sovereignty and grow their national economy. New China followed the principle of independence, actively sought peaceful coexistence with all countries, and endeavoured to improve its external environment, especially in its neighbourhood.

Having been endorsed in joint statements with India and Myanmar, in 1955, “more than 20 Asian and African countries attended the Bandung Conference. They proposed ten principles for handling state-to-state relations on the basis of the Five Principles, and advocated the Bandung spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation. The Non-Aligned Movement that rose in the 1960s adopted the Five Principles as its guiding principles. The Declaration on Principles of International Law adopted at the 25th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1970 and the Declaration on the Establishment of the New International Economic Order adopted at the Sixth Special UNGA Session in 1974 both endorsed the Five Principles.”

Xi Jinping went on to note that:

  • The principles fully conform with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, with the evolving trend of international relations of our times, and with the fundamental interests of all nations.
  • When following the Five Principles, even countries that differ from each other in social system, ideology, history, culture, faith, development stage, and size can build a relationship of mutual trust, friendship and cooperation.
  • Inspired and encouraged by the Five Principles, more and more countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have voiced and extended support to each other, stood up against foreign interference, and embarked on an independent path of development. The Five Principles have also boosted South-South cooperation and improved and further developed North-South relations.
  • The Five Principles were initiated with the purpose of protecting the interests and pursuits of small and weak countries from power politics. They categorically oppose imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism, and reject belligerent and bullying practices of the law of the jungle.

Seventy years ago, the Chinese leader continued, “our forefathers, who experienced the scourge of hot wars and the confrontation of the Cold War, concluded that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were the crucial way to safeguard peace and sovereignty. This answer has withstood the test of international vicissitudes and has become more appealing rather than obsolete. Seventy years later today, challenged by the historic question of ‘what kind of world to build and how to build it,’ China has answered the call of the times by proposing a community with a shared future for humanity.”

Xi went on to say that both the five principles and the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity “demonstrate the broad vision of the Communist Party of China to contribute more to humanity.”

“Looking at the past and future at this critical moment in history, we believe our exploration for the betterment of human civilisation will not end, and our efforts for a better world will not end. No matter how the world evolves, one basic fact will not change. There is only one Planet Earth in the universe, and the whole humanity have one common home.”

On this basis, Xi set out a number of imperatives:

  • We need to uphold the principle of sovereign equality.

The five principles reject the big subduing the small, the strong bullying the weak, and the rich exploiting the poor.

  • We need to cement the foundation of mutual respect.

We must jointly uphold the “golden rule” of non-interference, and jointly oppose acts of imposing one’s will on others, stoking bloc confrontation, creating small circles, and forcing others to pick sides.

  • We need to turn the vision for peace and security into reality.

All countries must work together to seek peace, safeguard peace, and enjoy peace. In today’s interdependent world, absolute security and exclusive security are just not viable.

  • We need to unite all forces to achieve prosperity.

Here Xi invokes a Latin American proverb: “The only way to be profitably national is to be generously universal.”

  • We need to commit to fairness and justice.

China believes in true multilateralism. Our goal is that international rules should be made and observed by all countries. World affairs should be handled through extensive consultation, not dictated by those with more muscles.

  • We need to embrace an open and inclusive mindset.

All countries are on board the same giant ship. It carries on it not only aspirations for peace, economic prosperity and technological advancement, but also the diversity of civilisations and the continuation of the human species.

Whilst the Five Principles are intended to address the full spectrum of international relations, Xi emphasised that:

“Of all the forces in the world, the Global South stands out with a strong momentum, playing a vital role in promoting human progress. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Global South should be more open and more inclusive and join hands together to take the lead in building a community with a shared future for humanity.”

Addressing the Global South, he made the following calls:

  • Together, we should be the staunch force for peace.
  • Together, we should be the core driving force for open development.
  • Together, we should be the construction team of global governance.
  • Together, we should be the advocates for exchange among civilisations.

He continued by outlining a series of concrete measures that China will take to better support Global South cooperation.

Noting that, “the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence has been written into China’s Constitution long before,” Xi said that:

“China’s resolve to stay on the path of peaceful development will not change. We will never take the trodden path of colonial plundering, or the wrong path of seeking hegemony when one becomes strong. We will stay on the right path of peaceful development. Among the world’s major countries, China has the best track record with respect to peace and security. It has been exploring for a distinctly Chinese approach to resolving hotspot issues. It has been playing a constructive role in the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and issues relating to the Korean peninsula, Iran, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. Every increase of China’s strength is an increase of the prospects of world peace.”

The conference also adopted a Beijing Declaration, summarising key viewpoints of the participants.

We reprint below the full text of President Xi Jinping’s speech and of the Beijing Declaration. They were originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Continue reading Xi Jinping: Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence a groundbreaking achievement in the history of international relations

Xi Jinping, Nicolás Maduro exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro exchanged congratulations on June 28, marking 50 years since the establishment of their bilateral diplomatic relations.

Noting that China and Venezuela are good partners of mutual trust and common development, Xi said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties half a century ago, the two sides have supported each other in the changing international landscape, worked together to defend international fairness and justice as well as the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and forged an “iron-clad” friendship.

For his part, President Maduro said that Venezuela firmly supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty and opposes any attempt to contain China. He added that Venezuela firmly believes that under the wise leadership of Xi, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely be achieved.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, June 28 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday exchanged congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Noting that China and Venezuela are good partners of mutual trust and common development, Xi said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties half a century ago, the two sides have supported each other in the changing international landscape, worked together to defend international fairness and justice as well as the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and forged an “iron-clad” friendship.

Xi noted that during President Maduro’s successful state visit to China last September, they jointly announced the elevation of the China-Venezuela relationship to an all-weather strategic partnership, ushering bilateral relations into a new era.

China is ready to work with Venezuela to uphold the original aspiration of establishing diplomatic ties, continue the traditional friendship, and take the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties as a new starting point, to continuously enrich the connotation of the China-Venezuela all-weather strategic partnership, make a greater contribution to world peace and development, and jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Xi said.

For his part, Maduro said since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Venezuela and China 50 years ago, bilateral ties have made considerable progress, adding in particular, the establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between Venezuela and China is of historic significance.

Venezuela firmly supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty, opposes any attempt to contain China, and is willing to actively participate in the implementation of the Belt and Road cooperation and the three major global initiatives proposed by President Xi, continue to firmly promote Venezuela-China friendship and deepen bilateral cooperation and multilateral coordination, he noted.

He added that Venezuela firmly believes that under the wise leadership of Xi, China will surely achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 

Antiguan PM: China-Antigua relationship is one of the closest in the world between a big and a small country

Gaston Browne, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, a small island state in the Eastern Caribbean, paid an official visit to China from January 22-28, becoming the first leader from the region to visit China in 2024.

During his visit he was interviewed by Wang Guan for the CGTN series Leaders Talk. 

Prime Minister Browne noted how small island states are extremely vulnerable in today’s world, citing as contributory factors, climate shocks, the COVID pandemic, the impact of conflicts and wars, limited resource endowments and the debt burden.

He sees the relationship with China as crucial to Antigua’s ability to meet these challenges. His country was one of the earliest in the Eastern Caribbean region to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic, 41 years ago. 

Today he says that their bilateral relationship is one of the closest in the world between a big and a small country. Antigua has a population of less than 100,000. 

China’s contribution to global peace and prosperity, the Prime Minister says, is unmatched. He sees it as being driven by President Xi Jinping’s philosophy and noble vision of a shared future for all. He describes President Xi as easily the most powerful and respected leader on the planet. Antigua and Barbuda is a beneficiary of China’s benevolence in many aspects of its development, not least in poverty alleviation.

In 2018, Antigua became the first country in the Eastern Caribbean to sign up to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This has had a beneficial impact on many aspects of the country’s development, for example in the renovation and extension of the port in the capital, St. John’s. Funding for this could not be obtained from the World Bank or the IMF and Browne categorically rejects any suggestion of a Chinese ‘debt trap’. Rather, he views China as the most benevolent country on the planet, adding that this and other projects could not have been accomplished without its concessional loans and aid.

Another example he cites is that of agricultural cooperation. This is aimed at taking steps towards food security. At present, some 80% of the food consumed in Antigua is imported, mostly from the United States, with contributory factors being the lack of a sufficient labour force and the exacerbation of the county’s natural aridity due to the impact of climate change. China’s assistance in modernising and replacing the country’s water supply infrastructure is playing a key role here.

With regard to Taiwan,  Browne says that his country is a consistent supporter of the one-China principle. This will not change under his leadership or that of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party, which he leads.

The full interview with Prime Minister Gaston Browne is embedded below.