China and Cuba working to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and promote socialist development

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), met with Ludmila Alamo, Deputy Chief of the Ideological Department of the Communist Party of Cuba, on April 23, during her visit to China.

Alamo said the Cuban side sincerely thanks China for its strong support and selfless help to overcome economic and social challenges and promote the cause of socialism in Cuba over the years. The Communist Party of Cuba cherishes its friendly relations with the CPC and is willing to increase high-level exchanges between the two Parties, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in ideological and other fields, and create a favourable environment of public opinion for promoting the socialist causes of both countries.

The following report was originally published on the IDCPC website.

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with Ludmila Alamo, Deputy Chief of the Ideological Department of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Liu said, in recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping and First Secretary Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez have maintained close communication, injecting strong impetus into the development of China-Cuba relations in the new era. The Chinese side is ready to work with the Cuban side to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two Parties and countries, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and promote the development of respective socialist causes. The CPC is willing to deepen institutionalized exchanges and cooperation with the Communist Party of Cuba, strengthen mutual learning on party building and state governance, and contribute to jointly building a China-Cuba community with a shared future in the new era.  

Alamo said, the Cuban side sincerely thanks China for its strong support and selfless help to overcome economic and social challenges and promote the cause of socialism in Cuba over the years. The Cuban side firmly upholds the one-China principle, supports China’s great cause of national reunification and opposes external interference in China’s internal affairs. The Communist Party of Cuba cherishes its friendly relations with the CPC and is willing to increase high-level exchanges between the two Parties, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in ideological and other fields, and create a favorable environment of public opinion for promoting the socialist causes of both countries. 

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