China and Tunisia establish strategic partnership

Tunisian President Kais Saied paid a state visit to China coinciding with the 10th conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, held in Beijing on May 30.

Meeting his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on May 31, the two leaders jointly announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between their countries.

Noting that China and Tunisia are good friends and brothers, Xi said that over the past 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Tunisia have always respected and supported each other, and treated each other as equals despite international vicissitudes, writing a vivid chapter of developing countries standing together through thick and thin.

Consolidating and developing China-Tunisia relations conforms to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two peoples, Xi noted, adding that China is willing to work with Tunisia to continue the traditional friendship, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and push bilateral relations to a new level.

“Today, we announced the establishment of China-Tunisia strategic partnership, which will open up an even brighter future for our relations,” he said.

China is ready to enhance synergy of development strategies with Tunisia, deepen cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction and new energy, foster new growth engines for cooperation in medical and health care, green development, water resources, agriculture and other fields, and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries to achieve more results, and China welcomes more high-quality Tunisian products into the Chinese market.

China is willing to continue to send high-calibre medical teams to Tunisia, and to deepen cooperation with Tunisia in education and tourism, and enhance people-to-people exchanges.

Xi urged the two sides to work with countries in the Global South to strengthen solidarity and coordination, practice true multilateralism, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation, and achieve common development.

Saied said he is pleased to pay a historic visit to China on the occasion of marking the 60th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties and to attend the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Tunisia enjoys profound friendship and fruitful cooperation with China, and the country expects more support from China for its national development and closer cooperation in health, transportation, green development and education, so as to raise bilateral relations to a new level. Every country has the right to independently choose a development path suiting its own national conditions. Tunisia is willing to work with China to uphold the common values of humanity, strengthen unity and coordination, oppose hegemonism and bloc confrontation, and create a more equal and beautiful world, so that people of all countries can enjoy real human rights and freedom, live in harmony, and share peace, security and prosperity.

The previous day, President Saied had met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

Li noted that China firmly supports Tunisia in actively exploring a development path with Tunisian characteristics and firmly opposes external interference in Tunisia’s internal affairs.

China is ready to work with Tunisia to deepen practical cooperation guided by high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, make solid progress in key cooperation projects, and expand cooperation in trade and renewable energy. China is ready to work with Tunisia to make every effort to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era and promote the building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future, Li added, urging joint efforts from the two sides to strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation to safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

On May 31, the Tunisian head of state also met with Zhao Leji, Chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.

Zhao said that, taking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity, the two sides should make good use of important platforms such as the joint construction of the Belt and Road, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to cultivate new driving forces for bilateral cooperation.

He noted that China and Tunisia are both countries in the Global South, and that they should strengthen their coordination and cooperation on multilateral occasions to promote a more just and equitable global governance system.

Saied said that Tunisia has the unwavering will to develop friendly relations with China. His country adheres to the one-China principle and stands ready to strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, thereby opening broader prospects for bilateral relations. 

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

China, Tunisia establish strategic partnership

BEIJING, May 31 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tunisian President Kais Saied on Friday announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two countries.

The announcement came as Xi held talks with Saied, who is on a state visit to China.

Noting that China and Tunisia are good friends and brothers, Xi said that over the past 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Tunisia have always respected and supported each other, and treated each other as equals despite international vicissitudes, writing a vivid chapter of developing countries standing together through thick and thin.

Consolidating and developing China-Tunisia relations conforms to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two peoples, Xi noted, adding that China is willing to work with Tunisia to continue the traditional friendship, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and push bilateral relations to a new level.

“Today, we announced the establishment of China-Tunisia strategic partnership, which will open up an even brighter future for our relations,” he said.

China supports Tunisia in pursuing a development path that suits its own national conditions, independently advancing the reform process, and keeping its future firmly in its own hands, Xi said.

China is ready to enhance synergy of development strategies with Tunisia, deepen cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction and new energy, foster new growth engines for cooperation in medical and health care, green development, water resources, agriculture and other fields, and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries to achieve more results, Xi said, welcoming more high-quality Tunisian products into the Chinese market.

China is willing to continue to send high-caliber medical teams to Tunisia, deepen cooperation with Tunisia in education and tourism, and enhance people-to-people exchanges, he added.

Xi urged the two sides to work with countries in the Global South to strengthen solidarity and coordination, practice true multilateralism, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and achieve common development.

China is ready to work with Tunisia to build well the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, inject new impetus into the development of China-Arab relations, and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future, he said.

Saied said he is pleased to pay a historic visit to China on the occasion of marking the 60th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties, and attend the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Tunisia enjoys profound friendship and fruitful cooperation with China, and the country expects more support from China for its national development and closer cooperation in health, transportation, green development and education to raise bilateral relations to a new level, he said.

Tunisia firmly adheres to the one-China policy and staunchly supports China’s efforts in achieving national reunification and safeguarding its core interests, Saied said.

He said Tunisia and Arab countries appreciate China’s commitment to fairness and justice in international affairs. Every country has the right to independently choose a development path suiting its own national conditions. Tunisia is willing to work with China to uphold the common values of humanity, strengthen unity and coordination, oppose hegemonism and bloc confrontation, and create a more equal and beautiful world, so that people of all countries can enjoy real human rights and freedom, live in harmony, and share peace, security and prosperity.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Xi stressed that China’s position is highly consistent with that of Arab countries, and China is ready to work with Tunisia and other Arab countries to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question based on the two-State solution.

After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents in various fields including green and low-carbon development and investment.

The two sides also issued a joint statement on the establishment of strategic partnership.

Prior to the talks, Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan held a welcome ceremony for Saied and his wife. A welcome banquet was also held for the guests around noon.

Chinese premier meets Tunisia’s president

BEIJING, May 30 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with Tunisian President Kais Saied in Beijing on Thursday.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Tunisia, Li said, noting that over the past 60 years, China-Tunisia relations have maintained sound and steady development, benefiting the two peoples.

China is ready to work with Tunisia to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, carry forward the tradition of friendship and mutual trust, advance exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and work together to pave the way for an even better future for the two countries, Li said.

He noted that China firmly supports Tunisia in actively exploring a development path with Tunisian characteristics and firmly opposes external interference in Tunisia’s internal affairs.

China is ready to work with Tunisia to deepen practical cooperation guided by high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, make solid progress in key cooperation projects, and expand cooperation in trade and renewable energy, Li said.

China is willing to import more quality products from Tunisia and will continue to encourage competent Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Tunisia, Li said, calling on the two sides to strengthen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in health, youth education, tourism and archaeology, and continue to enhance the friendship between the two peoples.

China is ready to work with Tunisia to make every effort to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era and promote the building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future, Li said, urging joint efforts from the two sides to strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation to safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Saied said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have achieved rapid development and pragmatic cooperation has achieved fruitful results.

Tunisia firmly abides by the one-China principle, unwaveringly supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and resolutely opposes the interference of external forces in China’s internal affairs, Saied said, adding that Tunisia greatly appreciates China’s high-level cooperation projects in Tunisia and looks forward to strengthening cooperation with China in infrastructure construction, health care, tourism and other fields.

China’s top legislator meets with Tunisian president

BEIJING, May 31 (Xinhua) — Zhao Leji, China’s top legislator, met with Tunisian President Kais Saied in Beijing on Friday.

Zhao, chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said that China and Tunisia have always been good friends who treat each other with sincerity, and good brothers who support each other. China is willing to work with Tunisia to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries.

Taking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity, the two sides should make good use of important platforms such as the joint-construction Belt and Road, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to cultivate new driving forces for bilateral cooperation, Zhao said.

He noted that China and Tunisia are both countries in the Global South, and that they should strengthen their coordination and cooperation on multilateral occasions to promote a more just, equitable global governance system.

Zhao said China’s NPC is willing to enhance exchange and cooperation with the legislature of Tunisia to provide legal guarantees for pragmatic cooperation between the two countries and facilitate deepened bilateral relations.

Saied said that Tunisia has the unwavering will to develop friendly relations with China. Tunisia adheres to the one-China principle and stands ready to strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, opening broader prospects for bilateral relations.

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