Xi Jinping meets with Spanish and Norwegian prime ministers

The second week of September saw two important official visits to China by European prime ministers. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain visited from September 8-11 and Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre of Norway from September 9-11. Both premiers held meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the afternoon of September 9.

Meeting with the Spanish Prime Minister, Xi Jinping said that the two sides should give full play to platforms such as the Mixed Committee on Economy and Trade and the Joint Commission on Science and Technology to jointly promote development in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, digital economy and new energy to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. He expressed the hope that Spain will continue to provide a fair, equitable, safe and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in the country. He urged joint efforts from the two sides to stay committed to inclusiveness and mutual learning, strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges in the fields of language education, youth, culture and tourism, and promote friendship between the two peoples. China appreciates Spain’s active promotion of China-EU exchanges and cooperation during its EU rotating presidency in the second half of last year.

Pedro Sánchez said he is glad to visit China again after one year, which shows the closeness of Spain-China relations. Spain and China enjoy time-honored friendship and have constantly developed and deepened the partnership on the basis of mutual respect. He added that during his visit, the two sides signed a number of cooperation agreements in green development and other fields, demonstrating the huge potential and bright prospects of bilateral cooperation. He expressed the hope that the two sides will strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges and deepen cooperation in such fields as economy, trade and new energy vehicles. The world today faces multiple challenges such as turbulence, conflicts, poverty and climate change, which call for greater international cooperation and joint response. China is a key force in safeguarding world peace and development and plays an important, constructive role in resolving major international and regional issues. The Spanish side views its relations with China from a strategic height, firmly pursues the one-China policy, is willing to be a trustworthy partner of China, and looks forward to further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Spain and China and to making greater contributions to the well-being of the two peoples, world peace and prosperity.

Meeting with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Xi Jinping pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Norway 70 years ago, the two peoples have respected, appreciated and learned from each other, forging a valuable friendship. Further developing China-Norway friendly cooperation is consistent with the will of the two peoples, the fundamental interests of the two countries, and an overall trend of maintaining closer ties among countries in the world to share weal and woe. Today’s world is going through rapid and profound changes unseen in a century, which are testing whether the international community can make the right choice. China will continue to follow the path of peaceful development. Through further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernisation, China will inject stability and certainty into a world fraught with changes and turbulence and create more opportunities for the common development of all countries. China is ready to work with Norway to push for continuous development of bilateral friendly cooperation.

Xi Jinping stressed that a review of the 70-year history of China-Norway relations shows that friendship and cooperation are the defining features. He said: “Historical experience tells us that to maintain the steady and sound development of bilateral relations, the most important thing is to respect each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, including respecting each other’s core interests and accommodating each other’s major concerns.”  He called on the two sides to, based on their respective strengths, expand practical cooperation in fields such as environmental protection, energy transition, maritime affairs and shipping, agricultural and fishery products, and electric vehicles, strengthen cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, tourism, winter sports and other fields, and increase personnel exchanges, especially among young people. China and Norway share extensive consensus on maintaining world peace and security, addressing climate change, protecting biodiversity and tackling other global challenges.

Prime Minister Støre said that Norway was one of the first Nordic countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Norway and China 70 years ago, the two countries have witnessed sound development of bilateral relations, and the two sides have conducted dialogue and cooperation in a manner of mutual respect. Norway respects China’s sovereignty, firmly pursues the one-China policy, and is willing to continue to work with China to respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, engage in mutual learning and exchanges, and foster mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. China’s development is full of vitality and has much successful experience worth learning from. Norway looks forward to expanding cooperation with China, especially in such fields as green development, climate change response, maritime affairs and shipping, agriculture, fishery and aquaculture industries, new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence. China plays an important role in addressing many global challenges facing the world today and tackling major international issues concerning international peace and security.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang met his Spanish counterpart on the same day. He said that China is ready to work with Spain to focus on green development and innovation, and strengthen cooperation in new energy, energy conservation, environmental protection, the digital economy and space.

Li said China stands ready to work with Spain to uphold openness and cooperation, safeguard the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organisation at its core, maintain stability and unimpeded global industrial and supply chains, and jointly build an open world economy. It is hoped that Spain will play a constructive role in promoting China-EU cooperation.

Sánchez said that Spain attaches great importance to developing relations with China and looks forward to further enhancing bilateral exchanges at all levels, enriching bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, and strengthening exchanges in culture, education, science and technology to deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

The EU and China have broad space for cooperation, and Spain supports the EU and China in conducting balanced and mutually beneficial dialogue and cooperation, safeguarding the multilateral trading system and jointly addressing challenges.

Sánchez also met with Chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee Zhao Leji and opened a Cervantes Institute in Shanghai, Spain’s second cultural centre in China.

Li Qiang held talks with the Norwegian Prime Minister on September 10.

Li said that China is willing to work with Norway to promote green development, the green transition of traditional industries and the cultivation of emerging green industries and to advance the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, so as to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Støre said that Norway adheres to the one-China policy and looks forward to expanding practical cooperation in fields such as economy, trade, investment, maritime affairs, green economy, scientific and technological innovation, and Arctic affairs.

Støre also met with NPC Chairman Zhao Leji and, together with Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing, attended a reception marking the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Norway.

Zhang said that China is ready to continuously consolidate mutual trust and close exchanges with Norway, expand cooperation with a focus on green development, and begin the next 70 wonderful years of China-Norway relations.

Noting that bilateral relations have made great progress over the past 70 years, Støre said Norway is willing to deepen cooperation with China in such areas as the green transformation to build even more dynamic relations between the two countries.

China and Norway issued a joint statement on the establishment of Dialogue on the Green Transition.

They agreed to establish a dialogue that will seek to facilitate contacts and cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve and restore biodiversity and create new green industries and jobs. The dialogue will encompass existing areas of cooperation as well as new initiatives that are conducive to expediting the green transition. As such it will coordinate dialogue on relevant issues including:

  • Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change;
  • Just, equitable and orderly transition to renewable energy and low-emission solutions;
  • Sustainable, nature-based solutions to store greenhouse gases and restore and preserve biodiversity;
  • Sustainable ocean management and green shipping;
  • Plastic pollution and international instruments relating to plastic pollution; and
  • Circular economy and sustainable green value chains.

On September 13, China’s Xinhua News Agency published a commentary, entitled ‘China, Europe need to work together for greener future’, which stated that:

“The recent visits by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre to China highlight the growing potential for cooperation between Europe and China, especially in the area of clean energy and green transition.

“Their visits reflect the shared interest in stabilising relations and deepening collaboration on sustainable development.

“This collaboration on green economy, widely deemed a win-win scenario, enables Europe and China to strengthen their positions in the global market thereby contributing to international climate goals.

“Rising up to challenges and braving headwinds, China and Europe are capable of forging meaningful partnerships that transcend political differences, especially when it comes to the shared goal of sustainability.”

In the course of his visit, Sánchez caused a degree of controversy, not least in the Western media, when he announced, as reported by the Financial Times, that Spain was, “‘reconsidering’ its position on EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in a sign of growing divisions within Europe over trade tensions with Beijing.”

The EU is proposing to sharply increase tariffs by up to 37.6 per cent on Chinese EVs, which would bring tariff levels to nearly 50 per cent and mirror similar measures from the US.

The Financial Times report continued: “‘I have to be blunt and frank . . . I think we need to reconsider, all of us, not only member states, but also the [European] Commission, our position towards this movement,’ he said in Kunshan. ‘We don’t need another war, in this case a trade war.’

“The comments, delivered during Sánchez’s second trip to China in 18 months, represented a significant intervention in a trade dispute between China and the EU in recent months and signal a change in Spain’s own position.”

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that: “Sánchez’s comments came a day after Chinese company Envision agreed to build a US$1 billion plant in Spain making hydrogen electrolysers, a product used to produce low-emission hydrogen from renewable sources.”

Yicai, a website covering latest news and trends in China’s economy, business and technology, added:

“The net zero industrial park will provide design, research, manufacturing and other services for green hydrogen, which is hydrogen produced by eco-friendly methods such as water electrolysis or biomass extraction, Shanghai-based Envision said yesterday, citing the co-operation deal it penned with the Spanish government

“The facility will perform processes such as electrolysis, air separation, ammonia synthesis and scalable green ammonia production, it added. It will be powered by locally generated clean energy, including biomass, solar and wind energy, to create a fully green, sustainable industrial ecosystem.

“The project is an important part of the cooperation deal Envision signed with the Spanish government in 2022 to promote Spain’s transition to carbon neutrality. In addition to the green hydrogen park, the two parties also agreed to build a battery super factory in Spain and to make plans for a smart wind power equipment base.”

Following Sánchez’s statement, the financial news service Bloomberg reported:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz joined Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez in calling for the European Union to drop its plan to impose extra tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, potentially undercutting the bloc’s primary tool for pushing back against Beijing’s state-backed industry.

“Given the opposition from two of the EU’s largest member states, the[European Commission] will have to take notice, and that could affect how the executive arm conducts the ongoing talks with China on the matter.”

It added: “Germany and Spain aren’t the only countries that are sceptical of the EU’s stance. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has also warned against taking a hard line on China trade. In May, he said the EU shouldn’t ‘dismantle global trade’, and that ‘a wider trade war where we block each other’s products is not the way to go for industrial nations such as Germany and Sweden.’”

The almost simultaneous visits by the Prime Ministers of Spain and Norway, and their positive outcomes, clearly indicate that, whilst prioritising relations with the Global South (the visits occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, FOCAC), China continues to attach great importance to its relations with Europe and exerts every effort to find common ground, focus on the main contradiction and advance pragmatic approaches to the key questions facing humanity, in stark contrast to those who would present the entire Global North as a single and undifferentiated monolith. It may be coincidental, but it is certainly significant that Spain and Norway are two of the three West European countries (the other being Ireland) that, in May, jointly recognised the State of Palestine.

Interviewed by Zou Yun for the CGTN programme Leaders Talk, while travelling by high speed train from Beijing to Shanghai, the Norwegian Prime Minister noted that, for the last 30 years, his country had worked actively to support a regional peace process that could lead to the creation of a Palestinian state. A large majority of the world’s states, he continued, have already recognised a Palestinian state. But Norway was one of the countries that preferred to get to that point as part of a peace deal.

Norway’s perspective had changed because we now have a government in Israel that not only is not working towards a two-state solution, but actually excludes the possibility.

The following articles were originally published on the websites of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Xinhua News Agency. We also embed a clip of the portion of the Norwegian Prime Minister’s interview cited above.

Xi Jinping Meets with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez

Sep 9 (MFA) — On the afternoon of September 9, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who is on an official visit to China, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Xi Jinping asked Pedro Sánchez to convey his regards to King Felipe VI. Recalling that China and Spain celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations last year, Xi Jinping noted that both sides have maintained close exchanges and interactions at all levels and promoted high-quality cooperation in new areas. Noting that next year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Spain comprehensive strategic partnership, Xi Jinping said the two sides should adhere to the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations based on mutual respect and equal treatment, take a holistic and long-term view, and continuously enrich the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Xi Jinping also called on both sides to build long-term and stable China-Spain relations with strategic resolve and elevate bilateral relations to a higher level.

Xi Jinping stressed that reform and opening up is the right development path that China has found through long-term practice, and it will be followed steadfastly. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee laid out systematic plans for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization, which will bring new opportunities for deepening and expanding cooperation between China and Spain. The two sides should give full play to platforms such as the Mixed Committee on Economy and Trade and the Joint Commission on Science and Technology to jointly promote development in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, digital economy and new energy to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. Xi Jinping expressed the hope that Spain will continue to provide a fair, equitable, safe and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in the country. He urged joint efforts from the two sides to stay committed to inclusiveness and mutual learning, strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges in the fields of language education, youth, culture and tourism, and promote friendship between the two peoples. China appreciates Spain’s active promotion of China-EU exchanges and cooperation during its EU rotating presidency in the second half of last year. As next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the EU, China is ready to work with the EU to take stock of successful experience in the development of bilateral relations and push for steady progress in the development of China-EU relations in the direction of independence, helping each other succeed and benefits to the world. Xi Jinping expressed the hope that Spain will continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in today’s changing and turbulent world, China and Spain are both countries with a sense of responsibility and mission, and both advocate multilateralism and free trade. China is ready to expand cooperation with Spain in third-party markets in the Global South and strengthen communication and coordination in the United Nations, the G20 and other international organizations, so as to inject more positive energy into world peace, stability and human progress.

Pedro Sánchez conveyed cordial greetings from King Felipe VI to President Xi Jinping. He said that he is glad to visit China again after one year, which shows the closeness of Spain-China relations. Spain and China enjoy time-honored friendship, and have constantly developed and deepened the partnership on the basis of mutual respect. Pedro Sánchez said that during his visit, the two sides signed a number of cooperation agreements in green development and other fields, demonstrating the huge potential and bright prospects of bilateral cooperation. He expressed the hope that the two sides will strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges and deepen cooperation in such fields as economy, trade and new energy vehicles. Spain is willing to provide a sound environment for Chinese enterprises. Both Spain and China are committed to safeguarding world peace and multilateralism. The world today faces multiple challenges such as turbulence, conflicts, poverty and climate change, which call for greater international cooperation and joint response. China is a key force in safeguarding world peace and development and plays an important, constructive role in resolving major international and regional issues. The Spanish side views its relations with China from a strategic height, firmly pursues the one-China policy, is willing to be a trustworthy partner of China, and looks forward to further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Spain and China and making greater contributions to the well-being of the two peoples, world peace and prosperity. Spain supports the principles of free trade and open markets, disagrees with trade wars, and is willing to continue playing a positive role in promoting the sound development of EU-China relations.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and other issues.

Wang Yi was present at the meeting.

Xi Jinping Meets with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre

Sep 9 (MFA) — On the afternoon of September 9, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, who is on an official visit to China, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Xi Jinping asked Jonas Gahr Støre to convey his regards to King Harald V. Xi Jinping pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Norway 70 years ago, the two peoples have respected, appreciated and learned from each other, forging a valuable friendship. Further developing China-Norway friendly cooperation is consistent with the will of the two peoples, the fundamental interests of the two countries, and an overall trend of maintaining closer ties among countries in the world to share weal and woe. Today’s world is going through rapid and profound changes unseen in a century, which are testing whether the international community can make the right choice. China will continue to follow the path of peaceful development. Through further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization, China will inject stability and certainty into a world fraught with changes and turbulence and create more opportunities for the common development of all countries. China is ready to work with Norway to push for continuous development of bilateral friendly cooperation.

Xi Jinping stressed that a review of the 70-year history of China-Norway relations shows that friendship and cooperation are the defining features. Xi Jinping said, “Historical experience tells us that to maintain the steady and sound development of bilateral relations, the most important thing is to respect each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, including respecting each other’s core interests and accommodating each other’s major concerns.” The two countries’ economies are highly complementary and have seen fruitful cooperation outcomes in various fields. He called on the two sides to, based on their respective strengths, expand practical cooperation in fields such as environmental protection, energy transition, maritime affairs and shipping, agricultural and fishery products, and electric vehicles, strengthen cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, tourism, winter sports and other fields, and increase personnel exchanges, especially among young people. China and Norway share extensive consensus on maintaining world peace and security, addressing climate change, protecting biodiversity and tackling other global challenges. China is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Norway at the United Nations and on other multilateral platforms, practice true multilateralism, and promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. China hopes that Norway will play a positive role in promoting the sound and steady development of relations between China and Europe.

Jonas Gahr Støre conveyed King Harald V’s cordial greetings to President Xi Jinping. He said that Norway was one of the first Nordic countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Norway and China 70 years ago, the two countries have witnessed sound development of bilateral relations and the two sides have conducted dialogue and cooperation in a manner of mutual respect. Norway respects China’s sovereignty, firmly pursues the one-China policy, and is willing to continue to work with China to respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, engage in mutual learning and exchanges, and foster mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. China’s development is full of vitality and has much successful experience worth learning from. Norway looks forward to expanding cooperation with China, especially in such fields as green development, climate change response, maritime affairs and shipping, agriculture, fishery and aquaculture industries, new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence. China plays an important role in addressing many global challenges facing the world today and tackling major international issues concerning international peace and security. Norway supports free trade, and is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with China within the G20 and other multilateral frameworks and supports closer cooperation between Europe and China.

The two sides had an exchange of views on the Ukraine crisis and other hotspot issues. Xi Jinping stressed that China encourages and supports all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis, and will continue to promote peace talks and play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. Xi Jinping expressed the hope that all parties will work together to accumulate favorable conditions for the political settlement of the crisis through dialogue.

Wang Yi was present at the meeting.

Chinese premier holds talks with Spanish prime minister

BEIJING, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang held talks with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who is on an official visit to China, in Beijing on Monday.

Noting that next year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of China-Spain comprehensive strategic partnership, Li said China is ready to work with Spain to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, build political mutual trust, and jointly build bilateral relations with strategic focus.

The two countries will focus on high-level alignment of development strategies and in-depth integration of growth drivers, and push for more tangible results of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, Li added.

Li said China is willing to expand two-way opening up with Spain, encourage the development of cross-border e-commerce and convenient logistics, and promote the optimization and development of bilateral trade and investment cooperation.

China will provide more facilitation and support for Spanish and other foreign enterprises to invest in China, and hopes that Spain will provide a fair, safe, non-discriminatory and predictable business environment for Chinese enterprises keen to invest in Spain, Li said.

He added that China is ready to work with Spain to focus on green development and innovation, and strengthen cooperation in new energy, energy conservation, environmental protection, the digital economy and space.

Li said China stands ready to work with Spain to uphold openness and cooperation, safeguard the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, maintain stability and unimpeded global industrial and supply chains, and jointly build an open world economy. It is hoped that Spain will play a constructive role in promoting China-EU cooperation, he said.

Sanchez said that Spain attaches great importance to developing relations with China and looks forward to further enhancing bilateral exchanges at all levels, enriching bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, and strengthening exchanges in culture, education, science and technology to deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

The EU and China have broad space for cooperation, and Spain supports the EU and China in conducting balanced and mutually beneficial dialogue and cooperation, safeguarding the multilateral trading system and jointly addressing challenges, Sanchez stated.

After the talks, the two leaders witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in fields such as economy, culture, education, science and technology.

Chinese premier holds talks with Norwegian prime minister

BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday held talks with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who is on an official visit to China.

Noting that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties, Li said China is ready to work with Norway to deliver on key common understandings between the leaders of the two countries, steadily advance bilateral relations and practical cooperation, bring more benefits to the two peoples, and make greater contribution to global peace and development.

Li called on the two countries to expand and improve economic and trade cooperation, and further release the potential for cooperation in trade, finance and other fields.

China welcomes Norway to increase investment in the Chinese market and stands ready to optimize business environment for Norwegian enterprises to invest in China, and vice versa, according to the premier.

The two sides should also deepen cooperation in fields such as culture, art, education, tourism and sports, and facilitate personnel exchanges, Li said.

China is willing to work with Norway to promote green development, the green transition of traditional industries and the cultivation of emerging green industries, and advance the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity, Li said.

Store said that Norway adheres to the one-China policy and looks forward to expanding practical cooperation in fields such as economy, trade, investment, maritime affairs, green economy, scientific and technological innovation, and the Arctic affairs.

Norway is willing to maintain close communication and coordination with China on international and regional issues, promote cooperation in climate change and other fields, and jointly cope with global challenges, Store said.

The Norwegian side always advocates free and fair trade, upholds the multilateral trading system and supports enhanced dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and China, he said.

Following the talks, the two leaders signed the two countries’ joint statement on the establishment of dialogue on the green transition, and attended the signing of bilateral cooperation documents on green and low-carbon development.

Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Norway on the Establishment of Dialogue on the Green Transition

September 10, 2024

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Norway, at the invitation of Chinese Premier of the State Council Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Støre paid an official visit to China from September 9 to 11, 2024. During the visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Chinese Premier Li Qiang held talks with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. The two sides have agreed to establish a Dialogue on the Green Transition.

The dialogue will seek to facilitate contacts and cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve and restore biodiversity and create new green industries and jobs. The dialogue will encompass existing areas of cooperation as well as new initiatives that are conducive to expediting the green transition. As such it will coordinate dialogue on relevant issues including:

  • Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change
  • Just, equitable and orderly transition to renewable energy and low-emission solutions
  • Sustainable, nature-based solutions to store greenhouse gases and restore and preserve biodiversity  
  • Sustainable ocean management and green shipping
  • Plastic pollution and international instruments relating to plastic pollution
  • Circular economy and sustainable green value chains
  • The cooperation and dialogue under the framework will be conducted by relevant authorities, businesses, and organisations in line with mutual interests and available resources and under their respective responsibilities. Where useful, specific thematic dialogues can be held on a regular basis. The dialogue will also facilitate strengthened contacts on multilateral processes of mutual interest.  

A biennial meeting coordinated by our two Ministers of Foreign Affairs will summarise progress and set new targets for the dialogue. 

China, Europe need to work together for greener future

GENEVA, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) — The recent visits by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store to China highlight the growing potential for cooperation between Europe and China, especially in the area of clean energy and green transition.

Their visits reflect the shared interest in stabilizing relations and deepening collaboration on sustainable development.

By engaging in constructive dialogue, Spain and Norway demonstrated their will to facilitate green transition, a crucial pathway to addressing the global climate crisis. Trade disputes, not least those related to tariffs on Chinese EVs, need to be resolved without derailing broader efforts toward a green economy.

Spain, one of Europe’s largest EV producers, plays a crucial role in this dynamic. During his visit, Sanchez voiced Spain’s readiness to expand collaboration with China in areas like cultural exchanges, trade and particularly EVs.

Spain’s position as a major player in the automotive industry, coupled with China’s strength in EV production, presents significant opportunities for their win-win cooperation.

Likewise, Norway, following talks between Chinese and Norwegian leaders, issued a joint statement with China on the establishment of dialogue on green transition.

A leader in renewable energy and EV adoption, Norway has long been committed to reducing its carbon footprint.

“We welcome cooperation and trade with China in a broad range of areas … We want to cooperate on areas where we have overlapping interests with China, such as addressing climate change and the green industrial transition,” the Norwegian prime minister told Xinhua ahead of his visit to China.

Norway’s strategic insight in the maritime and shipbuilding sectors, which also touch upon greener, more efficient transportation, aligns with China’s expertise in green technologies, hence a mutually beneficial partnership.

This collaboration on green economy, as widely deemed a win-win scenario, enables Europe and China to strengthen their positions in the global market thereby contributing to international climate goals.

Rising up to challenges and braving headwinds, China and Europe are capable of forging meaningful partnerships that transcend political differences, especially when it comes to the shared goal of sustainability.

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