Xi: China and Brazil are like-minded good friends and good partners walking hand in hand

The close relations between China and Brazil were underlined and reinforced with the China visit of  Vice President Geraldo Alckmin in early June.

The distinguished Brazilian visitor met with President Xi Jinping on June 7.

Xi said China and Brazil are like-minded good friends, and good partners walking hand in hand. “In April last year, President Lula and I reached an important consensus on leading and opening up the new future of China-Brazil relations in the new era.”

With joint efforts in the past year, the two countries have continuously deepened strategic mutual trust, steadily advanced pragmatic cooperation, and closely coordinated on the international stage. This has not only promoted their respective development, but effectively safeguarded the common interests of all developing countries.

Both as major developing countries and key emerging market economies, China and Brazil share broad and common strategic interests, and their relationship goes far beyond the bilateral scope to have exemplary significance for promoting solidarity and cooperation among developing countries as well as world peace and stability, Xi said.

By grasping the strategic nature of their ties, the two countries should make those ties more mutually beneficial and comprehensive, continue to enhance strategic coordination, and add new dimensions to the China-Brazil friendship, Xi added.

As the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of  their diplomatic relations this year, they should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including legislative bodies, political parties, local governments, culture, education, tourism and youth. China backs Brazil’s greater role on the international stage and its hosting of the G20 Leaders’ Summit this year. China is also ready to enhance communication with Brazil and other members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for further development of China-Latin America relations in the new era.

Alckmin conveyed President Lula’s cordial greetings to President Xi. He said that in recent years, hundreds of millions of Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, which is a miracle in the world, and the relevant experience is of great significance for Brazil. He added that the Brazilian government is committed to inclusive and sustainable growth and is willing to enhance the synergy of development strategies with China.

A little earlier, on June 4, the Second China-Brazil poverty alleviation and rural revitalisation forum was held in Beijing. Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC), Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger of Brazil, Paulo Teixeira, Minister for Rural Development and Family Farming of Brazil, Sun Qixin, President of China Agricultural University, and Marcia Abrahão Moura, Rector of the University of Brasília, attended and addressed the forum.

Minister Liu noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. Over the past half century, the development of bilateral relations has withstood the test of vicissitudes, with fruitful results from practical cooperation in various fields. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the CPC and the Workers’ Party (PT) of Brazil. The two parties have maintained close exchanges and cooperation for a long time, playing an important role in promoting the smooth development of China-Brazil relations. China and Brazil are the largest developing countries in the Eastern and Western hemispheres respectively, representatives of emerging market economies, and important members of the Global South. The concerted efforts of China and Brazil will not only benefit the two peoples, but also play a constructive role in world peace, stability and development.  

Liu added that poverty is a chronic affliction of human society. Poverty reduction and rural revitalisation are the common cause and unremitting pursuit of China and Brazil. The Chinese side is ready to further share poverty reduction experience with Brazilian political parties, government, local governments, enterprises, and so on through various channels, including the “political party + practical cooperation” platform, and strengthen practical cooperation in agriculture, so as to continuously enhance people’s well-being.

Dias congratulated the Chinese people on their remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation under the leadership of the CPC. He said that Brazil is currently facing new challenges in poverty reduction and the fight against hunger. The Brazilian side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, strengthen exchanges between political parties, think tanks, universities, enterprises, and non-governmental organisations, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in poverty reduction and rural revitalisation, and advance cooperation in agricultural education and scientific research as well as in production of agricultural machinery, so as to better benefit the two countries and peoples.

The following articles were first published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

Xi meets Brazilian vice president

BEIJING, June 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin in Beijing on Friday.

Xi said China and Brazil are like-minded good friends, and good partners walking hand in hand. “In April last year, President Lula and I reached an important consensus on leading and opening up the new future of China-Brazil relations in the new era.”

With joint efforts in the past year, the two countries have continuously deepened strategic mutual trust, steadily advanced pragmatic cooperation, and closely coordinated on the international stage. This has not only promoted their respective development, but effectively safeguarded the common interests of all developing countries, Xi said.

Both as major developing countries and key emerging market economies, China and Brazil share broad and common strategic interests, and their relationship goes far beyond the bilateral scope to have exemplary significance for promoting solidarity and cooperation among developing countries as well as world peace and stability, Xi said.

By grasping the strategic nature of their ties, the two countries should make the ties more mutually beneficial and comprehensive, continue to enhance strategic coordination, and add new dimensions to the China-Brazil friendship, Xi said.

He said that China is willing to work with Brazil to continue to make strategic plans for bilateral relations with more forward-looking vision, give full play to the role of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee, consolidate cooperation in traditional areas, expand cooperation in emerging fields such as green economy, digital economy and innovation, and explore greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil’s reindustrialization strategy and the “Routes for South American Integration” initiative.

As the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, they should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including legislative bodies, political parties, local governments, culture, education, tourism and youth, Xi said.

China backs Brazil’s greater role on the international stage and its hosting of the G20 Leaders’ Summit this year. China is also ready to enhance communication with Brazil and other members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States for further development of China-Latin America relations in the new era, Xi added.

Alckmin conveyed President Lula’s cordial greetings to President Xi. He said that in recent years, hundreds of millions of Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, which is a miracle in the world, and the relevant experience is of great significance for Brazil.

Alckmin said the Brazilian government is committed to inclusive and sustainable growth and is willing to enhance the synergy of development strategies with China.

Brazil welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in Brazil and enhance cooperation in infrastructural construction, agriculture, mining, new energy vehicles and climate change response, he said.

Both Brazil and China are committed to upholding multilateralism and free trade, share the same views on many major issues, and enjoy huge potential and broad prospects for cooperation, Alckmin noted.

He added that Brazil is willing to work with China to enhance bilateral and multilateral strategic coordination, upgrade bilateral relations to a new level, and make contributions to building a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.

Second China-Brazil Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization Forum Held

Beijing, June 4th (IDCPC) — The Second China-Brazil poverty alleviation and rural revitalization forum was held here today. Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger of Brazil, Paulo Teixeira, Minister for Rural Development and Family Farming of Brazil, Sun Qixin, President of China Agricultural University, and Marcia Abrahão Moura, Rector of University of Brasília, attended and addressed the function. Zhao Shitong, Assistant-minister of the IDCPC, presided over the forum. More than 100 representatives from relevant ministries, local governments, business circles, universities and think tanks of China and Brazil were present.

Liu said last year, President Xi Jinping and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva had a successful meeting, jointly opening the new future for China-Brazil relations in the new era, and injecting strong impetus into expanding and deepening cooperation in various fields between the two countries. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. Over the past half century, the development of bilateral relations has withstood the test of vicissitudes, with fruitful results from practical cooperation in various fields. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the CPC and the Workers’ Party of Brazil. The two Parties have maintained close exchanges and cooperation for a long time, playing an important role in promoting the smooth development of China-Brazil relations. China and Brazil are the largest developing countries in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, representatives of emerging market economies, and important members of the Global South. The concerted efforts of China and Brazil will not only benefit the two peoples, but also play a constructive role in world peace, stability and development.  

Liu said, at present, China is advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization, and promoting high-quality development with new quality productive forces. The Brazilian government is actively advancing the New Industry Brazil. This means new opportunities for upgrading of China-Brazil cooperation. The Chinese side is willing to, together with the Brazilian side, implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, strengthen the docking of development strategies, give play to respective comparative advantages, expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and jointly promote the construction of an open world economy. Poverty is a chronic affliction of human society. Poverty reduction and rural revitalization are the common cause and unremitting pursuit of China and Brazil. The Chinese side is ready to further share poverty reduction experience with Brazilian political parties, government, local governments, enterprises, etc. through various channels, including the “political party + practical cooperation” platform, strengthen practical cooperation in agriculture, and continuously enhance people’s well-being.  

Dias congratulated the Chinese people on the remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation under the leadership of the CPC. He said that Brazil is currently facing new challenges in poverty reduction and the fight against hunger. The Brazilian side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, strengthen exchanges between political parties, think tanks, universities, enterprises, and non-governmental organizations, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in poverty reduction and rural revitalization, and advance cooperation in agricultural education and scientific research as well as production of agricultural machinery, so as to better benefit the two countries and peoples. The Brazilian side is willing to strengthen solidarity and coordination with the Chinese side in multilateral occasions such as the United Nations and the Group of 20, jointly respond to climate change, and contribute wisdom and strength to international agricultural cooperation.  

Teixeira said, Brazil and China are both major agricultural countries, and agricultural cooperation is an important cornerstone of cooperation in all fields between the two sides. Last year, much important consensus was built and positive results were made at the first China-Brazil poverty alleviation and rural revitalization forum last year. He expressed the hope to further exchange experience in poverty reduction and development of family agriculture with the Chinese side, tap the potential of agricultural cooperation, promote agricultural science and technology innovation, continuously improve people’s lives, cope with common challenges such as food security together, and push Brazil-China relations for greater development.  

Prior to the forum, Liu Jianchao met with Wellington Dias and Paulo Teixeira, exchanging views on implementing the important consensus of the two heads of state and strengthening inter-party exchanges and cooperation.  

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