Wang Yi: BRICS is opening up a new chapter of the Global South

The Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the BRICS dialogue mechanism was held on June 10 in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. Russia holds the rotating chair of BRICS for 2024 and the meeting of foreign ministers was preparatory to the annual summit, to be held in Kazan. It was attended by the nine current BRICS member countries, along with 12 other developing countries, namely Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Türkiye, Mauritania, Cuba, Venezuela and Bahrain.

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the participants had an in-depth exchange of views on BRICS cooperation and international and regional hotspot issues. All parties spoke highly of the important role of the BRICS mechanism and the achievements of its membership expansion. They agreed that the accession of more countries to BRICS has accelerated the process of building a multipolar world and promoted a more just and equitable international order. They also voiced support for the establishment of partner countries. All parties called for adherence to multilateralism, opposition to unilateralism and protectionism, promoting reform of the international financial architecture, enhancing and improving global governance, and increasing the voice and representation of developing countries. They also emphasised the need for peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue and consultations and their support for all efforts conducive to peaceful resolution of crises. The meeting adopted a joint statement, the full text of which can be read here.

In his speech to the meeting, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that: “Over the past year, BRICS cooperation has moved forward with highlights, with speed and with strength.We made pioneering efforts and expanded the BRICS mechanism, opening up a new chapter of the Global South seeking strength through unity… Upon expansion, BRICS countries account for nearly half of the global population and one-fifth of global trade, and their total economic output has overtaken that of the G7 in PPP [Purchasing Power Parity] terms.”

Unmistakeably referring to the United States, Wang said that a major country was “still harbouring Cold War mentality, is cobbling up geopolitical blocs and even publicly challenging United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, which erodes the authority of multilateral mechanisms. Economic issues are politicised; the notion of national security is overstretched; and unilateral sanctions and technology barriers are growing. In the face of a contest between forces promoting world multipolarity and forces holding onto unipolar hegemony, between globalisation and anti-globalisation, we must follow the trend of history, stand on the side of fairness and justice, and make the right choice.”

He further stressed the need to, “firm up determination to safeguard peace and security and make new contributions to the political settlement of international hotspot issues. History shows that Cold War mentality, bloc confrontation or external interference cannot solve problems. Instead, they will create bigger problems or even crises. No matter how complex the situation is, parties must not give up dialogue and consultation. No matter how acute the conflict is, political settlement must be pursued.”

Addressing the two major conflicts in the world today, China’s top diplomat said that the war in Gaza is testing human conscience and sense of justice. We must push for an immediate ceasefire that is comprehensive and lasting, ease the humanitarian crisis and prevent further spillover of the conflict. We should support Palestine’s bid for full UN membership, support its efforts to restore legitimate national rights, restart the two-state solution, and bring about lasting peace in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the conflict in Ukraine also continues.  China supports the convening, in due course, of a true international peace conference that is recognised by both Russia and Ukraine, participated in by all sides on an equal footing, and where all peace plans are discussed fairly. BRICS countries should take an independent, objective and just stance, help build international consensus for peace, and oppose attempts to instigate a new Cold War.

He also alluded to the need to break dollar hegemony in international banking and finance, saying: “We should work for early breakthroughs on local currency settlement and cross-border payment cooperation through the financial track. We should promote the use of more diverse currencies at the New Development Bank for financing and increase the share of local currencies in investment and financing activities.”

Wang Yi also held a number of bilateral meetings with his counterparts on the sidelines of the gathering.

Meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, he noted that President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to China was a great success, adding that both sides should fully implement the important common understandings reached between the top leaders of the two countries and advance cooperation in various fields.

Lavrov said that Russia is willing to closely cooperate with China on multilateral platforms including the UNSC and enhance diplomatic coordination. The number of like-minded countries continues to increase in international and regional affairs while BRICS expansion reflects this positive trend.

Speaking with South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor, Wang Yi congratulated South Africa on the smooth holding of the general election and the African National Congress (ANC) on continuing to play a leading role in South Africa’s politics as the largest party. He expressed the belief that the ANC will remain true to its original aspiration and firm faith and continue to lead the South African people to make greater achievements in building a new South Africa enjoying unity, stability and prosperity. Last year, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to South Africa and attended the BRICS Summit, during which he reached important common understandings with President Cyril Ramaphosa, ushering in a new era of building a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future. The historic expansion of the BRICS mechanism in South Africa has further encouraged the Global South countries to seek strength through unity.

China, he added, attaches importance to South Africa’s role as a major developing country, and stands ready to keep close multilateral coordination, be an objective, balanced and constructive voice on the Ukraine crisis and other hotspot issues, and contribute to world peace and stability.

Naledi Pandor said that last year, South Africa was honoured to host President Xi Jinping and thanked China for supporting South Africa in successfully hosting the BRICS Summit. South Africa not only attaches great importance to its relations with China, but also attaches great importance to Africa’s cooperation with China and the role of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Cooperation with China is the most important part of Africa’s international cooperation. Naledi Pandor looks forward to China strengthening cooperation in such fields as infrastructure, digital economy, renewable energy and human resources development in light of Africa’s development needs, so as to contribute to the continent’s stable development.

Meeting with Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, Wang Yi noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Brazil diplomatic relations, a significant year in bridging the past and the future for the development of bilateral relations. As President Xi Jinping stressed, both sides should grasp the strategic importance of the China-Brazil relationship, enhance its mutually beneficial nature, and highlight its comprehensiveness. China values Brazil’s significant influence in the Latin American region and is willing to jointly promote cooperation between China, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur).

For his part, Mauro Vieira said that Brazil highly values its relationship with China, is ready to closely engage in high-level exchanges with China, strengthen cooperation in various fields including trade and economy, and define a new positioning for bilateral relations to open new prospects for the next 50 years. Brazil and China share similar stances on many issues, and the joint statement on the six common understandings on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue is of great importance.  Noting that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva firmly believes that dialogue and cooperation between China and CELAC are highly significant, Vieira said the China-CELAC Forum is a beneficial platform, and Brazil is willing to work with China to arrange forum activities and promote its further development.

On meeting with Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, Wang Yi expressed condolences once again over the unfortunate passing of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter accident. Wang Yi said that during the current period, the Iranian state and nation has undergone a significant test. As a comprehensive strategic partner, China supports the Iranian government and people in adhering to their established domestic and foreign policies, maintaining independence, sovereignty, stability and development, and wishes Iran a successful presidential election.

Ali Bagheri Kani, on behalf of the Iranian government, thanked China for expressing condolences over the unfortunate passing of the President and Foreign Minister and for sending a special representative to attend the memorial service. 

Under the current international circumstances, he continued, developing Iran-China relations not only benefits the people of both countries but is also conducive to regional and world peace and stability, as well as to building a fairer and more reasonable international order and safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries. Unilateralism has reached a dead end, and cannot solve domestic problems, let alone global issues, as is fully proved in the prolonged Gaza conflict. Iran is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China in international and regional affairs, jointly uphold multilateralism, and seek solutions to global issues.

Meeting with Taye Atske Selassie, the Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, a new member of BRICS, Wang noted that Ethiopia is an influential African nation and the seat of the African Union (AU) headquarters. Over the past two years, Ethiopia has made orderly progress in its domestic peace process and made remarkable achievements in economic and social development. Wang Yi expressed his belief that the Ethiopian government and people will achieve even greater success on the path of peace, development, and prosperity.

Noting Ethiopia’s deep friendship with China, Taye Atske Selassie said the elevation of bilateral relations to an all-weather strategic partnership is warmly welcomed by the Ethiopian government and people. China is Ethiopia’s largest source of foreign investment and export destination, and bilateral cooperation has strongly promoted Ethiopia’s economic and social development. Ethiopia is willing to learn from China’s development experience and to work with other African countries to promote greater development in China-Africa cooperation. 

In his meeting with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith, Wang Yi said that under the strategic guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and General Secretary Thongloun Sisoulith, solid progress has been made in building a China-Laos community with a shared future. In the face of the complex international situation and domestic development tasks, China and Laos, as friendly neighbours with a shared future, need to work together to meet challenges, eliminate all kinds of external interference, oppose stoking bloc confrontation, and earnestly safeguard regional peace and stability. China firmly supports Laos in serving as the rotating chair of ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) and working together to build an even closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.

Saleumxay Kommasith said that both Laos and China are socialist countries with similar ideas and systems. They both adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and are committed to safeguarding international justice and world peace. In the face of the current complex international and regional situation, the importance of Laos-China cooperation has never been greater.

Wang Yi also met with Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa and noted that China is full of confidence in the prospect of China-Thailand relations and is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges with Thailand, enhance cooperation in various fields, accelerate the construction of the China-Thailand Railway and other major projects, and realise the vision of interconnected development of China, Laos and Thailand at an early date.

Maris Sangiampongsa said that Thailand hopes to learn from China’s successful experience in economic development, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, and better achieve economic and social development. Thailand stands ready to work with China to jointly plan the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations next year so as to highlight the close friendship between the two peoples. Thailand is also ready to join the BRICS mechanism as soon as possible, play a more active role in South-South cooperation, and strengthen coordination and cooperation with China on multilateral platforms.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Pooling Strengths and Working Together For a Brighter Future of BRICS

June 11 (Foreign Ministry)

Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi at the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs / International Relations Meeting

Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

Good morning. It is a great pleasure to join you at Nizhny Novgorod for the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs / International Relations Meeting. I thank Minister Lavrov and the Russian government for the thoughtful arrangements.

Over the past year, BRICS cooperation has moved forward with highlights, with speed and with strength. We made pioneering efforts and expanded the BRICS mechanism, opening up a new chapter of the Global South seeking strength through unity. With growing appeal and inspiration, BRICS has further burnished its credentials. We enabled each other’s success. Upon expansion, BRICS countries account for nearly half of the global population and one-fifth of global trade, and their total economic output has overtaken that of G7 in PPP terms. In the first quarter of this year, China’s import and export with its BRICS partners increased by over 11 percent year on year. Despite global headwinds, BRICS cooperation is picking up speed. Standing in solidarity, we convened the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders and Leaders of Invited BRICS Members on the Situation in the Middle East with Particular Reference to Gaza, and jointly defended the common interests of the developing world in such multilateral mechanisms as the G20. We BRICS countries are now speaking with a stronger voice.

At this moment, amid the once-in-a-century transformation, BRICS should stand on higher ground and see further ahead. Some major country, still harboring Cold War mentality, is cobbling up geopolitical blocs and even publicly challenging UNSC resolutions, which erodes the authority of multilateral mechanisms. Economic issues are politicized; the notion of national security is overstretched; and unilateral sanctions and technology barriers are growing. In the face of a contest between forces promoting world multipolarity and forces holding onto unipolar hegemony, between globalization and anti-globalization, we must follow the trend of history, stand on the side of fairness and justice, and make the right choice.

Looking ahead, BRICS should shoulder greater responsibilities and make greater contributions. We should bring out the strategic significance and political impact of the expanded BRICS, and make it a new type of multilateral cooperation mechanism with emerging markets and developing countries as the mainstay, and with an open, inclusive and globally-oriented outlook.

First, we need to firm up confidence in multilateralism and draw a new blueprint for future global development. We should continue to hold high the banner of multilateralism, take the lead in defending the U.N.-centered international system and firmly reject attempts to disrupt international order or trample on international rules. We should advance an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

This year and next, there will be important events on the international agenda, including the United Nations Summit of the Future and the U.N.’s 80th anniversary. BRICS country will play host to the G20 summit and the U.N. Climate Change Conference COP30. It is important that we strengthen coordination and collaboration and create highlights of the Global South. We should put development at the center of the global agenda, and urge developed countries to live up to their commitments on development assistance and climate financing. We also need to play an active part in global governance on new frontiers, build up developing countries’ capacity in digital economy and artificial intelligence (AI), and ensure equal participation and fair benefit-sharing.

Second, we need to firm up determination to safeguard peace and security and make new contributions to the political settlement of international hotspot issues. History shows that Cold War mentality, bloc confrontation or external interference cannot solve problems. Instead, they will create bigger problems or even crises. No matter how complex the situation is, parties must not give up dialogue and consultation. No matter how acute the conflict is, political settlement must be pursued. 

The fighting in Gaza is testing human conscience and sense of justice. We must push for an immediate ceasefire that is comprehensive and lasting, ease humanitarian crisis and prevent further spillover of the conflict. We should support Palestine’s bid for full U.N. membership, support Palestine’s efforts to restore legitimate national rights, restart the two-State solution, and bring about lasting peace in the Middle East.

The Ukraine crisis is still lingering on. China supports the convening, in due course, of a true international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, participated by all sides on an equal footing, and where all peace plans are discussed fairly. BRICS countries should take an independent, objective and just stance, help build international consensus for peace, and oppose attempts to instigate a new Cold War.

Third, we need to stay committed to our founding principles of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation in order to take BRICS cooperation to a new level. We should fully unleash the strengths of an expanded BRICS, such as its resources and markets, to enhance and upgrade BRICS cooperation and ensure productive outcomes from the Kazan Summit in October.

The underpinning role of finance and trade cooperation should be harnessed. We need to create a large market and facilitate trade and investment. We should work for early breakthroughs on local currency settlement and cross-border payment cooperation through the financial track. We should promote the use of more diverse currencies at the New Development Bank for financing, and increase the share of local currencies in investment and financing activities. We will release a report on improving the international monetary and financial system, with a view to preserving international economic and financial stability.

The crucial role of energy and food security cooperation should be harnessed. BRICS countries consist of major importers and exporters of commodities such as oil, wheat and soybean. We must oppose politicization and weaponization of energy and food security issues. We should explore the establishment of a more stable supply and demand system among BRICS countries and ensure secure and smooth functioning of global supply and industrial chains. We need to make the global energy system cleaner and more sustainable.

The driving force of innovation-driven cooperation should be harnessed. We need to work together for new bright spots of cooperation in AI, a new type of industrialization, deep sea resources, digital education and connectivity, among others. China has set up a China-BRICS countries AI development and cooperation center, with the aim of strengthening industrial synergy and capacity building. BRICS members are most welcome to take an active part in it.

The role of people-to-people exchanges as a bond connecting BRICS countries should be harnessed. The accession of new members has increased the diversity and representation of BRICS and breathed new life into millennia-old civilizational exchanges. China supports the rotating president in hosting such events as BRICS sports festival and cultural festival, and in carrying out all kinds of cooperation in such areas as sister cities, media organizations, youth, women and state governance. Under the proposal of China, the U.N. has designated June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. Today marks the first International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. On this occasion, guided by the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, China stands ready to work with BRICS partners to respect the diversity of civilizations, carry forward the common values of humanity, and realize mutual learning and common progress among civilizations.

Thank you all. 

Wang Yi Meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

June 10 (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Nizhny Novgorod.

Noting that President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to China was a great success, Wang Yi said that both sides should fully implement the important common understandings reached between the top leaders of the two countries and advance cooperation in various fields under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state. Developing China-Russia relations is a strategic choice made by both sides based on their respective fundamental interests. It conforms to global trends and the tide of the times, is not targeted at any third party, and will not be disturbed by external forces. China is willing to work with Russia to maintain strategic focus, explore cooperation potential, respond to external pressures, and promote the sound and sustained progress in bilateral relations.

Wang Yi said BRICS is an important platform for unity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries. The expanded BRICS mechanism will play a crucial and important role in creating a more just and reasonable global governance system. China is ready to fully support Russia’s work as the BRICS chair, work with Russia to consolidate the BRICS strategic partnership, seek strength through unity for the Global South, make a stronger voice for upholding multilateralism and advancing common development, so as to set greater BRICS cooperation off to a good start.

Sergey Lavrov said that during President Putin’s visit to China, the two heads of state jointly set the course for developing Russia-China relations, and achieved new strategic cooperation results. Russia is ready to work with China to follow through on the important common understandings reached between the two heads of state, intensify high-level exchanges, strengthen cooperation in various fields, and jointly make the Russia-China Years of Culture a success. Russia is willing to closely cooperate with China on multilateral platforms including the United Nations Security Council, and enhance diplomatic coordination. The number of like-minded countries continues to increase in international and regional affairs while BRICS expansion reflects this positive trend. He expected in-depth discussions on the next stage of cooperation at the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting to make political preparations for the BRICS summit in Kazan.

The two sides had a further exchange of views on the current international and regional situations as well as the Ukraine crisis, among others.

Wang Yi Meets with South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor

11 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor in Nizhny Novgorod.

Wang Yi congratulated South Africa on the smooth holding of the general election and the African National Congress (ANC) on continuing to play a leading role in South Africa’s politics as the largest party. He expressed the belief that the ANC will remain true to its original aspiration and firm faith and continue to lead the South African people to make greater achievements in building a new South Africa enjoying unity, stability and prosperity. Wang Yi said that China and South Africa are comprehensive strategic partners and bilateral relations have maintained vigorous development and entered the “golden era” under the strategic guidance of the heads of state. Last year, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to South Africa and attended the BRICS Summit, during which he reached important common understandings with President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, ushering in a new era of building a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future. The historic expansion of the BRICS mechanism in South Africa has further encouraged the Global South countries to seek strength through unity.

Wang Yi said, the two sides should strengthen high-level exchanges, consolidate political mutual trust, jointly plan the next stage of bilateral institutional exchange activities, and continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests. China-South Africa cooperation, which is large in scale, wide in scope and high in level, has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples. China is ready to synergize the development strategies of the two countries based on each other’s development needs and improve the top-level design of future cooperation. China attaches importance to South Africa’s role as a major developing country, and stands ready to keep close multilateral coordination, make an objective, balanced and constructive voice on the Ukraine crisis and other hotspot issues, and contribute to world peace and stability.

Naledi Pandor said that last year, South Africa was honored to host President Xi Jinping and thanked China for supporting South Africa in successfully hosting the BRICS Summit. South Africa and China have maintained robust bilateral relations. Chinese enterprises continue to play an important role in South Africa’s economic growth. The two sides have maintained close people-to-people and cultural exchanges and smooth cooperation in various fields. South Africa not only attaches great importance to its relations with China, but also attaches great importance to Africa’s cooperation with China and the role of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. Cooperation with China is the most important part of Africa’s international cooperation. Naledi Pandor looks forward to China strengthening cooperation in such fields as infrastructure, digital economy, renewable energy and human resources development in light of Africa’s development needs, so as to contribute to Africa’s stable development. South Africa highly appreciates China’s efforts in the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and the ceasefire in Gaza. Naledi Pandor expressed the readiness to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China in BRICS, G20 and other multilateral platforms to ensure the steady and smooth development of relevant mechanisms.

Wang Yi Meets with Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira

11 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira in Nizhny Novgorod.

Wang Yi said this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Brazil diplomatic relations, a significant year in bridging the past and the future for the development of bilateral relations. As President Xi Jinping stressed, both sides should grasp the strategic importance of the China-Brazil relationship, enhance its mutually beneficial nature, and highlight its comprehensiveness. Both sides should work together towards building a China-Brazil community with a shared future, seek greater synergy of the development strategies of both countries and send a positive expectation for the sound and stable development of China-Brazil relations. China has always prioritized Brazil in its diplomacy and is willing to work with Brazil to systematically summarize the successful experience of diplomatic relations for half a century and elevate the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level. This conforms to the wishes of both peoples and the expectations of the international community, and also contributes to global peace and development. China values Brazil’s significant influence in the Latin American region and is willing to jointly promote cooperation between China, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and the Southern Common Market. As the China-CELAC Forum approaches its 10th anniversary, showing a good momentum of comprehensive advancement, both sides can work together to start an even more fruitful decade for the forum.

Wang Yi noted that China and Brazil, as major developing countries, need to make just, balanced, and constructive voices on international hotspot issues. Recently, the two countries jointly issued six common understandings on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue, which has gained understanding and recognition from more and more countries. Noting that this year marks the inaugural year of the “greater BRICS cooperation”, Wang Yi said China is willing to work with Brazil to actively promote BRICS cooperation, enabling the BRICS mechanism to play a greater role in global governance and in safeguarding the interests of developing countries.

Mauro Vieira said, Vice President Geraldo Alckmin paid a successful visit to China and held the seventh meeting of the Brazil-China High-Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee last week, during which the two countries had an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral cooperation and achieved positive results. Brazil highly values its relationship with China, is ready to closely engage in high-level exchanges with China, strengthen cooperation in various fields including trade and economy, and define a new positioning for bilateral relations to open new prospects for the next 50 years. Brazil appreciates China’s active role in promoting BRICS cooperation, values China’s influence in international affairs, and supports the major initiatives proposed by China. Brazil and China share similar stances on many issues, and the joint statement on the six common understandings on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue is of significant importance. Brazil is willing to continue strengthening cooperation with China on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, G20, and BRICS. Noting that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva firmly believes that dialogue and cooperation between China and CELAC are of great significance, Mauro Vieira said the China-CELAC Forum is a beneficial platform, and Brazil is willing to work with China to arrange forum activities and promote its new development.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on the situation in Gaza and other issues of mutual interest and concern.

Wang Yi Meets with Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani

10 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani in Nizhny Novgorod.

Wang Yi expressed condolences once again over the unfortunate passing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter accident. Wang Yi said that during the current period, the Iranian state and nation has undergone a significant test. As a comprehensive strategic partner, China supports the Iranian government and people in adhering to their established domestic and foreign policies, maintaining independence, sovereignty, stability and development, and wishes Iran a successful presidential election.

Wang Yi said that with joint efforts of both sides, China-Iran relations have maintained sound and steady development, benefiting from the long-standing traditional friendship and high-level political mutual trust between the two countries. Currently, China-Iran relations are at a crucial stage of building on the past and opening up the future. China stands ready to work with Iran to view bilateral relations from a strategic perspective, steer the development course of bilateral relations, steadily advance pragmatic cooperation in various fields, comprehensively deepen coordination and cooperation in regional and international affairs, and make greater contributions to regional and world peace and stability. China will continue to support Iran and Saudi Arabia in promoting the process of improving their relations and achieving lasting good-neighborliness and friendliness in the region.

Ali Bagheri Kani, on behalf of the Iranian government, thanked China for expressing condolences over the unfortunate passing of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and for sending a special representative to attend the memorial service. Ali Bagheri Kani said that Iran is committed to strengthening strategic relations with China, enhancing cooperation in various fields, and continuously achieving new progress in bilateral relations. Under the current international circumstances, developing Iran-China relations not only benefits the people of both countries but is also conducive to regional and world peace and stability, as well as building a fairer and more reasonable international order and safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries. Iran adheres to the one-China principle and supports China in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Iran appreciates China’s adherence to multilateralism and its commitment to upholding fairness and justice in international affairs. Unilateralism has reached a dead end, and cannot solve domestic problems, let alone global issues, as is fully proved in the prolonged Gaza conflict. Iran is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China in international and regional affairs, jointly uphold multilateralism, and seek solutions to global issues.

The two sides had an exchange of views on BRICS cooperation, the Ukraine crisis, and the Iranian nuclear issue, among others. Wang Yi welcomed Iran’s participation as a full member for the first time in the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, and expressed willingness to strengthen strategic coordination with Iran, give full play to the important role of the BRICS mechanism in reforming and improving global governance, further increase the influence and voice of the Global South countries, and work for a more just and reasonable international order.

Wang Yi Meets with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie

11 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie in Nizhny Novgorod.

Noting that Ethiopia is an influential African nation and the seat of the African Union headquarters, Wang Yi said Ethiopia’s peace and stability are of great significance to the region. Over the past two years, Ethiopia has made orderly progress in its domestic peace process, and made remarkable achievements in economic and social development. Wang Yi expressed his belief that the Ethiopian government and people will achieve even greater success on the path of peace, development, and prosperity. China-Ethiopia relations have maintained a good momentum of development, with President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali maintaining strategic communication and reaching a series of important common understandings, particularly the decision to elevate bilateral relations to an all-weather strategic partnership, opening broad prospects for future cooperation. Guided by the important common understandings of the leaders, China is willing to deepen the all-weather friendship, expand cooperation in various fields, and promote more achievements in bilateral relations, benefiting the people of both countries.

Noting Ethiopia’s deep friendship with China, Taye Atske Selassie said the elevation of bilateral relations to an all-weather strategic partnership is warmly welcomed by the Ethiopian government and people. China is Ethiopia’s largest source of foreign investment and export destination, and bilateral cooperation has strongly promoted Ethiopia’s economic and social development. Ethiopia is willing to learn from China’s development experience and work with other African countries to promote greater development in China-Africa cooperation. He said Ethiopia appreciates and supports the three major global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping, recognizing their milestone significance and expressing willingness to actively participate in relevant cooperation to promote their implementation.

Both sides agreed to continue firmly supporting each other in safeguarding sovereignty and development interests, upgrading practical cooperation, strengthening coordination in international and regional affairs, and making objective, balanced, and constructive voices on hotspot issues.

Wang Yi Meets with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith

11 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 10, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith in Nizhny Novgorod.

Wang Yi said that under the strategic guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and General Secretary Thongloun Sisoulith, solid progress has been made in building a China-Laos community with a shared future. Since the beginning of this year, the practical cooperation between the two countries has gained strong momentum, bilateral trade volume has continued to rise, and the passenger and cargo volume of the China-Laos Railway has repeatedly reached new highs. This has attracted the attention of countries in the region and the world, becoming a benchmark and symbol of the building of a China-Laos community with a shared future, and injecting new momentum into high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and interconnected regional development. In the face of the complex international situation and domestic development tasks, China and Laos, as friendly neighbors with a shared future, need to work together to meet challenges, eliminate all kinds of external interference, oppose stoking bloc confrontation, and earnestly safeguard regional peace and stability. China firmly supports Laos in serving as the rotating chair of ASEAN and working together to build an even closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China is ready to work with Laos and other countries in the region to carry forward the glorious tradition of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, advance with the times and move toward a bright future of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Saleumxay Kommasith said that the Lao Party, government and people all attach great importance to its relations with China. The cooperation between the two countries has been developing rapidly and the level has been continuously upgraded. The two sides have signed the second action plan on building a community with a shared future, laying a more solid foundation for future cooperation. Both Laos and China are socialist countries with similar ideas and systems. They both adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and are committed to safeguarding international justice and world peace. In the face of the current complex international and regional situation, the importance of Laos-China cooperation has never been greater. Laos appreciates China’s constructive and leading role in international and regional affairs. As the rotating chair of ASEAN this year, Laos will make every effort to promote ASEAN-China cooperation and ensure the right direction of East Asia cooperation.

Wang Yi Meets with Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa

11 June (Foreign Ministry) — On June 11, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa in Nizhny Novgorod.

Wang Yi congratulated Maris Sangiampongsa on his assumption of office, saying that China and Thailand are as close as one family, and are good neighbors and good friends. The two countries, which share a traditional friendship, see their cooperation continuously deepened, and the building of the China-Thailand community with a shared future has maintained a sound momentum. China is full of confidence in the prospect of China-Thailand relations and is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges with Thailand, enhance cooperation in various fields, accelerate the construction of the China-Thailand Railway and other major projects, and realize the vision of interconnected development of China, Laos and Thailand at an early date. The Chinese side appreciates Thailand’s consistent support for China’s just position on the Taiwan question, and supports the Thai government’s efforts to achieve political stability, economic development, and the improvement of people’s livelihood, and believes that the two sides will continue to firmly support each other. China is ready to maintain communication and coordination with Thailand on international and regional affairs, and hopes that Thailand will make more positive contributions to the development of China-ASEAN relations. China firmly supports an effective regional cooperation architecture with ASEAN centrality, and stands ready to work with regional countries to steer clear of external disruptions, oppose bloc confrontation and safeguard regional peace and stability.

Maris Sangiampongsa said that Thailand and China enjoy close and friendly relations and Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin attaches great importance to developing relations with China. Maris Sangiampongsa said that as Foreign Minister, he will make every effort to push for greater development of Thailand-China relations. Thailand hopes to learn from China’s successful experience in economic development, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, and better achieve economic and social development. Thailand stands ready to work with China to jointly plan the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China next year to highlight the close friendship between the two peoples. Thailand is also ready to join the BRICS mechanism as soon as possible, play a more active role in South-South cooperation, and strengthen coordination and cooperation with China on multilateral platforms.

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