China and Hungary elevate ties to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership

Following his state visits to France and Serbia, Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his European tour in Hungary, arriving in the central European country in the evening of May 8 and returning to Beijing on May 10. He previously visited Hungary 15 years ago.

Coinciding with his arrival, President Xi published an article in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet. He wrote:

“This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. The bilateral relationship has since been developing and growing steadily and soundly with tangible results achieved in all fields. We respect and treat each other as equals, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. We see each other as a priority partner of cooperation. We have gone through hardships together and defied power politics together amid volatile international situations. We have found our respective path for sovereign states to independently conduct friendly exchanges with other countries… We have kept our original aspiration for friendship in mind since the establishment of diplomatic ties… We have shown understanding and provided support to each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us.”

Regarding current cooperation, he observed that, “focusing  on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, our two countries are strengthening synergy in development strategies and deepening results-oriented cooperation in such areas as investment, infrastructure, finance, new energy, and telecommunication technology.

“We will work with Hungary to forge greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary’s Eastern Opening strategy, and accelerate the construction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway link and other significant cooperation projects… We will strengthen cooperation with Hungary in clean energy, artificial intelligence, digital economy, green development, and other emerging areas, foster new quality productive forces, and serve our respective high-quality development.

“China is willing to expand with Hungary exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, sport, youth, the media and at the subnational level, support the teaching of each other’s languages, make full use of cultural centres, and encourage more communication and interaction between peoples and between institutions.”

Regarding the European context, Xi noted that, “Recently, there are signs of stability for the better in China-Europe relations. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Europe have a broad range of shared interests. Their relationship is more cooperative than competitive and features more consensus than differences… We are ready to work with Hungary to deepen and substantiate China’s cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries and to ensure steady and sustained growth of China-Europe relations.”

In his arrival statement at Budapest Airport, Xi said that, “China and Hungary are good friends and good partners of mutual trust. In 1949, Hungary was one of the first countries to recognise and establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. In 2004, we decided to forge a friendly and cooperative partnership. In 2017, the bilateral relationship was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership, upgrading and speeding up the mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthening the popular support for traditional China-Hungary friendship.”

Meeting with Hungarian President Tamás Sulyok on May 9, Xi insisted that China-Hungary friendship from generation to generation does not target any third party, nor should it be dictated by any third party.

It is hoped that Hungary will take the opportunity of taking on the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year to promote the steady and sound development of China-EU relations.

For his part, President Sulyok thanked Xi for proposing the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that Hungary has benefited a lot from infrastructure connectivity and other cooperation.

The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by Xi, which call for strengthening international dialogue and cooperation, are crucial for tackling various challenges facing the world and preventing bloc confrontation, he said, adding that the Hungarian side highly appreciates those initiatives.

Noting that China has advanced technology and experience in green transformation and clean energy, he said more Chinese enterprises are welcome to invest and conduct cooperation in Hungary.

Meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, China and Hungary decided to elevate bilateral relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

The two sides should continue to be good friends of mutual trust and assistance, and good partners of win-win cooperation, Xi said, calling on the two countries to take the establishment of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era as an opportunity to inject new and strong impetus into bilateral cooperation and create a better future for the two peoples.

Following their talks, the two sides issued a joint statement. It noted that they, “always respect and treat each other equally, and set a good example of mutually beneficial pragmatic cooperation.”

Hungary respects the great achievements that China has scored in economic and social development, and hopes that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, will build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, achieve the Second Centenary Goal and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernisation. China commends Hungary’s peaceful, open and pragmatic foreign policy and its positive role in promoting regional stability and common prosperity of Europe.

The Hungarian government remains firm in adhering to the one-China principle, and reaffirms that there is but one China in the world, that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China. Hungary opposes all forms of separatist activities aimed at breaking the unity of China. 

The Hungarian side appreciates the positive role that Chinese enterprises have played in the national development of Hungary, welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Hungary, and is willing to foster a favourable investment and business environment for them. The two sides acknowledge that Hungary has favoirable endowments to provide a meeting point for Eastern and Western economies and technologies. The Hungary-Serbia Railway is a landmark project under Belt and Road cooperation, and also a flagship project of cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. The two sides are willing to actively promote the construction of the Hungarian section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway, and jointly promote high-level connectivity in Central and Eastern Europe.

The two sides spoke highly of the development of the China-Europe Railway Express between China and Hungary, and agreed to establish an inter-governmental cooperation mechanism on the China-Europe Railway Express, promote infrastructure connectivity, and jointly take practical measures to ensure the security of the transport routes and improve the quality and efficiency of the China-Europe Railway Express, so as to provide important support for deepening economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Following this, the two leaders met the press and Xi Jinping noted that: “China values its comprehensive strategic partnership with the European Union (EU), and views Europe as an important pole in a multipolar world and a key partner in China’s bid to advance Chinese modernisation. China supports Hungary in playing a bigger role in the EU and promoting greater progress in China-EU relations.”

On May 10, Prime Minister Orbán and his wife hosted a farewell event for President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan. Overlooking the city of Budapest, with a view of both sides of the River Danube, Orbán briefed Xi on the history, development, transformation and future plans of the city, noting that Chinese enterprises have made significant contributions to Hungary’s economic development and urban construction, and many Chinese-built projects have become flagship projects of bilateral cooperation and symbols of friendship.

China leads the world in many technological sectors, and Hungary looks forward to more cooperation with China and importing more advanced technologies from China to benefit Hungary’s national development and people’s livelihood.

Xi briefed Orbán on the century-old history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the important philosophies of party management and state governance, pointing out that the CPC has grown from a small party with only a few dozen members to a large one with more than 98 million members, and has withstood many severe tests, leading China to achieve today’s achievements.

The CPC is confident in continuing to overcome various risks and challenges on the road ahead and maintain China’s long-term stability and development, Xi said, noting this will not only enable the Chinese people to have better lives but also make a greater contribution to world peace and development.

Analysing the significance of the visit, the Global Times newspaper wrote that: “Both Chinese and Hungarian experts believe mutual respect and a cooperative approach with no ideological strings attached have played decisive roles in bilateral relations.

“On world affairs, China and Hungary often share similar stances. Despite being an EU member state and a NATO member, Hungary has remained committed to not sending any weapons to Ukraine. 

“In recent years, Hungary has become a major logistics hub for China-Europe trade. Hungary is also Europe’s electric vehicle hub ─ Chinese EV maker BYD announced in late 2023 that it will build its first European electric vehicle production base in Hungary and the plant will produce EVs and plug-in hybrids for the Europe market. 

“On several occasions, Hungary has stood aside from or opposed EU positions against China. For instance, in 2021, Hungary blocked an EU statement criticising China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong.”

Sun Keqin, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), noted that: “”Hungary is special among the EU. It does not oppose the bloc every time when it comes to China-related issues, but it has played a special role in China-Europe relations. Hungary is a partner China should seriously cooperate with.”

On July 1, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto believes Hungary can use the opportunity to influence the EU’s policy toward China.

“We will be able to share with our European colleagues in a very credible manner how helpful, how useful and how profitable it can be to work together with China,” Szijjarto told the Global Times in an interview.

Prior to Xi’s visit, Foreign Minister Szijjarto visited China. Meeting his counterpart on April 24, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China appreciates Hungary’s determination to deepen cooperation with China despite interference and pressure, adding that the fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Hungary in various fields not only benefits the two peoples, but also strongly proves that China is an opportunity rather than a challenge, a partner rather than an opponent to Europe.

Noting that Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year, Wang said it is hoped that Hungary will promote the EU’s rational and friendly view of China’s development, pursue a more active and pragmatic policy towards China, strengthen strategic communication between China and Europe, and promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

Hungary is opposed to “decoupling and breaking the chain,” and always believes that viewing China as a threat will only mean missing opportunities, and treating China as a partner is the right choice, Szijjarto said.

Hungary is willing to promote the construction of key projects under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, continuously deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation between Hungary and China in various fields, push bilateral relations to a new level and promote the steady and sound development of EU-China relations, he added.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and by the Xinhua News Agency and Global Times.

Full text of Xi’s signed article in Hungarian media

BUDAPEST, May 8 (Xinhua) — A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled “Embarking on a Golden Voyage in China-Hungary Relations” was published Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.

Embarking on a Golden Voyage in China-Hungary Relations

Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

In May when the fragrance of flowers and grass on the Great Hungarian Plain fills the air, I will pay a state visit to Hungary at the invitation of President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. This will be my second time to come to this land of beauty and abundance in a span of 15 years.

Over the past 15 years, I have met with visiting Hungarian leaders on many occasions. We have forged a deep friendship. I very much look forward to returning to your country to renew our friendship and work with my friends on a new blueprint for China-Hungary relations and cooperation in the new era.

Hungary is home to magnificent natural landscapes and talented people and is known for its profound historical and cultural heritage. The epic works of the patriotic poet Sandor Petofi and the powerful melodies of the great virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt impressed the world. The Hungarian people, being industrious, intelligent, open, inclusive, pioneering and creative, have contributed to human civilization with inventions of the modern ballpoint pen, holography, and the Rubik’s Cube, to name just a few.

Although our two countries are geographically far apart, our two peoples have been friends for centuries. China and Hungary stood together in solidarity and looked out for each other in trying times of the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving behind many touching stories of friendship. Our long-standing friendship is as mellow and rich as Tokaji wine.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. The bilateral relationship has since been developing and growing steadily and soundly with tangible results achieved in all fields. We respect and treat each other as equals, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. We see each other as a priority partner of cooperation. We have gone through hardships together and defied power politics together amid volatile international situations. We have found our respective path for sovereign states to independently conduct friendly exchanges with other countries.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good friends and treated each other with sincerity. We have kept our original aspiration for friendship in mind since the establishment of diplomatic ties. We have respected and supported the development path of our own choice respectively. We have shown understanding and provided support to each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. We have taken delight in each other’s progress in national development and revitalization. We have developed a high degree of political mutual trust. Our bilateral relationship is at its best in history, and has embarked on a golden voyage.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good partners for win-win cooperation. Focusing on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, our two countries are strengthening synergy in development strategies and deepening results-oriented cooperation in such areas as investment, infrastructure, finance, new energy, and telecommunication technology. Our cooperation is injecting new impetus into global economic recovery. Today Hungary is China’s top investment destination as well as its important trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Our bilateral cooperation is strong, fruitful, and dynamic.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good friends and learned from each other. The Hungarian Cultural Center in Beijing has been operating for years with success. The China Cultural Center in Budapest will soon be officially inaugurated. Hungarian language courses are on the curriculum of many Chinese universities. The Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms are gaining popularity and participation in Hungary. The Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest has fostered a great number of Hungarians who are carrying forward our friendship. Exchanges and mutual visits at the subnational level are growing. Direct passenger flights reach double-digit per week. Measures to facilitate two-way travels are in place and delivering substantial results. The more exchanges between our peoples, the stronger the foundations of our friendship will be.

Currently, China and Hungary both stand at an important stage of development. China is pursuing high-quality development and promoting high-standard opening up, and is working to build itself into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization.

Hungary on its part is making every effort for greater development. During my upcoming visit, I hope to work together with Hungarian leaders to renew China-Hungary traditional friendship, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and take the China-Hungary comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights.

-Our two countries need to carry forward our tradition of friendship and strengthen the political foundations of bilateral relationship. Stronger political mutual trust is the cornerstone of rapid and steady development of China-Hungary relations. China is willing to build on the 75 years of our diplomatic relations and work with Hungary to make top-level designs for the relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective, sustain the strong momentum of high-level interactions, and support regular exchanges and policy communication between our governments, legislatures and political parties. We should continue to firmly support each other on issues that involve our respective core interests. This will provide a strong political guarantee for the high-standard development of China-Hungary relations.

-Our two countries need to forge greater synergy in development strategies and strive for new highlights in practical cooperation. We will work with Hungary to forge greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary’s Eastern Opening strategy, and accelerate the construction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway link and other significant cooperation projects. China will stay committed to promoting high-standard opening up. We will strengthen cooperation with Hungary in clean energy, artificial intelligence, digital economy, green development, and other emerging areas, foster new quality productive forces, and serve our respective high-quality development.

-Our two countries need to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cement public support for bilateral relations. People-to-people connectivity is an endless source of strength for China-Hungary relations. China is willing to expand with Hungary exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, sport, youth, the media and at the subnational level, support the teaching of each other’s languages, make full use of cultural centers, and encourage more communication and interaction between peoples and between institutions. We will continue to work with Hungary to upgrade mutual visa facilitation, expand direct flights, and facilitate people-to-people exchanges.

-Our two countries need to lead regional cooperation and keep to the right direction of China-Europe relations. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries conforms with the trends of the times and development, and serves the common interests of all relevant countries. It is also an important complement to the overall China-Europe relationship. Recently, there are signs of stability for the better in China-Europe relations. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Europe have a broad range of shared interests. Their relationship is more cooperative than competitive and features more consensus than differences. The two sides have the responsibility to provide together more stability for the world and more impetus for global development. We are ready to work with Hungary to deepen and substantiate China’s cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries and to ensure steady and sustained growth of China-Europe relations.

-Our two countries need to enhance communication on international affairs and join hands to address global challenges. At present, transformation not seen in a century is accelerating across the world and global challenges keep emerging. The international community must make a response together. China and Hungary have similar views and positions on international and regional situations. It is important that we stay committed to solidarity and collaboration, champion humanity’s common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, and practice true multilateralism. We should advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, endeavor continuously to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and inject more positive energy into safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

As an old Chinese saying goes, “No mountain and ocean can distance people with shared aspirations.” Our Hungarian friends often say, “A good friend is more precious than gold.” On the new journey of the new era, China looks forward to working closely with our Hungarian friends to write new stories of friendship, open a new chapter of cooperation, and strive for a better future for the two peoples.

Arrival Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, At Budapest Airport, Hungary

May 9 (MFA) — I am delighted to pay a state visit to the beautiful country of Hungary at the gracious invitation of President Tamás Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. On behalf of the government and people of China, I wish to extend heartfelt greetings and best wishes to the Hungarian government and people.

Hungary is known for its time-honored history and profound cultural heritage. The Hungarian people are industrious, intelligent, open, inclusive, pioneering and creative. In recent years, the government and people of Hungary have been forging ahead with determination, making impressive progress in economic and social development. As a good friend and a comprehensive strategic partner, we in China, both the government and people, heartily rejoice over your achievements.

China and Hungary are good friends and good partners of mutual trust. In 1949, Hungary was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. In 2004, we decided to forge a friendly and cooperative partnership. In 2017, the bilateral relationship was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership, upgrading and speeding up the mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthening the popular support for traditional China-Hungary friendship. In recent years, our two sides have seen frequent high-level exchanges, deepening mutual trust, fruitful outcomes in Belt and Road cooperation, vibrant people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and close coordination and collaboration in international and regional affairs. Together, we have set a fine example of building a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation. 

This year marks the 75th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, bringing an important opportunity for the growth of bilateral relations. I look forward to meeting with President Tamás Sulyok, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and other Hungarian leaders. We will jointly outline a new blueprint for cooperation and development, with a view to steering the China-Hungary relationship forward in big strides and taking it to a higher level. I believe that no matter how the international landscape evolves, China and Hungary will always view and approach the bilateral relationship from a broad perspective and a long-term view. Through vigorous and determined endeavors, we will work together toward the goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and make our due contribution to world peace, stability, development and prosperity. I am confident that, with the two sides’ concerted efforts, this visit will be a complete success and usher in an even brighter future of the China-Hungary relationship.

Xi says ready to jointly promote China-Hungary ties to higher levels

BUDAPEST, May 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed on Thursday his readiness to work with Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok to carry forward the traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, and steer the China-Hungary relationship to higher levels.

Xi made the remarks when holding talks with Sulyok at the Sandor Palace in Budapest.

Noting that Hungary is one of the first countries to recognize New China, Xi said since the establishment of their diplomatic ties, China and Hungary have always respected each other, treated each other as equals, and pursued mutual benefit.

The bilateral relationship has stood the test of the changing international landscape and continued to grow in depth from a friendship across the continent, to a friendly and cooperative partnership and then to a comprehensive strategic partnership, Xi said.

The China-Hungary relationship is now at its best in history, he said, adding that the traditional friendship has taken deep roots in the hearts of the people, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful outcomes.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, Xi said.

Noting that China-Hungary relations have maintained steady development over the past 75 years, Xi said the two sides should sum up valuable experience and chart the course forward.

First, Xi said, both sides should treat each other as equals, follow a development path suited to their respective national conditions, and firmly hold their destiny in their own hands.

China-Hungary friendship from generation to generation does not target any third party, nor should it be dictated by any third party, he added.

Second, the two countries should uphold mutual trust and mutual assistance, always understand each other, and firmly support each other in safeguarding their respective sovereignty, security, and development interests, Xi said.

Third, the two sides should adhere to win-win cooperation, expand cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road cooperation, and synergize their respective development strategies, he said.

Both countries should also uphold fairness and justice, stand on the right side of history, and strive to make positive contributions to the cause of peace and development of mankind, he added.

China is comprehensively promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization, which will bring great opportunities to the world, Xi said.

China welcomes Hungarian friends to board the “express train” of Chinese modernization, and stands ready to work with Hungary to continuously deepen political mutual trust, promote greater synergy between Chinese modernization and Hungary’s Eastern Opening strategy, tap the potential of practical cooperation, and continuously expand bilateral exchanges in various fields, he said.

Xi said China is willing to work with Hungary to continuously lead in the right direction of the Belt and Road cooperation as well as cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries, and to deepen and substantiate bilateral cooperation.

It is hoped that Hungary will take the opportunity of taking on the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year to promote the steady and sound development of China-EU relations, Xi added.

For his part, Sulyok noted that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Hungary and China, saying that since the establishment of ties, the two countries have always adhered to the spirit of mutual respect and mutual trust in developing bilateral relations.

Since the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries was established in 2017, bilateral cooperation in various fields has achieved positive results, he added.

He also thanked Xi for proposing the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that Hungary has benefited a lot from infrastructure connectivity and other cooperation.

The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by Xi, which call for strengthening international dialogue and cooperation, are crucial for tackling various challenges facing the world and preventing bloc confrontation, he said, adding that the Hungarian side highly appreciates those initiatives.

Sulyok confirmed that it is Hungary’s established policy to strengthen cooperation with China.

He said Hungary looks forward to closer exchanges with China, strengthening the synergy of development strategies, and promoting key cooperation projects such as the Hungary-Serbia railway to bring more benefits to the people.

Sulyok said he believes that Xi’s historic visit will elevate the comprehensive strategic partnership between Hungary and China to a new and higher level.

Noting that China has advanced technology and experience in green transformation and clean energy, he said more Chinese enterprises are welcome to invest and conduct cooperation in Hungary.

He also expressed the hope that the two sides can continue to cooperate in the management of the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school and the Confucius Institute for stronger bilateral cultural and language exchanges and cooperation.

Also on Thursday, Xi attended a welcome ceremony jointly held by Sulyok and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest.

China, Hungary elevate ties to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership

BUDAPEST, May 9 (Xinhua) — China and Hungary decided Thursday to elevate bilateral relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

The decision was announced during the talks between visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Hungary, ushering in a new and important opportunity for the development of bilateral relations, Xi said.

The two sides should continue to be good friends of mutual trust and assistance, and good partners of win-win cooperation, Xi said, calling on the two countries to take the establishment of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era as an opportunity to inject new and strong impetus into bilateral cooperation and create a better future for the two peoples.

China-Hungary relations are currently at the best period in history and their comprehensive strategic partnership has maintained high-level development. With deepening political mutual trust and fruitful cooperation in various fields, the two countries have set a model for building a new type of international relations, Xi said.

Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and Hungary on the Establishment of An All-Weather Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for the New Era

May 10 (MFA) — At the invitation of H.E. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, H.E. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a state visit to Hungary from May 8 to 10, 2024. During the visit, President Xi Jinping held talks with President Sulyok and Prime Minister Orbán. In an atmosphere of friendliness, candor and mutual trust, the two sides reviewed the solid foundation of relations between China and Hungary and the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Hungarian people, had in-depth exchanges of views on bilateral ties and international and regional issues of mutual interest, and reached broad consensus.

The two sides spoke highly of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Hungary established in 2017, and expressed their satisfaction with the fruitful outcomes of the practical and friendly cooperation over the years. China and Hungary view each other as a priority partner for cooperation, always respect and treat each other equally, and set a good example of mutually beneficial pragmatic cooperation. The two sides agreed to maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen political mutual trust, and deepen cooperation for mutual benefit, so as to keep the bilateral relationship at a high level and bring more benefits to the two peoples. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, the two sides decided to elevate the current comprehensive strategic partnership to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era. The statement is as follows:

  1. The two sides agree to actively use bilateral and multilateral occasions to hold meetings between the leaders of the two countries, and further leverage the role of the leaders’ exchanges of the two countries in providing strategic guidance.
  2. Hungary respects the great achievements that China has scored in economic and social development, and hopes that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, will build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, achieve the Second Centenary Goal and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. China applauds the major achievements that Hungary has scored in national development, and commends Hungary’s peaceful, open and pragmatic foreign policy and its positive role in promoting regional stability and common prosperity of Europe.
  3. The two sides firmly support each other in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. China respects Hungary’s independent choice of a development path and domestic and foreign policies suited to its national conditions, and supports the efforts made by the Hungarian side to maintain national stability and promote economic development. The Hungarian government remains firm in adhering to the one-China principle, and reaffirms that there is but one China in the world, that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China. Hungary opposes all forms of separatist activities at breaking the unity of China.  
  4. The two sides are willing to promote high-level exchanges, intensify the exchanges and cooperation between the central and local governments, legislatures, and political parties of the two countries at all levels, strengthen experience sharing on governance, and further enhance strategic and political mutual trust.
  5. The two sides agreed that their cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has yielded fruitful results, and that the BRI has played a positive role in promoting economic development and improving people’s livelihood in both countries. In order to enrich the China-Hungary all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era, the two sides are committed to enhancing synergy between the BRI and Hungary’s “Eastern Opening” policy. Leveraging mechanisms and platforms such as the China-Hungary Inter-Governmental Belt and Road Cooperation Committee and the Belt and Road Cooperation Promotion Center, the two sides will pursue deeper and more substantive progress in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, jointly ensure the safety and security and smooth progress of relevant cooperation projects between the two countries, and strive for more fruitful results in practical cooperation. The two sides will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation on economic development policies, and promote the sharing of best practices and experience in key areas.
  6. The Hungarian side appreciates the positive role that Chinese enterprises have played in the national development of Hungary, welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Hungary, and is willing to foster a favorable investment and business environment for them. The two sides acknowledge that Hungary has favorable endowments to provide a meeting point for Eastern and Western economies and technologies. The Chinese side will continue to encourage capable Chinese enterprises to invest in Hungary. The two sides will promote orderly cooperation in emerging fields including clean energy, artificial intelligence, mobile communication technology and nuclear energy and technology. The Hungary-Serbia Railway is a landmark project under Belt and Road cooperation, and also a flagship project of Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (China-CEEC Cooperation). The two sides are willing to actively promote the construction of the Hungarian section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway, and jointly promote high-level connectivity in Central and Eastern Europe. The two sides are willing to actively support the sound and steady development of the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line, and promote connectivity and trade between China and Hungary.
  7. The two sides agreed that Chinese modernization will bring new opportunities for economic cooperation and trade between the two countries, and that stronger practical cooperation and closer economic ties serve the fundamental interests for the two peoples of China and Hungary. The two sides will make full use of the China-Hungary Economic Joint Committee and its affiliated working groups on e-commerce and trade, support greater exchanges between trade, investment and industrial promotion agencies as well as business chambers and associations of the two sides, deepen cooperation in digital economy and green development, foster new drivers of trade and economic growth, expand the scope and depth of economic and trade cooperation, and jointly safeguard the stability and security of industrial and supply chains.
  8. The two sides spoke highly of the development of the China-Europe Railway Express between China and Hungary, and agreed to establish an inter-governmental cooperation mechanism on the China-Europe Railway Express, promote infrastructure connectivity, and jointly take practical measures to ensure the security of the transport routes and improve the quality and efficiency of the China-Europe Railway Express, so as to provide important support for deepening economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
  9. The Chinese side appreciates Hungary’s active participation in the China International Import Expo, the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the China Import and Export Fair and the China-CEEC Expo. China unequivocally supports Hungarian enterprises in taking a bigger part in all kinds of economic and trade expos and fairs held in China. The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation on the facilitation of customs clearance of the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line to facilitate cross-border trade. The Chinese side welcomes more quality products and eligible enterprises of Hungary to enter the Chinese market.
  10. The two sides recognized the huge potential in agricultural cooperation between the two countries and the sound progress made under the framework of the China-CEEC agricultural cooperation mechanism. The two sides will give full play to the role of the China-Hungary high-level working group on agriculture and other mechanisms, in order to strengthen economic, trade and investment cooperation between agricultural enterprises of both sides, widening market access, promote the cooperation of “small and beautiful” projects, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as animal health and joint research and development of deep processing technologies for agricultural products. The two sides agree to establish a working group between the relevant authorities in order to enhance technical exchanges on zoning and compartmentalisation, initiate structured dialogue and promote to achieve a zoning and compartmentalisation agreement in case of animal diseases in an early manner.
  11. The two sides will further deepen cooperation on finance, encourage financial institutions of both sides to provide financing support and financial services for trade and investment cooperation, further tap the cooperation potential in green finance and other fields, and continue to jointly issue green Panda bonds. The Hungarian side appreciates the valuable fiscal and financial support of China. The Chinese side supports Chinese financial institutions in setting up branches in Hungary in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  12. The two sides are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on land and spatial planning, promote the establishment of a regular communication and exchange mechanism, jointly explore ways to promote high-quality development through high-level environmental protection, and jointly address new challenges on the fronts of globalization, urbanization, the green and low-carbon transition, and sustainable development.
  13. The two sides are committed to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, jointly host commemorative activities for the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary in 2024, and continuously consolidate the friendship between the two peoples and the popular foundation of bilateral relations. The two sides will support exchanges and cooperation between the China Cultural Center in Budapest, the Liszt Institute – Hungarian Cultural Center in Beijing and their respective domestic cultural institutions, art academies and groups, and vocational colleges of culture and art, support holding art projects and exhibitions in each other’s country, and encourage the translation, publishing and promotion of literary works.
  14. The two sides will strengthen coordination and communication on tourism policies, jointly develop tourism routes and design tourism products, to promote the rapid recovery and healthy development of the tourist industry. The Hungarian side highly commends China’s implementation of a visa-free policy for Hungary on a trial basis. The Chinese side highly commends the new visa facilitation measures for the management and qualified experts of large key Chinese companies investing in Hungary. The two sides are willing to further enhance their respective levels of visa facilitation and create more favorable conditions for two-way travels in the framework of applicable international and national obligations. The two sides support airline companies of the two countries in increasing direct flights between China and Hungary in accordance with market demand giving further boost to the development of business, tourism and people-to-people contacts.
  15. The two sides will further strengthen cooperation in education, support more exchanges between universities and think tanks of the two countries, encourage educational institutions of the two countries to carry out joint research and training projects, and support two-way exchanges of young students. The two sides agreed to give full play to the role of the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school and the Confucius Institutes set up in Hungary, and the Hungarian language courses at Chinese universities, continue to support the youth of the two countries in learning each other’s language, and deepen cooperation in language teaching.
  16. The two sides will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in scientific and technological innovation. The two sides agreed to hold a new regular session of the China-Hungary Science and Technology Cooperation Committee within this year, continue to expand people-to-people exchanges on science and technology, strengthen the building of joint scientific research platforms, and further tap the cooperation potential in basic research, applied research and the application of scientific and technological research outcomes. 
  17. The two sides attach great importance to the health and well-being of the people, and their cooperation on fighting COVID-19 had been pacesetting in the world. The two sides will deepen cooperation on health and work for improved global governance on public health. The two sides will strengthen cooperation in areas such as health policy, prevention and control of infectious diseases and non-infectious chronic diseases, digital health, human resources for health, medical research and traditional medicine. Both sides support the promotion and application of traditional Chinese medicine in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. 
  18. The two sides will continue to promote friendship of sister cities, facilitate friendly exchanges between the youth of the two countries, and expand exchanges and cooperation in such fields as sports, film and television, and media. 
  19. The two sides share the view that China-CEEC Cooperation has effectively promoted practical cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, and has become an important platform for China and Central and Eastern European countries to deepen friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation as well as a useful complement to China-Europe and China-Hungary relations. In keeping with major initiatives of the EU, China-CEEC Cooperation has facilitated the development of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. The Chinese side appreciates the contribution made by the Hungarian side to the development of China-CEEC Cooperation, and supports the Hungarian side in playing a more important role in finance, transportation, tourism, health, science and technology, people-to-people exchanges, environment, business and other areas of cooperation within the China-CEEC Cooperation mechanism. The two sides stand ready to strengthen communication and coordination based on the principle of openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit to jointly push for new and greater progress in China-CEEC Cooperation. 
  20. China reaffirms its commitment to the development of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, encourages high-level exchanges in order to promote convergence of views on strategic issues, increase human exchanges, jointly address global challenges and promote economic cooperation in a proactive and balanced manner. Hungary, as a Member State of the European Union, shares these guidelines and will make its contribution to them.
  21. The two sides underline the importance of settling disputes between States peacefully through dialogue and consultations. Hungary pays particular attention to the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China. The two sides reaffirm the importance of global security and peace. The two sides reaffirm that they will jointly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, work for a just and more equitable international order, and firmly safeguard world peace and stability. 

Remarks by President Xi Jinping At the Joint Meeting with the Press with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán

May 9 (MFA) — Your Excellency Prime Minister Viktor Orbán,
Friends from the Media,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to pay a state visit to Hungary at the kind invitation of President Tamás Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. I wish to thank President Sulyok, Prime Minister Orbán, and the Hungarian government for the thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality. I wish to take this opportunity to convey through the media the cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to the Hungarian people.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. Over the past 75 years, the two sides have always followed the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and win-win to ensure that bilateral relations keep moving in the right direction. The relationship is now at its best in history. I just concluded friendly and productive talks with Prime Minister Orbán. We had an in-depth exchange of views and reached extensive consensus on the development of China-Hungary relations in the new era and on issues of mutual interest. We witnessed the exchange of important bilateral cooperation documents. I have full confidence in the future of our bilateral relations.

Prime Minister Orbán and I both agree that China and Hungary have always been good friends that trust and support each other as well as good partners that seek win-win cooperation over the years. We should further elevate our relations and enrich our cooperation. We have decided to issue a joint statement to announce the establishment of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era between China and Hungary. From this new starting point, we will do what we can to enable our bilateral relations and practical cooperation to embark on a golden voyage toward greater goals so as to inject strong impetus into the development and prosperity of both countries.

We both believe that profound political mutual trust has laid a solid foundation for China-Hungary relations. Both sides will maintain the momentum of close high-level interactions. We will strengthen dialogue and exchanges between our governments, legislatures and political parties, share governance experience, and firmly support each other’s core interests. China highly appreciates Hungary’s firm commitment to the one-China principle, and will continue to firmly support Hungary in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions. 

We both agree that the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary’s Eastern Opening strategy are highly compatible. We will connect our development strategies more closely, deepen economic, trade, investment, and financial cooperation, and advance the Budapest-Belgrade railway and other key projects. We will expand cooperation in emerging industries and foster new quality productive forces to empower and facilitate economic and social development of the two countries.

We both believe that there is a solid foundation for China-Hungary traditional friendship. We will continue to support the teaching of each other’s language, make good use of our cultural centers, strengthen sports, media and subnational exchanges and cooperation, and promote mutual learning and understanding between different cultures and peoples. The two sides will further improve their respective exit-entry policies and enhance direct flight linkages to create more favorable conditions for more people-to-people exchanges.

We both believe that cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (China-CEEC Cooperation) conforms with the principles of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, and that it is a fine example of cross-regional cooperation. China and Hungary will work together to expand the scope, broaden the coverage and raise the levels of the China-CEEC Cooperation so as to deliver greater benefits to the peoples of relevant countries. China values its comprehensive strategic partnership with the European Union (EU), and views Europe as an important pole in a multipolar world and a key partner in China’s bid to advance Chinese modernization. China supports Hungary in playing a bigger role in the EU and promoting greater progress in China-EU relations.

We both agree that China and Hungary share similar views and positions on international and regional situations. We will strengthen communication and coordination in the multilateral field, and advocate vigorously for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We will resolutely uphold international fairness and justice, and endeavor to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Communist Party of China is leading the Chinese people in a concerted effort to build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. Chinese modernization means tremendous opportunities to the world. China wishes to enjoy common development and prosperity with Hungary. I believe with joint efforts from both sides, China and Hungary will embrace a brighter future.

Thank you.

Xi attends farewell event held by Hungarian PM Orban

BUDAPEST, May 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan attended a farewell event held here on Friday at the invitation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife.

The two leaders and their spouses overlooked the city of Budapest together and had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Danube River.

Orban briefed Xi on the history, development, transformation and future plans of the city of Budapest, noting that Chinese enterprises have made significant contributions to Hungary’s economic development and urban construction, and many Chinese-built projects have become flagship projects of bilateral cooperation and a symbol of friendship.

China leads the world in many technological sectors, and Hungary looks forward to more cooperation with China and importing more advanced technologies from China to benefit Hungary’s national development and people’s livelihood, said the Hungarian prime minister.

Xi thanked Orban for his warm invitation and thoughtful arrangements, adding that he not only felt the historical tradition of Budapest, but also saw the fresh vitality here, which deepened his understanding of Hungary and left a valuable memory.

Xi said that he was deeply impressed by Hungary’s development and achievements over the past 15 years, adding that exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have contributed to China’s reform and opening-up.

China is now advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernization, and China’s high-quality development and opening-up will provide more opportunities for Hungary, said the Chinese president, adding that China stands ready to strengthen economic, technological exchanges and cooperation with Hungary, push for more development and achievements of the two countries, and create a better life for people of the two nations.

The two leaders sat by the window, observing the clouds billow and unfurl outside, while engaging in candid discussions about their respective experiences of growth and governance philosophies, exchanging views on important issues of common concern, and reaching numerous agreements.

Xi briefed Orban on the century-old history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the important philosophies of party management and state governance, pointing out that the CPC has grown from a small party with only a few dozen members to a large one with more than 98 million members, and has withstood many severe tests, leading China to achieve today’s achievements.

The CPC is confident in continuing to overcome various risks and challenges on the road ahead and maintain China’s long-term stability and development, Xi said, noting this will not only enable the Chinese people to have better lives but also make a greater contribution to world peace and development.

He stressed that although the visit did not last long, the two sides had full and in-depth communication and reached many important consensus.

The two sides decided to establish an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era, promoting bilateral ties to unprecedented new heights, Xi said.

China and Hungary have similar philosophies and both advocate independence, Xi noted, adding that he looks forward to maintaining close communication with Prime Minister Orban, leading the two countries to carry on friendship, and working together to translate the consensus that has been reached into tangible cooperation results, so as to continue to benefit people of the two countries.

Xi said he has full confidence in the future development of China-Hungary relations.

China, Hungary elevate ties during Xi’s visit in Budapest

May 10 (Global Times) — China and Hungary decided Thursday to elevate bilateral relations to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to this Central and Eastern European country, which experts say is a result of fruitful cooperation between the two sides and carries significance to China-Europe relations.

The announcement was made after Xi held talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. They jointly witnessed exchange of cooperation documents and met with the press.

The China-Hungary relationship is now at its best in history, Xi said earlier on Thursday when meeting with Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok at the Sandor Palace in Budapest.

The bilateral relationship has stood the test of the changing international landscape and continued to grow in depth from a friendship across the continent to a friendly and cooperative partnership and then to a comprehensive strategic partnership, Xi said.

Xi arrived in Budapest on Wednesday, on the last leg of his three-nation European trip. Xi previously visited Hungary 15 years ago.

He was warmly welcomed by Orban and his wife at Budapest Airport upon arrival. The Hungarian Air Force sent fighter jets to escort Xi’s plane after it entered the country’s airspace.

Ju Weiwei, deputy director of the Central and Eastern Europe Office, Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday that elevate bilateral relations to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era is a big achievement of bilateral relations and is a result of fruitful cooperation between China and Hungary in all aspects such as infrastructure, investment and culture as well as respect for each other’s core interests and the solid basis of public opinion in both countries. 

“This has positive significance to future China-Europe relations and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe,” said Ju.

Both Chinese and Hungarian experts believe mutual respect and a cooperative approach with no ideological strings attached have played decisive roles in bilateral relations.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. Hungary was one of the first countries in the world to establish official relations with China. 

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a recent interview with the Global Times that it’s a great honor that the two countries celebrate the 75th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties with a presidential visit. He believes that this is positive feedback showing that China and Hungary are on the right track and this is very important to Hungary.

Mutual respect

Since the establishment of their diplomatic ties, China and Hungary have always respected each other, treated each other as equals, and pursued mutual benefit, Xi said when meeting with the Hungarian president. 

Szijjarto told the Global Times that mutual respect, which is currently missing in international politics, is a really strong and stable basis for the successful cooperation between China and Hungary. 

Over the years, China-Hungary cooperation has been developing in a steady manner. In 2015, Hungary became the first European country to join the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative. In 2017, the bilateral relationship was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The Hungary-Serbia railway that is under construction is the flagship project of the BRI in Central and Eastern Europe.

On world affairs, China and Hungary often share similar stances. Despite being an EU member state and a NATO member, Hungary has remained committed to not sending any weapons to Ukraine. 

Levente Horvath, director of the Eurasia Center of John von Neumann University and chief advisor to the governor of the Central Bank of Hungary, told the Global Times that the relationship between Hungary and China is getting increasingly close because they think similarly about international relations.

“Hungary seeks cooperation with countries based on its own national interests. It recognizes that pragmatic cooperation can bring promising prospects while confrontation and sanctions can only bring lose-lose scenarios and be exploited by those with ulterior motives,” Ju told the Global Times.

Bridge linking East and West

In 2010, Hungary began implementing the “Opening to the East” policy, underlining the fact that the wind is blowing from the East in the world economy. 

In recent years, Hungary has become a major logistics hub for China-Europe trade. Hungary is also Europe’s electric vehicle hub ─ Chinese EV maker BYD announced in late 2023 that it will build its first European electric vehicle production base in Hungary and the plant will produce EVs and plug-in hybrids for the Europe market. 

Hungary’s connectivity strategy makes it a key country to connect West and East. Experts also believe that Hungary can play a facilitating role in bridging China and Europe.

On several occasions, Hungary has stood aside from or opposed EU positions against China. For instance, in 2021, Hungary blocked an EU statement criticizing China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong.

“Hungary is special among the EU. It does not oppose the bloc every time when it comes to China-related issues, but it has played a special role in China-Europe relations. Hungary is a partner China should seriously cooperate with,” Sun Keqin, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

On July 1, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. Foreign Minister Szijjarto believes Hungary can use the opportunity to influence the EU’s policy toward China.

“We will be able to share with our European colleagues in a very credible manner how helpful, how useful and how profitable it can be to work together with China,” Szijjarto told the Global Times in the interview.

Chinese, Hungarian FMs hold talks on closer ties

BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto in Beijing on Wednesday to discuss closer bilateral ties.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China-Hungary relations, based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, enjoy a sound momentum of development with active exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Hungary, and bilateral relations face important new opportunities, Wang noted, adding that China is willing to maintain close communication with Hungary, implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, and push bilateral relations to a higher level.

China appreciates Hungary’s determination to deepen cooperation with China despite interference and pressure, Wang said, adding that the fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Hungary in various fields not only benefits the two peoples, but also strongly proves that China is an opportunity rather than a challenge, a partner rather than an opponent to Europe.

Noting that Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year, Wang said it is hoped that Hungary will promote the EU’s rational and friendly view of China’s development, pursue a more active and pragmatic policy towards China, strengthen strategic communication between China and Europe, and promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

Hungary is opposed to “decoupling and breaking the chain,” and always believes that viewing China as a threat will only mean missing opportunities, and treating China as a partner is the right choice, Szijjarto said.

Hungary is willing to promote the construction of key projects under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, continuously deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation between Hungary and China in various fields, push bilateral relations to a new level and promote the steady and sound development of EU-China relations, Szijjarto added.

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