The video embedded below is a speech given by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Carlos Martinez on 6 March 2022 at an online panel discussion entitled ‘Demystifying modern, socialist China: From Belt and Road to Xinjiang’, jointly organised by the Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire Morning Star Readers & Supporters groups. Carlos discusses the imperialist nature of the original Cold War; its relation to the current state of international relations (particularly the escalating tensions between the US and China); and the importance for progressive, socialist and anti-war forces of struggling against this New Cold War.

Thank you Carlos,
for an excellent concise political lesson on the old and new ‘ongoing’ cold wars.
The New Cold War is just like the old one, a war fought by U. S. & Western Imperialism to acheive the New World Order, & to squash any obstacles that stand in the way.