China and Malaysia issue joint statement on deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership

Chinese Premier Li Qiang visited Malaysia from June 18-20 at the invitation of his counterpart Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. This visit was the final leg of an overseas tour that took Li first to New Zealand and then to Australia. The visit to Malaysia acquired special significance as it marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations on May 31, 1974.

The two countries issued a Joint Statement on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership towards a China-Malaysia Community with a Shared Future, which also reflected a consensus of views on a number of regional and international issues.

Among the key points contained in the joint statement are:

  • Both leaders agreed that the world is undergoing profound changes and has entered a new period of instability and transformation. Both countries are important representatives of developing countries in Asia and emerging economies. The strategic significance of bilateral relations has been further highlighted, which is crucial to not only their peoples but also the future of the region, enhancing the unity and cooperation of the Global South. The two leaders will commit to promoting an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation.
  • Both sides agreed to strengthen rail transportation and infrastructure cooperation and contribute to the realisation of the Pan-Asian Railway vision.
  • The Chinese side is willing to import more high-quality agricultural, electrical and electronic, halal and green products from Malaysia,
  • China is willing to share with Malaysia its experience in poverty reduction and rural revitalisation and provide assistance within its capacity to improve the wellbeing of the Malaysian people.
  • Taking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations as an opportunity, the two sides agree to carry out programs in the fields of culture, tourism, religion, youth and locality, promote interactions at all levels in all areas, and further deepen exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and Islamic civilisations.
  • The two countries agreed to work together on the multinational nomination to inscribe the element of lion dance on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Humanity. Both sides celebrate lion dance as a form of shared history and jointly promote the safeguarding of the shared heritage.
  • China welcomes Malaysia taking on the role of country coordinator for ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations in 2024, and firmly supports Malaysia in assuming the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2025. 
  • Both countries will continue to promote the high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, and look forward to accelerating the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations towards conclusion as soon as possible
  • The two countries emphasised the importance of maintaining peace, security and stability in the South China Sea, agreed to resolve disputes by peaceful means, through friendly consultations and negotiations, in accordance with the universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
  • The two sides will work together with other ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety and look forward to the early conclusion of an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC).
  • The two countries agreed that for 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have become the basic norms governing international relations as well as basic principles of international law, contributing the wisdom of Asia to properly handling state-to-state relations. The two sides agreed to follow the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, carry forward the Asian values featuring peace, cooperation, inclusiveness and integration, adhere to the Asian development path of mutual benefit, openness and cooperation, and uphold the Bandung Spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation to contribute to stability and progress in Asia.
  • The two countries agreed to support efforts to preserve Southeast Asia as a region free from nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, while contributing to global efforts on disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, in line with the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ).
  • Both leaders expressed grave concern with the ongoing war in Gaza, the dire and rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation and its grave impact on the civilian population. Both sides emphasised that civilians in Gaza must be protected, in accordance with international law, and urged for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, unimpeded humanitarian assistance and protection of humanitarian relief and medical personnel. The two sides reaffirmed the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine and urged the UN Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s application for full membership, in line with Resolution A/RES/ES-10/23 adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 May 2024, and expressed full support for the resumption of the political settlement process on the basis of the two-state solution, and promoting comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date.

The following is the full text of the joint statement. It was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations and at the invitation of His Excellency Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia, His Excellency Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, paid an official visit to Malaysia from 18 to 20 June 2024. During the visit, Premier Li had an audience with His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, held talks with Prime Minister Anwar and attended the celebration of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. The two sides had in-depth exchanges of views on deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, jointly building the China-Malaysia Community with a Shared Future as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest, and reached a broad consensus.

Both leaders agreed that the two countries have been good neighbours for hundreds of years, true friends with sincerity and partners of win-win cooperation. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 31 May 1974, especially the establishment of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2013, the bilateral relations have been continuously improved, delivered important benefits to its peoples and provided an impetus for their development and stability. Such a friendship has witnessed profound changes over half a century and shown renewed vigor and vitality. The two leaders are committed to upholding strategic independence, pursuing common development, maintaining mutual trust, safeguarding fairness and justice, and embarking on cooperation for mutual benefits.

Both leaders agreed that the world is undergoing profound changes and has entered a new period of instability and transformation. Both countries are important representatives of developing countries in Asia and emerging economies. The strategic significance of bilateral relations has been further highlighted, which is crucial to not only their peoples but also the future of this region, enhancing the unity and cooperation of the “Global South”. The two leaders will commit to promoting an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. Malaysia highly commends that President Xi Jinping put forward the concept of building the Community of Shared Future for Mankind, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Principle of Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness in Neighbourhood Diplomacy, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. China also supports the fundamental principles of “Malaysia MADANI”, advocating and promoting innovation, care and compassion, inclusiveness as well as mutual respect.

 Both countries reached an important consensus on building a China-Malaysia Community with a Shared Future in 2023, and remain steadfast to strengthen and deepen the bilateral cooperation in taking it to even greater heights.

Continue reading China and Malaysia issue joint statement on deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership

Xi congratulates Ramaphosa on reelection as South African president

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a message to Cyril Ramaphosa on June 15, congratulating him on his reelection as President of the Republic of South Africa. 

In his message, Xi noted that China and South Africa have profound political mutual trust and fruitful practical cooperation in various fields, which is a model of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries and the Global South.

The following article was first published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Cyril Ramaphosa who was reelected as president of South Africa on Friday.

In his message, Xi noted that China and South Africa have profound political mutual trust and fruitful practical cooperation in various fields, which is a model of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries and the Global South.

Xi said that during his fourth state visit to South Africa in August last year, he and Ramaphosa reached important consensus on a wide range of issues, marking a new chapter in building a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future.

Xi also said that he attaches great importance to the development of China-South Africa relations and stands ready to work with Ramaphosa to elevate the China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level and jointly contribute to world peace, stability, and prosperity.

China and Cuba: good friends, good comrades and good brothers

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla visited China in the first week of June as the Special Envoy of President Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Meeting his Cuban counterpart on June 6, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China and Cuba are good friends who trust each other, good comrades who share the same vision, and good brothers who share weal and woe, adding that the two sides reached an important consensus on jointly building a China-Cuba community with a shared future. China speaks highly of Cuba’s adherence to truth and defiance of power, and appreciates that Cuba always stands up for China’s legitimate stance on international multilateral occasions. China firmly supports Cuba in defending its national sovereignty and opposing foreign interference and will continue to resolutely oppose the US’s unreasonable blockade against Cuba.

Wang added that China is willing to work with Cuba to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, develop the special friendly relations between the two parties and two countries, and contribute to promoting the cause of world socialism and safeguarding world peace.

Rodriguez said that Cuba sincerely thanks China for its strong support in resisting the unreasonable blockade and interference of the United States and overcoming temporary difficulties in economic operation and will continue to firmly abide by the one-China principle.

Cuba is willing to work with China to build a Cuba-China community with a shared future, give top priority to the joint construction of the Belt and Road, and safeguard the sovereignty and independence of developing countries as well as the cause of socialism.

The following day, Rodriguez had separate meetings with Li Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, who is also Secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC).

Noting that China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades, and good brothers who stick together through thick and thin, Li said China will continue to support Cuba in pursuing a socialist path that suits its national conditions and defending its national sovereignty and dignity.

Rodriguez expressed gratitude for China’s strong support for the just cause of Cuba, saying Cuba will firmly abide by the one-China principle, steadfastly deepen friendship with China and resolutely defend the socialist cause.

Liu Jianchao said that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban people have firm convictions, are not afraid of power, are indomitable, and resolutely safeguard the interests of the country and the nation. The Communist Party of China is ready to work with the Communist Party of Cuba to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and two countries, strengthen exchanges at all levels, along with mutual learning of experience in governance, promote cooperation in areas such as people’s livelihood, give full play to the political leading role of inter-party relations, advance their respective socialist construction, and promote greater development of China-Cuba relations.

Rodriguez said that Cuba and China share common ideals and beliefs, and both adhere to the socialist road. The Cuban party and government have placed the development of relations with China and the Communist Party of China in the first place in their foreign relations, thanked the Chinese side for its valuable assistance and strong support for Cuba’s economic and social development, and hoped to strengthen cooperation with China in agriculture, renewable energy, investment, finance, and other fields. We firmly believe, he added, that with the support of China and international friendly forces, Cuba will be able to continue to advance on the road of socialist construction. Cuba is ready to work with China to promote the building of a just and equitable international order.

On June 12, Li Xi also met with a delegation of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) led by Gladys Martinez Verdecia, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the PCC and First Secretary of its Artemisa Provincial Party Committee. He said that China and Cuba are both socialist countries led by communist parties and share common ideals and convictions.

Martinez expressed willingness to work with the CPC to implement the consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and countries, deepen the exchange of experience on party and state governance, promote practical cooperation in agriculture and other fields, and push for greater development of China-Cuba relations. The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC. The article from the IDCPC was published in Chinese and has been machine translated and subedited by us.

Chinese FM holds talks with Cuban president’s special envoy

BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Special Envoy of Cuban President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, on Thursday in Beijing.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China and Cuba are good friends who trust each other, good comrades who share the same vision, and good brothers who share weal and woe, adding that the two sides reached an important consensus on jointly building a China-Cuba community with a shared future.

Continue reading China and Cuba: good friends, good comrades and good brothers

Xi: China and Brazil are like-minded good friends and good partners walking hand in hand

The close relations between China and Brazil were underlined and reinforced with the China visit of  Vice President Geraldo Alckmin in early June.

The distinguished Brazilian visitor met with President Xi Jinping on June 7.

Xi said China and Brazil are like-minded good friends, and good partners walking hand in hand. “In April last year, President Lula and I reached an important consensus on leading and opening up the new future of China-Brazil relations in the new era.”

With joint efforts in the past year, the two countries have continuously deepened strategic mutual trust, steadily advanced pragmatic cooperation, and closely coordinated on the international stage. This has not only promoted their respective development, but effectively safeguarded the common interests of all developing countries.

Both as major developing countries and key emerging market economies, China and Brazil share broad and common strategic interests, and their relationship goes far beyond the bilateral scope to have exemplary significance for promoting solidarity and cooperation among developing countries as well as world peace and stability, Xi said.

By grasping the strategic nature of their ties, the two countries should make those ties more mutually beneficial and comprehensive, continue to enhance strategic coordination, and add new dimensions to the China-Brazil friendship, Xi added.

As the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of  their diplomatic relations this year, they should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including legislative bodies, political parties, local governments, culture, education, tourism and youth. China backs Brazil’s greater role on the international stage and its hosting of the G20 Leaders’ Summit this year. China is also ready to enhance communication with Brazil and other members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for further development of China-Latin America relations in the new era.

Alckmin conveyed President Lula’s cordial greetings to President Xi. He said that in recent years, hundreds of millions of Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, which is a miracle in the world, and the relevant experience is of great significance for Brazil. He added that the Brazilian government is committed to inclusive and sustainable growth and is willing to enhance the synergy of development strategies with China.

A little earlier, on June 4, the Second China-Brazil poverty alleviation and rural revitalisation forum was held in Beijing. Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC), Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger of Brazil, Paulo Teixeira, Minister for Rural Development and Family Farming of Brazil, Sun Qixin, President of China Agricultural University, and Marcia Abrahão Moura, Rector of the University of Brasília, attended and addressed the forum.

Minister Liu noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. Over the past half century, the development of bilateral relations has withstood the test of vicissitudes, with fruitful results from practical cooperation in various fields. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the CPC and the Workers’ Party (PT) of Brazil. The two parties have maintained close exchanges and cooperation for a long time, playing an important role in promoting the smooth development of China-Brazil relations. China and Brazil are the largest developing countries in the Eastern and Western hemispheres respectively, representatives of emerging market economies, and important members of the Global South. The concerted efforts of China and Brazil will not only benefit the two peoples, but also play a constructive role in world peace, stability and development.  

Liu added that poverty is a chronic affliction of human society. Poverty reduction and rural revitalisation are the common cause and unremitting pursuit of China and Brazil. The Chinese side is ready to further share poverty reduction experience with Brazilian political parties, government, local governments, enterprises, and so on through various channels, including the “political party + practical cooperation” platform, and strengthen practical cooperation in agriculture, so as to continuously enhance people’s well-being.

Dias congratulated the Chinese people on their remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation under the leadership of the CPC. He said that Brazil is currently facing new challenges in poverty reduction and the fight against hunger. The Brazilian side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, strengthen exchanges between political parties, think tanks, universities, enterprises, and non-governmental organisations, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in poverty reduction and rural revitalisation, and advance cooperation in agricultural education and scientific research as well as in production of agricultural machinery, so as to better benefit the two countries and peoples.

The following articles were first published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

Xi meets Brazilian vice president

BEIJING, June 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin in Beijing on Friday.

Xi said China and Brazil are like-minded good friends, and good partners walking hand in hand. “In April last year, President Lula and I reached an important consensus on leading and opening up the new future of China-Brazil relations in the new era.”

Continue reading Xi: China and Brazil are like-minded good friends and good partners walking hand in hand

China and Venezuela jointly advocate for a multipolar world

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto paid a visit to China and Vietnam in the first week of June.

Meeting his Chinese counterpart on June 5, Wang Yi said that as good friends, partners and comrades, regardless of how the international and regional situation changes, China will unwaveringly develop China-Venezuela relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and jointly oppose any external interference and bullying actions.

Wang noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, adding that, at this important historical juncture, both sides should adhere to the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, summarise the successful experiences of half a century of China-Venezuela relations, and plan strategically with a forward-looking perspective to inject new contemporary meaning into their all-weather strategic partnership. He further emphasised that China supports Venezuela’s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and dignity, its exploration of a development path suited to its own national conditions, and its greater role in the world, especially in Latin America.

Venezuela has long stood firmly with China on issues involving China’s core interests and major concerns, which we highly appreciate, Wang said, adding that China is willing to further expand bilateral trade with Venezuela, broaden cooperation areas, and assist Venezuela in accelerating its industrialisation and economic diversification.

For his part, Gil congratulated China on the success of the Chang’e-6 lunar probe mission, stating that China’s outstanding achievements in development and revitalisation are a great encouragement to Venezuela and other Global South countries.

Venezuela is willing to work with China to successfully organise activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and looks forward to deepening cooperation in trade, technology, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, aerospace and cultural exchanges. 

In addition, Venezuela appreciates China’s commitment to fairness and justice in international affairs and is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with China to promote the continuous development of China-Latin America relations, jointly uphold multilateralism and the principles of the UN Charter, jointly oppose hegemony and unilateral illegal sanctions, and defend the common interests, fairness and justice of the Global South. Venezuela also appreciates the six-point consensus on the political resolution of the Ukraine crisis jointly issued recently by China and Brazil.

Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), also met with the Venezuelan Foreign Minister on June 7.

On June 8, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister met in Hanoi separately with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and with Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung.

In his meeting with Trung, Venezuela’s top diplomat expressed his delight at visiting Vietnam for the first time and hailed the great achievements of the doi moi (renewal) process, initiated and led by the CPV, over the past nearly 40 years, as well as Vietnam’s increasingly important role and position in the region and the world.

He also emphasised the importance of the close relationship between his country’s ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the CPV in strengthening the foundation of bilateral relations and political trust at a high level, as well as orienting and developing the comprehensive partnership between the two countries.

The previous day, Gil also met with Vietnamese  Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son. During his two day visit, he also laid a wreath and paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum and visited various other historical and cultural sites in the Vietnamese capital.

The following article was originally published by Global Times.

As good friends, partners and comrades, regardless of how the international and regional situation changes, China will unwaveringly develop China-Venezuela relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and jointly oppose any external interference and bullying actions, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told visiting Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto on Wednesday. 

Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 

At this important historical juncture, both sides should adhere to the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, summarize the successful experiences of 50 years of China-Venezuela relations, and plan strategically with a forward-looking perspective to inject new contemporary meaning into the all-weather strategic partnership.

When Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Moros visited China in September 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Venezuelan leader jointly announced the elevation of the two countries’ relations to an all-weather strategic partnership.

Under the strategic guidance of the two countries’ leaders, the direction for the development of China-Venezuela relations has become clearer, its connotation richer, and its momentum stronger, Wang said. 

The Chinese top diplomat emphasized that China supports Venezuela’s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and dignity, its exploration of a development path suited to its own national conditions, and its greater role in the world, especially in Latin America. 

Venezuela has long stood firmly with China on issues involving China’s core interests and major concerns, which we highly appreciate, Wang said. 

China is willing to further expand bilateral trade with Venezuela, broaden cooperation areas, and assist Venezuela in accelerating its industrialization and economic diversification, Wang said. 

As important members of the Global South, China and Venezuela should closely cooperate in international multilateral fields and jointly address global challenges. China is willing to work with Venezuela to uphold universally recognized fundamental principles of international relations, advocate for an equal and orderly multipolar world, and promote inclusive and beneficial economic globalization, Wang said. 

Venezuela’s foreign minister came as senior officials from Brazil and Cuba are paying visits to China this week. Experts said cooperation between China and Latin American countries set a model for partnership within the Global South.

Latin American and Caribbean countries are an important part of the Global South, and the collective rise of the Global South is a significant aspect of the century-old changes, Wang said.  

China sincerely hopes that Latin American countries will maintain unity, cooperation, and independence, and China will continue to be a reliable partner for development and prosperity with the broad Latin American countries. 

2025 marks the 10th anniversary of the formal operation of the China-CELAC Forum. China is willing to work with Venezuela and other regional countries to promote overall cooperation between China and Latin America and jointly build a China-Latin America community with a shared future, Wang said. 

During the meeting, Gil congratulated China on the success of the Chang’e-6 lunar probe mission, stating that China’s outstanding achievements in development and revitalization are a great encouragement to Venezuela and other Global South countries. 

Venezuela is one of China’s best partners in Latin America. Venezuela consistently upholds the one-China principle and firmly supports China on issues involving China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, Gil said. 

Venezuela is willing to work with China to successfully organize activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and looks forward to deepening cooperation in trade, technology, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, aerospace and cultural exchanges, the Venezuela diplomat said. 

In addition, Venezuela appreciates China’s commitment to fairness and justice in international affairs and is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with China to promote the continuous development of China-Latin America relations, jointly uphold multilateralism and the principles of the UN Charter, jointly oppose hegemony and unilateral illegal sanctions, and defend the common interests and fairness and justice of the Global South. 

Venezuela also appreciates the six-point consensus on the political resolution of the Ukraine crisis jointly issued by China and Brazil, Gil noted. 

Within just one week, 45 countries from five continents have responded positively to the six-point consensus, with 26 countries already confirming their participation or seriously studying how to join, Wang said in an earlier meeting with visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Tuesday.

Wang also noted that Russia and Ukraine, the two main parties involved, have also affirmed most of the contents of the consensus.

Pakistani PM: no force can stop China’s development or shake the iron-clad friendship between Pakistan and China

Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif paid an official visit to China from June 4-8, visiting Beijing, Xi’an and Shenzhen.

The Prime Minister met with President Xi Jinping in Beijing on June 7.

President Xi said that China and Pakistan are good neighbours linked by mountains and rivers, good friends who share faith and righteousness, good partners who help each other, and good brothers who share weal and woe. The China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership had continuously deepened and enjoyed solid public support with a strong internal driving force and broad prospects for development.

He added that China is ready to promote the alignment of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with Pakistan’s development plans, carry out cooperation in agriculture, mining, and social livelihood in light of local conditions, make the high-quality development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) go deeper and be more concrete, and help boost Pakistan’s economic and social development.

China is also willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Pakistan in the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), and other multilateral mechanisms, jointly promote an equal and orderly world multipolarisation and an economic globalisation that is inclusive and benefits all, focus on the development agenda, address security challenges, improve global governance, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice.

Shehbaz said that under the leadership of President Xi, China has made great achievements in poverty alleviation, anti-corruption and development, which have attracted worldwide attention.

He added that the CPEC has strongly promoted Pakistan’s national development and brought tangible benefits to the Pakistani people. Pakistan will learn from China’s experience in governance, continue to work with China on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and deepen practical cooperation in various fields.

Shehbaz reiterated that no force can stop China’s development and growth or shake the iron-clad friendship between Pakistan and China. Pakistan will continue to firmly support China’s position on all issues concerning its core interests without hesitation.

The Prime Minister also met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Zhao Leji, Chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee the same day.

Premier Li said that China has always prioritised Pakistan in its neighbourhood diplomacy and stands ready to work with Pakistan to carry forward their traditional friendship, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and accelerate the construction of a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era to bring greater benefits to the two peoples. China is also willing to deepen cooperation with Pakistan in industry, agriculture, aerospace, information technology, ecology and environmental protection.

China will continue to support Pakistan in improving its people’s livelihoods and in its post-disaster reconstruction, and will carry out exchanges and cooperation with Pakistan in the fields of culture, tourism, local governments and think tanks, so that the China-Pakistan friendship will enjoy greater support among the people.

In a detailed joint statement, covering a comprehensive range of issues, the two countries noted that they had reached extensive consensus on further strengthening the China-Pakistan All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership and promoting practical cooperation in various areas, and on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

“The Chinese side reiterated that the China-Pakistan relationship is a priority in its foreign relations. The Pakistani side underscored that the Pakistan-China relationship is the cornerstone of its foreign policy.”

Pakistan believes that the Chinese path to modernisation provides a new option and practical solution for developing countries to achieve independent development.

Both countries recognised that CPEC has been a pioneering project of the Belt and Road Initiative. Since the launch of CPEC, the two sides have adhered to the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” which has changed the development landscape of Pakistan, benefited its people’s well-being, and promoted the integrated development of China and Pakistan.

They pledged to upgrade CPEC by jointly building a growth corridor, a livelihood-enhancing corridor, an innovation corridor, a green corridor and an open corridor, aligning with Pakistan’s 5Es Framework based on Exports, E-Pakistan, Environment, Energy, and Equity & Empowerment, to better benefit the two countries and their peoples, working together to build CPEC into an exemplary project of high-quality building of Belt and Road cooperation.

Recognising the significance of Gwadar Port as an important node in cross-regional connectivity, the two sides were satisfied that the New Gwadar International Airport will soon be finished, and reiterated the need to speed up the development of the auxiliary infrastructure of the Gwadar Port in order to fully realise the potential of the coastal city, especially as a transshipment hub. 

They also reiterated that CPEC is an open and inclusive platform for win-win cooperation, and welcomed third parties to actively participate in such CPEC cooperation priority areas as industry, agriculture, ICT, science and technology, and mining.

Both sides underscored the importance of maintaining peace and stability in South Asia, the need for resolution of all outstanding disputes, and their opposition to any unilateral action. The Pakistani side briefed the Chinese side on the latest developments of the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The Chinese side reiterated that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is left over from history, and should be properly and peacefully resolved in accordance with the UN Charter, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements.

They jointly advocated an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation. Both sides opposed hegemony, domineering and bullying, exclusionist approaches, and opposed power politics, as well as unilateralism in all forms.

China reaffirmed that it always remains a firm member of the developing countries. China is willing to work together with Pakistan and other developing countries, following the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual trust, win-win cooperation, solidarity and coordination, to jointly embark on the path of fair, open, comprehensive and innovative development, promote development and prosperity of most developing countries, and strive to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

The two sides agreed to strengthen communication and coordination on the Afghanistan issue. They both called for concerted efforts of the international community to positively support Afghanistan in properly addressing challenges in such areas as humanitarianism and economic development, encourage the interim government of Afghanistan to build an inclusive political framework, adopt moderate policies, pursue good-neighbourliness, and firmly combat terrorism. They agreed to play a constructive role in helping Afghanistan to achieve stable development and integrate into the international community.

China and Pakistan reiterated that the fundamental way out of the current crisis in Gaza lies in the two state solution and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. The resolution adopted by the UN Security Council is legally binding, and should be enforced effectively to achieve an unconditional and lasting ceasefire immediately. They called on the international community to increase political input into the Palestinian question with a greater sense of urgency, stepping up efforts to facilitate the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and to strive for enduring peace.

On June 9, the Xinhua News Agency carried an interview with Mohammad Zubair Khan, a prominent Pakistani economist and former Minister of Commerce.

Describing BRI as a “game changer”, Khan noted that, as one of its flagships, CPEC is connecting the warm waters of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf with the entire Asia that lies to the north, through a corridor linking the Gwadar Port in southwest Pakistan’s Balochistan province with Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which highlights energy, transport, and industrial cooperation in the first phase, while the new phase expands to the fields of agriculture and livelihood, among others.

“It’s not just about trade with the big economy of China, but the Central Asian economies. They can all be connected through the links into CPEC,” he said. The development of Gwadar port under CPEC would play a major role in reducing the bottlenecks Pakistan had been facing in terms of trade, connectivity and access to international markets.

The former minister, who represented Pakistan at the first ministerial conference of the World Trade Organisation, and has vast experience of working with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, rejected the West’s allegation that the BRI’s investment model is exploitative in nature and generates debt traps for the countries involved.

Most of Pakistan’s debt is owed to Western creditors, while China’s credit accounts for a very small portion of Pakistan’s total indebtedness, Khan said, adding that the government is indebted in the local currency to the domestic banks as well. The Chinese investment in CPEC, he added, has been initially in the infrastructure which the South Asian country was lacking. It was not driven by China’s own interests, but suited the development needs of Pakistan, he noted.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Continue reading Pakistani PM: no force can stop China’s development or shake the iron-clad friendship between Pakistan and China

China, Equatorial Guinea establish comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation

President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo paid a state visit to China from May 26-31 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. In office since 1982, Obiang is Africa’s longest serving head of state and this was his 11th visit to China, his most recent previous visit having been to attend the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Meeting on May 28, the two heads of state announced that they had elevated their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation.

Xi said that China and Equatorial Guinea are good friends and partners and their relations feature a high level of political mutual trust. Since they established diplomatic ties more than half a century ago, the two sides have been helping each other through thick and thin, and firmly supporting each other on issues involving each other’s core interests and major concerns.

Under the new circumstances, consolidating and developing China-Equatorial Guinea relations conforms to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two countries and peoples. China firmly supports Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, opposing foreign interference, and independently exploring its own development path.

China is also ready to take the opportunity of elevating bilateral ties to further deepen friendly exchanges with Equatorial Guinea, and exchange experience in reform, development and poverty alleviation, so as to inject lasting impetus into the two countries’ traditional friendship.

And China is willing to share development experience in the fields of agriculture and rural affairs with Equatorial Guinea, continue conducting agricultural technical assistance projects, give full play to the role of Chinese medical teams and the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Hospital, and deepen medical care, education, exchanges and cooperation in cultural and other fields, to pass on the traditional friendship between the two countries from generation to generation and better benefit the two peoples.

Emphasising that the world today is intertwined with turmoil, the changes unseen in a century are accelerating, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges, Xi said that developing countries need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation more than ever.

China is willing to work with Equatorial Guinea and other developing countries to carry forward the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international equity and justice, to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Obiang said that China is a great Eastern country, a good brother and reliable strategic partner of Equatorial Guinea. Since the two countries established diplomatic relations 54 years ago, their bilateral relations have always maintained a friendly development and are currently at the best period in history. The cooperation between China and Equatorial Guinea has always been based on equality and mutual respect and is never imposed on others.

Obiang mentioned that Chinese medical teams in Africa, the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Hospital and other important projects have benefited the local people and become a symbol of friendship between Africa and China. 

The next day, President Obiang met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

Li said that China is willing to strengthen strategic alignment with Equatorial Guinea, work on existing cooperation projects in infrastructure construction and other areas, and expand cooperation in such sectors as marine economy, green economy, and agricultural development.

Both sides should work together to uphold international fairness and justice, and steadfastly safeguard the common interests of the Global South, he added.

Coinciding with President Obiang’s visit, which also took him to Shandong Province, the Xinhua News Agency released a number of stories highlighting the close and long-standing friendship between the two countries.

It reported that during their talks, President Xi expressed appreciation for the kindness the Equatorial Guinea people have shown to the Chinese.

“We will always remember your kindness to the people in the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area and your donation to the construction of Hope Primary School in Jinping County, Yunnan Province,” Xi said.

“Such mutual support between the two countries is a vivid illustration of the sincere friendship and joint development between China and African countries.”

In April 2015, President Obiang announced during his visit to China that Equatorial Guinea would donate a school in Jinping County in China’s southwestern Yunnan Province as a gesture of goodwill and solidarity with the Chinese people.

“The children found themselves in spacious and bright classrooms within a five-story building, and the once muddy hillside was transformed into a well-built playground,” said Ran Hongyan, the school’s principal.

Ran added that the school, which now accommodates over 2,000 students from 16 different ethnic groups, has a special exhibition room to display the children’s photographs, crafts and paintings regarding the friendship between the two countries.

Likewise, in January 2016, the Confucius Institute was established at the National University of Equatorial Guinea, providing young people with more opportunities to learn about Chinese culture.

“When I was a child, Chinese people came to our village to teach farming techniques,” said Jose Antonio Nguema, a 21-year-old student. “They were very friendly and taught me to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in Chinese.”

Since then, a “seed of friendship was sown in my heart,” Nguema said. Upon entering university, he was delighted to find a Confucius Institute on campus and eagerly enrolled in Chinese classes. “I have travelled to China twice through the ‘Chinese Bridge’ program. To me, China represents the future.” 

Xinhua commented: “Looking back over more than half a century since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Equatorial Guinea have always treated each other as equals, respected each other and supported each other, creating a model of South-South cooperation. Looking ahead, China and Equatorial Guinea will join forces with other African countries to contribute even more to building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

It quoted President Obiang as follows: “I appreciate President Xi Jinping’s initiative to help African countries. I believe it is the most effective way for Africa to overcome all the difficulties it faces today.”

In a recent interview with Xinhua, Alejandro Micha Nsue, President of the National Office of Planning and Project Monitoring of Equatorial Guinea, recalled that Chinese companies arrived in his country during his childhood to construct the Nkue-Mongomo road.

“Today, if we talk about the development of transportation infrastructure, including roads, ports, and airports, Chinese companies have been deeply involved,” he said.

Over the past half a century since China and Equatorial Guinea established diplomatic ties in 1970, Chinese enterprises have constructed hydroelectric power stations, airports, roads, and housing projects, serving as the foundation for the country’s development and progress.

Nsue praised such cooperation projects as the new terminal at Malabo International Airport and the new national university campus. “Equatorial Guinea’s characteristics are being shaped through its cooperation with China,” he said.

In Nsue’s view, the cooperation between China and Equatorial Guinea is sincere.

“The countries that colonised Africa exploited and plundered it, taking away all its resources and leaving the countries in ruins. China’s cooperation is different.”

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Chinese, Equatorial Guinean presidents hold talks, elevate ties

BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhua) — China and Equatorial Guinea on Tuesday elevated their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation.

This was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, during their talks in Beijing.

Xi said China and Equatorial Guinea are good friends and partners, and their relations feature a high level of political mutual trust.

Since they established diplomatic ties more than half a century ago, the two sides have been helping each other through thick and thin, and firmly supporting each other on issues involving each other’s core interests and major concerns, he said.

Under the new circumstances, consolidating and developing China-Equatorial Guinea relations conforms to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two countries and peoples, Xi said.

China firmly supports Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, opposing foreign interference, and independently exploring its own development path, he said.

China is ready to take the opportunity of elevating bilateral ties to further deepen friendly exchanges with Equatorial Guinea, and exchange experience in reform, development and poverty alleviation to inject lasting impetus into the two countries’ traditional friendship, Xi said.

Xi pointed out that China supports Equatorial Guinea’s economic and social development, supports the country’s efforts to promote economic diversification and industrialization, and is willing to closely synergize the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) achievements and the Belt and Road Initiative with “Equatorial Guinea Agenda 2035” to improve the quality and performance of cooperation in various fields.

China encourages capable Chinese enterprises to invest in Equatorial Guinea, and is willing to share development experience in the fields of agriculture and rural affairs with Equatorial Guinea, continue conducting agricultural technical assistance projects, give full play to the role of Chinese medical teams and China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Hospital, and deepen medical care, education, exchanges and cooperation in cultural and other fields, to pass on the traditional friendship between the two countries from generation to generation and better benefit the two peoples, Xi said.

Continue reading China, Equatorial Guinea establish comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation

Senior Chinese legislator visits Namibia

Cai Dafeng, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), visited Namibia from May 30 to June 2 at the invitation of the country’s National Assembly.

Meeting Namibian leaders, Cai said that China and Namibia have been good friends and partners since the establishment of diplomatic ties 34 years ago.

China and Namibia formally established diplomatic relations on the day after the country gained its national independence from the colonial rule of the then racist apartheid regime in South Africa. However, the friendship and solidarity between the two countries were forged from the 1960s onwards, as China extended strong material and moral support to Namibia’s armed liberation struggle.

Accordingly, the Namibian side thanked China for its selfless support during its struggle for national independence as well as in subsequent nation-building.

During his stay in the capital Windhoek, Cai also visited the Independence Memorial Museum, which focuses on the country’s resistance against colonialism and its national liberation movement. Located on Robert Mugabe Avenue, named for the leader of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle, the museum was built by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), another socialist country that fully supported the Namibian liberation movement.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

WINDHOEK, June 2 (Xinhua) — Cai Dafeng, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress, visited Namibia from May 30 to June 2 at the invitation of the Namibian National Assembly.

During the four-day trip, Cai held talks with Namibian Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Speaker of the National Assembly Peter Hitjitevi Katjavivi, and Chairperson of the National Council Lukas Sinimbo Muha.

Cai said that China and Namibia have been good friends and partners since the establishment of diplomatic ties 34 years ago. The two sides have maintained sincere friendship, treated each other as equals through thick and thin, and forged ahead together.

He said that China will continue to be Namibia’s companion on its road to development and revitalization, to further advance the China-Namibia comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation and achieve new results.

Cai briefed the Namibian officials on China’s modernization drive, the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit, to be held in Beijing this autumn, as well as China’s push for national revitalization through science and education.

The Namibian side thanked China for its selfless support during its struggle for national independence and nation-building, reiterated its adherence to the one-China principle, and highlighted the important role of working together through the Belt and Road Initiative and forums such as FOCAC.

The Namibian officials also expressed the hope to learn from China’s development experience and its advanced technologies, and to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields.

During his stay in Windhoek, the Namibian capital, Cai also visited the Independence Memorial Museum, which focuses on the country’s resistance against colonialism and its national liberation movement. 

China and Türkiye will strengthen cooperation towards comprehensive, fair and lasting resolution of the Palestinian issue

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, who is considered a rising star in his country’s political scene, visited China from June 3-5.

The visit was treated as having a broader significance, while also representing an important advance in bilateral relations. The wider context was highlighted by Global Times, which wrote:

“China has been in close communication with Muslim countries in the Middle East recently amid the worsening situation in Gaza, as Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan started his visit to China on Monday, just a few days after the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Chinese analysts said that apart from boosting bilateral cooperation, China will strengthen cooperation and coordination with Türkiye and other major powers in the region to jointly promote a sustainable ceasefire in the continuing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.” 

It added: “With regard to bilateral relations, the visit will boost the China-Türkiye cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, as Türkiye is a key partner of China with an important location bridging Asia and Europe, and also a major power in the region.”

The newspaper further noted that “the ongoing crisis in Gaza further strengthens unity among Muslim countries.

“On Sunday, a day ahead of Fidan’s visit to China, Iranian Caretaker Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani and Türkiye’s top diplomat called on Muslim states to employ everything in their capacity to support Palestinians and stop the crimes by Israel in the Gaza Strip, according to a statement released by the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

“On the topic of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the tragedy in Gaza, China and Muslim countries, including Arab states, Türkiye and Iran, share a similar stance calling for peace and an immediate and sustainable ceasefire to save Palestinian lives, and they all support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and also to become a full member of the UN… [meanwhile] the Biden administration is now facing increasing internal and external pressures, and even NATO allies like Türkiye are dissatisfied with the role that the US is playing, which allows the bloodshed to continue in the Gaza Strip.”

This broader context likely accounts for the fact that Fidan’s first reported meeting in Beijing, on June 3, was with Politburo member Chen Wenqing, the head of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

Their talks focused on security matters. The Xinhua News Agency reported Chen as stating that, guided by the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, China is willing to work with Türkiye to continuously bring cooperation in the field of security to new heights, enrich and expand the connotations of bilateral ties, protect the security interests of both countries in an improved manner, and contribute actively to the peace and development of both countries, the region and the world.

In his meeting with his Turkish counterpart on June 4, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that building a comprehensive, deep and high-level China-Türkiye relationship is in the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples.

He noted that China and Türkiye are both ancient civilisations and important members of the G20, and are facing profound challenges in the changing international situation, so they should strengthen communication and coordination to make positive contributions to promoting regional peace and global development.

China is willing to maintain multi-level exchanges with Türkiye, play a good role in mechanisms such as the China-Türkiye Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee, promote effective connections between the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and Türkiye’s Middle Corridor Initiative, expand cooperation areas, and explore their potential.

China is also willing to expand imports of high-quality agricultural products from Türkiye, support the continuous improvement of cooperation levels and technological content of enterprises in both countries, and strengthen cooperation in culture, education, tourism, aviation, and other fields.

Wang added that both sides should strengthen coordination and cooperation within the framework of the United Nations (UN) and other multilateral frameworks, support the UN in playing a core role in the global governance system, oppose hegemonism and power politics, oppose a few countries monopolising international affairs, oppose building walls and barriers, “decoupling” and “cutting off supply chains,” maintain the stable operation of the global supply chain and industrial chain, and promote the establishment of a fair and reasonable global governance system.

Fidan said that Türkiye and China have important influence in their regions and globally. China’s development is crucial to world peace and prosperity. Türkiye opposes bloc confrontation, does not agree with or support erroneous actions that suppress China’s development, and does not allow any force to engage in activities on Turkish territory that harm China’s sovereignty and security.

The Middle Corridor Initiative is highly compatible with the Belt and Road Initiative, and Türkiye is willing to cooperate closely with China to achieve more substantive results in trade, investment, finance, agriculture, tourism, education, and other fields through mechanisms such as the China-Türkiye Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee.  Türkiye highly appreciates China’s fair and just position on issues concerning Ukraine and the Middle East and looks forward to working constructively with China to make greater contributions to the prosperity and stability of the region and the world.

Both sides also agreed that it is necessary to promote a ceasefire in Gaza and maintain peace and stability in the Middle East. The Palestinian issue is at the core of Middle Eastern issues. The Gaza conflict is currently the focus, and the priority is to achieve an immediate, comprehensive, and permanent ceasefire, improve humanitarian conditions, and release all detained individuals.

Both China and Türkiye support Palestine becoming a full member of the UN and support internal reconciliation in Palestine. China and Türkiye will strengthen cooperation to jointly promote the early and comprehensive, fair, and lasting resolution of the Palestinian issue.

On the Ukraine issue, Wang said that China’s position is firm and consistent, and the aim is to promote peace and dialogue. Although the conditions for negotiations are not yet in place, China is committed to peace and will not stop its efforts. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, every effort must be made to strive for it.

Wang said China believes that the world needs to hear more objective, balanced, positive, and constructive voices on the Ukraine crisis. China and Brazil jointly issued a six-point consensus recently on promoting a political solution to the Ukraine crisis, emphasising adherence to the three principles of cooling the situation: no spillover from the battlefield, no escalation of the conflict, and no provocation by any party. Within just one week, 45 countries from five continents have responded positively to the six-point consensus in different ways, with 26 countries already confirming their participation or seriously studying how to join.  China believes that the more people participate in the joint appeal, the greater the hope for cooling the situation and the smaller the risk of escalation of the conflict.

Fidan also met the same day with Chinese Vice President Han Zheng.

Earlier, on June 3, Fidan visited the Centre for China and Globalisation (CCG) think tank and delivered a speech.

He discussed the Trans-Caspian East-West Middle Corridor Initiative, noting that this trade route will start from Türkiye and reach China via the Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia, parallel to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. He also emphasised its benefits in uninterrupted and rapid access to the Black Sea and Mediterranean basins as well as other regions of Europe and Africa.

He further cited Türkiye’s customs union agreement with the European Union (EU) and its pursuit of new opportunities for cooperation with different partners in such platforms as the BRICS cooperation mechanism. According to the South China Morning Post, he said that BRICS could offer “a good alternative” to the EU.  Nearly four decades ago, Türkiye applied to join what was then the European Economic Community (EEC), and in 1999 it was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership in the EU. However, Fidan said that due to “identity politics”, meaning the fact that Türkiye is a Muslim majority nation of over 86 million people, its membership has been consistently blocked by some major EU powers. “So, you have to look for other alternatives. Certainly, we would like to become a member of BRICS. So, we’ll see how it goes this year.”

Fidan added that he looked forward to attending the BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting, to be held in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod the next week, preparatory to October’s summit in Kazan.

On May 31, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had said that the doors of BRICS were “open to representatives of the most diverse economic and political systems and macro-regions. The only condition is that you must agree to work on the basis of the key principle of the sovereign equality of states.” 

In his speech, Fidan also highlighted the rich historical and cultural interactions shaping ties between Türkiye and China, referring to them as two great civilisations. He emphasised that these interactions form the strong and lasting foundation of their partnership, citing significant cultural and commercial exchanges facilitated by the historical Silk Road. He noted that the Ottomans sent many envoys to China carrying Ottoman rifles, which could be considered a form of “technology transfer” during that period.

Referring to the designation of the two countries’ relationship as a “strategic partnership” in 2010, Fidan pointed out the intentions of both sides to expand this cooperation. He underscored President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to China in 2019 and emphasised this partnership, as displayed during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the Uzbek city of Samarkand in September 2022. Fidan further said that China is Türkiye’s largest trading partner in Asia and third largest in the world, with the bilateral trade volume surpassing $48 billion in 2023, a record high. He also acknowledged the trade imbalance between the two nations in favour of China and underlined the importance of exploring new areas to balance bilateral trade and ensure the sustainability of commercial relations. Fidan also highlighted the crucial role of China’s direct investments in economic ties, emphasising that Türkiye provides an investment-friendly environment for foreign companies.

“Türkiye’s geostrategic position, along with our extensive commercial ties, provides free and easy access to a market of approximately 1.5 billion people and a value of $28 trillion, extending from Europe to the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. All of these are within a flight distance of four hours.” 

He also stressed that while Palestinians have long been suffering, this reached an unprecedented level after October 7 last year. “Gaza was once referred to as the world’s largest open-air prison. Now, it has become the world’s largest open-air graveyard. There is currently no place in Gaza that could be considered safe. The humanitarian tragedy unfolding before our eyes has worsened with Israel’s attack on (the city of) Rafah.” He added that Türkiye has been striving to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, prevent the conflict from spilling over into other regions and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid since Israel’s attacks began in October last year. He further said that Ankara, like Beijing, has highlighted the necessity of an independent, sovereign and geographically contiguous State of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem based on the 1967 borders within the framework of a two-state solution.

Another extremely significant aspect of the Turkish Foreign Minister’s trip was that he concluded it in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, visiting both the capital Urumqi as well as the city of Kashgar.

Welcoming his visit, regional party secretary Ma Xingrui said that under the strategic guidance of leaders of the two countries, friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields between China and Türkiye have made positive progress. And thanks to the development of China-Türkiye bilateral relations, exchanges between China’s Xinjiang region and areas in Türkiye have become increasingly close.

Fidan noted that during his visit to China’s Xinjiang region, he observed well-developed urban facilities, social prosperity, and good protection of various ethnic cultures and languages.

Türkiye’s stance on Xinjiang-related issues, he said, is clear and firm. It resolutely opposes terrorism, does not support or participate in anti-China activities using ethnic issues, and does not allow activities in Türkiye that harm China’s security or undermine China’s territorial integrity.

The Xinjiang region is a window for China to cooperate with Central Asia and countries such as Türkiye. Both sides should work together to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation, expand exchanges and interactions, and promote new progress in cooperation in areas such as trade, agriculture, and civil aviation.

The South China Morning Post reported that in Kashgar, which is widely seen as the “cradle of Uygur culture”, Fidan visited the Mausoleum of Yusuf Khass Hajib, a famous 11th century Turkic poet, and the Id Kah Mosque, the largest in Xinjiang. He tweeted of his visit to Urumqi and Kashgar: “Finally, I visited these two ancient cities thanks to my contacts in China.”

Regarding the economic significance of his visit to Xinjiang, the paper reported Li Lifan, a research fellow from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, as saying that Türkiye’s implementation of EU standards, due to their customs union, would be attractive to Chinese companies, while cultural and linguistic similarities could also appeal to Uygur entrepreneurs.

He also mentioned that Türkiye is a Shanghai Cooperation Organisation dialogue partner and seeks to become a full member of the organisation.

Earlier, at a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Fidan had said that Urumqi and Kashgar play “a bridging role” between China and the Turkish as well as the Islamic world. “They are symbols of our historical friendship and neighbourhood.”

The South China Morning Post article further noted that two months ago, Xinjiang had also hosted a visit by Bassam Zakarneh, a member of the Revolutionary Council of Palestine’s Fatah party, leading a delegation that also included leaders of left-wing political parties from Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan and Tunisia.

The following articles were originally published by Global Times, the Xinhua News Agency and Daily Sabah.

Continue reading China and Türkiye will strengthen cooperation towards comprehensive, fair and lasting resolution of the Palestinian issue

Wang Yi meets with Arab foreign ministers

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held bilateral meetings with a number of Arab foreign ministers who came to Beijing for the 10th conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, held on May 30.

When meeting with Iraqi deputy prime minister and foreign minister Fouad Hussein, Wang said that China firmly supports Iraq in safeguarding national sovereignty, security, unity and territorial integrity, supports the Iraqi government in developing the economy, improving people’s livelihood and combating terrorism, and opposes external interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.

In his meeting with Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf, Wang said that China and Algeria are sincere friends and natural partners. China is ready to continue to support and cooperate closely with Algeria to safeguard international fairness and justice, as well as the interests of developing countries, and jointly promote an early, full, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question.

Meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, Wang expressed congratulations on Syria’s return to the Arab League family. China supports the Syrian government in safeguarding national security, stability and development. It is believed that Syria’s return to the Arab League will play a constructive role in the development of China-Arab relations, and China-Syria relations will also gain new impetus with the further development of China-Arab relations.

CGTN further noted that Wang  said that China appreciates Syria’s firm support on issues concerning China’s core interests and will, as always, speak out for Syria on multilateral platforms such as the UN Security Council.

Telesur added that both foreign ministers stressed the importance of making progress and intensifying practical cooperation and implementing the agreements reached during President Bashar Al-Assad’s visit to China last year.

Wang Yi also confirmed China’s support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and legitimate right of Syria to recover its occupied lands in the Golan, as well as the fight against terrorism.

He further called on the United States to respect the territorial sovereignty of Syria and demanded that it stop plundering the wealth of its people and remove illegal unilateral measures that violate the development and welfare of nations.

“The heroic Syrian firmness under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad and his keen vision as a great leader will lead Syria to overcome all difficulties and achieve prosperity for the Syrian people,” Wang Yi said.

Meeting Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Wang said China is ready to work with Saudi Arabia to consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, enhance synergy of development strategies, expand cooperation in energy, investment, emerging industries, 5G communications, artificial intelligence, digital economy, aerospace and other fields, and promote green and sustainable development.

During the meeting with Somalian Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, Wang said that China firmly supports Somalia in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, achieving political stability, promoting security transition, and carrying out economic reconstruction.

China is ready to deepen bilateral cooperation in key areas such as agriculture, fisheries and health, and jointly promote Belt and Road cooperation with Somalia.

Fiqi said that Somalia adheres to the one-China principle, firmly supports China’s position on issues related to national reunification, thanks China for its selfless assistance to Somalia’s peace, security, development and revitalisation, hopes to continue to receive China’s support, and looks forward to more cooperation in infrastructure, energy, investment, health, security and other fields under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Wang Yi also met with the foreign ministers of Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Kuwait, as well as with the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.

Meanwhile, on May 31, Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li met with Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry of Oman Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy. Deng said that China supports Oman in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and stability and in advancing economic diversification, and appreciates Oman’s support for China’s just position on issues related to its core interests. China regards Oman as an important partner in the Belt and Road cooperation, and is willing to strengthen strategic synergy with Oman, promote mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, enhance communication and coordination on regional and international affairs, and achieve more positive progress in China-Oman strategic partnership.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency, CGTN, Telesur and on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Top Chinese diplomat meets foreign guests

BEIJING, May 29 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met respectively with foreign guests who came to China to attend the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, in Beijing on Wednesday.

During the meeting with Abdul-Hamid Dbeibah, prime minister and foreign minister of the Government of National Unity of Libya, Wang said that China has always supported Libya in achieving stable development, and safeguarding its national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. China is ready to work jointly with Libya to further consolidate political mutual trust, enhance exchanges, and continuously enrich the connotation of the friendly and cooperative relations between the two sides.

Dbeibah said that Libya attaches great importance to developing relations with China and firmly adheres to the one-China principle. Libya expects China to play a greater role in promoting the early settlement of the Palestinian question.

When meeting with Iraqi deputy prime minister and foreign minister Fouad Hussein, Wang said that China firmly supports Iraq in safeguarding national sovereignty, security, unity and territorial integrity, supports the Iraqi government in developing the economy, improving people’s livelihood and combating terrorism, and opposes external interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.

Hussein said that developing relations with China is a diplomatic priority of the Iraqi government, and Iraq always firmly supports China in safeguarding its core interests. Iraq has been actively participating in the construction of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and is willing to continue to expand collective cooperation between the two sides, he added.

During the meeting with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Wang said that China is ready to work with Arab states, guided by the important consensus reached by the heads of state of China and Arab states, to deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and play a constructive role in maintaining world peace and stability and resolving regional hotspots. China is ready to continue to work with the Arab League and Arab countries to promote an early, full, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question.

Gheit said the Arab side is ready to make joint efforts with China to open up broader prospects for richer and more diverse Arab-China relations. The Arab side always firmly adheres to the one-China principle, he added.

During the meeting with Mohamed Salem Ould Merzouk, Mauritania’s minister of foreign affairs, cooperation and Mauritanians abroad, Wang said that China will continue to firmly support Mauritania in pursuing a development path suited to its own national conditions, and oppose external forces interfering in Mauritania’s internal affairs. China is ready to continue to provide assistance within its capacity for Mauritania’s economic and social development, and is ready to cooperate closely with Mauritania to consolidate and expand China-Arab collective cooperation.

Merzouk said Mauritania firmly adheres to the one-China principle, and is ready to work with China to push forward the continuous development of Arab-China and Africa-China relations, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

During the meeting with Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf, Wang said that China and Algeria are sincere friends and natural partners. China firmly supports Algeria in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and opposes external forces interfering in Algeria’s internal affairs. China is ready to continue to support and cooperate closely with Algeria to safeguard the international fairness and justice, as well as the interests of developing countries, and jointly promote an early, full, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question.

Attaf said that Algeria adheres to the one-China principle, and is ready to further strengthen bilateral cooperation on all fronts and promote greater development of bilateral relations.

When meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, Wang expressed congratulations on Syria’s return to the Arab League family. China supports the Syrian government in safeguarding national security, stability and development. It is believed that Syria’s return to the Arab League will play a constructive role in the development of China-Arab relations, and China-Syria relations will also gain new impetus with the further development of China-Arab relations, he added.

Mekdad said under the guidance of the two heads of state, Syria is willing to work with China to promote the lasting and in-depth development of bilateral relations.

When meeting with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, Wang said that China is willing to work with Morocco to deepen exchanges and cooperation in economy, trade, investment, industry, tourism and civil aviation, enhance public support for friendship between the two countries, and open up broader prospects for China-Morocco strategic partnership.

Bourita said Morocco attaches great importance to developing relations with China, and is willing to have close communication and coordination with China under the mechanisms of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

Wang Yi: China-Syria strategic partnership features mutual trust and support

May 29 (CGTN) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday said China and Syria have formed a strategic partnership featuring mutual trust and support.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks while meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, who is in Beijing to attend the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Congratulating Syria on returning to the League of Arab States (AL), Wang said China and Syria announced the establishment of a strategic partnership last September, drawing a new blueprint for bilateral relations.

China supports Syria in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and supports the Syrian government in safeguarding its national security, stability and development, he said.

Wang said China appreciates Syria’s firm support on issues concerning China’s core interests and will, as always, speak out for Syria on multilateral platforms such as the UN Security Council.

It is believed that Syria’s return to the AL will play a constructive role in the development of China-Arab relations, and China-Syria relations will also gain new impetus, he said.

For his part, Mekdad said Syria fully supports all global initiatives proposed by China and is willing to work with China to build an international order featuring mutual respect, equal treatment and opposition to hegemony.

Syria unwaveringly adheres to the one-China principle, he said, adding that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, a fact that cannot be denied or challenged.

Foreign Ministers of Syria and China Hold Bilateral Meeting

May 29 (Telesur) — Syrian Foreign and Expatriate Minister Faisal Al-Mekdad held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, on relations between the two nations and forms of development.

Both foreign ministers stressed the importance of making progress and intensifying practical cooperation and implementing the agreements reached during President Bashar Al-Assad’s visit to China last year.

During the meeting, they discussed the international situation, especially that of the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as the importance of ending the war and the entry of humanitarian aid and the end of the displacement of Palestinians.

Al-Mekdad underscored Syria’s support for China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xining-related causes, and its responsibility for the one-China principle.

For his part, Wang Yi confirmed China’s support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and legitimate right of Syria to recover its occupied lands in the Golan, as well as the fight against terrorism.

He also called on the United States to respect the territorial sovereignty of Syria, and demanded that it stop plundering the wealth of its people and remove illegal unilateral measures that violate the development and welfare of nations.

“The heroic Syrian firmness under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad and his keen vision as a great leader will lead Syria to overcome all difficulties and achieve prosperity for the Syrian people,” Wang Yi said.

 He added that Syria belongs to the Middle East and there will be no comprehensive solution to the conflict in the region without Damascus.

Chinese FM meets Arab guests

BEIJING, May 31 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday met respectively with some Arab guests who came to China to attend the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing.

When meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China always gives priority to Saudi Arabia in its foreign relations. The leaders of the two countries have established solid mutual trust and friendship, pointing out the direction for the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Saudi Arabia.

China is ready to work with Saudi Arabia to consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, enhance synergy of development strategies, expand cooperation in energy, investment, emerging industries, 5G communications, artificial intelligence, digital economy, aerospace and other fields, and promote green and sustainable development, Wang added.

Faisal said that under the care and guidance of the leaders of the two countries, Saudi Arabia-China cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results. Saudi Arabia will continue to be firmly committed to expanding mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in various fields and promoting the sustainable development of Saudi Arabia-China comprehensive strategic partnership. Faisal thanked China for upholding a just position on the Palestinian issue.

During the meeting with Somalian Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, Wang said that China firmly supports Somalia in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, achieving political stability, promoting security transition and carrying out economic reconstruction.

China is ready to deepen bilateral cooperation in key areas such as agriculture, fishery and health, jointly promote the implementation of the Belt and Road cooperation and other global initiatives put forward by China in Somalia, Wang added.

Fiqi said that Somalia adheres to the one-China principle, firmly supports China’s position on issues related to national reunification, thanks China for its selfless assistance to Somalia’s peace, security, development and revitalization, hopes to continue to receive China’s support, and looks forward to more cooperation in infrastructure, energy, investment, health, security and other fields under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

During the meeting with Comorian Foreign Minister Dhoihir Dhoulkamal, Wang thanked Comoros for supporting China’s legitimate propositions on issues concerning its core interests and major concerns. China is ready to strengthen exchanges with Comoros at all levels, promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, deepen cooperation in poverty alleviation, education and training, medical care and other fields, and import more high-quality products from Comoros.

Dhoulkamal said that Comoros firmly supports China in safeguarding its territorial sovereignty. The Belt and Road Initiative helps Arab and African countries achieve common development, and Comoros will continue to actively participate in it.

When meeting with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya, Wang said that China appreciates Kuwait’s active commitment to promoting the solidarity and cooperation between China and Arab states, and supports Kuwait in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

China is ready to work with Kuwait to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, actively promote cooperation in renewable energy, sewage treatment, investment, new energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence and other fields, strengthen cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and promote the deepening of China-Kuwait strategic partnership, Wang added.

Al-Yahya said that under the leadership of the two heads of state, Kuwait-China relations have entered the best period in history. Kuwait regards China as a long-term and reliable strategic partner, and looks forward to strengthening high-level exchanges with China, jointly promoting the Belt and Road cooperation, and expanding economic, trade and investment cooperation.

Al-Yahya thanked China for upholding a just position on the Palestinian issue. Kuwait will continue to work to promote the cooperation between Arab states and China to achieve greater results, Al-Yahya said.

Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li Meets with Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry of Oman Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy

June 1 (FMPRC) — On May 31, 2024, Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li met with Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry of Oman Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, who came to China to attend the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Deng Li said that China and Oman have a traditional friendship, and that in recent years, the political mutual trust between the two countries has been continuously strengthened, and practical cooperation in various fields has been promoted in an orderly manner. China supports Oman in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and stability and in advancing economic diversification, and appreciates Oman’s support for China’s just position on issues related to China’s core interests. China regards Oman as an important partner in the Belt and Road cooperation, and is willing to strengthen strategic synergy with Oman, promote mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, enhance communication and coordination on regional and international affairs, and achieve more positive progress in China-Oman strategic partnership.

Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy said that Oman and China have a time-honored friendship. Oman attaches great importance to the development of the Oman-China strategic partnership, and will continue to firmly support the one-China principle and deepen friendly cooperation in such fields as economy and trade, investment, energy as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Oman appreciates China’s impartial position as a permanent member of the United Nations on regional and international hotspot issues, and is willing to work with China to make unremitting efforts to maintain regional peace and stability.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on the Palestinian question, among others.

China to work with Niger to deepen cooperation

Our special article on the history of the revolutionary struggle of Niger’s Sawaba Party, published on June 4, concluded that: “Today Niger and China have strong economic and political relations.”

The same day, the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry reported that Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong (who prior to his recent appointment served as Ambassador to South Africa) had met in Beijing with the visiting  Nigerien Minister of State for National Defence Salifou Mody and his delegation.

Chen said that no matter how the international situation changes, China and Niger have always firmly trusted and supported each other. China is ready to work with Niger to enhance political mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation in various fields for the benefit of the two peoples.

Mody said that China is a trusted strategic partner of Niger and his country is grateful for China’s assistance in Niger’s national construction.

The below article was first published in English translation on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

On June 4, 2024, Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong met with Niger’s Minister of State for National Defense Salifou Mody and his delegation, who are on a visit to China.

Chen Xiaodong said that the friendship between China and Niger has a long history. Regardless of the changes in the international landscape, China and Niger have always firmly trusted and supported each other. China is ready to continuously enhance political mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation in various fields with Niger to benefit the two peoples. The new summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing in September this year. China welcomes Niger’s active participation in the summit to jointly discuss the development plans for China-Africa and China-Niger cooperation.

Salifou Mody said, Niger adheres to the one-China principle and stands ready to work with China to firmly support each other on issues concerning their respective core interests. Noting that China is a trustworthy strategic partner of Niger, he thanked China for its help in Niger’s national development. Niger is willing to take the Beijing Summit of the FOCAC as an opportunity to further deepen cooperation with China in various fields.

CPC delegation visits Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia to strengthen fraternal ties

A Communist Party of China delegation, headed by Zhao Shitong, Assistant Minister of the Central Committee’s International Department (IDCPC), recently visited Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia to strengthen fraternal ties, at the invitation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP), Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). 

On May 13, the delegation met in Hanoi with Le Hoai Trung, the head of the Vietnamese party’s international commission.

Trung highlighted the sound and practical development in the bilateral relationship and expressed his appreciation for the Chinese people’s assistance to Vietnam’s revolutionary cause, socialist construction and development process through various periods, including the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory, the 70th anniversary of which was recently widely celebrated in Vietnam. He added that the Vietnam-China relationship is a top priority of the Vietnamese party and state.

For his part, Zhao congratulated Vietnam on its great achievements under the leadership of the CPV Central Committee, with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the helm.

Previously, the delegation visited Laos, from May 9-12, and both sides agreed to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, and work together to build a high-standard, high-quality, and high-level China-Laos community with a shared future.

It visited Cambodia from May 13-16 and the two parties agreed to deepen party-to-party exchanges, actively cooperate in economic, cultural, youth and other fields, and consolidate and carry forward the ironclad friendship between the two countries.

The following articles were originally published by Nhân Dân and the Xinhua News Agency.

Vietnamese, Chinese Party officials pledge stronger cooperation

May 13 (Nhân Dân) — Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung received Assistant Minister of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s International Department Zhao Shitong in Hanoi on May 13.

The officials highly evaluated positive development steps in the bilateral relations since the two historic visits made by the top leaders of the two Parties.

They agreed that the two strategic advisory bodies on foreign affairs of the CPV and CPC will step up their coordination and will work with relevant agencies and localities in a bid to effectively implement the two countries’ high-level common perceptions, joint statements, and bilateral cooperation documents.

Trung highlighted the sound and practical development in the bilateral relations and expressed his appreciation for the Chinese people’s assistance to Vietnam’s revolutionary cause and socialist construction and development process through various periods, including the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory. He went on noting that the Vietnam-China relationship is a top priority of the Vietnamese Party and State.

For his part, Zhao congratulated Vietnam on its great achievements under the leadership of the CPV Central Committee, with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the helm.

Zhao led a delegation from the CPC Central Committee’s International Department to pay a working visit to Vietnam on May 12 and 13. Earlier, he held talks with Vice Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Ngo Le Van, during which the two sides discussed cooperation orientations between the the two agencies and the promotion of exchanges through the Party channel in the time to come.

CPC delegation visits Laos

VIENTIANE, May 12 (Xinhua) — Zhao Shitong, assistant minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, led a CPC delegation on a visit to Laos from May 9 to 12, at the invitation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP).

During the visit, Zhao met with Bounthong Chitmany, a politburo member of the LPRP Central Committee, a permanent member of the Secretariat of the LPRP Central Committee, and vice president of Laos.

The Chinese delegation held talks with Khamphanh Pheuyavong, a member of the Secretariat of the LPRP Central Committee and head of the Propaganda and Training Board of the LPRP Central Committee.

The delegation also met with Thongsavanh Phomvihane, head of the LPRP Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and held talks with heads of the Lao party and government departments.

During the visit, the two sides exchanged views on China-Laos relations and issues of common concern.

Both sides agreed to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, and work together to build a high-standard, high-quality, and high-level China-Laos community with a shared future.

CPC delegation visits Cambodia on ties

PHNOM PENH, May 16 (Xinhua) — Zhao Shitong, assistant minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, led a CPC delegation to visit Cambodia from May 13 to 16 at the invitation of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP).

During the visit, Zhao met with Prak Sokhonn, chairman of the Commission for International Relations of the CPP’s Central Committee and first vice president of the Senate, Hun Many, deputy prime minister, and Suos Yara, vice chairman of the Commission for International Relations of the CPP’s Central Committee, as well as representatives of the Youth House for Cambodia-China Friendship.

The two sides exchanged views on China-Cambodia relations and issues of common concern, and agreed to implement the important consensus reached by leaders of both countries.

Both sides also agreed to deepen party-to-party exchanges, actively carry out exchanges and cooperation in economic, cultural, youth and other fields, and consolidate and carry forward the ironclad friendship between China and Cambodia.

China working with UAE and Bahrain on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on May 30 and with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain on May 31 respectively. The two Gulf heads of state were visiting China coinciding with the 10th conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, held in Beijing on May 30.

Meeting with Sheikh Mohamed, Xi noted that the UAE is an important comprehensive strategic partner of China. In recent years, China-UAE relations have maintained a sound momentum of development, setting a good example for China-Arab states relations in the new era.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UAE, Xi said, adding that it is an important juncture for China-UAE relations to build on past achievements and forge ahead.

He added that China stands ready to work with the UAE to continuously promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, strengthen synergy of development strategies, and take the establishment of a high-level committee on China-UAE investment as an opportunity to push for more outcomes in bilateral cooperation.

Noting that at present the trend towards a multipolar world is unstoppable, Xi said multipolarisation in essence should mean mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among different civilisations, systems and paths.

Countries in the Middle East are an important component of the developing countries and an important force in the multipolarisation of the world and China supports countries in the region to continue to follow development paths suited to their national conditions, firmly follow the road of unity and strength, peace and reconciliation, resolve differences through communication and consultation, and hold their future and destiny in their own hands.

Mohamed said that he was very happy to once again visit China, his second hometown. The relations between Arab and Gulf countries and China boast a solid foundation. Deepening and developing relations with China conforms to the common aspiration and fundamental interests of the people of Arab and Gulf countries.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Xi stressed that the top priority is a comprehensive ceasefire and cessation of fighting to ease the humanitarian crisis, and the international community should unanimously support an early negotiated settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-State solution.

The next day, the UAE head of state met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang. 

Li said China is willing to expand bilateral trade and investment, strengthen cooperation in traditional areas, and explore cooperation in new fields, such as new energy, high technology and artificial intelligence.

China is also willing to improve coordination with the UAE in multilateral mechanisms, such as the United Nations and BRICS, and promote the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future. The UAE joined the BRICS cooperation mechanism on January 1 this year.

Mohamed said the UAE and China enjoy solid and promising relations. He added that the UAE adheres to the one-China principle and will work with China to enhance Belt and Road cooperation.

Also, on May 31, Xi Jinping met with King Hamad of Bahrain. The two leaders announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between their two countries, citing it as a new milestone in bilateral relations.

Xi said that, as this year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Bahrain, China is ready to work together to develop their comprehensive strategic partnership and to bring more benefits to the two peoples. He noted that China advocates mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among countries with different systems and civilisations and supports countries in the Middle East to enhance unity and cooperation, achieve peace and reconciliation, and promote development and revitalisation.

China is willing to work with regional countries, including Bahrain, to develop its relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries further, host the second China-Arab States Summit successfully, and accelerate the building of a China-Arab states community with a shared future.

King Hamad said that China is a great country and Bahrain is deeply grateful that China has provided significant support for its national construction. Bahrain hopes to take the establishment of this comprehensive strategic partnership as an opportunity to align the development strategies of the two countries, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, and achieve its own diversified development.  As long as China develops well, other developing countries can do the same, and the process of global multipolarity can continue to advance. Bahrain is firm in its belief that China will realise the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity.

The Bahraini King also briefed Xi on the recent 33rd Arab League Summit, which his country had hosted, focusing particularly on the Arab states’ position on the Palestinian question and the efforts they have made to push for an early end to the Gaza conflict. He expressed his appreciation and thanks to China for always upholding justice, and said he looks forward to China’s greater contributions in that regard.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi holds talks with UAE president

BEIJING, May 30 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Beijing on Thursday.

Xi noted that the UAE is an important comprehensive strategic partner of China. In recent years, China-UAE relations have maintained a sound momentum of development, setting a good example for China-Arab states relations in the new era.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UAE, Xi said, adding that it is an important juncture for China-UAE relations to build on past achievements and forge ahead.

He said China stands ready to work with the UAE to continue to grasp the general direction of bilateral relations from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, and ensure the vigorous development of bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi said that China supports the UAE in pursuing an independent development path and safeguarding its national sovereignty, security and development interests, and is willing to consolidate political mutual trust and strengthen cooperation with the UAE to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.

He said China stands ready to work with the UAE to continuously promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, strengthen synergy of development strategies, and take the establishment of a high-level committee on China-UAE investment and cooperation as an opportunity to push for more outcomes in bilateral cooperation.

Xi called on the two sides to consolidate cooperation in areas such as trade, energy and infrastructure, expand cooperation in high-tech fields such as information technology, artificial intelligence, digital economy and new energy, and strengthen law enforcement and security cooperation.

Xi noted he had recently replied to letters from Chinese language learners in the UAE, encouraging them to master the language, get to know more about China and contribute to promoting friendship between the two countries.

China is willing to continue to support the “Hundred Schools Project” of Chinese language education, push forward the construction of a Chinese culture center in the UAE, enhance people-to-people exchanges, and promote mutual understanding and friendship, he added.

Noting that at present the trend towards a multi-polar world is unstoppable, Xi said multi-polarization in essence should mean mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among different civilizations, systems and paths.

Countries in the Middle East are an important part of developing countries and an important force in the multi-polarization of the world, he said, adding that China supports countries in the region to continue to follow their development paths suited to their national conditions, firmly follow the path of unity and strength, peace and reconciliation, resolve differences through communication and consultation, and hold their future and destiny in their own hands.

Xi said China is ready to work with the UAE and other Arab countries to host the second China-Arab States Summit and promote the building of a community of shared future between China and Arab states.

China is willing to strengthen its strategic partnership with the UAE, expand multilateral cooperation and safeguard the common interests of countries in the Global South, he added.

Mohamed said that he was very happy to once again visit China, his second hometown, and attend the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum together with President Xi.

He said the relations between Arab and Gulf countries and China boast a solid foundation. Deepening and developing relations with China conforms to the common aspiration and fundamental interests of the people of Arab and Gulf countries.

Mohamed said that UAE-China relations are based on mutual trust, mutual respect and common interests, and cooperation in various fields has reached an extraordinary level.

The UAE attaches great importance to developing relations with China, places China at the top of its diplomatic priority and regards China as a long-term and reliable strategic partner, he said, adding that the UAE is willing to take the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to further deepen and expand cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, investment, energy, science and technology, education and culture.

The government of the UAE firmly adheres to the one-China policy, opposes “Taiwan independence” in any form and supports China’s efforts to achieve national reunification, he said.

Mohamed added that the UAE highly appreciates and actively supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi, will continue to actively participate in the joint construction of the Belt and Road, and is willing to work closely with China in multilateral communication and coordination to promote peace, development and prosperity of the region and the world at large.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Xi stressed that the top priority is a comprehensive ceasefire and cessation of fighting to ease the humanitarian crisis, and the international community should unanimously support an early negotiated settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-State solution.

Xi said China and the UAE have the same stance on the Palestinian issue and should work together to push for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the issue.

After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in various fields including investment, jointly building the Belt and Road, science and technology, peaceful use of nuclear energy, Chinese education, culture and tourism.

Chinese premier meets UAE president

BEIJING, May 31 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Beijing on Friday.

Noting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UAE, Li said China is willing to work together with the UAE to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, enhance traditional friendly relations, deepen political mutual trust, advance pragmatic cooperation, and advance bilateral relations to a new level.

Li said China firmly supports the UAE in pursuing an independent development path and in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and stability.

Li said China is willing to expand bilateral trade and investment, strengthen cooperation in traditional areas, and explore cooperation in new fields such as new energy, high technology and artificial intelligence.

He added that both sides should enhance exchanges and cooperation on culture, education and tourism, promote people-to-people exchanges, and jointly host the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of bilateral ties.

China is willing to improve coordination with the UAE in multilateral mechanisms, such as the United Nations and BRICS, and promote the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future, said Li.

Mohamed said the UAE and China enjoy solid and promising relations. He added that the UAE adheres to the one-China principle and will work with China to enhance Belt and Road cooperation.

The UAE congratulated China on successfully hosting the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, said Mohamed, adding that the country is willing to work with China to safeguard the common interests of both sides.

China, Bahrain establish comprehensive strategic partnership

BEIJING, May 31 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on Friday announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, a new milestone in bilateral relations.

The announcement came as Xi held talks with Hamad, who is in China for a state visit. Hamad also attended the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on Thursday.

Bahrain is a good friend and partner of China in the Gulf region, Xi said, adding that although the two countries have different national conditions, they have always treated each other sincerely and enjoyed friendly relations.

As this year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Bahrain, Xi said China is ready to work with Bahrain to develop their comprehensive strategic partnership and to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

China firmly supports Bahrain’s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, security and stability, and supports Bahrain’s path of independent development, as well as Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 and its diversified development strategy, he said.

China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Bahrain in the fields of energy, investment, transportation, new energy and digital economy, and achieve more results in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, Xi said.

Both sides should enhance cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and facilitate personnel exchanges to continuously strengthen public support for the China-Bahrain friendship, Xi said.

He noted that China advocates mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among countries with different systems and civilizations, and supports countries in the Middle East to enhance unity and cooperation, achieve peace and reconciliation, and promote development and revitalization.

China is willing to work with regional countries, including Bahrain, to develop its relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries further, host the second China-Arab States Summit successfully, and accelerate the building of a China-Arab states community with a shared future, Xi said.

He also called on the two sides to strengthen communication and coordination on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, practice true multilateralism, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Hamad said that China is a great country, and Bahrain is deeply grateful that China has provided significant support for its national construction. Bahrain hopes to take the establishment of this comprehensive strategic partnership as an opportunity to align the development strategies of the two countries, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, and achieve its own diversified development, he added.

Bahrain has strong appreciation for and agrees fully with China’s noble values and rational and wise policy propositions, Hamad said. As long as China develops well, other developing countries can do the same, and the process of global multipolarity can continue to advance. Bahrain is firm in its belief that China will realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity, he added.

He noted that Bahrain abides by the one-China principle, supports China’s peaceful reunification, and is willing to work closely with China through multilateral cooperation to ensure people of all countries enjoy equal rights to subsistence and development. Bahrain is ready to work with China to push for an early completion of the GCC-China Free Trade Agreement, carry forward the spirit of the Arab states-China friendship, and join hands to build an Arab states-China community with a shared future in the new era.

Hamad briefed Xi on the recent 33rd Arab League Summit, focusing particularly on the Arab states’ position on the Palestinian question and the efforts they have made to push for an early end to the Gaza conflict. He expressed his appreciation and thanks to China for always upholding justice, and said he looks forward to China’s greater contributions in that regard.

Xi stressed that China and Bahrain share the same stance on the Palestinian question. China appreciates the common voice the Arab states use to discuss the Palestine-Israel issue at the Arab League Summit, and stands ready to work with Bahrain and other Arab states to push for the early, comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question.

After their talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signature of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in such fields as investment, green and low-carbon development, and e-commerce and the digital economy.

The two sides also issued a joint statement on the establishment of their comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi Jinping meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi was one of four Arab heads of state to pay a state visit to China coinciding with the 10th conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF), held in Beijing on May 30.

In a round of bilateral meetings with his counterparts, Chinese President Xi Jinping met first with Sisi on May 29.

Xi noted that, 68 years ago, Egypt was the first Arab and African state to establish diplomatic relations with China. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Egypt comprehensive strategic partnership, he said, adding that over the past decade, the two heads of state have worked together to guide the vigorous development of bilateral relations.

China-Egypt relations have become a vivid illustration of China’s solidarity, coordination, and mutually beneficial win-win cooperation with Arab, African, Islamic and developing countries, Xi continued, adding that under the new circumstances, building a more enriched and dynamic China-Egypt relationship meets the common expectations of the two peoples.

China supports Egypt in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs, and stands ready to further strengthen coordination and cooperation on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the BRICS cooperation mechanism, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation, and jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, as well as the common interests of developing countries.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Xi said that the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused heavy casualties of innocent Palestinian civilians and the humanitarian situation in Gaza is extremely grave, and China is deeply saddened. It is imperative to cease fire and stop the war immediately, avoid the spillover of conflict which will impact regional peace and stability, and prevent a more serious humanitarian crisis.

The following day, Sisi met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

Hailing China and Egypt as good friends and partners of solidarity and mutual assistance for joint development, Li said that China is willing to work with Egypt to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, carry forward their traditional friendship, continuously strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and push the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level.

Sisi expressed willingness to work with China to further expand cooperation in agriculture, trade, new energy, communications, and high technology under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative so as to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and better benefit the two peoples.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi holds talks with Egyptian president

BEIJING, May 29 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in Beijing on Wednesday.

Xi noted that, 68 years ago, Egypt was the first Arab and African state to establish diplomatic relations with China. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Egypt comprehensive strategic partnership, he said, adding that over the past decade, the two heads of state have worked together to guide the vigorous development of bilateral relations.

China-Egypt relations have become a vivid illustration of China’s solidarity, coordination, and mutually-beneficial win-win cooperation with Arab, African, Islamic and developing countries, Xi said, adding that under the new circumstances, building a more enriched and dynamic China-Egypt relationship meets the common expectations of the two peoples.

Xi said that China is ready to work with Egypt to deepen mutual trust, advance cooperation, build a China-Egypt community with a shared future in the new era, and contribute to regional and world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

Xi stressed that China is striving in all aspects to build a strong and prosperous country and achieve national rejuvenation, and China and Egypt are facing historic opportunities for exchanges and cooperation in various fields. The two sides should continue to firmly support each other and work together to promote common development, Xi added.

China is ready to work with Egypt to tap the potential of cooperation in traditional areas such as infrastructure, industry, electricity and agriculture, explore cooperation in emerging areas such as health care, information and communications, and renewable energy, deepen economic, trade and investment cooperation, and encourage more Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Egypt, Xi said.

Xi urged efforts to organize the 2024 China-Egypt year of partnership, expand personnel and cultural exchanges, and make the Luban Workshop in Egypt a benchmark for China-Africa vocational education cooperation.

China supports Egypt in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs, and stands ready to further strengthen coordination and cooperation with Egypt on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS cooperation mechanism, advocate an equal and orderly multi-polar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, as well as the common interests of developing countries, Xi said.

Continue reading Xi Jinping meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

Joint statement of China and Arab states on the question of Palestine

The tenth ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) was held in Beijing on May 30. The opening session was attended by four Arab heads of state as well as by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who delivered an opening address. Ministers from China and the 22 members of the League of Arab States attended the conference.

Among the conference outcomes, the most significant was the adoption of a 21-point joint statement on the question of Palestine. Showing a high degree of unity between China and the Arab world, and among the Arab states themselves, the comprehensive joint statement calls, among other things, for the implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions, condemns Israeli aggression, calls for a sustained ceasefire, and for the implementation of the interim measures issued by the International Court of Justice in response to the legal case brought against Israel by the government of South Africa under the Genocide Convention. It supports the admission of Palestine to the United Nations as a full member state, the convening of an international peace conference, and calls for Palestinian national unity under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). It further calls for an end to Israel’s settlement program in occupied territories and protection of the Arab, Islamic and Christian attributes of the city of Jerusalem.  

We carry below the full text of the joint statement. It has been machine translated and sub-edited by us, including by cross checking with other unofficial translations. The full Chinese language text, as released by the Xinhua News Agency, may be read here.

Joint Statement of China and Arab States on the Question of Palestine

On May 30, 2024, the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing, during which the two sides had in-depth discussions on the Palestinian issue.

The two sides believe that the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, including UN Security Council Resolution 2728, must be fully and effectively implemented, and that joint efforts should be made to promote an early ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible and to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue at an early date. The parties agreed on the following:

  1. The two sides condemn Israel’s continued aggression against the Palestinian people. More than 125,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed or injured in the Gaza Strip, most of them women and children. The Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip have been forced to suffer deadly famine and blockades, cutting off all their livelihoods, systematically destroying residential areas, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, and detaining and ill-treating thousands of Palestinian prisoners.
  2. The two sides condemned the invasion of the city of Rafah, the bombing of refugee camps and the control of the Rafah crossing.
  3. The two sides oppose the implementation of plans, intentions and acts of forcibly transfering the Palestinian people outside their national territory, which will destroy the opportunity for peace in the Middle East region and lead to the expansion and deterioration of the conflict in the region.
  4. The two sides call on the Security Council to issue binding resolutions to achieve an immediate, comprehensive and sustained ceasefire, to stop the forcible transfer of the Palestinian people, to ensure the delivery of relief supplies throughout Gaza, and to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions so that life in the Gaza Strip can return to normalcy. Both sides condemn the use of the veto by the United States to prevent Palestine from becoming a full Member of the United Nations.
  5. The two sides support the Interim Measures Orders issued by the International Court of Justice on 26 January, 28 March and 24 May 2024 concerning the case against Israel brought by South Africa for violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and hold that Israel should comply with the relevant legal provisions, in particular international humanitarian law. Both sides stressed that Israel, as the occupying power, bears responsibility for the dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza.
  6. The Arab side stresses the importance of implementing the resolutions of the Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Joint Summit held in Riyadh on 11 November 2023, including breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip and enabling the immediate access of humanitarian relief supplies from Arab and Islamic countries and the international community to the entire Gaza Strip by land, sea and air. The Chinese side expressed its understanding.
  7. The two sides stress that peace, security and stability cannot be achieved in the region without an end to the occupation of the territory of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the occupied Lebanese territory. Calling upon the international community to take irreversible steps towards the independent establishment of Palestine and to achieve a political settlement based on international law and relevant international resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 497 (1981), 1515 (2003) and 2334 (2016), as well as all the elements of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, so as to enable the Palestinian people to fulfil their legitimate and inalienable rights. These include the right to self-determination, the right to establish an independent State of Palestine based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the right to return and reparation for Palestinian refugees under United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 (1948). The two sides support the admission of the State of Palestine as a full Member of the United Nations and reaffirmed that the two-State solution is the only realistic way out of the Palestinian question.
  8. The two sides call for the convening of a larger-scale, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible, and the initiation of an authoritative peace process on the basis of recognised international principles. The above process should be carried out within a defined time frame and with international guarantees until the end of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, along with the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the remaining occupied Lebanese territories.
  9. The two sides support the Palestinian Government in carrying out its duties in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in accordance with recognised international principles. The Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine. Both sides stressed their support for the relief efforts of the Palestinian Government in Gaza. The two sides reaffirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and called on all Palestinian factions to unite under the PLO banner and assume their respective responsibilities in a national partnership under the leadership of the PLO.
  10. The two sides welcome the adoption by the UN General Assembly of resolution A/RES/ES-10/23 on 10 May 2024. The resolution affirmed that the State of Palestine was eligible to become a full Member of the United Nations and requires the Security Council to reconsider supporting Palestine’s accession to the United Nations and to grant more rights and interests to the State of Palestine.
  11. The two sides called for support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to avoid its closure. They welcomed the resumption of funding  by some countries to the Agency, and called on countries that had frozen their funding to resume their support for the Agency. They welcomed the results of the independent investigation into the work of the Agency, recognised the neutrality and professionalism of the Agency and believe that it is indispensable and irreplaceable.
  12. The two sides welcome the recent recognition of the State of Palestine by many countries, stressing that this was a driving force for achieving the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and for international and regional peace, security and stability, and called upon those countries that have not yet recognised the State of Palestine to do so as soon as possible.
  13. The Arab side appreciates China’s long-standing position on supporting the Palestinian issue and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in bilateral and multilateral forums, and appreciates Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposals on resolving the Palestinian question, as well as a series of initiatives and propositions put forward by China on the Palestinian question. It appreciates China’s adherence to fairness and justice on the Palestinian issue and its unremitting efforts to promote the peace process. It appreciates China’s support for Palestine in improving people’s livelihood and developing the economy, providing humanitarian assistance to Palestine, and its commitment to promoting the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations.
  14. Both sides stressed that Israel’s unilateral measures aimed at changing the status quo in Jerusalem are invalid and support the protection of Islamic and Christian monuments in occupied Jerusalem by the Hashemite family and its role in protecting the Arab, Islamic and Christian attributes of the city and maintaining the current historical and legal status of Jerusalem and its holy sites. The two sides stressed the need to uphold the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s current historical and legal status.
  15. The two sides condemn the continued promotion by the government of Israel of the targeted settlement programme aimed at changing the existing historical and legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
  16. The Parties support the efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco as Chairman of the Jerusalem Committee. They stressed the important role played by the Chairman of the Jerusalem Committee and the efforts of the Jerusalem Wealth House Agency, an institution under the Committee.
  17. The two sides support Egypt in taking all measures to respond to the impact of the aggression in the Gaza Strip and rely on Egypt’s efforts to deliver relief supplies to the Gaza Strip in an immediate and sustained manner and in sufficient quantities. The two sides expressed their support for the measures taken by Egypt to safeguard its national security, which is also a fundamental component of the security of the Arab nation.
  18. The two sides support the joint efforts of Egypt and Qatar to promote a lasting ceasefire and bring life back to normal in the Gaza Strip. Both sides support the role played by Egypt and Algeria in bringing about reconciliation among the Palestinian factions.
  19. The two sides appreciate the role played by Algeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the Palestinian issue during their tenure as non-permanent members of the Security Council, including their efforts to promote the adoption of relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to promote the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations.
  20. The two sides appreciate the appeal of the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar for immediate action to help all Palestinian orphans who have lost their parents and families as a result of the aggression against Gaza. They call on all states and the international community to work together to provide the necessary medical and psychological support to orphans and amputee children within the framework of the relevant efforts of the League of Arab States.
  21. The two sides appreciate Algeria’s efforts to support the question of Palestine at the political and material levels, as well as President Tebboune’s active efforts, in particular the convening of the intra-Palestinian reconciliation conference among the various factions on 13 October 2022 and the adoption of the Algiers Declaration, which is a positive step on the road to national unity in Palestine.

Celso Amorim: Brazil-China relations have strategic significance

A recent visit to China by Celso Amorim, special advisor to the president of Brazil, marks a significant milestone not only in bilateral relations but also in the collective international diplomacy and independent position of the Global South.

On May 23, Amorim met China’s top foreign affairs official Wang Yi, who said that that China and Brazil are both major developing countries and emerging economies, as well as major members of BRICS, and their relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic and overall significance.

Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Brazil diplomatic ties, Wang said that the two countries should systematically review their successful experience over the last half century. 

He went on to observe that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, adding that it is heartening to see that the Global South countries represented by China and Brazil have achieved a collective rise and promoted a more balanced and reasonable structure of world power. 

China will fully support Brazil’s work as the rotating presidency of the G20 this year, adding that China also attaches importance to promoting cooperation with the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and is willing to strengthen coordination with Brazil to push for greater development of relations between China and Latin American countries.

Amorim also said that Brazil-China relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic significance, adding that the sound development of Brazil-China relations is not only beneficial to the two countries, but also plays an important role in safeguarding the common interests of developing countries and is conducive to world peace and stability.

He noted that that China is Brazil’s largest market, and the trade volume between the two countries is close to 200 billion US dollars and this still has great potential for further development.

Brazil and China share the same position on many major issues, he continued, and Brazil supports Latin America and China in strengthening cooperation, and is willing to closely coordinate and cooperate with China on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, the G20 and BRICS to uphold multilateralism and oppose hegemonism.

Most significantly, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis and jointly issued the “Common Understandings Between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis.”

In contrast to the one-sided and unrealistic initiatives of the imperialist powers and the present Ukrainian government, China and Brazil believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the crisis. All parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and push for the de-escalation of the situation until the realisation of a comprehensive ceasefire. China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognised by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans.

They affirm that the use of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons, must be opposed. All possible efforts must be made to prevent nuclear proliferation and avoid nuclear crisis. Attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities must be opposed. All parties should comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety and resolutely prevent man-made nuclear accidents. This last point clearly refers to the repeated, dangerous and irresponsible shelling by Ukrainian armed forces of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), which is presently controlled by the Russian army. 

This six-point declaration is a vivid illustration of the rise of multipolarity and of the fact that the days when a handful of oppressor nations could dictate world affairs to the exclusion of the global majority are over.

The next day, at the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s regular press conference, spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that more countries are welcome to jointly play a constructive role in de-escalating the Ukraine crisis and promoting talks for peace. These six common understandings reflect not just the joint position of China and Brazil, but also the widespread concern and genuine desire of the vast international community for promoting a political settlement, he added.

“Many developing countries, including China and Brazil, have called for upholding an objective and just position on the Ukraine crisis,” he noted, adding that all of these countries believe that dialogue and negotiation is the only viable way out. The “common understandings”, though jointly initiated by China and Brazil, are meant for the world.

“We welcome more countries, developing and developed countries alike, to support and endorse these common understandings, and jointly play a constructive role in de-escalating the situation and promoting talks for peace.”

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Top Chinese diplomat meets special advisor to Brazilian president

BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) — Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, met with Celso Amorim, special advisor to the president of Brazil, in Beijing on Thursday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said that China and Brazil are both major developing countries and emerging economies, as well as major members of BRICS, and bilateral relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic and overall significance.

Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Brazil diplomatic ties, Wang said that the two sides should systematically review the successful experience of the development of bilateral relations in the past 50 years. They should take into account the changes in the international situation and the respective development strategies of both countries while making strategic plans with a forward-looking vision, so as to inject new connotations into China-Brazil relations, set new development goals, and jointly embrace the next “golden 50 years.”

Wang noted that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, with the international situation becoming chaotic and intertwined and hotspot issues emerging one after another.

It is heartening to see that the “Global South” countries represented by China and Brazil have achieved a collective rise and promoted a more balanced and reasonable structure of world power, he said.

China will fully support Brazil’s work as the rotating presidency of the G20 this year, and stands ready to work with Brazil and other G20 members to ensure the success of the G20 Rio Summit, said Wang, noting that China attaches importance to promoting cooperation with the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and is willing to strengthen coordination with Brazil to push for greater development of relations between China and Latin American countries.

Noting that Brazil-China relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic significance, Amorim said that the sound development of Brazil-China relations is not only beneficial to the two countries, but also plays an important role in safeguarding the common interests of developing countries and is conducive to world peace and stability.

Amorim said that Brazil attaches great importance to cooperation with China, adding that China is Brazil’s largest market, and the trade volume between the two countries is close to 200 billion U.S. dollars, which still has great potential for development.

Amorim said that Brazil is ready to communicate closely with China, plan cooperation in various fields, expand the scale of trade and investment, expand new fields such as artificial intelligence and the digital economy, and constantly enrich the connotation of Brazil-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

Noting that Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva attaches great importance to poverty eradication, and China has made remarkable achievements in this regard, Amorim said the two sides can strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

Amorim said that Brazil and China share the same position on many major issues. Brazil supports Latin America and China in strengthening cooperation, and is willing to closely coordinate and cooperate with China on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, the G20 and BRICS to uphold multilateralism and oppose hegemonism.

The two sides exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis and jointly issued the “Common Understandings Between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis.” The two sides agreed that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way out of the crisis, and all parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue.

The two sides also expressed their support for an international peace conference recognized by Russia and Ukraine at an appropriate time, with the equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace proposals.

Members of the international community are welcome to support and endorse the common understandings, jointly provide a strong voice to cool the situation, and play a constructive role in promoting peace talks, said the document.

Continue reading Celso Amorim: Brazil-China relations have strategic significance

Chinese FM holds talks with Tanzanian counterpart

The long-standing friendship between China and Tanzania was reaffirmed with a recent visit to Beijing by Tanzania’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, January Yusuf Makamba.

On May 17, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi welcomed Makamba’s visit to China on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He said that China-Tanzania relations had always been at the forefront of China-Africa relations over the past six decades, which set a good example for developing countries to seek strength through solidarity and mutual assistance.

He added that China appreciated Tanzania’s long-term valuable support on issues concerning China’s core interests and was willing to continue to firmly support Tanzania in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests, and in independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions.

Wang went on to say that the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is the most important platform and mechanism for strengthening solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa. A new FOCAC summit will be held in Beijing this autumn. China sincerely invites Tanzania to join in this event together with other African countries and make a greater contribution to the building of an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future.

Noting that Tanzania and China enjoy profound traditional friendship, Makamba said that the two countries had always trusted and supported each other since the establishment of diplomatic ties 60 years ago. Upholding the one-China policy is the cornerstone of Tanzania’s relations with China and Tanzania will continue to unswervingly support China on issues concerning its core interests and major concerns.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

BEIJING, May 17 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with January Yusuf Makamba, Tanzania’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, in Beijing on Friday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, welcomed Makamba’s visit to China on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He said that China-Tanzania relations had always been at the forefront of China-Africa relations over the past 60 years, which set a good example for developing countries to seek strength through solidarity and mutual assistance.

China is willing to deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic alignment, expand practical cooperation and inject new connotation of the era into the China-Tanzania comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership guided by the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, Wang said.

He said that China appreciated Tanzania’s long-term valuable support on issues concerning China’s core interests, and was willing to continue to firmly support Tanzania in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests, and independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions.

The two sides should expand cooperation in key areas such as trade and infrastructure, and tap potential for cooperation in processing and manufacturing, digital economy, blue economy and new energy, Wang added.

Wang said that the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is the most important platform and mechanism for strengthening solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa. A new FOCAC summit will be held in Beijing this autumn. China sincerely invites Tanzania to join in this event together with other African countries and make greater contribution to the building of an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future.

Noting that Tanzania and China enjoy profound traditional friendship, Makamba said that the two countries had always trusted and supported each other since the establishment of diplomatic ties 60 years ago. Upholding the one-China policy is the cornerstone of Tanzania’s relations with China, and Tanzania will continue to unswervingly support China on issues concerning China’s core interests and major concerns.

Tanzania looks forward to enhancing exchanges of experience on governance, deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and working closely with China on international and regional issues. Tanzania will actively participate in this year’s FOCAC summit and believes that the summit will achieve greater success, he said.

The two sides also exchanged in-depth views on international and regional issues of common concern.

Nepali Prime Minister: Nepal will continue to strengthen cooperation with China

China has moved to further develop its friendly relations with Nepal, particularly with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (CPNMC), which currently leads the country’s ruling coalition.

On April 27, Nepali Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who is also known as Prachanda and who is the leader of the CPNMC, said in his capital Kathmandu that Nepal will unswervingly support China on issues concerning her core interests and looks forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields. He was meeting with Luo Zhaohui, head of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, who was leading a delegation to the country.

With the exchange of high-level visits and the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries, Nepal-China relations have been elevated to a new height, stated the prime minister.

He said that the Nepali side sincerely thanks China for its support and assistance in Nepal’s economic and social development, poverty reduction and anti-epidemic efforts.

Prachanda voiced hope that the two sides will further strengthen cooperation in the fields of infrastructure connectivity, tourism, healthcare, education, agriculture and water conservancy, promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI).

For his part, Luo noted that China and Nepal are good neighbours connected by mountains and rivers, good partners in mutually beneficial cooperation and good friends helping each other.

He added that the proposal of building a China-Nepal trans-Himalayan multi-dimensional connectivity network in particular charts a strategic direction for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

Earlier, on April 18, Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC), met with a delegation of senior cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) led by Dev Prasad Gurung, General Secretary of the party.

Liu said that the Chinese side supports the Nepali side in exploring a development path that suits its national conditions and is willing to help Nepal prosper and develop. The CPC attaches great importance to its friendly relations with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre). Under the new situation, it is willing to expand exchanges between the two parties, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance and administration, and promote practical cooperation between the two sides in agriculture, investment, infrastructure, border trade and tourism.

Gurung said, the Nepali side thanks the Chinese side for its long-term support and assistance in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence and achieving economic and social development and hopes to work with the Chinese side to jointly promote Belt and Road cooperation, as well as enhance the level of connectivity between the two countries.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

Nepali PM voices firm support for China in safeguarding core interests

KATHMANDU, April 27 (Xinhua) — Nepali Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said on Friday that Nepal will unswervingly support China on issues concerning China’s core interests and looks forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields.

Dahal, also known as Prachanda, made the remarks while meeting in Kathmandu with Luo Zhaohui, head of the China International Development Cooperation Agency.

With the exchange of high-level visits and the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries, Nepal-China relations have been elevated to a new height, stated the prime minister.

He said that the Nepali side sincerely thanks China for its support and assistance in Nepal’s economic and social development, poverty reduction and anti-epidemic efforts.

Dahal voiced hope that the two sides will further strengthen cooperation in the fields of infrastructure connectivity, tourism, healthcare, education, agriculture and water conservancy, promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and implement the Global Development Initiative.

For his part, Luo noted that China and Nepal are good neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, good partners in mutually beneficial cooperation and good friends helping each other.

Luo said the proposal of building a China-Nepal trans-Himalayan multi-dimensional connectivity network in particular charts a strategic direction for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

He suggested that both sides should implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, strengthen the alignment of strategic plans, deepen practical cooperation and push bilateral relations to a new level.

During his stay in Nepal, Luo also met respectively with Sher Bahadur Deuba, president of the Nepali Congress party and former prime minister, K.P. Sharma Oli, chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) and former prime minister, and held talks with Nepal’s Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun and signed related cooperation documents.

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Chen Song was present at the meetings.

Liu Jianchao Meets with a Delegation of Senior Cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center)

BEIJING, April 18 (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with a delegation of senior cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) led by Dev Prasad Gurung, General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center).

Liu said, in recent years, under the joint leadership of President Xi Jinping and Nepali leaders, relations between the two countries have continued to develop. The Chinese side supports the Nepali side in exploring a development path that suits its national conditions, and is willing to help Nepal prosper and develop. The CPC attaches great importance to its friendly relations with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center). Under the new situation, it is willing to expand exchanges between the two Parties, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance and administration, and promote practical cooperation between the two sides in agriculture, investment, infrastructure, border trade and tourism through “political party +” and other channels, so as to push China-Nepal relations to a new level.  

Gurung said, the Nepali side thanks the Chinese side for the long-term support and assistance in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence and achieving economic and social development, and hopes to work with the Chinese side to jointly promote Belt and Road cooperation, as well as enhance the level of connectivity between the two countries. The Nepali side firmly adheres to the one-China principle and does not allow any force to use Nepal’s territory for anti-China activities. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) highly admires the CPC’s governance achievements and governance concepts, and is willing to further strengthen exchanges between the two Parties, deepen theoretical exchanges, promote Nepal-China relations for healthy development, and promote regional peace, development and stability.  

Sun Haiyan, Vice-minister of the IDCPC, was present.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Foreign Ministers’ meeting promotes regional cooperation

A meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) was held in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, on May 20-21.

The meeting was preparatory to the Astana SCO Summit, which is scheduled to be held on July 3-4. 

Presiding over the meeting, Murat Nurtleu, Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, welcomed participants and called for a moment of silence to honour Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and others who died in the helicopter crash on May 19.

The meeting agreed to enhance cooperation in ensuring regional security and combating terrorism, extremism, separatism, drug trafficking, and cybercrime, among other areas. A special focus was placed on the organisation’s growth, with Belarus expected to complete all necessary procedures for admission to full membership at the July summit.

Addressing the ministers, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed his deep condolences to the people and leadership of Iran following the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian. He also acknowledged the participation of Iranian representatives despite their nation’s difficult time and welcomed Belarus to its first Foreign Ministers’ Council in Astana.

Amid global strategic uncertainty, Tokayev stressed the importance of an integrated approach that considers all parties’ interests and the constant search for compromises. He voiced his belief that the time has come to collectively promote the ideals and values of peaceful and harmonious development for the sake of all humanity.

Addressing the situation in Afghanistan, he stressed the need to prevent a humanitarian crisis and create conditions for long-term stabilisation. He reiterated the importance of Kazakhstan’s initiative to establish the United Nations’ Regional Centre for Sustainable Development Goals for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty.

In his speech to the meeting, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that SCO member countries have been important partners for China in high-level opening-up and high-quality development.

Valuing the SCO’s role, Wang said the Shanghai Spirit, which features mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilisations and pursuit of common development, has become the fundamental principle of the SCO’s continuous growth and a banner for promoting new types of international relations.

He put forward four suggestions during the meeting: to maintain strategic autonomy and strengthen unity and cooperation; to share security responsibilities and lift cooperation to higher levels; to pursue inclusive and win-win cooperation and empower joint development; and to embrace openness and inclusiveness and deepen exchanges and mutual learning.

China is willing to work with SCO partners to actively advocate for a multipolar world with equality and order and inclusive economic globalisation, and to promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, he added.

In a meeting with the Kazakh President on May 20, Tokayev asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings to President Xi Jinping, noting that China’s international status continues to rise and its role in the world is increasingly significant. The country is making greater contributions to global peace and stability, and the international community is paying more attention to China’s voice. He looked forward to the Chinese President’s state visit in July. 

He also highly evaluated Kazakh-Chinese relations within the framework of international organisations, including the United Nations (UN), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

“Kazakhstan has been and remains a reliable partner of China. We are doing everything possible to implement the agreements that were reached earlier. We are working together and advancing our relationship into the future,” he added.

Wang responded that China would continue to firmly support Kazakhstan in safeguarding its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, support President Tokayev’s series of development strategies and important measures, and resolutely oppose any external forces interfering in Kazakhstan’s internal affairs.

During the country’s historical process of building a New Kazakhstan, China is willing to be a reliable and long-term partner, supporting the diversification of Kazakhstan’s economic development and promoting cooperation in emerging industries such as e-commerce, new energy and artificial intelligence.

The same day, Wang Yi met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu, with the two men jointly meeting the press following their talks.

Wang said that, as Kazakhstan recently suffered from severe floods, China is willing to continue providing as much help as possible to assist in the reconstruction work.

He further noted that both sides spoke highly of the fruitful outcomes of their cooperation. According to Chinese statistics, bilateral trade reached 41 billion US dollars last year, achieving the target set by the two heads of state seven years ahead of schedule. To date, 26 out of the 45 capacity cooperation projects have been completed, in such sectors as mining and metals, energy resources, machinery manufacturing, building materials, chemicals and infrastructure construction. Cooperation in oil and gas and in nuclear energy is also accelerating.

Both sides praised the success of the China-Central Asia Summit in Xi’an, held in May 2023, which has ushered in a new phase of enhanced cooperation between China and Central Asia.

The Chinese side is eager to work alongside the Central Asian nations to strengthen and optimise the China-Central Asia cooperation mechanism, aiming to build a stable, prosperous, harmonious, and interconnected Central Asia, thereby injecting strong vitality into the building of a China-Central Asia community of shared future, Wang said.

Both sides will work to advance the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilisation Initiative, unequivocally oppose unilateralism and hegemonic behaviours, and promote the development of global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction.

Continue reading Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Foreign Ministers’ meeting promotes regional cooperation

Xi Jinping: China and Arab countries witnessing mutual trust and vibrant practical cooperation

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that the Arab countries are playing an increasingly important role in strengthening solidarity and cooperation for the Global South and in upholding their common interests.

His statement came in a congratulatory message to King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the rotating chairperson of the Council of Heads of the League of Arab States, on the convening of the 33rd Arab League Summit in Bahrain. He also said that China is ready to work with Arab countries to build a China-Arab community with a shared future at a higher level.

Xi stressed that the current China-Arab ties are in the best period in history. He said that in December 2022, he attended the first China-Arab States Summit with leaders of Arab states in Saudi Arabia, drew up a comprehensive blueprint for the development of China-Arab relations, and agreed to make all-out efforts to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era.

At the end of May, the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing, Xi noted, expressing his hope that the two sides will take the meeting as an opportunity to further deepen cooperation in various fields, so as to better benefit the two peoples.

The following article was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

China is ready to work with Arab countries to build a China-Arab community with a shared future at a higher level, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday.

Xi made the remarks in a congratulatory message to King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the rotating chairperson of the Council of Heads of the League of Arab States, over the convening of the 33rd Arab League Summit in Bahrain.

Xi noted that the Arab League has long been committed to pushing for unity and self strengthening in the Arab world, and promoting peace, stability and development in the Middle East.

In recent years, facing changes in the world, the times and history, Arab countries have adhered to independence, promoted development and revitalization, upheld fairness and justice, and safeguarded regional peace and stability, Xi said, adding that Arab countries are playing an increasingly important role in strengthening solidarity and cooperation for the “Global South” and in upholding their common interests.

Xi stressed that the current China-Arab ties are in the best period in history. He said that in December 2022, he attended the first China-Arab States Summit with leaders of Arab states, drew up a comprehensive blueprint for the development of China-Arab relations, and agreed to make all-out efforts to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era.

For more than a year, China and Arab countries have witnessed deepening political mutual trust, vibrant practical cooperation, as well as rich cultural and people-to-people exchanges, Xi said, adding that their cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful outcomes.

Looking to the future, China is ready to work with Arab countries to continue carrying forward the spirit of the China-Arab friendship, build a China-Arab community with a shared future at a higher level, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, he said.

At the end of this month, the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing, Xi said, expressing his hope that the two sides will take the 10th ministerial meeting as an opportunity to further deepen cooperation in various fields, so as to better benefit the two peoples.