Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

DPRK expresses full solidarity with China in light of US provocations

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has expressed its full solidarity with its socialist neighbour and ally after the United States recently declared its intention to provide the Chinese renegade province of Taiwan with a further 345 million dollars’ worth of weapons.

In a statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on August 4, Maeng Yong Rim, director general of the Department of Chinese Affairs in the DPRK’s Foreign Ministry, noted that the US action, “constitutes a flagrant violation of the one China principle, which the US committed itself to before the Chinese government and people, and of the spirit of the three China-US joint communiqués. It is also an interference in the internal affairs of China and a grave encroachment on China’s sovereignty and security.”

According to the DPRK official:

“While talking about the improvement of relations with China, the present US administration is clinging to the Taiwan issue, the most important core interests of China. Its intention is clear.

“It is the sinister intention of the US to turn Taiwan into an unsinkable advanced base against China and the first-line trench for carrying out its strategy for deterring China and thus secure its hegemonic position in the Asia-Pacific region.

“But the US ambition for hegemony can never work on the strength of the powerful Chinese people.”

Maeng Yong Rim went on to warn: “Independent and sovereign states in the Asia-Pacific region have the strength and will to firmly defend their sovereignty and core interests from the US high-handed and arbitrary practices.”

His statement concluded: “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will fully support any measure of the People’s Republic of China to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and achieve the sacred cause of the unification of the Chinese nation.”

The following article was originally carried by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

Maeng Yong Rim, director general of the Department of Chinese Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK, issued the following press statement on August 3:

Recently, the U.S. made public “Weapons Aid Package” for providing Taiwan with weapons worth 345 million U.S. dollars, thus driving the military tensions in the Asia-Pacific region to another ignition point of war.

In less than three years since the present U.S. administration came into power, it provided military aid to Taiwan as times as the preceding administration had done.

The U.S. is planning to provide Taiwan with military aid worth 10 billion U.S. dollars for the coming five years and emergency defense aid worth a billion U.S. dollars every year.

This constitutes a flagrant violation of the one China principle, which the U.S. committed itself before the Chinese government and people, and of the spirit of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués. It is also an interference in internal affairs of China and a grave encroachment on China’s sovereignty and security.

The U.S. says in public that it abides by the principle of one China but instigates in the rear the “independence” of Taiwan, inseparable part of China. Such shameless duality and double-dealing of the U.S. are a dangerous political and military provocation totally destroying the stability of the regional situation and an anti-peace reckless act which must be condemned by the world people.

It is very natural that the Chinese government and army clearly reiterated their stand resolutely opposing the U.S. provision of weapons to Taiwan island and scathingly censured that such acts are making Taiwan a “powder keg” and “ammunition depot” and driving the situation in the Taiwan Strait to the brink of war.

While talking about the improvement of relations with China, the present U.S. administration is clinging to the Taiwan issue, the most important core interests of China. Its intention is clear.

It is the sinister intention of the U.S. to turn Taiwan into an unsinkable advanced base against China and the first-line trench for carrying out its strategy for deterring China and thus secure its hegemonic position in the Asia-Pacific region.

But the U.S. ambition for hegemony can never work on the strength of the powerful Chinese people.

What the “Taiwanese independence” separatist forces have gotten from the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan is nothing but to turn its island into a U.S. huge old weapon exhibition and a heap of scrap iron.

If the U.S. persists in dangerous acts of provoking the core interests of China while repeatedly violating the red line set by China in the Taiwan issue, it will surely have to pay a high price for them.

The Asia-Pacific region including the Korean peninsula and the Taiwan Strait is neither a theatre of the U.S. military activity nor a test site of war.

Independent and sovereign states in the Asia-Pacific region have the strength and will to firmly defend their sovereignty and core interests from the U.S. high-handed and arbitrary practices.

We brand the U.S. moves to instigate the “Taiwanese independence” separatist forces as a wanton interference in the internal affairs of China and a grave encroachment upon its sovereignty and strongly denounce and reject them.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will fully support any measure of the People’s Republic of China to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and achieve the sacred cause of the unification of the Chinese nation.

2 thoughts on “DPRK expresses full solidarity with China in light of US provocations”

  1. I am from Vancouver,Canada and i wanted to say that China and the DPRK got lots of experience in dealing with Yankee Interference in Korea and China. This interference by the US Gov’t has been going on for many decades and continues to cause trouble for China and the DPRK. China and the DPRK halted the Yankees and its allies in Korea during the Korean War and they can do it again if necessary.Taiwan is not Ukraine. China and the DPRK can destroy Yankee Warships and planes before they reach Taiwan. Yankees Go Home!

  2. While Amerca’s allies are prepared to be guided by the likes of John Bolton and Victoria Nuland with their ‘better dead than red’ ideology; they should also prepare to put up with being nuked. These hard core neocon hawks are making it clear to the world that nuclear war against Russia, China and or North Korea is ‘on the table’, presumably a gambling table; gambling with the lives and wellbeing of North American, European and Asian citizens. The Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy for nuclear deterrence, urgently needs to become mad enough to deter this increasingly acute form of neocon insanity. Given that the main state antagonists have significant nuclear arsenals, a MAD enough antidote capable of curing this level of neocon insanity could be an even stronger dose of madness such as a firm ‘strategic military alliance’ between nuclear armed Russia, China and North Korea; unfortunately now shaping up to be the only potential nuclear armed alliance capable of deterring todays numerous neocon driven Anglo/American alliances.

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