Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

China: Palestine has right to armed struggle

In the following article, which was originally published in Workers World, John Catalinotto welcomes the presentation made by senior Chinese Foreign Ministry official Ma Xinmin to the International Court of Justice at The Hague, Holland, on February 22, affirming that the Palestinian people have the right in international law to engage in armed struggle. 

He writes that this bold statement “illustrates the worldwide shift in popular support for Palestine and the growing mass anger against the Israeli occupation state and its imperialist enablers,” adding that it, “not only reflects the strength of a massive worldwide movement, it adds to that strength… Even if China’s actions were limited to diplomatic support, the Palestinian position would be strengthened. But the Chinese government has also announced plans to send its third shipment of material aid to Gaza.”

John notes that while the US corporate media constantly attacks on China on a wide range of issues, it had avoided even negative commentary on this statement and concludes:

“China’s positions hold authority with many anti-imperialist and pro-socialist activists and organisations worldwide. Should this statement be publicised it can help build solidarity of communist and workers’ organisations in the imperialist countries with the organisations of different ideologies who are leading the struggle for self-determination in Palestine and in all of West Asia.

“China’s leaders have aided the peoples’ struggles worldwide by taking this bold position in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.”

Senior Chinese official Ma Xinmin made a powerful statement Feb. 22 before the International Court of Justice that Palestinians have the right to engage in armed struggle, because they live under an illegal Israeli occupation.

Ma, who is director general of the department of treaty and law at China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the 15-judge panel in The Hague, Netherlands, that armed struggle differed from terrorism. “In pursuit of the right to self-determination,” said Ma, “Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is an inalienable right well founded in international law.” (Palestine Chronicle, Feb. 22)

Ma’s statement marked a break with China’s policy prior to Oct. 7, 2023, of normalizing economic and diplomatic ties with Israel. China’s latest statement confronted the U.S.-European Union policy of supporting Israel with military, diplomatic and economic assistance.

While avoiding any military provocation, the Chinese government and Communist Party have consistently defended Chinese sovereignty and Chinese national interests against any challenge from U.S. imperialism and its allies. Ma’s statement extends that defense in the diplomatic arena to the right of the Palestinian people to fight for self-determination.

Reflects mass worldwide support for Palestine

That China’s policy makers would make such a bold challenge illustrates the worldwide shift in popular support for Palestine and the growing mass anger against the Israeli occupation state and its imperialist enablers. It indicates that political leaders are well-aware that hundreds of millions of people around the world are pressuring political actors regarding what position they are taking to stop the genocide in Gaza.

The massive international solidarity with Palestine emboldens those in leadership or vital positions to take steps to stop the massacre of Palestinian civilians, stop the slaughter of children, stop killings that much of the world sees as genocide.

Now a representative of People’s China has said that international law is on the side of the Palestinians. That Palestine has a legitimate fight for self-determination. That Palestinians have the right to wage armed struggle.

“The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts,” Ma said. (Palestine Chronicle, Feb. 22)

The Chinese statement not only reflects the strength of a massive worldwide movement, it adds to that strength. After all, as much production takes place in China as the next nine countries combined — including the U.S., Germany, Japan, Britain and India. That’s according to the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in Europe.

Even if China’s actions were limited to diplomatic support, the Palestinian position would be strengthened. But the Chinese government has also announced plans to send its third shipment of material aid to Gaza.

Through much of 2023, it seemed the U.S. corporate media, including establishment media like The New York Times, went out of their way to attack some aspects of life in People’s China or policies of the Chinese Communist Party. Strangely enough, there has been no or little coverage of Ma’s statement to the court, not even an attack, as of Feb. 26.

Media based in the Middle East and South Asia, on the contrary, gave Ma’s statement full coverage.

China’s positions hold authority with many anti-imperialist and pro-socialist activists and organizations worldwide. Should this statement be publicized it can help build solidarity of communist and workers’ organizations in the imperialist countries with the organizations of different ideologies who are leading the struggle for self-determination in Palestine and in all of West Asia.

China’s leaders have aided the peoples’ struggles worldwide by taking this bold position in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

2 thoughts on “China: Palestine has right to armed struggle”

  1. I am from Vancouver, Canada and i wanted to say that the 13 American Colonies of England got its Independence from England during the American Revolution. It took armed struggle to accomplish that.
    The American Gov’t forgets about that when it comes to Armed Struggle in Palestine. The People of the world don’t forget about Palestine when Genocide is been carried out by Israel against the Palestine People.The Gov’ts of Canada,USA and Europe are complicit in the Israeli Genocide of Palestine.That is a War Crime and a Crime against Humanity. These Gov’ts should have to pay a Heavy Price for

    1. The foundation of Canada, USA and Australia is genocide. When the Indigenous populations fought the expropriation of their land, they were killed, or at ‘best’ their culture and traditions and languages were exposed to cultural genocide. So genocide is in the anglo-saxon DNA, also clearly shown in the British ‘administration’ of India.

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