Many people are asking the US: Did the US respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia when US-led NATO bombed Belgrade? Did the US respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq when it launched military strikes on Baghdad on unwarranted charges? Did the US respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan when US drones wantonly killed innocent people in Kabul and other places? Did the US respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries when it instigated color revolutions and meddled in their internal affairs all around the world?
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 23, 2022

The USA has ruthlessly manipulated the United nations from the day it was created. The UN needs a top to bottom overhaul to enable it to become the worlds only legal peacekee[er and to give it the teeth to deal with the USA’s blatent disregard fron international law.
I am from Vancouver,Canada and i wanted to say that Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity seems to be a problem for the US Gov’t. They don’t seem to know how to handle it.Since Imperialism is the opposite of Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity the US Gov’t can’t have both.The US Gov’t is the enemy of all people who believe in Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity.
Yeah , double standards. So, what ?? the US , they think they can behave in any manner because they think they are bloody self-proclaimed policeman of the world. I remember in the 60’s , they nearly shitted in their pants re Cuban missile installation. Today, they pretend not to understand why Russia is concerned about Ukraine joining NATO, huh ? I feel like using the four letter word, “F… Off , US “