Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

Reminder: The Summit for Socialist Democracy (11 December)

A reminder that our Summit for Socialist Democracy webinar takes place on Saturday 11 December, 9am US Eastern / 2pm Britain / 10pm China.


On December 9-10, Biden is hosting a ‘Summit  for Democracy’, “bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal” and to “defend against authoritarianism”. The geopolitical theme of this is, of course, to close ranks in the capitalist world against China, Russia, Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela and other countries. The ideological theme is to reaffirm the superiority of capitalism and so-called liberal democracy.

Our event will challenge the dominant narratives around democracy, will highlight the democratic systems prevailing in socialist societies, will discuss the plutocratic nature of neoliberal capitalism, and will expose how the concept of democracy is leveraged in support of a deeply undemocratic and violent imperialism.

The event is organised jointly by Friends of Socialist China and the International Manifesto Group, and is co-sponsored by the Morning Star, the International Action CenterNodutdol and Qiao Collective.


  • Cheng Enfu (Principal Professor, University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
  • Carlos Ron (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America, Venezuela)
  • Isabel Monal Rodríguez (Director of the Department of Marxist Studies, Academy of Sciences of Cuba)
  • Luna Oi (Vietnamese blogger and broadcaster)
  • Kiyul Chung (Professor, Tsinghua University, China; Korea University, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Layla Brown (Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, US)
  • Zhai Guoqiang (Deputy Director of the Institute of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
  • Elias Jabbour (Professor, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil)
  • Roland Boer (Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China)
  • Danny Haiphong (Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China; Contributing editor, Black Agenda Report)
  • Ju-Hyun Park (Writer and organizer, Nodutdol)
  • Moderator: Radhika Desai (Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada)

2 thoughts on “Reminder: The Summit for Socialist Democracy (11 December)”

  1. I am from Vancouver,Canada and i listened to the Summit for Socialist Democracy earlier today.It is good that people around the world got an alternative to Capitalist Democracy.For People who want to know more about Democracy in western countries this was a good summit to listen to.This summit showed that Socialist Democracy is far better for the working class which is the majority of people in all countries than Capitalist Democracy.
    Here in Canada,USA and Europe people get fed up with Politics because it dosen’t do them any good.The majority of people don’t have a say in how things are done to improve their lives and as a result nothing gets changed.With Socialist Democracy people have a say in how things are done and people are interested in working with the Gov’t.Summits like this one are good for people living in Capitalist Countries with no where to turn to learn about Socialism.Once people know about the advantages of Socialism they will not go back to Capitalism.People can make change in all ways of life with Socialism something that can’t happen within a Capitalist System.

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