Nepali Prime Minister: Nepal will continue to strengthen cooperation with China

China has moved to further develop its friendly relations with Nepal, particularly with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (CPNMC), which currently leads the country’s ruling coalition.

On April 27, Nepali Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who is also known as Prachanda and who is the leader of the CPNMC, said in his capital Kathmandu that Nepal will unswervingly support China on issues concerning her core interests and looks forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields. He was meeting with Luo Zhaohui, head of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, who was leading a delegation to the country.

With the exchange of high-level visits and the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries, Nepal-China relations have been elevated to a new height, stated the prime minister.

He said that the Nepali side sincerely thanks China for its support and assistance in Nepal’s economic and social development, poverty reduction and anti-epidemic efforts.

Prachanda voiced hope that the two sides will further strengthen cooperation in the fields of infrastructure connectivity, tourism, healthcare, education, agriculture and water conservancy, promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI).

For his part, Luo noted that China and Nepal are good neighbours connected by mountains and rivers, good partners in mutually beneficial cooperation and good friends helping each other.

He added that the proposal of building a China-Nepal trans-Himalayan multi-dimensional connectivity network in particular charts a strategic direction for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

Earlier, on April 18, Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (IDCPC), met with a delegation of senior cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) led by Dev Prasad Gurung, General Secretary of the party.

Liu said that the Chinese side supports the Nepali side in exploring a development path that suits its national conditions and is willing to help Nepal prosper and develop. The CPC attaches great importance to its friendly relations with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre). Under the new situation, it is willing to expand exchanges between the two parties, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance and administration, and promote practical cooperation between the two sides in agriculture, investment, infrastructure, border trade and tourism.

Gurung said, the Nepali side thanks the Chinese side for its long-term support and assistance in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence and achieving economic and social development and hopes to work with the Chinese side to jointly promote Belt and Road cooperation, as well as enhance the level of connectivity between the two countries.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

Nepali PM voices firm support for China in safeguarding core interests

KATHMANDU, April 27 (Xinhua) — Nepali Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said on Friday that Nepal will unswervingly support China on issues concerning China’s core interests and looks forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields.

Dahal, also known as Prachanda, made the remarks while meeting in Kathmandu with Luo Zhaohui, head of the China International Development Cooperation Agency.

With the exchange of high-level visits and the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries, Nepal-China relations have been elevated to a new height, stated the prime minister.

He said that the Nepali side sincerely thanks China for its support and assistance in Nepal’s economic and social development, poverty reduction and anti-epidemic efforts.

Dahal voiced hope that the two sides will further strengthen cooperation in the fields of infrastructure connectivity, tourism, healthcare, education, agriculture and water conservancy, promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and implement the Global Development Initiative.

For his part, Luo noted that China and Nepal are good neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, good partners in mutually beneficial cooperation and good friends helping each other.

Luo said the proposal of building a China-Nepal trans-Himalayan multi-dimensional connectivity network in particular charts a strategic direction for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

He suggested that both sides should implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, strengthen the alignment of strategic plans, deepen practical cooperation and push bilateral relations to a new level.

During his stay in Nepal, Luo also met respectively with Sher Bahadur Deuba, president of the Nepali Congress party and former prime minister, K.P. Sharma Oli, chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) and former prime minister, and held talks with Nepal’s Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun and signed related cooperation documents.

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Chen Song was present at the meetings.

Liu Jianchao Meets with a Delegation of Senior Cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center)

BEIJING, April 18 (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with a delegation of senior cadres of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) led by Dev Prasad Gurung, General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center).

Liu said, in recent years, under the joint leadership of President Xi Jinping and Nepali leaders, relations between the two countries have continued to develop. The Chinese side supports the Nepali side in exploring a development path that suits its national conditions, and is willing to help Nepal prosper and develop. The CPC attaches great importance to its friendly relations with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center). Under the new situation, it is willing to expand exchanges between the two Parties, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance and administration, and promote practical cooperation between the two sides in agriculture, investment, infrastructure, border trade and tourism through “political party +” and other channels, so as to push China-Nepal relations to a new level.  

Gurung said, the Nepali side thanks the Chinese side for the long-term support and assistance in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence and achieving economic and social development, and hopes to work with the Chinese side to jointly promote Belt and Road cooperation, as well as enhance the level of connectivity between the two countries. The Nepali side firmly adheres to the one-China principle and does not allow any force to use Nepal’s territory for anti-China activities. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) highly admires the CPC’s governance achievements and governance concepts, and is willing to further strengthen exchanges between the two Parties, deepen theoretical exchanges, promote Nepal-China relations for healthy development, and promote regional peace, development and stability.  

Sun Haiyan, Vice-minister of the IDCPC, was present.

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