China and Guinea-Bissau elevate bilateral relations to a strategic partnership

The President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo paid a state visit to China from July 9-13 at the invitation of his counterpart, Xi Jinping. 

At their meeting on July 10, the two leaders elevated their bilateral relations to a strategic partnership.

President Xi noted that in recent years, China and Guinea-Bissau have deepened bilateral relations, strengthened political mutual trust, expanded pragmatic cooperation and enhanced international coordination. China supports Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path that suits its national conditions. He stressed that China stands ready to strengthen friendly exchanges with Guinea-Bissau at all levels, enhance experience-sharing on governance, and expand cooperation in areas such as agriculture, mining, infrastructure construction and the blue economy under the guidance of the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China is willing to continue to provide support within its capacity for Guinea-Bissau’s domestic construction and will continue to send its rice experts and medical teams to assist Guinea-Bissau in ensuring food security and developing public health, he added, calling on the two sides to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in education, youth and other fields to bring the two peoples’ hearts closer.

Both China and Africa have splendid civilisations, both have suffered from the painful history of colonisation and aggression, and both cherish and pursue national independence and liberation, Xi said, adding that mutual support and assistance between China and African countries are sincere and genuine. China and African countries are good brothers with sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and offer an exemplary model for unity and cooperation between developing nations.

Noting that two weeks ago, the commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were held in Beijing, and this autumn, a new Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit will be held in Beijing, Xi said China is willing to work with Guinea-Bissau and other African countries to champion the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, discuss major plans for China-Africa cooperation in the new era, safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice, and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

Embalo said Guinea-Bissau and China enjoy a solid and cordial relationship marked by unwavering mutual support, adding that whenever Guinea-Bissau faces difficulties, China has always provided invaluable assistance without hesitation, a gesture that the people of Guinea-Bissau will never forget.

Guinea-Bissau admires China’s remarkable development achievements and regards China as its top priority in foreign relations and most important partner. China, he added, has never engaged in colonialism, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, or pointed fingers at other countries, and China has always treated small countries with equality and respect, consistently matching its words with actions.

Noting that China has brought cooperation projects to Africa, including schools, hospitals and roads, delivering benefits to the African people, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau greatly appreciates China’s important role and positive contributions in helping the development of the African continent, and actively supports China in hosting the new FOCAC Summit. Guinea-Bissau supports the BRI, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by President Xi and is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with China on multilateral affairs, to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Meeting Li Qiang on the same day, the Chinese Premier noted that China and Guinea-Bissau are reliable good brothers and good partners. China always attaches importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with Guinea-Bissau. He added that China supports the people of Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions and supports Guinea-Bissau in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.

Noting that Guinea-Bissau sincerely appreciates China’s long-term valuable support for its economic and social development, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau is willing to further strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields such as economy, trade and infrastructure construction, and continue to move forward for common development.

Announcing  Embalo’s visit at a Foreign Ministry press conference, spokesperson Lin Jian  noted that the Chinese people firmly supported the people of Guinea-Bissau in their struggle for national independence and liberation in the 1970s. And giving a press conference at Bissau airport prior to his departure for China, Embalo said the two countries “have been traditional partners since the beginning of the national liberation struggle of Guinea-Bissau.” 

In a generally hostile article, Germany’s Deutsche Welle nevertheless noted, “Bissau and Beijing are already collaborating in the areas of education, health, agriculture, infrastructure, fisheries and defence. Ahead of the state visit, the next joint projects were announced: China will finance a large conference centre for the upcoming rotating presidency of Guinea-Bissau in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). Additionally, 300 kilometres of roads will be renovated. Furthermore, a new university campus for 12,000 students will be constructed, among other investments, the Bissau-Guinean president announced.

“‘Before we set off for Beijing, China had already announced a donation of $27.5 million for Guinea-Bissau,’ said  Embalo.” 

It quotes local journalist Bacar Camara as saying that “the relationships date back to the 1970s when Mao Zedong’s China supported our freedom fighter Amilcar Cabral in his fight against the Portuguese colonial rulers. The first soldiers of the liberation organisation PAIGC [the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde] were trained militarily in China.”

(Besides leading the liberation struggle in Guinea-Bissau, Amilcar Cabral was also a significant and creative Marxist-Leninist thinker and theoretician.)

A scholarly article in the journal International History Review dates the relationship between China and the PAIGC to May 1960. A touching feature article carried by the Xinhua News Agency to coincide with the state visit underlined the longevity of this fraternal relationship of solidarity. 

According to Xinhua: “In the square outside the east entrance of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping held an official welcome ceremony for President Umaro Sissoco Embalo of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on Wednesday, featuring a unique touch: the playing of Guinea-Bissau’s national anthem, ‘This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland.’

“The anthem, written by Guinea-Bissau’s founding father Amilcar Lopes Cabral, has a surprising composer – Chinese musician Xiao He. In the later official meeting between the two presidents, Xi talked with a smile about this intriguing detail. ‘China and Guinea-Bissau have a special history of friendship,’ he said. ‘The national anthem of Guinea-Bissau, ‘This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland,’ which was played at the welcome ceremony just now, was written by Amilcar Lopes Cabral, the founding father of Guinea-Bissau, and composed by Chinese musician Xiao He.”

In response, Embalo said: “President Xi mentioned our national anthem just now, which we sing every day. It was written by our founding father and composed by a Chinese friend. This is something we will never forget.”

He also highlighted China’s support before and after the founding of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, saying the two peoples have always stood together.

The history of the national anthem traces back to 1963, when a delegation from then Portuguese Guinea visited China and heard a piece of music by Xiao He. Cabral, a member of the delegation, then asked Xiao to compose a piece that would inspire his people in their fight for independence. Xiao gladly agreed. Drawing inspiration from African music and set to a 1963 poem by Cabral, Xiao composed a song which later became the national anthem of the western African country.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Chinese, Guinea-Bissau presidents hold talks, elevate ties

BEIJING, July 10 (Xinhua) — China and Guinea-Bissau on Wednesday elevated their relations to a strategic partnership.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Umaro Sissoco Embalo, president of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, announced this when holding talks in Beijing.

Noting that in recent years, China and Guinea-Bissau have deepened bilateral relations, strengthened political mutual trust, expanded pragmatic cooperation and enhanced international coordination, Xi said China supports Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path that suits its national conditions.

Xi said China is willing to work with Guinea-Bissau to inherit the traditional friendship, consolidate political mutual trust, expand pragmatic cooperation, continuously enrich the connotation of the strategic partnership between the two countries, and help Guinea-Bissau achieve better national development.

He stressed that China stands ready to strengthen friendly exchanges with Guinea-Bissau at all levels, enhance experience-sharing on governance, and expand cooperation in areas such as agriculture, mining, infrastructure construction and the blue economy under the guidance of the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Xi said China welcomes high-quality agricultural products from Guinea-Bissau to enter the Chinese market, and encourages Chinese enterprises to invest and carry out cooperation in Guinea-Bissau and help Guinea-Bissau transform its resource potential into development momentum.

China is willing to continue to provide support within its capacity for Guinea-Bissau’s domestic construction, and will continue to send its rice experts and medical teams to assist Guinea-Bissau in ensuring food security and developing public health, he added.

Xi called on the two sides to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in education, youth and other fields to bring the two peoples’ hearts closer. China will continue to provide government scholarships and training opportunities to help Guinea-Bissau cultivate more talents for its national development, he said.

Both China and Africa have splendid civilizations, both have suffered from the painful history of colonization and aggression, and both cherish and pursue national independence and liberation, Xi said, adding that mutual support and assistance between China and African countries are sincere and genuine.

Xi said China and African countries are good brothers with sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and offer an exemplary model for unity and cooperation between developing nations. Under the new circumstances, the two sides should join hands to usher in a new era, Xi added.

Xi said the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is an important platform for the Chinese and African people to practice the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and promote common development.

Noting that two weeks ago, the commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were held in Beijing, and this autumn, a new FOCAC Summit will be held in Beijing, Xi said China is willing to work with Guinea-Bissau and other African countries to champion the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, discuss major plans for China-Africa cooperation in the new era, safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice, and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

Embalo said Guinea-Bissau and China enjoy a solid and cordial relationship marked by unwavering mutual support, adding that whenever Guinea-Bissau faces difficulties, China has always provided invaluable assistance without hesitation, a gesture that the people of Guinea-Bissau will never forget.

Embalo said Guinea-Bissau will continue to stand firmly with China, uphold the one-China principle and support China’s position on its core interests such as the Taiwan question. Guinea-Bissau admires China’s remarkable development achievements and regards China as its top priority in foreign relations and most important partner. Guinea-Bissau hopes to learn from China’s development experience, and strengthen cooperation with China in areas such as trade, investment, infrastructure and mineral resources.

Embalo said China has never engaged in colonialism, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, or pointed fingers at other countries, and China has always treated small countries with equality and respect, consistently matching its words with actions.

Noting that China has brought cooperation projects to Africa, including schools, hospitals and roads, delivering benefits to the African people, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau greatly appreciates China’s important role and positive contributions in helping the development of the African continent, and actively supports China in hosting the new FOCAC Summit.

Guinea-Bissau supports the BRI, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi, and is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with China on multilateral affairs, to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity, Embalo added.

After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents regarding the Global Development Initiative, economic development, customs inspection and quarantine, geology, mining and other fields.

The two sides also issued a joint statement on establishing the strategic partnership.

Chinese premier meets Guinea-Bissau president in Beijing

BEIJING, July 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with Guinea-Bissau President Umaro Sissoco Embalo in Beijing on Wednesday, pledging to expand mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve common development.

Noting that China and Guinea-Bissau are reliable good brothers and good partners, Li said China always attaches importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with Guinea-Bissau.

In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the two countries have carried forward the traditional friendship continuously, developed bilateral relations steadily and smoothly, and achieved fruitful cooperation, Li said.

He said China is willing to work with Guinea-Bissau to follow the direction guided by the two heads of state, consolidate and deepen political mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, better achieve common development and bring more benefits to the two peoples.

Li noted that China supports the people of Guinea-Bissau in independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions and supports Guinea-Bissau in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.

China stands ready to enhance the synergy of development strategies with Guinea-Bissau, share more development experience, advance pragmatic and efficient cooperation with Guinea-Bissau, and help Guinea-Bissau enhance the internal driving force for development, he said.

He called on the two countries to make good use of important platforms such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to deepen cooperation on agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure construction.

China is willing to import more quality agricultural products from Guinea-Bissau, Li said, noting that China encourages its enterprises to expand investment in Guinea-Bissau and hopes that Guinea-Bissau will continue to provide convenience and support.

“China stands ready to strengthen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation with Guinea-Bissau on medical care, health and education, and welcomes more outstanding Guinea-Bissau students to study in China,” he added.

Noting that Guinea-Bissau sincerely appreciates China’s long-term valuable support for its economic and social development, Embalo said Guinea-Bissau is willing to further strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields such as economy, trade and infrastructure construction, and continue to move forward for common development.

Guinea-Bissau firmly abides by the one-China principle, supports the major concepts and global initiatives, including the building of a community with a shared future for humanity and the Belt and Road Initiative, and stands ready to work with China to achieve fruitful results at the next summit of FOCAC, to be held in China this fall, Embalo said.

A national anthem testifies to China-Guinea-Bissau friendship

BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) — In the square outside the east entrance of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping held an official welcome ceremony for President Umaro Sissoco Embalo of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on Wednesday, featuring a unique touch: the playing of Guinea-Bissau’s national anthem, “This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland.”

The anthem, written by Guinea-Bissau’s founding father Amilcar Lopes Cabral, has a surprising composer — Chinese musician Xiao He.

In the later official meeting between the two presidents, Xi talked with a smile about this intriguing detail. “China and Guinea-Bissau have a special history of friendship,” he said. “The national anthem of Guinea-Bissau ‘This Is Our Well Beloved Motherland,’ which was played at the welcome ceremony just now, was written by Amilcar Lopes Cabral, the founding father of Guinea-Bissau, and composed by Chinese musician Xiao He.”

“This is a good story in the history of exchanges between our two countries and a witness to the profound friendship between our two peoples,” he said.

In response, Embalo, wearing a red tie with a dark suit, said: “President Xi mentioned our national anthem just now, which we sing every day. It was written by our founding father and composed by a Chinese friend. This is something we will never forget.”

He also highlighted China’s support before and after the founding of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, saying the two peoples have always stood together.

The history of the national anthem traces back to 1963, when a delegation from then Portuguese Guinea visited China and heard a piece of music by Xiao He. Cabral, a delegate and independence leader of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, then asked Xiao to compose a piece that would inspire his people in their fight for independence. Xiao gladly agreed. Drawing inspiration from African music and set to a 1963 poem by Cabral, Xiao composed a song which later became the national anthem of the western African country.

Powerful and heroic in melody, the song fully demonstrates the steel will of the people of Guinea-Bissau in their pursuit of independence. The piece was later adopted by Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde as the national anthem upon their independence from Portugal in 1974.

“It remains Guinea-Bissau’s national anthem to this very day,” said Guinea-Bissau’s ambassador to China Antonio Serifo Embalo. “It’s a story that testifies to the enduring friendship between Guinea-Bissau and China.”

The long-standing friendship between China and Guinea-Bissau is also evident in their practical cooperation across various fields. Over the years, China has provided substantial support to Guinea-Bissau in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture, and education.

“China truly understands the needs of African countries and is a good partner for them,” said Diamantino Lopes, a sociologist and professor at Lusofona University of Guinea-Bissau.

The longstanding half-century traditional friendship has laid a solid foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation today, and China’s support in developing talents in education, health, and agriculture is crucial for Guinea-Bissau’s development, he said.

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