China, Russia, Laos pledge concerted efforts to safeguard common interests

From July 25-27, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to Laos, where he also attended a number of international meetings principally connected to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and related cooperation mechanisms, along with bilateral dialogues with his counterparts from many countries.

In a round of engagements on July 25, Wang met with General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith.

During the meeting, Thongloun said that the important conclusions and innovative achievements of the recently held third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee have provided important references for Laos to promote the socialist cause.

He thanked China for providing valuable support for Laos’ economic and social development over the years, saying that the Laos-China Railway has helped the Lao people realise their dreams and is a precious symbol of friendship between the people of the two countries.

Laos is willing to deepen cooperation with China, speed up comprehensive development along the Laos-China Railway, and build landmark projects of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation that carry forward the Laos-China traditional friendship, Thongloun said, adding that Laos welcomes more investments by Chinese enterprises to help the country enhance its capacity for independent development. He also noted that Laos will never allow anyone to undermine its friendship and practical cooperation with China

Wang responded that China firmly supports Laos in exploring a development path suited to its own conditions and in safeguarding its national sovereignty and dignity, is willing to deepen all-round cooperation with Laos, to strengthen comprehensive development along the China-Laos Railway and to promote connectivity to boost Laos’ economic development

The same day, Wang Yi also held talks with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith

He said that China has always prioritised the development of China-Laos relations in its neighbourhood diplomacy and supported Laos in taking the path of socialism which suits its national conditions, and in promoting the cause of innovation and opening-up,

China is willing to introduce the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the new measures to further deepen reforms comprehensively, share reform and development experiences in a timely manner, jointly improve the ability of governance, and join hands to promote the cause of socialism.

The two sides should implement the action plan for building the community with a shared future signed by the leaders of the two parties and countries.  Based on the construction of the China-Laos Railway, they should give full play to the ‘first-mover’ advantage, build the China-Laos Economic Corridor, and help Laos enhance its capacity for independent development and achieve economic revitalisation. China will continue to provide all possible support for the economic and social development of Laos, deepen practical cooperation in energy, minerals and other fields, and import more high-quality Lao agricultural products to bring more benefits to the Lao people.

The two sides also exchanged views on regional cooperation, saying that they will work together to resist the interference and infiltration of external forces, jointly safeguard the ASEAN-centred regional architecture, and jointly promote regional peace, stability and prosperity. (This and similar subsequent references in this introduction to the interference and infiltration of external forces refers above all to moves by NATO to advance into the East Asian region along with related moves by the United States to further tighten military alignments with Japan and some other countries.)

Wang said China will continue to fully support Laos in fulfilling its responsibilities as the rotating chair of ASEAN and in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

Also on July 25, in the first such meeting of its kind, China, Russia and Laos jointly pledged to enhance cooperation to safeguard the common interests of the three countries, thereby contributing to regional stability and prosperity and a proper response to risks and challenges. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith all underlined these points in the course of their trilateral meeting.

Wang highlighted a world of accelerating changes unseen in a century, with new turbulences ahead, a transforming international system, and a sluggish global economic recovery. He further cited rising hegemonism, unilateralism and protectionism, and the undercurrents of “small courtyard and high wall” and “decoupling and breaking chains,” coupled with persisting regional conflicts as being among the pervading destabilising, uncertain and unpredictable factors around the world.

He added that the Global South is growing and emerging powers are rising inexorably, noting that strengthening regional cooperation, promoting integrated development, and practicing multilateralism are the common aspirations of countries, while building a community with a shared future for humanity presents a brighter prospect.

He stressed that China, Russia and Laos are all emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region and constructive forces for regional peace and development, as well as the fact that they are the current rotating chairs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) [China], BRICS group [Russia] and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) [Laos], respectively. Enhancing cooperation among the three countries will not only help safeguard their common interests, but also send a clear message of solidarity and cooperation among regional countries, joining efforts to promote regional stability and prosperity and to cope with risks and challenges.

During their meeting, the three sides spoke highly of the fruitful outcomes of high-quality Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation, pledging to push for synergy between the BRI and development strategies of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and ASEAN, and so creating more growth areas for cooperation to revitalise regional integration. They vowed efforts to forge a closer connectivity partnership, with help from a high-quality two-way operation of the China-Laos Railway and the China-Europe Express, that enable a railway corridor linking Russia, China’s Manzhouli, Chengdu, and Kunming, Laos’ Vientiane and Thailand’s Bangkok, including expanding and upgrading supporting industries, and maintaining stable and smooth industrial and supply chains.

The three sides expressed concerns over non-regional forces fanning fires in the Asia-Pacific region, and their willingness to step up coordination and cooperation to cool down hotspot issues in maintaining regional security and stability. They agreed to jointly oppose power politics, to resist camp confrontations, to practice multilateralism and to safeguard international fairness and justice.

They also said they will work for a synergy of SCO and BRICS cooperation mechanisms with the ASEAN cooperation architecture, and so push regional integration. They expect to welcome the attendance by the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Secretary-General of the SCO to each other’s meetings. The Chinese and Russian sides also said that they support Laos in becoming a dialogue partner of the SCO and in  participating in activities of the BRICS mechanism. 

The same day Wang also had a bilateral meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. The Chinese Foreign Minister said that China-Russia relations are mature, stable, resilient and independent, with solid political mutual trust, deepening strategic coordination, broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation, vibrant people-to-people exchanges and productive international cooperation. He noted that, in the face of the volatile and complex international situation and external disturbances and obstacles, China is ready to work with Russia to uphold the original aspiration of everlasting good neighbourliness and friendship, firmly support each other, safeguard each other’s core interests, and remain each other’s good partner for development and revitalisation.

China is ready to work with Russia to uphold the ASEAN-centred, open and inclusive regional cooperation architecture, promote the existing East Asia mechanism to deepen cooperation consensus, and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Lavrov said that Russia will work with China to support the centrality of ASEAN and prevent the interference and infiltration of external forces.

Both countries expressed the willingness to strengthen cooperation within multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and BRICS. Wang said China fully supports Russia in fulfilling its responsibilities as the rotating chair of BRICS and preparing for the upcoming Summit scheduled to be held in the Russian city of Kazan. Lavrov said Russia fully supports China in assuming the rotating presidency of the SCO following the recent Astana Summit in the Kazakh capital.

The two sides also exchanged views on major issues concerning peace and security, believing that the victory and a correct view of World War Two should be jointly safeguarded. Next year, the two sides have already agreed to jointly celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory over fascism, in which the Soviet people’s victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Chinese people’s victory in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression were the decisive factors.

Lavrov further congratulated China on successfully promoting the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by the 14 Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, saying that Russia will work together with China to restore peace in the Middle East.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

China to adhere to reform, socialist market economy: Chinese FM

VIENTIANE, July 25 (Xinhua) — China will adhere to the correct political direction of reform, build a high-level socialist market economy, and provide a strong driving force and institutional guarantee for advancing Chinese-style modernization, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday in Vientiane.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks when meeting with General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith.

During the meeting, Thongloun said that the important conclusions and innovative achievements of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee have provided important references for Laos to promote the socialist cause.

He thanked China for providing valuable support for Laos’ economic and social development over the years, saying that the Laos-China Railway has helped the Lao people realize their dreams and is a precious symbol of friendship between the people of the two countries.

Laos is willing to deepen cooperation with China, speed up comprehensive development along the Laos-China Railway, and build landmark projects of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation that carry forward the Laos-China traditional friendship, Thongloun said, adding that Laos welcomes more investments by Chinese enterprises to help the country enhance its capacity for independent development.

He also noted that Laos will never allow anyone to undermine its friendship and practical cooperation with China, and stands ready to work with China to translate the consensus reached by the top leaders of the two countries into tangible results, pushing the Laos-China community with a shared future to a higher level.

For his part, Wang said the third plenary session proposed more than 300 reform tasks, outlined a blueprint for deepening reform across the board, and sent a clear signal that reform and opening up will always be in progress.

Wang said China appreciates that Laos has always stood with China on issues concerning China’s core interests and major concerns, and will continue to be the most reliable friend and partner of Laos, ready to enhance experience sharing with Laos on governance.

China firmly supports Laos in exploring a development path suited to its own and in safeguarding its national sovereignty and dignity, willing to deepen all-round cooperation with Laos, strengthen comprehensive development along the China-Laos Railway and promote connectivity to boost Laos’ economic development, said the foreign minister.

Wang proposed that the two sides should join hands to resolutely crack down on cross-border crimes, creating a good business environment for economic and trade cooperation.

On the same day, Wang also met with Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone and held talks with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith.

Chinese, Lao foreign ministers vow to expand practical cooperation

VIENTIANE, July 25 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith here on Thursday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said China and Laos share a river and a common future, and a high degree of mutual trust and mutual assistance are thus the distinctive features of the China-Laos community with a shared future.

Under the strategic guidance of the top leaders of the two parties and countries, Wang said, the building of the China-Laos community with a shared future has achieved fruitful results, which is in line with the aspiration of both peoples and the trend of the times.

China has always prioritized the development of China-Laos relations in its neighborhood diplomacy and supported Laos in taking the path of socialism which suits its national conditions, and in promoting the cause of innovation and opening-up, Wang said.

He noted that China is willing to work with Laos to deepen strategic mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, share development opportunities and work hand in hand towards modernization.

China is willing to introduce the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the new measures to further deepen reforms comprehensively, share reform and development experiences in a timely manner, jointly improve the ability of governance, and join hands to promote the cause of socialism, Wang said.

The two sides should implement the action plan for building the community with a shared future signed by the leaders of the two parties and countries, Wang said, adding that based on the construction of the China-Laos Railway, the two sides should give full play to the first-mover advantage, build the China-Laos Economic Corridor, and help Laos enhance its capacity for independent development and achieve economic revitalization.

China will continue to provide all possible support for the economic and social development of Laos, deepen practical cooperation in energy, minerals and other fields, and import more high-quality Lao agricultural products to bring more benefits to the Lao people, said the Chinese foreign minister.

Saleumxay, for his part, said that the successful holding of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC central committee has provided valuable experience for the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party to enhance its governing capacity.

He said Laos cherishes the firm friendship with China, firmly supports the building of the Laos-China community with a shared future, and is willing to implement the new version of the action plan, prepare for the next stage of high-level exchanges between the two countries, expand practical cooperation in various fields, and work together to combat transnational crime.

The Lao side has implemented a visa-free policy for Chinese group tourists and welcomes more Chinese visitors, he noted.

The two sides also exchanged views on regional cooperation, saying that they will work together to resist the interference and infiltration of external forces, jointly safeguard the ASEAN-centered regional architecture, and jointly promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Wang said China will continue to fully support Laos in fulfilling its responsibilities as the rotating chair of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

After the talks, the two sides witnessed the signing of documents on cooperation in education, medical care and other livelihood issues.

China, Russia, Laos pledge concerted efforts to safeguard common interests

VIENTIANE, July 26 (Xinhua) — China, Russia and Laos on Thursday pledged to enhance cooperation to safeguard the common interests of the three countries, contributing to regional stability, prosperity and response to risks and challenges.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith made the remarks during a trilateral meeting in the Lao capital Vientiane, where a series of meetings of foreign ministers of southeastern and eastern Asian countries are being held.

At the trilateral meeting, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, highlighted a world of accelerating changes unseen in a century, with new turbulences ahead, a transforming international system, and a sluggish global economic recovery.

He cited rising hegemonism, unilateralism and protectionism, and the undercurrents of “small courtyard and high wall” and “decoupling and breaking chains,” coupled with persisting regional conflicts as among pervading destabilizing, uncertain and unpredictable factors around the world.

However, the Chinese foreign minister emphasized peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit remain the common aspiration of the people of the international community, with world multipolarity, economic globalization and democracy in international relations still being the major trend of today’s world.

Wang said the Global South is growing and emerging powers are rising inexorably, noting strengthening regional cooperation, promoting integrated development and practicing multilateralism are the common aspirations of countries while building a community with a shared future for mankind presenting a brighter prospect.

Wang stressed China, Russia and Laos as emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region and as constructive forces for regional peace and development, as well as the fact that they are the current rotating chairs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS group and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), respectively.

Enhancing cooperation among the three countries will not only help safeguard their common interests, but also send a clear message of solidarity and cooperation among regional countries joining efforts to promote regional stability and prosperity and cope with risks and challenges, he said.

China speaks highly of Laos’ chairmanship of ASEAN and stands ready to work with Russia to support the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture and support Laos and ASEAN countries in keeping East Asia cooperation on the right track, Wang said.

Agreeing to China’s insights into the international situation, Lavrov and Saleumxay said the three countries have shared stances and views on many major issues.

According to the two foreign ministers, Russia and Laos are willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China, consolidate political mutual trust, and plan for future cooperation in forming greater synergy to safeguard the common interests of the three countries as well as regional countries.

During their meeting, the three sides spoke highly of the fruitful outcomes of high-quality Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation, pledging to push for synergy between the BRI and development strategies of the Eurasian Economic Union and ASEAN, creating more growth areas for cooperation to revitalize regional integration.

They vowed efforts to forge a closer connectivity partnership, with the help from a high-quality two-way operation of China-Laos Railway and China-Europe Express that enables a railway corridor linking Russia, China’s Manzhouli, Chengdu, and Kunming, Laos’ Vientiane and Thailand’s Bangkok, including expanding and upgrading supporting industries, and maintaining stable and smooth industrial and supply chains.

The three sides expressed concerns over non-regional forces fanning fires in the Asia-Pacific region, and the willingness to step up coordination and cooperation to cool down hotspot issues in maintaining regional security and stability.

They agreed to jointly oppose power politics, to resist camp confrontations, to practice multilateralism and to safeguard international fairness and justice.

The three sides said they will work for a synergy of SCO and BRICS cooperation mechanisms with the ASEAN cooperation architecture, pushing regional integration. They expect to welcome the attendance by the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Secretary-General of the SCO to each other’s meetings.

During the meeting, the Chinese and Russian sides also said they support Laos in becoming a dialogue partner of the SCO and participating in activities of the BRICS mechanism.

China, Russia can maintain communication, coordination on East Asia cooperation: Chinese FM

VIENTIANE, July 25 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov here on Thursday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that China-Russia relations are mature, stable, resilient and independent, with solid political mutual trust, deepening strategic coordination, broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation, vibrant people-to-people exchanges and productive international cooperation.

Wang noted that in the face of the volatile and complex international situation and external disturbances and obstacles, China is ready to work with Russia to uphold the original aspiration of everlasting good neighborliness and friendship, firmly support each other, safeguard each other’s core interests, and remain each other’s good partner for development and revitalization.

China and Russia, both important countries in the Asia-Pacific region and dialogue partners of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), can maintain communication and coordination on East Asia cooperation, said Wang.

China is ready to work with Russia to uphold the ASEAN-centered, open and inclusive regional cooperation architecture, promote the existing East Asia mechanism to deepen cooperation consensus, and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity, the Chinese foreign minister added.

For his part, Lavrov congratulated on the successful conclusion of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, saying that this world-renowned event is not only of great significance to China’s own development, but also to the global economic recovery.

Lavrov said under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, Russia and China have maintained close communication, strengthened strategic collaboration, jointly upheld a fair and just international order, practiced genuine multilateralism, and injected positive energy into the building of a multipolar world.

Russia will work with China to support the centrality of ASEAN and prevent the interference and infiltration of external forces, he noted.

The two sides expressed the willingness to strengthen cooperation within multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS.

Wang said China fully supports Russia in fulfilling its responsibilities as the rotating chair of BRICS and preparing for the upcoming Summit scheduled to be held in the Russian city of Kazan. Lavrov said Russia fully supports China in assuming the rotating presidency of the SCO.

The two sides also exchanged views on major issues concerning peace and security, believing that the victory and a correct view of World War Two should be jointly safeguarded.

Lavrov congratulated China on successfully promoting the signing of the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity by Palestinian factions, saying that Russia will work together to restore peace in the Middle East.

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