Karol Cariola: Chile attaches great importance to comprehensive strategic partnership with China

Friendly and cooperative relations between China and Chile were underlined and reinforced with a July visit by Karol Cariola Oliva, Speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies.

In a series of exchanges on July 19, Cariola met with Zhao Leji, Chairman of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee. He noted that Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic ties with the New China [shortly after the election of socialist President Salvador Allende], and China-Chile relations have set a good example of solidarity and cooperation between developing countries.

Cariola said that the Chile-China friendship is based on common values, and that both countries are committed to upholding international law and supporting multilateralism and free trade. She said that Chile upholds the one-China principle firmly, and that political parties and all sectors of society in Chile are highly consistent in their development of relations with China.

 Next year will mark the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Chamber of Deputies of Chile is willing to strengthen friendly exchange with the NPC of China, share legislative experience, enhance the friendship between the two peoples constantly, and promote bilateral cooperation in such varied fields as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the economy, culture, and science and technology.

In her meeting with Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Cariola said Chile attaches great importance to developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, and Chile abides by the one-China principle, admires China’s development achievements, and is willing to learn from China’s successful development experience.

A former student leader, and a leading member of the Communist Party of Chile, Cariola is also the General Secretary of the Communist Youth of Chile, which lent extra significance to her meeting with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC).

Liu said that the CPC is ready to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in party building and state governance, promote the construction of their respective parties, along with national development, and push forward the China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership for sustainable and stable development.

Referring to the  third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which had concluded in Beijing the previous day, Liu said the  Chinese side is willing to introduce the contents of the plenary session to Chilean political parties in detail, share experience, and support each other in the process of realising the modernisation and development of their respective countries, and unswervingly serve as each other’s comprehensive strategic partner based on equal treatment, mutual benefit and win-win results.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

China’s top legislator holds talks with speaker of Chilean Chamber of Deputies

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) — Zhao Leji, China’s top legislator, held talks with Karol Cariola Oliva, speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, on Friday in Beijing.

Zhao, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said that China has always regarded Chile as an important cooperative partner in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, and is willing to work with Chile to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continue their traditional friendship, upgrade their level of cooperation, and continuously enrich the connotations of the China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership.

Noting that Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic ties with the New China, Zhao said that over the past half century and more, China-Chile relations have maintained sound, steady growth regardless of changes in the international situation, setting a good example of solidarity and cooperation between developing countries.

The two sides should consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen strategic alignment, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchange, and reinforce international coordination, he said.

Zhao stressed that the NPC of China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the Chilean Congress, intensify friendly exchange at all legislative body levels, promptly approve and supervise the implementation of legal documents on practical cooperation between the two countries, and strengthen coordination and cooperation under multilateral mechanisms to safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Cariola said that the Chile-China friendship is based on common values, and that both countries are committed to upholding international law and supporting multilateralism and free trade. She said that Chile upholds the one-China principle firmly, and that political parties and all sectors of society in Chile are highly consistent in their development of relations with China.

Next year will mark the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Chamber of Deputies of Chile is willing to strengthen friendly exchange with the NPC of China, share legislative experience, enhance the friendship between the two peoples constantly, and promote bilateral cooperation in such varied fields as the Belt and Road Initiative, the economy, culture, and science and technology, Cariola said.

China’s top political advisor meets speaker of Chilean Chamber of Deputies

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) — China’s top political advisor Wang Huning met with Karol Cariola Oliva, speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, on Friday in Beijing.

Wang, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said in recent years, China-Chile relations have continued to develop in depth, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples.

He said China is willing to work with Chile to consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation, carry out people-to-people and cultural exchanges, strengthen multilateral strategic coordination, and continuously enrich the connotation of China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership.

The CPPCC stands ready to strengthen exchanges with Chile and contribute to the development of bilateral relations, Wang added.

Cariola said Chile attaches great importance to developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, and Chile abides by the one-China principle, admires China’s development achievements, and is willing to learn from China’s successful development experience.

Chile stands ready to deepen Belt and Road cooperation with China, and strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of science, technology, education, economy and trade, Cariola said.

The Chilean Chamber of Deputies is willing to contribute to deepening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries and create more benefits for the two peoples, Cariola said.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Karol Cariola Oliva, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Beijing, July 19th (IDCPC) —Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with Karol Cariola Oliva, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile.

Liu said, Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Over the past half century and more, the two countries have set many records in the bilateral relationship, becoming a model of win-win cooperation among developing countries. The Chinese side is willing to work with the Chilean side to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen the Belt and Road cooperation and cooperation in other areas, expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges, as well as actively contribute to enhancing the well-being of the two peoples and deepening relations between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries. The CPC is ready to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in party building and state governance, promote the construction of respective parties and national development and progress, and push China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership for sustainable and stable development.

Liu said, the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee concluded in Beijing yesterday. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization was adopted at the session, scientifically planning the overall arrangement of further deepening reform around Chinese modernization. The Chinese side is willing to introduce the contents of the plenary session to Chilean political parties in detail, share experience and support each other in the process of realizing the modernization and development of respective countries, and unswervingly serve as each other’s comprehensive strategic partner of equal treatment, mutual benefit and win-win results.

Cariola said, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Chile and China, the two sides have strengthened cooperation in various fields on the basis of mutual respect. The two countries maintain strong momentum in bilateral relationship, which has been unanimously supported by major political parties in Chile. In October last year, Chilean President Gabriel Boric visited China and reached important consensus with President Xi Jinping on the development of bilateral relations. The Chilean side highly appreciates the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, the Belt and Road Initiative and other important global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping, firmly adheres to the one-China principle, upholds multilateralism, and advocates the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The Chilean side welcomes more investments of Chinese companies, especially in infrastructure, science, technology, artificial intelligence, etc. The Chilean political parties pay close attention to the just-concluded the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and hope to further understand the content of the plenary session. They believe that the plenary session will not only inject new impetus into China’s development, but will also play an important role in promoting world development.

Eric Aedo, Second Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, Ma Hui, Assistant-minister of the IDCPC, and others, were present.

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