Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

China reiterates its solidarity with Syria

The following is the full text of the remarks made by senior Chinese diplomat Dai Bing to the United Nations Security Council briefing on Syria held on February 27th, 2024.

Dai puts forward three points, calling first for containing the spillover effects of the war in Gaza to Syria, noting that, “over the past four months, Israel has continued to launch airstrikes on various locations in Syria through the occupied Golan Heights, about which China is deeply concerned.”

Second, he says that a political solution to the Syrian issue must be promoted. “The international community should uphold the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned principle, encourage dialogue and consultations, and find a solution acceptable to all parties… We support the Syrian government in taking necessary measures to combat terrorism, maintain security and stability, and eliminate the long-term threats to the political process in Syria. The international community must combat all terrorism in Syria with zero tolerance.”

Third, there is a need to work together to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Syria. “Unilateral sanctions and the plundering of resources have long impeded Syria’s economic recovery, social development, and improvement of people’s livelihood, thereby exacerbating the humanitarian disaster in Syria. We urge the countries concerned to immediately end their unlawful acts and foreign forces to immediately end their illegal military presence in Syria.”

The following article was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Madam President,

I would like to thank Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and Under-Secretary-General Martin Griffiths for their briefings. In light of their briefings, I would like to make the following three points. 

First, containing the spillover effects of the escalation of the Gaza conflict on Syria. Over the past four months, Israel has continued to launch airstrikes on various locations in Syria through the occupied Golan Heights, about which China is deeply concerned. We call on all parties to exercise restraint and to avoid exacerbating tensions. Countries outside the region should play a constructive role in deescalating the situation and preventing the conflict from spreading and expanding.

Second, promoting a political solution to the Syrian issue. China welcomes the successful convening of the 21st round of High-Level Meetings on Syria within the framework of the Astana format as well as Special Envoy Pedersen’s extensive engagement with all parties on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254. The international community should uphold the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned principle, encourage dialogue and consultations, and find a solution acceptable to all parties. We believe help from regional countries will inject new momentum into the political settlement of the Syrian issue. We support the Syrian Government in taking necessary measures to combat terrorism, maintain security and stability, and eliminate the long-term threats to the political process in Syria. The international community must combat all terrorism in Syria with zero tolerance. 

Third, working together to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Over the past year, the UN and the Syrian Government have maintained effective and smooth communication and cross-border points have been extended several times. We urge the parties concerned to show sincerity and make positive progress in cross-line operations. As humanitarian funding for Syria has long been insufficient, the international community should increase its input in humanitarian assistance to Syria and support humanitarian operations and early recovery projects throughout the country. Unilateral sanctions and the plundering of resources have long impeded Syria’s economic recovery, social development, and improvement of people’s livelihood, thereby exacerbating the humanitarian disaster in Syria. We urge the countries concerned to immediately end their unlawful acts and foreign forces to immediately end their illegal military presence in Syria.

Thank you, Madam President.

One thought on “China reiterates its solidarity with Syria”

  1. I am from Vancouver,Canada and i wanted to say that when Apartheid South Africa was attacking Angola and Namibia Cuba never hesitated to help these countries.Fidel never asked other countries whether he should help Angola and Namibia he went ahead and sent Cuban troops to these countries and helped Angola and Namibia defeat Apartheid South Africa.
    The same can be done in Palestine if the will is there to do so. The Time for talking has run its course. Its time to get down to serious business in Palestine.

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