Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

China urges Israel to immediately cease all military operations in Gaza

China has again made a powerful call at the United Nations for an end to Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and increasingly the West Bank, too, as well as drawing attention to the United States’ culpability for the ongoing human tragedy.

Speaking at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question, on August 22, Ambassador Fu Cong began his remarks by stating:

“Gaza has been subjected to more than 10 months of blockade, siege, bombing, and attacks that have killed more than 40,000 people and displaced 1.9 million. 80% of homes in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, and 85% of the area is under emergency evacuation orders imposed by the Israeli military. In the West Bank, nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed since last October. Such a tragedy cannot go on any longer.”

Noting the steadily mounting calls for a ceasefire, he continued: “However, we have seen that Israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a ceasefire. More than two months after the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2735, the Israeli military operations in Gaza continue causing new casualties every day.”

Making unmistakable reference to the United States, in particular, he added:

“We urge countries with significant influence to demonstrate a sincere, impartial, and responsible attitude in pushing Israel to cease its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop the killing of civilians. China supports the Council in taking further necessary actions to promote the implementation of the relevant resolutions and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza.”

The following is the full text of Ambassador Fu’s remarks. They were originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.

Remarks by Ambassador Fu Cong at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question


I thank Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland and Ms. Louisa Baxter for their briefings. 

Gaza has been subjected to more than 10 months of blockade, siege, bombing, and attacks that have killed more than 40,000 people and displaced 1.9 million. 80% of homes in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, and 85% of the area is under emergency evacuation orders imposed by the Israeli military. In the West Bank, nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed since last October. Such a tragedy cannot go on any longer. 

The international community has repeatedly sent clear calls for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting. And the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the International Court of Justice have all made clear demands. However, we have seen that Israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a ceasefire. More than two months after the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2735, the Israeli military operations in Gaza continue causing new casualties every day. At the same time, the repeated provocative and adventurous actions by the Israeli side have intensified the risk of conflict spillovers. The Middle East is hanging by a thread. 

It must be noted that blind faith in achieving a total victory in Gaza will only result in more innocent civilian casualties and will not create the conditions for the release of hostages, nor will it bring peace or tranquility to Israel and the region. Ceasefire negotiations and a political solution are the fundamental way out. 

It must be noted that humanitarian issues cannot be politicized, hunger cannot be weaponized, and civilian lives cannot be trivialized as bargaining chips. Israel must fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law by opening all border crossings, guaranteeing rapid and safe access to humanitarian supplies at scale, ceasing restrictions and attacks on the United Nations and humanitarian agencies, and providing support and cooperation for the polio vaccination program in Gaza. 

It must be noted that sustainable security can only be achieved by upholding the concept of common security. Regional peace must be built with the responsible participation of all parties. Achieving an independent Palestinian state and implementation of the two-State solution is the only viable way forward for the political settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli question.

China urges Israel to immediately cease all military operations in Gaza, to immediately stop its actions that stoke escalation of the situation in the region, and to end immediately placing obstacles to a ceasefire in Gaza. We urge countries with significant influence to demonstrate a sincere, impartial, and responsible attitude in pushing Israel to cease its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop the killing of civilians. China supports the Council in taking further necessary actions to promote the implementation of the relevant resolutions and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza. 

China stands ready to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to end the war in Gaza at an early date, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, implement the two-State solution, and achieve lasting peace and security in the Middle East.

Thank you, President.

Canada’s unjustifiable tariffs on EVs from China

The following opinion piece, written by International Manifesto Group convenor and Friends of Socialist China advisory group member Radhika Desai for CGTN, critiques the Canadian government’s recent decision to slap 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs).

Radhika notes that the Trudeau government’s stated justification for the tariffs – that “China has an intentional state-directed policy of overcapacity and oversupply designed to cripple our own industry” – is pure misdirection. The real reason is to prove Canada’s loyalty to the US in the run-up to the renegotiation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. As for China’s “intentional state-directed policy”, “the most authoritative development economists will agree that there are no known instances of successful industrialisation where the state has not played a central role. This is as true of Japan or Germany or South Korea as it is of the US itself and even Canada.”

China’s government has intentionally concentrated resources on the EV industry for over 20 years, “particularly focusing research and development in making lithium iron phosphate batteries that were safer and cheaper than lithium nickel manganese cobalt batteries almost as energy dense as the latter.” The authorities provided further support by buying vast numbers of electric buses to provide low-emission public transport, and by building EV charging infrastructure throughout the country.

As for the oft-repeated trope about China’s “overcapacity”, Radhika writes that “if anything, the world needs more production of these things” – echoing the sentiments of former under-secretary-general of the United Nations and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme Erik Solheim.

Radhika observes: “What such complaints really mean is that there is a market for high-technology goods that is no longer being supplied by the US or the West, thus endangering their 200-year-old monopoly on such goods. Well, for all the crocodile tears Western politicians weep over the poverty and lack of the development in so much of the world, they do get mighty upset when one part of it, namely China, manages to develop and even push back the technological frontier.”

The article concludes by noting that the US and Canada, having followed the path of neoliberalism and financialisation for several decades, have precious little chance of success in competing with China on advanced manufacturing.

Three months after the U.S. announcement slapping 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EV), Canada has followed suit. As local observers see it, the Trudeau government faced a choice. On the one hand, it could risk retaliatory tariffs from China on Canada’s much smaller economy: The memory of those imposed on Canadian canola, pork and soybeans worth billions in trade in 2019 in retaliation for Canada’s illegal arrest of Meng Wanzhou remains fresh. On the other hand, it could risk U.S. anger should China extend even part of its EV supply chain into Canada to get the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement access to the U.S. market. Such anger would be bound to spill over into the renegotiation of that agreement in 2026.

Canada chose to avoid risking U.S. anger. But that was not how it justified the decision. Instead, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland claimed that “China has an intentional state-directed policy of overcapacity and oversupply designed to cripple our own industry … We simply will not allow that to happen to our EV sector, which has shown such promise.” This justification is clearly cooked up.

Let’s take all the elements of that statement in turn.

The reference to “intentional state-directed policy” is a bizarre instance of trying to tar a virtue as a vice. The most authoritative development economists will agree that there are no known instances of successful industrialization where the state has not played a central role. This is as true of Japan or Germany or South Korea as it is of the U.S. itself and even Canada.

The right to pursue industrial policy was recognized by the erstwhile General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and is recognized by its successor, the World Trade Organization. Moreover, both the U.S. and Canada are themselves talking about industrial policy and state subsidies to sectors facing competition from China. 

As a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology pointed out, China’s success in EV development is a classic case of a successful industrial policy. It began investing in the sector as early as 2001 when it became clear that its internal combustion and hybrid car industries were too far behind major manufacturers in the U.S., Germany and Japan.

Moreover, EVs would also have beneficial effects in reducing pollution and oil imports. Chinese authorities concentrated resources on this nascent industry, particularly focusing research and development in making lithium iron phosphate batteries that were safer and cheaper than lithium nickel manganese cobalt batteries almost as energy dense as the latter. They also began providing the fledgling industry with markets by buying its vehicles for public transport.

Nor was China at all autarkic. On the contrary, it invited Tesla in, giving it the same tax and subsidy treatment as domestic producers. Tesla extended its supply chains into China while also stimulating domestic producers to compete with it.

Next, let us come to “overcapacity and oversupply.” Since when did the production of low-cost and high-quality products, particularly those that advance the world towards its critically important climate goals, become a matter of overcapacity and oversupply? If anything, the world needs more production of these things. Canada, the U.S. and the West should join in the effort to produce such goods.

What such complaints really mean is that there is a market for high-technology goods that is no longer being supplied by the U.S. or the West, thus endangering their 200-year-old monopoly on such goods. Well, for all the crocodile tears Western politicians weep over the poverty and lack of the development in so much of the world, they do get mighty upset when one part of it, namely China, manages to develop and even push back the technological frontier.

As for “crippling our (Canadian) industry,” that’s pretty ridiculous coming from countries that have been sparing no effort – sanctions, tariffs, military alliance and base building, “freedom of navigation” and other military exercises, propaganda, fear-mongering and false “development” advice – to prevent the rise of China and, one might add, that of most of the developing world.

Finally, Freeland speaks of Canada’s own EV sector “that has shown so much promise.” Undoubtedly, the thing that countries like Canada and the U.S. ought to do is find a sector or product that they have the unique strengths to develop, as China did with EVs, knowing that it could not compete internationally on conventional cars or hybrids.

However, there is a big distance between “should” and “can.” Today, notwithstanding the corporate subsidies that the U.S. and Canada are giving to their manufacturers, it is unlikely that they will be able to replicate China’s success in manufacturing, not least because, as they have gone down the road of neoliberalism and financialization, they have lost the capacity for sustained industrial policy they once had.

Build global mass opposition to the New Cold War

The following is the text of a speech given by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Carlos Martinez at an online meeting of the Scottish Trade Union Peace Network on 22 August 2024.

Carlos discusses the nature of China’s foreign policy, dealing with common criticisms such as that China seeks to “undermine democracy” in Taiwan, that it is an aggressive and expansionist power in the South China Sea, and that its nuclear arsenal poses a serious threat to world peace.

The speech goes on to analyse the theoretical basis and economic underpinnings of China’s foreign policy, observing that China’s rise “has never been based on dominating the land, labour, resources and markets of the rest of the world. It has never been driven by the expand-or-die logic of capital.”

Carlos concludes by detailing the expanding US-led campaign of containment and encirclement against China, and calling for “progressive and peace-loving people the world over to join hands in building global mass opposition to this insanity”.

Other speakers at the event included Fiona Edwards (No Cold War Britain) and Jonathon Shafi (Stop the War Scotland).

NB. This speech has been published as an article on Xinhua.

Many thanks for inviting me to join you.

I’m going to focus my remarks on China’s foreign policy, comparing that with the US and Britain’s foreign policy, and then discussing the dangers of this escalating New Cold War, which could all too easily end up as a hot war.

China aggressive?

China of course is framed in the Western media as an “aggressive” and “expansionist” power which is hell-bent on subverting the “rules-based international order”.

According to the NATO Heads of State summit in Washington last month, “China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies continue to challenge our interests, security and values”.

What’s the basis for this characterisation? I’m going to talk about some of common themes:

First, Taiwan. China is accused of undermining democracy in Taiwan and threatening imminent invasion.

The funny thing is that China’s position on the Taiwan question has not meaningfully changed in the last seven decades, and it’s entirely consistent with international law and numerous United Nations resolutions – not to mention the various joint agreements between the US and China.

Taiwan is a part of China. It was seized by Japan in 1895 and returned to Chinese control in 1945, at the end of World War 2, as agreed by Britain, the US, the Soviet Union and China at the Potsdam Conference.

In 1949, having lost in the Chinese Civil War, Chang Kai-shek and his people fled to Taiwan and set up a renegade administration, and the US positioned its Navy – the Seventh Fleet – in the Taiwan Strait to prevent the communist government from reuniting the country. But even then, Taiwan never claimed to be a separate country – the Kuomintang simply said that Taiwan was the real China and that the People’s Republic was the renegade. Indeed that idea is still part of Taiwan’s constitution.

So China’s very consistent position is that Taiwan is part of China. This position – the One China Principle – is accepted by more than 90 percent of the world’s countries, including the US and Britain. China has always said that it seeks peaceful reunification but that it reserves the right to use force in case of outside interference or a unilateral declaration of independence. Furthermore it makes the very reasonable point that the Taiwan issue is an internal matter for Chinese people on both sides of the Strait to resolve.

There is nothing particularly bellicose or unusual about such a position. Frankly, if you’ll excuse the slight provocation, China’s historic claim to Taiwan is far stronger than Britain’s historic claim to Scotland, but does anyone think Westminster would avoid the use of force if Scotland, backed and armed by Russia, say, were to unilaterally declare independence.

So nothing has changed with respect to China’s position on the Taiwan question. What’s changed is that the US and its allies, seeking to provoke conflict and undermine China, are increasing their support for separatist elements, are increasing their supply of weapons to the administration in Taipei, and are steadily rowing back on the One China Principle.

Biden has said multiple times that the US would intervene militarily if Beijing were to attempt to change the status quo by force – which goes directly against what was agreed by the US and China back in the 1970s when relations were re-established. It is essentially a way of signalling: we are building towards war against China, and Taiwan will likely be the flashpoint. And the way we plan to win public support for that war is by presenting it as a war to protect democracy in Taiwan.

Another popular accusation about China’s “aggression” is that it’s engaged in expansionism in the South China Sea, because it patrols its own waters, and because it has a number of complicated territorial disputes over control of an array of tiny uninhabited islands.

The details of the disputes are not particularly relevant for our purposes. These territorial disputes are inherited from previous generations and they’re not easy to resolve. For example, there are numerous disputes in relation to the Arctic Circle, between Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the US. The disputes involving China receive relatively more attention because the US is attempting to leverage them to foment broader anti-China feeling in Southeast Asia and to present China in the most negative light possible.

Again, China hasn’t changed its position on these questions; there has simply been an escalation of anti-China propagandising by the West.

On the South China Sea, it’s worth mentioning that China’s definition of its borders was determined before 1949, before the founding of the People’s Republic. The nine-dash line defining China’s maritime borders was created by the Kuomintang government in 1947, and certainly didn’t cause any stir in Western capitals at the time. After all, China at that time was considered by the West as an important ally in the global war against communism.

The People’s Republic of China has not made a single new territorial claim. And although it patrols the South China Sea and works to protect its trade routes and to prevent any potential blockade being imposed by the US, it has never once impeded international trade.

So when the US carries out its so-called ‘freedom of navigation assertions’ in the South China Sea, it’s not because China is blocking navigation. China is not being aggressive; the US is being aggressive, and according itself the role of world policeman. The US has no jurisdiction in the South China Sea. Can anyone imagine what the US response would be if China carried out freedom of navigation assertions off the coast of California?

Then there’s the question of nuclear weapons. The media is full of alarmist reports about China’s expanding nuclear arsenal. But China has fewer than 500 nuclear warheads, compared to over 5,000 for the US.

China maintains a strictly defensive nuclear posture. Of all the nuclear powers, it is the only one to have a clear policy of no-first use, meaning that it will never use nuclear weapons other than in response to a nuclear attack.

It’s also the only nuclear power to guarantee that it will never use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear country, meaning that it refuses to engage in the type of nuclear blackmail which the US specialises in.

Continue reading Build global mass opposition to the New Cold War

Xi: Deng Xiaoping was a great Marxist, strategist, diplomat, and long-tested communist fighter

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a symposium on the morning of August 22 at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Chinese President Xi Jinping made an important speech there.

Xi emphasised that Comrade Deng Xiaoping is recognised by the entire Party, the military, and the people of all ethnic groups across the country as an outstanding leader with high prestige, a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist, diplomat, and a long-tested communist fighter. Deng was the core of the second generation of the Party’s central collective leadership, the chief architect of China’s socialist reform, opening up and modernisation, the trailblazer of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the principal creator of Deng Xiaoping Theory. He made significant contributions to world peace and development as a great internationalist. And he made outstanding contributions to the Party, the people, the country, the nation, and the world.

Xi further noted that Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s life was a glorious, fighting and extraordinary one. Deng made outstanding contributions to the Party-led causes of national independence and people’s liberation, and to the founding of the People’s Republic of China. He carried out highly effective work in establishing the socialist system and advancing socialist construction. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, as the core of the second generation of the Party’s central collective leadership, Deng led the Party and the people in achieving a historic shift, drove a new leap forward in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, broke new ground in socialist modernisation, set a right path for realising China’s complete reunification, firmly upheld the splendid banner of socialism, and successfully initiated socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi emphasised that Deng’s historical achievements are comprehensive and groundbreaking, with profound and lasting impact on both China and the world. Deng’s lifelong journey of struggle fully demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the lofty ideals of communism and the belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, his deep love for the people, his adherence to the principle of seeking truth from facts, his political courage in continuous innovation, his far-sighted strategic thinking, and his broad-mindedness and selflessness.

Referring to Deng’s early life, Xi said that in the face of the profound national disasters of feudal rule and corruption, the invasion of Western powers, and the starvation and cold of the people, the young Deng Xiaoping actively participated in the mass struggle in his hometown, and later went to Europe to work and study, firmly chose Marxism, and joined the Communist Party of China.

An important section of Xi’s speech dealt with the events of 1989:

“Comrade Deng Xiaoping firmly defended the glorious banner of socialism. In the process of reform and opening up, he always took a clear-cut stand against bourgeois liberalisation. Against the backdrop of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, a serious political turmoil occurred in China at the turn of the spring and summer of 1989. At the critical moment, Comrade Deng Xiaoping led the party and the people to take a clear-cut stand against turmoil and resolutely defend the socialist state power, so that the party and the country withstood the severe test of dangerous winds and waves. After that, he profoundly summed up the lessons in the process of reform and opening up, and stressed the need to concentrate on party building, strengthen ideological and political work and education in fine traditions, improve the party’s leadership level and ruling ability, and ensure the stability of the red country. He admonished the people with a deafening voice: ‘Socialism in China cannot be changed. China will certainly follow the socialist road it has chosen to the end. No one can crush us.'”

Xi continued: “Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s historical exploits are all-round and groundbreaking, and their impact on China and the world is profound and long-term. In the course of his life’s struggle, he fully demonstrated his lofty character of incomparably firm belief in the lofty ideals of communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, his great feelings of incomparable love for the people, the theoretical quality of always seeking truth from facts, the political courage to constantly blaze new trails, his far-sighted strategic thinking, and his frank and selfless broad-mindedness. His great historical exploits will always be remembered. His noble revolutionary demeanour will always be admired by us!”

He added: “Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, everything we have done is to fulfil the original mission of the party, to complete the unfinished business of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other revolutionaries of the older generation, and to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics under the conditions of the new era. The times are constantly advancing, the cause is constantly developing, and theoretical and practical innovation cannot be stopped for a moment. Comrade Deng Xiaoping said: ‘China should have something new every year, and something new every day.’ It is the solemn historical responsibility of the contemporary Chinese Communists to constantly open up a new realm of Sinicisation and modernisation of Marxism. In the new era and new journey, we must adhere to integrity and innovation, never forget our ancestors, always take the right path, be good at breaking new paths, make the tree of theory evergreen and the tree of our cause evergreen, and constantly comfort the older generation of revolutionaries with new deeds and new achievements.”

Towards the end of his speech, he stated: “At this moment, I am reminded of two remarks made by Comrade Deng Xiaoping: First, ‘by the next century and 50 years, if we basically achieve modernisation, we can further assert the success of socialism.’ The second is that ‘by the middle of the next century, it will be able to approach the level of the developed countries in the world, and that will be the big change. At that time, the weight and role of Socialist China will be different, and we will be able to make greater contributions to humanity.'”

Deng’s remark here about making greater contributions to humanity is derived from Mao Zedong’s 1956 article commemorating the 90th birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen:

“Things are always progressing. It is only forty-five years since the Revolution of 1911, but the face of China has entirely changed. In another forty-five years, that is, by the year 2001, at the beginning of the 21st century, China will have undergone an even greater change. It will have become a powerful industrial socialist country. And that is as it should be. China is a land with an area of 9,600,000 square kilometres and a population of 600 million, and it ought to make a greater contribution to humanity. But for a long time in the past its contribution was far too small. For this we are regretful.”

We reproduce below a report on the symposium that was originally published by the Xinhua News Agency. We also carry the full text of the important speech of Xi Jinping. This was issued by Xinhua and published in Chinese in People’s Daily. It has been machine translated and lightly edited by us.

Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics at symposium held to mark Deng Xiaoping’s 120th birth anniversary

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a symposium on the morning of Aug. 22 at the Great Hall of the People to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), delivered an important speech. Xi emphasized that Comrade Deng Xiaoping is recognized by the entire Party, the military, and the people of all ethnic groups across the country as an outstanding leader with high prestige, a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist, diplomat, and a long-tested communist fighter. Deng was the core of the second generation of the Party’s central collective leadership, the chief architect of China’s socialist reform, opening up and modernization, the trailblazer of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the principal creator of Deng Xiaoping Theory. He made significant contributions to world peace and development as a great internationalist. Deng made outstanding contributions to the Party, the people, the country, the nation, and the world. Deng’s achievements have been immortalized in history and will always inspire future generations.

The symposium was attended by members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi, as well as Vice President Han Zheng. The symposium was presided over by Cai Qi, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

Continue reading Xi: Deng Xiaoping was a great Marxist, strategist, diplomat, and long-tested communist fighter

Xi Jinping speaks with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer

On August 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. What is believed to be the first conversation between the two men took place at Starmer’s request.

Having congratulated the British Prime Minister on his recent assumption of office, President Xi told Starmer that the two countries need to view their relations from a long-term and strategic perspective, continue to see each other as partners, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and build a stable and mutually beneficial relationship that contributes to the well-being of the two countries and the world. China is committed to building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernisation and follows a path of peaceful development. It is hoped that the UK will view China in an objective and rational manner.

He went on to say that China is moving faster to develop new quality productive forces and advance new industrialisation. These efforts will create new opportunities for the UK and countries around the world. China is prepared to have equal-footed and mutually respectful dialogue with the UK to enhance mutual understanding and trust, build greater synergy between the development strategies of the two countries, expand cooperation in such areas as financial services, green economy and artificial intelligence, and deepen people-to-people ties, thus making mutual benefit the defining feature of China-UK relations.

Starmer congratulated Chinese athletes on their excellent achievements at the Paris Olympics. He said that developing closer UK-China cooperation is in the long-term interests of both sides. Enhanced trade, financial, educational, energy and health cooperation supports the goals of both countries and helps address climate change and other global challenges. He reassured China there is no change to the UK’s long-term one-China policy.

We reprint below the report of the conversation that was originally published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. We also reproduce for reference the much briefer report that was posted on the British government’s website.

Xi Jinping Speaks with U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer on the Phone

On the afternoon of August 23, President Xi Jinping took a phone call from U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

President Xi congratulated Keir Starmer on assuming the office of the Prime Minister. President Xi noted that faced with transformation and volatility in the international landscape, China and the U.K., as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council as well as the world’s leading economies, need to view their relations from a long-term and strategic perspective, continue to see each other as partners, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and build a stable and mutually beneficial relationship that contributes to the well-being of the two countries and the world. China is committed to building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization, and follows a path of peaceful development. It is hoped that the U.K. will view China in an objective and rational manner. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee laid out a strategic plan for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. China is moving faster to develop new quality productive forces and advance new industrialization. These efforts will create new opportunities for the U.K. and countries around the world. China is prepared to have equal-footed and mutually respectful dialogue with the U.K. to enhance mutual understanding and trust, build greater synergy between the development strategies of the two countries, expand cooperation in such areas as financial services, green economy and artificial intelligence, and deepen people-to-people ties, thus making mutual benefit the defining feature of China-U.K. relations.

Prime Minister Starmer congratulated Chinese athletes on their excellent achievements at the Paris Olympics. He said that developing closer U.K.-China cooperation is in the long-term interests of both sides. Enhanced trade, financial, educational, energy and health cooperation supports the goals of both countries and helps address climate change and other global challenges. The U.K. hopes to strengthen engagement and dialogue with China at all levels and in various areas, strive for positive results in practical cooperation and institutionalized exchanges between the two countries, and develop long-term, stable and strategic U.K.-China relations in the spirit of mutual respect. The U.K. will have regular dialogue with China on key international and regional issues to contribute to world security and stability. Prime Minister Starmer reassured China there is no change to the U.K.’s long-term one-China policy.

President Xi pointed out that China places high importance on the U.K.’s desire for more engagement and dialogue, and will maintain exchanges with the U.K. at all levels, promote steady and sustained progress in China-U.K. relations, and work together to advance global peace and development.

PM call with President Xi Jinping of China: 23 August 2024

The Prime Minister spoke to President Xi Jinping of China this morning.

The Prime Minister began by setting out his priorities for his government, including national security, secure borders and economic stability. 

The leaders discussed areas of shared collaboration, and potential areas of cooperation between the UK and China, including on trade, the economy and education.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council, the leaders agreed on the importance of close working in areas such as climate change and global security. 

The Prime Minister added that he hoped the leaders would be able to have open, frank and honest discussions to address and understand areas of disagreement when necessary, such as Hong Kong, Russia’s war in Ukraine and human rights. 

The leaders also agreed on the need for a stable and consistent UK-China relationship, including dialogue between their respective foreign and domestic ministers. 

They agreed to stay in touch.

Plutocracy of private capital creates a crisis of US political legitimacy

The following article by Friends of Socialist China co-founder Danny Haiphong, first published in Global Times on 13 August 2024, addresses the crisis of legitimacy facing the United States’ political and economic system.

Politicians from both major parties attempt to deflect attention from the US’s structural failings by pointing the finger at China and others, leading to an escalating New Cold War and moves towards hot war. Danny writes that the Biden and Trump administrations’ “continuity on US foreign policy toward China extends into their military posture as both administrations saw greatly intensified US militarization in the Asia Pacific presence along China’s border and dangerous escalations over Taiwan in violation of the one-China principle”.

Ironically though, this aggressive stance towards China is not only failing to address the US’s internal problems, but is actually exacerbating them. “Nothing about US foreign policy, whether it targets China or another nation, benefits the American people. Trillions of US dollars have gone unaccounted for, while many Americans struggle with debt, increasing rates of poverty, lowering life expectancy, inflation and stagnant wages.”

With Kamala Harris taking on the foreign policy legacy of her predecessors – promising to ensure that “America, not China, wins the competition for the 21st century” – progressives in the US will “continue to look for ways to fulfill their desire for a more people-driven and people-centered political agenda”.

The US is confronting a political system facing a crisis of legitimacy. A major component of the crisis is structural and inherent to US governance. Politicians in the US do not succeed in politics because of their service to the people. They are first selected by a tiny fraction of society wielding immense wealth and power before they are presented to voters. 

Nowhere is the gap between the policies that US politicians pursue and the well-being of the people bigger than foreign policy. A cursory look at the economic approach to China under the administrations of former president Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden demonstrates this clearly. Under the Trump administration, the US imposed tariffs on Chinese exports and sanctions on China’s tech sector. Under the Biden administration, the US increased these tariffs to include the Chinese electric vehicle sector, expanded “black list” of Chinese tech corporations and targeted the semiconductor industry as a flashpoint in arresting China’s high-tech development. The two US administrations’ continuity on US foreign policy toward China extends into their military posture as both administrations saw greatly intensified US militarization in the Asia Pacific presence along China’s border and dangerous escalations over Taiwan in violation of the one-China principle.

Nothing about US foreign policy, whether it targets China or another nation, benefits the American people. Trillions of US dollars have gone unaccounted for, while many Americans struggle with debt, increasing rates of poverty, lowering life expectancy, inflation and stagnant wages. This has led to a crisis of political legitimacy where support for Congress and the president are at an all-time low while support for third-party alternatives to the two-party system is at a high point. The question is, then, why do US politicians fail to serve the interests of their constituents? What makes them choose to enrich military contractors and monopoly financial institutions while neglecting the ordinary worker?

The US is not a democracy. It’s a plutocracy of private capital. One percent of the US population owns more than one-third of US wealth. But more importantly, this one percent comprises the property owners of the biggest monopolies and financial institutions in the US and have designed a political system where their patronage directly corresponds to US policy. While politicians may promise ordinary Americans that their policies will benefit them. However, once elected these same politicians pursue an agenda which enriches the wealthiest corporations at the expense of the well-being of the people. In 2014, two US scholars conducted a study on the impact that various interest groups hold on government policy. They found that big business and interest groups made a huge impact on US policy and average citizens made little to no impact at all. Their findings find no shortage of validation. While the vast majority of people face economic and social strife, US politicians are busy sending more military aid to Ukraine and Israel and holding fundraisers with the richest in the corporate and finance sectors. This has given way to political malaise in some respects, but it has also encouraged more people to seek alternative political avenues to the two-party system.

As the gap between US policy and the interests of humanity reaches an all-time high, US politicians will continue to compete among themselves over how to best manage a growing crisis of legitimacy. An ever-increasing number of Americans will grow disdainful of this process. This means that an even more polarized political environment is coming to the United States as people navigate gross power distortions between the average American and the elites. Meanwhile, they continue to look for ways to fulfill their desire for a more people-driven and people-centered political agenda.

Why do sections of the Western left ignore China’s solidarity with Palestine?

The article below, written for China Square, details China’s historic and current support for the national rights of the Palestinian people, and seeks to understand why elements of the Western left overlook this solidarity.

The article tallies “Beijing’s diplomatic tour de force uniting the 14 largest Palestinian resistance organisations around a declaration and programme of internal reconciliation”; China’s proposals for a ceasefire; its longstanding recognition of the State of Palestine; its recent contribution to the International Court of Justice recognising Palestinians’ right to armed resistance to occupation; and its insistence that governance of Palestine is a matter for the Palestinians themselves.

The article urges people in Palestine solidarity movements in the West to recognise China’s contributions, as opposed to “letting the US and EU elites deprive them of an important ally” and rendering themselves “more vulnerable to the propaganda designed to normalise the next round of horrendous wars driven by Washington, London and NATO, wars that seem to be inescapably coming our way in the Pacific region”.

This article has been translated into English by the author, Friends of Socialist China advisory group member Dirk Nimmegeers.

The fact that some elements of the Western left ignore Chinese solidarity with Palestine may indicate shortcomings in pro-Palestinian movements.

The analysis and statements in debates and meetings on Gaza are generally of good quality. Most panellists belong to organisations (or contribute to media outlets) that courageously go against the tide. Speakers dispel doubts around the term genocide, and convincingly argue that what is happening in Gaza is not “deplorable Israeli disproportionality”, but rather, planned and systematic expulsion. They express anger at the culpability of continued Western support and hypocrisy.

Blind spot

It is therefore disappointing that in debates on both the threat of war in general and on Palestine, there is a deafening silence about China and its principles, positions, proposals and actions. For example, in debates in Belgium this summer, there was a very brief mention of Beijing’s diplomatic tour de force uniting the 14 largest Palestinian resistance organisations around a declaration and programme of internal reconciliation. During a debate on the threat of war, someone shouted from the audience “and what about China?”, and during an event on Palestine, the moderator asked whether the Beijing Declaration could offer any hope. The panel remained silent. One speaker merely stressed that “this had been tried so many times before”. The important step forward of bringing together Fatah, Hamas and 12 others seemed to be shrugged off. It was very clear that if someone else had not started talking about the Beijing Declaration, the panellists themselves would not have mentioned it.

In most Western campaigns against genocide and for a ceasefire in Gaza, China is ignored. It is striking how little is published about China’s peace propositions even in courageous progressive media. It is to be feared that this will continue for some time to come. One can legitimately ask why the leftist and progressive community remains silent on China or refuses to show solidarity with a country that is the target of a multifaceted Western offensive, even if the community is well aware of the risk of the current NATO onslaught turning into an unprecedented global conflict.

Neither Washington nor Beijing?

Here and there we hear the idea that “China simply does not think the Middle East is that important now, and that this might change if there is some advantage to be gained”. A variant of this is the idea that China is now only interfering in the region to gain influence or out of rivalry with the US. These caricatures of a self-interested, neo-colonial or neo-imperialist China are among the many fables that the US and the EU successfully spread through their powerful media; myths that all too often carry an undertone of Sinophobia. In European leftist circles, this leads to an attitude of “neither Washington nor Beijing”. This slogan may sound good to some, but where it ends up is de facto support for advancing NATO offensive and acting as junior partners in the rearguard of the US attack.

What is China actually doing?

Another and more innocuous reason why China is often left out of the picture when it comes to Palestine is that many do not think, or rather know, that China is sincerely and usefully working for the cause of the Palestinians in many ways. Nevertheless, it is doing so.

For example, it is correct and important that China has so far never condemned Hamas’s actions. The importance of this is that it gives other countries, especially in the Global South, the necessary courage and strength to stand up to the US and the EU (as with the anti-Russian sanctions). Another strong signal in that regard is the fact that China is treating Hamas as a serious and important interlocutor. In recent months there have been several contacts between representatives of that resistance movement and Chinese diplomats. Neither the US nor Israel could appreciate this. China’s attitude is more correct than that of Western activists who go on and on distancing themselves from Hamas and repeating that the action of 7 October was a war crime (something that is highly questionable, and about which interesting views were expressed during the recent debate in Belgium).

Beijing seldom or never sides with one of the warring parties in conflicts in the Global South. This is in stark contrast to a tried-and-tested tactic of the West. China’s negotiated peace and reconciliation line is applied by Beijing to internal conflicts in Third World countries, e.g. Palestine. And neither does China provide irresponsible, arbitrary and facile criticism of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority, which are still recognised by most countries as official representatives of the Palestinian state.

Continue reading Why do sections of the Western left ignore China’s solidarity with Palestine?

Ambassador Zheng Zeguang meets with First Minister of Scotland John Swinney

China’s Ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang visited Scotland in the first week of August, first visiting the country’s ‘energy capital’ of Aberdeen prior to the national capital, Edinburgh.

On August 6, Ambassador Zheng met with First Minister of Scotland John Swinney and had an in-depth exchange of views on strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Scotland in various fields.

Ambassador Zheng said that Scotland has a unique history and cultural tradition, strong capacity in science, technology and education, and outstanding economic advantages. Over the years, Scotland has maintained close exchanges and cooperation with China, bringing huge benefits to both peoples.  China supports its provinces and cities to expand friendly exchanges with Scotland, broaden mutually beneficial cooperation, and create more highlights of cooperation, to better serve both peoples.

First Minister Swinney, who is also the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), welcomed Ambassador Zheng to Scotland. He said that Scotland attaches great importance to long-term friendly cooperation with China. China’s achievements are well recognised worldwide. China is the largest source of imports and an important export market of Scotland. The Scottish side is willing to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation with Chinese provinces and cities in economy, trade, education, culture, tourism, new energy, medical care and infrastructure development, and welcomes more Chinese entrepreneurs, students and tourists to Scotland.

The previous day, Ambassador Zheng had met with city leaders of Edinburgh and congratulated the city on its successful hosting of the world-famous Edinburgh International Festival, commending the fruitful results it has achieved in exchanges and cooperation with Chinese cities. He noted that there is significant potential for collaboration between Chinese cities and Edinburgh in areas such as economy, trade, education, culture, science and technology, tourism, healthcare and new energy, and expressed hope that the two sides will strengthen dialogue and communication, expand exchanges and cooperation, and bring greater benefits to the people. 

Lord Provost of Edinburgh Robert Aldridge and others said that China’s rapid development has garnered worldwide attention. Edinburgh has long maintained close cooperation with Chinese cities like Shenzhen and Xi’an. Edinburgh hopes to continue its collaboration with China in education, science and technology, culture and tourism, and expand cooperation in new energy, advanced manufacturing and infrastructure, among other areas. The Chinese community in Edinburgh has made significant contributions to the city’s economic and social development. Edinburgh welcomes more Chinese investors, students, and tourists to the city.

On August 2, the Ambassador had met with the civic leaders of Aberdeen and said that in the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew by 5%, continuing to make steady progress. We are fully confident, he added, in achieving our annual economic and social development goals. China’s further deepening of comprehensive reform to advance Chinese modernisation will bring new opportunities to countries around the world.

Zheng praised the fruitful results of Aberdeen’s cooperation with China, noting the broad prospects for collaboration in areas such as energy transition, green and low-carbon development, economy, trade, education, and tourism. China welcomes closer exchanges and wider cooperation between Aberdeen and its Chinese counterparts, which will help leverage the advantages of both sides to complement each other and deliver their respective economic and social development goals.

His hosts said that Aberdeen highly values its exchanges and cooperation with China and hopes to further expand areas of collaboration and promote greater people-to-people exchanges. With Aberdeen’s rich resources in energy, education, and tourism, they look forward to welcoming more Chinese investors, tourists, and students to the city.

Ambassador Zheng also visited major Chinese companies who have invested in Scotland.

Visiting the Aberdeen headquarters of CNOOC [China National Offshore Oil Corporation] Petroleum Europe on August 3, the Ambassador was briefed by Pan Yiyong, the company’s President, who said it will proactively advance its projects in the UK, strengthen collaboration with its partners, fulfil corporate social responsibility, and aim for steady and sustainable development.

On August 4 in Edinburgh, he visited the headquarters of Red Rock Renewables. Company leaders gave a briefing on its successful wind power projects in Scotland, adding that it is exploring opportunities to participate in large-scale wind power development and to contribute to Scotland’s renewable energy growth.

Ambassador Zheng stated that growing wind power and other renewable energies is a priority for Scotland’s green and low-carbon transition. He expressed hope that Red Rock Renewables will continue to leverage its advantages, showcase the positive image of Chinese enterprises, and actively participate in local projects, and encouraged the company to create new highlights in mutually beneficial cooperation and contribute more to mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK.

Ambassador Zheng Zeguang meets with First Minister of Scotland John Swinney

On 6 August 2024, H.E. Ambassador Zheng Zeguang met with First Minister of Scotland John Swinney in Edinburgh. The two sides had an  in-depth exchange of views on strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Scotland in various fields.

Ambassador Zheng said that Scotland has a unique history and cultural tradition, strong capacity in science, technology and education, and outstanding economic advantages. Over the years, Scotland has maintained close exchanges and cooperation with China, bringing huge benefits to the people of both sides. China has a full-fledged industrial system, a large market and huge growth potential. China’s new round of deepening reform across the board will further stimulate social vitality and development momentum, accelerate high-quality development, and bring new opportunities to countries around the world including the UK. China supports its provinces and cities to expand friendly exchanges with Scotland, broaden mutually beneficial cooperation, and create more highlights of cooperation, to better serve the people of both sides.

First Minister Swinney welcomed Ambassador Zheng to Scotland. He said that Scotland attaches great importance to long-term friendly cooperation with China. China’s achievements are well recognised worldwide. China is the largest source of imports and an important export market of Scotland. The Scottish side is willing to enhance mutual beneficial cooperation with Chinese provinces and cities in economy, trade, education, culture, tourism, new energy, medical care and infrastructure development, and welcomes more Chinese entrepreneurs, students and tourists to Scotland.

Chinese Consul General to Edinburgh Zhang Biao, Counsellor Kong Xiangwen from the Chinese Embassy, and Fang Wenjian, General Manager of Bank of China London Branch & Chairman of China Chamber of Commerce in the UK, Chen Xiaomeng, CEO of the Red Rock Renewables attended the meeting.

Continue reading Ambassador Zheng Zeguang meets with First Minister of Scotland John Swinney

Commemorative plaque for deported Chinese merchant seamen unveiled in Liverpool

A simple ceremony held in Liverpool’s Chinatown on July 19 marked a further small but significant step in the struggle for justice on the part of the now elderly descendants of the Chinese merchant seamen, thousands of whom were secretly and forcibly deported from the north-west English city in 1946, in one of the most blatant and cruel acts of racism by Britain’s post-war Labour government.

A commemorative blue plaque unveiled on the site of a former boarding house for Chinese sailors in Great Georges Square, in the city’s Chinatown, declares, “Wherever you are, you will be in our hearts”.

The following background has been supplied to us by Walter Fung, Vice-President of the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU) and editor of its magazine, China Eye:

The Chinese sailors served on the Atlantic convoys bringing food and other essential supplies to Britain. It was dangerous work in the face of hostile enemy action, and many lost their lives. They were in fact paid less than their British counterparts doing the same work and furthermore were not initially given a war bonus. Up to 20,000 Chinese seamen – about 14% of the entire British Merchant Navy – were based in Liverpool.  At any one time, when not away on active service at sea, there were about 2,000 living in Liverpool.

However, at the end of the war, the Labour government decided that the men were ‘surplus to requirements’ and ‘undesirable aliens’ and wanted to remove all of them. A secret decision was made by the government to deport the men, and many were rounded up and forcibly put on ships, which had been arranged to receive them. No notice was given, and many wives and children believed that their husbands and fathers had deserted them. 

The wives faced tremendous hardship. They were left destitute overnight. At that time, British women who married ‘aliens’ lost their British citizenship and were not entitled to any benefits or social security. They were on their own and their children were fatherless. The family breadwinner had gone, and the women were faced with poverty. Many were unable to cope, and their children were given up for adoption or placed in orphanages. Families were split up and siblings separated.

The reason for the deportations is not clear. There was a shortage of housing as 10,000 houses had been destroyed by German bombing and jobs were need for demobbed servicemen coming home. However, the number of houses occupied by the Chinese sailors was insignificant in number and the Chinese were not competing for any jobs. However, descendants of the men believe it was an act of racism.

It is also worth noting that many of the men were members of the Chinese Seamen’s Union, which was linked to the Communist Party of China.

The children of the deported seamen are demanding an apology from the British government, but the Home Office has so far not made any comment. The campaign is supported by local left Labour MP Kim Johnson and much of the credit for securing the plaque goes to Moira Kerry-Campbell of the Sound Agents, a Liverpool culture and heritage organisation.

We embed below the TV news report on the plaque unveiling from BBC North West Tonight. The CGTN documentary, The Secret Betrayal, gives a full background to the story.

The forthcoming issue of China Eye will feature a more detailed version of the report quoted above. We thank Walter Fung for his kind assistance.

China leads world in renewable energy

The following article by Lyn Neeley, first published in Workers World, describes some of China’s achievements on ecological protection. For example, “in 2023 China produced 60% of the world’s electric vehicles, 98% of the world’s electric buses and two-thirds of all the world’s wind and solar projects”. It looks like China will meet its goal of peaking emissions by 2030 ahead of time – indeed the evidence indicates that China’s emissions have already peaked.

Aside from renewable energy, China is the clear world leader in electric vehicles, and Chinese scientists are innovating on a number of fronts including green hydrogen and sustainable cooling materials.

Instead of cooperating with China in response to the climate crisis, “US corporations are threatened by all the Chinese innovations being developed and transforming the world. They know that when privately owned capitalist industries have monopoly control of an industry, their only goal is to maximize profits.”

When the US does invest in renewables, power plants are often built on indigenous lands, without consultation. “China just completed the largest floating solar farm in the world on top of an old coal plant! In contrast, US industries trespass on sovereign Indigenous land to construct solar plants, wind farms, power transmission lines and copper mines for lithium extraction for electric batteries – without consulting with leaders of the Indigenous nations and tribes.”

The contrast reminds us once again that the climate crisis requires socialist solutions.

In 2023 China produced 60% of the world’s electric vehicles, 98% of the world’s electric buses and two-thirds of all the world’s wind and solar projects. Its workers installed more solar panels than they had in the previous three years combined, nearly twice as much as the rest of the world combined.

These figures account for large solar farms that feed directly into the grid. Small solar farms, which make up 40% of China’s solar capacity, make solar power production totals in China much higher. China’s growth in wind power also increased in 2023, faster than in any country except the United States.

China’s goal of peak carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060 may well be reached sooner than expected. The biggest driver of China’s economic growth is innovation and clean energy technology, accounting for 40% of their gross domestic product expansion last year.

Electric vehicles

Chinese EVs now cost $10,000-$15,000 per car on the world market. A few reasons for the drastic price drop of 50% is that Chinese companies are producing their own lithium batteries, which they can produce 51% cheaper. Chinese government subsidies for EVs have risen from $76.7 million in 2018 to $809 million in 2023.

Capitalist industry based in the U.S. is unable to produce and sell EVs at such low prices, and its auto manufacturers are still heavily reliant on expensive cars that burn fossil fuels. The U.S. government is raising tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (now at 25%) to 100% starting Aug. 1. The European Union plans to increase tariffs up to 48% sometime this year.

Continue reading China leads world in renewable energy

Top leaders of Vietnam, China hold talks in Beijing

Comrade To Lam, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, paid a successful state visit to China from August 18-20 at the invitation of his counterpart, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and President of the People’s Republic of China.

Testifying to the special relationship between the socialist neighbours, this was Lam’s first overseas visit since he assumed the leading post in the CPV on August 3, following the death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on July 19. Lam was previously elected head of state in May and, in accordance with customary Vietnamese diplomatic practice, paid his first overseas visits in that capacity to Laos and Cambodia (July 11-13).

Immediately prior to Lam’s departure for China, the Vietnamese newspaper Nhân Dân carried a series of interviews with leading Vietnamese and Chinese personalities and experts on the significance of the visit and the historical background of Vietnam-China friendship.

Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai said this is the first trip abroad by Party General Secretary and State President Lam in his new position, and that it demonstrates the great importance the Vietnamese party and state attach to the development of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

The ambassador stressed that the visit would take place at a very special point in time, in the year that marks the centenary of President Ho Chi Minh’s arrival in Guangzhou from Moscow for revolutionary activities. While in Guangzhou, President Ho Chi Minh and other Vietnamese revolutionaries received wholehearted support and help from the Chinese party and people.

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo said the two counties will together follow their respective paths towards socialism and modernisation with distinctive characteristics, jointly advancing the global socialist cause, and contributing to regional and global peace, stability and development.

To Lam and his party began their visit by flying to the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in the morning of August 18.

Meeting with the Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong province Huang Kunming and other local leaders, he emphasised that his first state visit to China after assuming the CPV leadership role is, together with Party General Secretary and President Xi and other key leaders of China, to discuss measures to continue deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and building a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, meeting the interests of the two countries, and for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world. He stressed that Vietnam always attaches importance and gives top priority to developing ties with China.

To Lam paid floral tribute to martyr Pham Hong Thai at his grave in the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park, and visited the relic site of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League in Guangzhou city.

Pham Hong Thai was born on May 14, 1895, in Hung Nguyen district, in the central province of Nghe An. He tried to assassinate then French Governor-General Martial Merlin when he visited Guangzhou. After the unsuccessful assassination, he was hunted and then threw himself in the Pearl River on June 19, 1924.

Thai is the only foreigner buried in the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park besides over 70 Chinese martyrs, who died during the 1911 Wuchang Uprising.

In a 2022 article published in the South China Morning Post, British historian and author Paul French described the background to Thai’s action:

“The governor-general was kind enough to answer questions from assembled reporters and mingled and gossiped with the leading lights of the French community, before giving a short speech extolling the supposed tranquility and growing prosperity of Indochina under French rule.

“But things were not as serene as Merlin had suggested in his speech that evening. Resistance to French colonial rule was building, and young people were finding inspiration from liberation movements in Ireland, Korea and the recently established Republic of China.

“An anonymous letter, accompanied by a photograph, was delivered to the Guangzhou newspaper Xianxiang Bao two days after the bombing.

“It identified the bomber as Pham Hong Thai and included his testimony admitting to the attack, declaring Thai as a member of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Army and that a 10-man team had been dispatched to Guangzhou to kill the governor-general.

“Thai had posed as a journalist to gain access…  while it was thought that other members of the cell may have also been on the island posing as waiters, cooks or rickshaw pullers.

“The missive concluded, ‘I will not be regretful for this deed even if I die. I wish that what I have done will make other nations understand the suffering of my people and help us.’

“In Guangzhou it appears he joined the Tam Tam Xa, or the Society of Like Hearts, a group of young activists opposed to their more conservative elders in the liberation movement. Their aim was to awaken the people of Indochina to the anti-colonial struggle.

“The French tried to paint Thai as a terrorist, a mad anarchist bent on murder and destruction, but the group had chosen to target Merlin specifically because he was recalcitrant on Indochina and had launched a campaign, as historian Tim Harper writes in his 2020 book Underground Asia, ‘to silence and eliminate patriots outside Vietnam’.

Continue reading Top leaders of Vietnam, China hold talks in Beijing

Comrade To Lam, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, paid a successful state visit to China from August 18-20 at the invitation of his counterpart, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and President of the People’s Republic of China.

Testifying to the special relationship between the socialist neighbours, this was Lam’s first overseas visit since he assumed the leading post in the CPV on August 3, following the death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on July 19. Lam was previously elected head of state in May and, in accordance with customary Vietnamese diplomatic practice, paid his first overseas visits in that capacity to Laos and Cambodia (July 11-13).

Immediately prior to Lam’s departure for China, the Vietnamese newspaper Nhân Dân carried a series of interviews with leading Vietnamese and Chinese personalities and experts on the significance of the visit and the historical background of Vietnam-China friendship.

Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai said this is the first trip abroad by Party General Secretary and State President Lam in his new position, and that it demonstrates the great importance the Vietnamese party and state attach to the development of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

The ambassador stressed that the visit would take place at a very special point in time, in the year that marks the centenary of President Ho Chi Minh’s arrival in Guangzhou from Moscow for revolutionary activities. While in Guangzhou, President Ho Chi Minh and other Vietnamese revolutionaries received wholehearted support and help from the Chinese party and people.

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo said the two counties will together follow their respective paths towards socialism and modernisation with distinctive characteristics, jointly advancing the global socialist cause, and contributing to regional and global peace, stability and development.

To Lam and his party began their visit by flying to the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in the morning of August 18.

Meeting with the Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong province Huang Kunming and other local leaders, he emphasised that his first state visit to China after assuming the CPV leadership role is, together with Party General Secretary and President Xi and other key leaders of China, to discuss measures to continue deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and building a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, meeting the interests of the two countries, and for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world. He stressed that Vietnam always attaches importance and gives top priority to developing ties with China.

To Lam paid floral tribute to martyr Pham Hong Thai at his grave in the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park, and visited the relic site of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League in Guangzhou city.

Pham Hong Thai was born on May 14, 1895, in Hung Nguyen district, in the central province of Nghe An. He tried to assassinate then French Governor-General Martial Merlin when he visited Guangzhou. After the unsuccessful assassination, he was hunted and then threw himself in the Pearl River on June 19, 1924.

Thai is the only foreigner buried in the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park besides over 70 Chinese martyrs, who died during the 1911 Wuchang Uprising.

In a 2022 article published in the South China Morning Post, British historian and author Paul French described the background to Thai’s action:

“The governor-general was kind enough to answer questions from assembled reporters and mingled and gossiped with the leading lights of the French community, before giving a short speech extolling the supposed tranquility and growing prosperity of Indochina under French rule.

“But things were not as serene as Merlin had suggested in his speech that evening. Resistance to French colonial rule was building, and young people were finding inspiration from liberation movements in Ireland, Korea and the recently established Republic of China.

“An anonymous letter, accompanied by a photograph, was delivered to the Guangzhou newspaper Xianxiang Bao two days after the bombing.

“It identified the bomber as Pham Hong Thai and included his testimony admitting to the attack, declaring Thai as a member of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Army and that a 10-man team had been dispatched to Guangzhou to kill the governor-general.

“Thai had posed as a journalist to gain access…  while it was thought that other members of the cell may have also been on the island posing as waiters, cooks or rickshaw pullers.

“The missive concluded, ‘I will not be regretful for this deed even if I die. I wish that what I have done will make other nations understand the suffering of my people and help us.’

“In Guangzhou it appears he joined the Tam Tam Xa, or the Society of Like Hearts, a group of young activists opposed to their more conservative elders in the liberation movement. Their aim was to awaken the people of Indochina to the anti-colonial struggle.

“The French tried to paint Thai as a terrorist, a mad anarchist bent on murder and destruction, but the group had chosen to target Merlin specifically because he was recalcitrant on Indochina and had launched a campaign, as historian Tim Harper writes in his 2020 book Underground Asia, ‘to silence and eliminate patriots outside Vietnam’.

Continue reading Top leaders of Vietnam, China hold talks in Beijing

Fu Cong: The historical injustice endured by Africa is a huge moral scar on humanity

China has again made clear its support for Africa to be given effective representation in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). 

Speaking at the UNSC open debate on this topic and on addressing the historical injustice experienced by Africa, on August 12, Ambassador Fu Cong noted that the world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, with the rise of the Global South and the unstoppable trend of multipolarity. African countries, he said, have become a vibrant force on the global political stage, a rising player in the global economy, a core member of the Global South, an important pole in the multipolar world, and a key participant in global governance. 

Nevertheless, he said, “we regret to see that the African continent is still facing many challenges to peace and development, that African countries have not yet gained the international respect they deserve, that expectations of African people have not received sufficient attention, and that Africa’s international influence has not been on full display.”

Putting this into its correct historical context, the Chinese Ambassador noted that, the historical injustice endured by Africa is a huge moral scar on humanity and a heavy issue that the international community must face today. Historically, Western countries have imposed hundreds of years of brutal colonial rule and blatant racial discrimination on Africa. They carried out the inhumane slave trade and plundered resources, depriving the African people of the natural rights and the dignity they deserve, artificially interrupting the historical process of Africa’s development, and plunging African countries into a long period of suffering and disaster. This is the root cause of all historical injustice in Africa. Even to this day, some Western countries still cling to the colonialist mindset with a self-righteous attitude on African issues. They interfere in the internal affairs of African countries by using financial, legal, sanction-based, and even military means, and exercise unscrupulous oppression and control over African countries in the areas of currency, energy, minerals, and national defence. To rectify the historical injustice against Africa, we must, first and foremost, unequivocally oppose the legacy of colonialism and all kinds of hegemonic practices. Western countries should truly shoulder their historical responsibilities, change course, stop such wrong practices as external interference and exerting pressure through sanctions, and return the future of Africa to the hands of the African people. 

Security Council reform, he continued, is an important part of the reform of the multilateral governance architecture. Based on the common interests of the entire continent, Africa has formed a common position through the Ezulwini Consensus, which reflects the justice and legitimacy of Africa’s demand for reform and enjoys a unique moral advantage. This is fundamentally different from the practice of a few countries and interest groups who pursue their own selfish and small-circle interests when it comes to Council reform. [This may be understood to refer, in particular, to the persistent attempts by a handful of countries, principally Japan, to secure permanent UNSC membership.] African countries’ appeal to be treated as a special case and priority deserves the attention and support of the international community. China has taken the lead in its favourable response and explicit support for this request. 

The following article was originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.


China welcomes President Julius Maada Bio presiding over today’s meeting, and thanks Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres, President Dennis Francis, and Ms. Sithembile Mbete for their briefings. 

The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, with the rise of the Global South and the unstoppable trend of multipolarity. As the youngest continent, Africa has made decades of unremitting efforts to pursue unity and progress, to maintain multilateralism, and defend the common interests of developing countries. It has demonstrated an active African image and a strong African power. African countries have become a vibrant force on the global political stage, a rising player in the global economy, a core member of the Global South, an important polar in the multipolar world, and a key participant in global governance. 

At the same time, we regret to see that the African continent is still facing many challenges to peace and development, that African countries have not yet gained the international respect they deserve, that expectations of African people have not received sufficient attention, and that Africa’s international influence has not been on full display. China hopes that through today’s discussion, all parties will gain a more comprehensive insight into the historical injustice against Africa, see the hope for its future, and work together with African countries and their people to promote an equitable and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization. I wish to share the following three points.

First, the historical injustice endured by Africa is a huge moral scar on humanity and a heavy issue that the international community must face today. Historically, Western countries have imposed hundreds of years of brutal colonial rule and blatant racial discrimination on Africa. They carried out the inhumane slave trade and plundered resources, depriving the African people of the natural rights and the dignity they deserve, artificially interrupting the historical process of Africa’s development, and plunging African countries into a long period of suffering and disaster. This is the root cause of all historical injustice in Africa. Even to this day, some Western countries still cling to the colonialist mindset with a self-righteous attitude on African issues. They interfere in the internal affairs of African countries by using financial, legal, sanction-based, and even military means, and exercise unscrupulous oppression and control over African countries in the areas of currency, energy, minerals, and national defense. To rectify the historical injustice against Africa, we must, first and foremost, unequivocally oppose the legacy of colonialism and all kinds of hegemonic practices. Western countries should truly shoulder their historical responsibilities, change course, stop such wrong practices as external interference and exerting pressure through sanctions, and return the future of Africa to the hands of the African people. 

Second, the redress of historical injustice against Africa must be both holistic and focused. It is important to recognize that the injustice is systemic and structural in nature, involving various political, economic, scientific, and technological areas, and manifests itself in various aspects of rights, opportunities, and rules. This is an undeniable fact and an issue of great urgency. China believes that the primary task is to support African countries on the path of sustainable development as the foundation of lasting peace. When we look at the hot spot issues in Africa on the Council’s agenda, poverty and under-development are often common denominators. The international community should implement the UN 2030 Agenda together with AU Agenda 2063, and support Africa in its industrialization and modernization and its better participation in the international division of labor, so that it can share the dividends of economic globalization and break the vicious cycle of poverty and instability. 

Third, to rectify the historical injustice against Africa, the fundamental task is to accelerate the overhaul of the multilateral governance architecture and to enhance Africa’s representation and voice. Security Council reforms is an important part of the reform of the multilateral governance architecture. Based on the common interests of the entire continent, Africa has formed a common position through the Ezulwini Consensus, which reflects the justice and legitimacy of Africa’s demand for reform and enjoys a unique moral advantage. This is fundamentally different from the practice of a few countries and interest groups who pursue their own selfish and small-circle interests when it comes to Council reform. African countries’ appeal to be treated as a special case and priority deserves the attention and support of the international community. China has taken the lead in its favorable response and explicit support for this request. We are pleased to note that such a request has been included in Security Council reform-related text in the Pact for the Future and the IGN co-chairs elements paper, and that Africa’s demand is gaining greater understanding, recognition, and support. 

The reform of the financial architecture is another important area of multilateral governance reform. The current international financial system is unfavorable to developing countries in terms of investment and financing, credit ratings, and economic and technical assistance. It imposes many additional conditions which severely hamper the development and revitalization of African countries. The irresponsible monetary policies of some major economies have had serious spillover effects, repeatedly reaping the hard-won development gains of developing countries. Such a system is unsustainable and must be reformed and improved as soon as possible. Secretary-General Guterres and the Global South have made a strong appeal to the international community to take the Pact of the Future as an opportunity to launch truly ambitious initiatives and push for substantial steps of reform. 


China and Africa are good friends, good partners, and good brothers who are sincere and friendly based on mutual assistance and joint development. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have been firmly supportive of African countries’ just struggle for independence and national liberation and a development path for Africa in line with its conditions. Since the reform and opening-up of China, we have vigorously promoted mutually beneficial cooperation. In recent years, we have upheld President Xi Jinping’s principle of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests in our cooperation with Africa, and have faster tracked the building of the China-Africa community with a shared future. Under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, we have carried out all-round, multifaceted cooperation in infrastructure, trade, energy, health, digital economy, people and cultural exchanges, and other areas, benefiting the entire African continent. Early next month, the Forum will hold its summit in Beijing. China is ready to work with Africa based on our friendship and cooperation to jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future China is also willing to work with international partners to sincerely help Africa develop and revitalize itself, support Africa with concrete actions to address historical injustice, promote a more just and rational new international political and economic order, abd truly enhance Africa’s representation, voice, and decision-making in the multilateral governance system. 

Thank you, President.

Celebrating 75 years of Chinese Socialism – New York City – Assembly of Peace and Solidarity

📆 Sunday 29 September 2024, 10am-6pm US Eastern

📍The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, 3940 Broadway New York, NY 10032 United States

October 1, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, when Mao Zedong declared that “the Chinese people have stood up”.

Friends of Socialist China is initiating two events to mark this historic occasion, in London on Saturday, September 28 and in New York City on Sunday, September 29.

These events will highlight the extraordinary achievements of Chinese socialism over the past 75 years and bring people together to counter the rising tide of anti-China propaganda and the U.S.-led New Cold War.

Discussions will include the ongoing processes of poverty alleviation and modernisation; China’s role in the struggle against climate catastrophe; China’s contribution to Marxist thought; the significance of the recent meeting of all the Palestinian organizations in China and more.

The New York City event is jointly organized by Friends of Socialist China and Workers World Party in coordination with Black Agenda Report, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Qiao Collective and the International Manifesto Group. It will take place on Sunday, September 29 from 10am to 6pm, at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, 165th and Broadway in Harlem, New York

Guests can attend in-person (seating is limited) or virtually. 

Registration required for online and in-person participation via Eventbrite.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Gerald Horne – Author and historian
  • Danny Haiphong – Journalist, Co-founder of Friends of Socialist China
  • Margaret Kimberly – Executive Editor – Black Agenda Report
  • Larry Holmes – First Secretary – Workers World Party
  • Mick Kelly – Political Secretary – Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Lee Siu Hin – Director – China / U.S. Solidarity Network
  • Omowale Clay – International Secretariat – December 12th Movement
  • Ken Hammond – Party for Socialism and Liberation, author of multiple books on China
  • Radhika Desai – Coordinator – International Manifesto Group
  • Michael Wong – Vice Pres. of Veterans For Peace and VFP China Working Group
  • KJ Noh – Journalist, analyst of the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region
  • Sara Flounders – International Action Center, Friends of Socialist China
  • Dee Knight – author and peace activist

Representatives will also participate from:

  • Communist Party USA International Department
  • US Peace Council
  • Black Alliance for Peace
  • Qiao Collective
  • Struggle / La Lucha
  • Iskra Publishers

Liu Jianchao leads delegation to South Africa

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee (IDCPC), led a party delegation to South Africa at the end of July and the beginning of August. It was the first stop on a tour of a number of countries in Africa and Latin America.

On August 1, Minister Liu met with Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa and of the Republic of South Africa.  Welcoming Liu and his delegation, Ramaphosa said that the CPC delegation’s visit to South Africa at this time (following the recent election and the formation of a government of national unity) demonstrates the Chinese side’s firm support for the ANC and South Africa. He said that he maintains close exchanges with President Xi Jinping and has forged a close friendship, of which he is proud. President Xi Jinping has visited South Africa many times, promoting bilateral relations for continuous improvement and upgrading, which has deeply moved and inspired the South African side. The South African government will keep its policies toward China unchanged and will continue to be committed to promoting the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership. South Africa firmly adheres to the one-China principle and thanks the Chinese side for its long-term valuable support and assistance.

Ramaphosa added that the leadership of the CPC is what has allowed China to realise today’s development achievements and the CPC’s achievements have also inspired the ANC. Since its establishment, the ANC has been fighting for South Africa’s national independence and development. Despite setbacks, it will not give up easily, nor will it shirk its responsibility to lead the country’s development and revitalisation. Calling the CPC a reliable friend and close comrade of the ANC, he said the ANC cherishes its sincere friendship with the CPC. 

Liu said, the Chinese side congratulates the ANC on its victory in the general election again and President Cyril Ramaphosa on his successful re-election. He voiced confidence that under the strong leadership of President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC, the government of national unity will closely unite the people and help South Africa make new development achievements. (In the election, the ANC secured 40.2% of the vote, almost twice that of its nearest rival – and now coalition partner – the Democratic Alliance [DA], which secured 21.8%.) 

China and South Africa, Liu continued, are both important members of the Global South and emerging economies. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with South Africa on multilateral affairs, promote the construction of a more just and reasonable international political and economic order, and safeguard the common interests of the vast number of developing countries.

He added that the CPC and the ANC have a long-standing friendship. The Chinese side firmly believes that as a mature political party that has stood the test of the changing circumstances, the ANC will carry forward its fine traditions, firmly grasp the correct development direction of South Africa, and promote China-South Africa relations for robust development.

The previous day, Liu had met with ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula. Liu said, the Chinese side congratulates the ANC on its leadership in forming a government of national unity, which proves that the ANC is a mature century-old party with political wisdom and believes that the ANC will unite and lead the South African people to achieve new achievements in national development.

On August 1, he met with Ronald Lamola, Member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC and South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation. Lamola said that South Africa is grateful to the Chinese side for providing valuable support in its struggle for national independence and construction. He expressed the hope to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with the Chinese side in areas such as trade and investment. He added that the the foreign policy of the new South African government will not change, and that South Africa will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China principle and steadfastly support China’s positions on issues concerning its core interests. South Africa highly appreciates China’s significant role in promoting the improvement of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran as well as facilitating the reconciliation of Palestinian factions. He expressed the hope to strengthen coordination with the Chinese side within the BRICS cooperation mechanism and the G-20. South Africa looks forward to participating in the 2024 FOCAC (Forum on China Africa Cooperation) Summit in Beijing, this coming September, believing that it will help African countries advance the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and promote greater development in Africa-China relations.

On July 31, Liu met with Solly Afrika Mapaila, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP). He congratulated the SACP on its 103rd anniversary, which fell in February. He said that the CPC and the SACP are both Marxist parties, share the same ideals and beliefs, always understand and support each other, and are time-tested good comrades and good brothers.

Mapaila said, the SACP cherishes its friendly relations with the CPC, and thanks the Chinese side for its long-term valuable assistance to South Africa’s economic and social development and the improvement of people’s livelihood, as well as its strong support for the SACP, the African National Congress and other progressive forces in South Africa.

On August 3, Liu also met with the parliamentary leaders of some of the political parties which are participating in the new government of national unity.  He met with Mzwanele Nyhontso, President of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) of Azania and Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development; Mogamad Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks, President of the Al Jama-ah and Deputy Minister of Social Development; Brett Herron, Secretary-General of the GOOD Party; and Thandi Nontenja, National Treasurer of the United Democratic Movement (UDM).

Liu said, China and South Africa enjoy a time-honoured friendship. As early as in the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and racism, the two peoples have supported each other and forged a profound friendship. 

The South African party leaders thanked the Chinese side for its long-term and valuable support to the economic and social development of South Africa and expressed their hope to strengthen exchanges with the CPC and learn from its experience in party building and state governance in order to facilitate South Africa’s development and advance South Africa-China relations. 

For their part, Nyhontso said, the PAC has a long history of interacting with China, with many of its leaders and members having trained in China. He hoped to learn from China’s experience in areas such as land reform and rural development to help South Africa solve its prominent problems. [China consistently supported the PAC as one of the country’s national liberation movements during the struggle against apartheid, maintaining a close relationship for a long time.]

Hendricks fondly recalled his experience of interacting with the Chinese side and appreciated China’s great achievements in poverty alleviation. Calling the strong leadership of the CPC the key to China’s success, he said he would like to learn from the Chinese side’s experience.

Herron said, South Africa can benefit from China’s rapid economic and social development and hoped that the two countries will strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, closely coordinate and cooperate in BRICS and other multilateral mechanisms and promote a more just and equitable international order.

Nontenja said, as South Africa is undergoing special changes in its political landscape, the UDM is willing to play a role in the country’s development and hopes to strengthen exchanges with the CPC on national and party construction.  

On August 2, Liu and his delegation also held discussions with representatives from South Africa’s media and think tanks.

Following its visit to South Africa, the CPC delegation proceeded to Uruguay.

The following articles were originally published on the website of the IDCPC.

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of ANC and President of South Africa Meets with Liu Jianchao

Johannesburg, August 1st (IDCPC) — Cyril Ramaphosa, President of African National Congress (ANC) and President of South Africa, met here today with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Ramaphosa welcomed Liu and the CPC delegation. He said, the CPC delegation’s visit to South Africa, which is experiencing a special moment now, demonstrates the Chinese side’s firm support for the ANC and South Africa. I maintain close exchanges with President Xi Jinping and have forged a close friendship, which I am proud of. President Xi Jinping has visited South Africa many times, promoting bilateral relations for continuous improvement and upgrading, which has deeply moved and inspired the South African side. The South African government will keep its policies toward China unchanged, and will continue to be committed to promoting the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership between South Africa and China. South Africa firmly adheres to the one-China principle and thanks the Chinese side for its long-term valuable support and assistance. 

Ramaphosa said, the leadership of the CPC is what allowed China to realize today’s development achievements, and the CPC’s achievements have also inspired the ANC. Since its establishment, the ANC has been fighting for South Africa’s national independence and development. Despite setbacks, it will not give up easily, nor will it shirk its responsibility to lead the country’s development and revitalization. Calling the CPC a reliable friend and close comrade of the ANC, he said the ANC cherishes its sincere friendship with the CPC and hopes to further strengthen exchanges between the two Parties at all levels and strengthen experience exchanges in national construction and party building.

Liu said, the Chinese side congratulates the ANC on its victory in the general election again and President Cyril Ramaphosa on his successful re-election. Liu voiced confidence that under the strong leadership of President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC, the government of national unity will closely unite the people and help South Africa make new development achievements. In August last year, President Xi Jinping successfully visited South Africa and reached important consensus with President Cyril Ramaphosa, charting the course for the further development of relations between the two countries. The Chinese side is willing to work with the South African side to implement the consensus reached by the top leaders of the two Parties and countries, deepen political mutual trust, expand practical cooperation in various fields, firmly support each other on issues involving each other’s core interests, and promote China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership for new and greater development. China and South Africa are both important members of the Global South and emerging economies. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with South Africa on multilateral affairs, promote the construction of a more just and reasonable international political and economic order, and safeguard the common interests of the vast number of developing countries. 

Liu said, the CPC and the ANC have a long-standing friendship. The Chinese side firmly believes that as a mature political party that has stood the test of the changing circumstances, the ANC will carry forward its fine traditions, firmly grasp the correct development direction of South Africa, and promote China-South Africa relations for robust development. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen institutionalized exchanges with the ANC as always, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in party building and state governance, enhance its own governing capacity, and promote China-South Africa relations to a new level.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Fikile Mbalula, Secretary-General of African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa

Pretoria, July 31st (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with Fikile Mbalula, Secretary-General of African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa.

Liu said, the Chinese side congratulates the ANC on its leadership in forming a government of national unity, which proves that the ANC is a mature century-old party with political wisdom, and believes that the ANC will unite and lead the South African people to achieve new achievements in national development. Under the new circumstances, the CPC is willing to work with the ANC to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries, maintain high-level strategic communication and political mutual trust, continue to firmly support each other on issues involving respective core interests, deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance and administration, and bring China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level. The Chinese side is willing to, together with the South African side, strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the BRICS cooperation mechanism and the Group of 20, promote common development of the Global South countries, and jointly safeguard international fairness and justice. 

Mbalula said, the ANC and the CPC have a long-standing friendship, and the relationship between the two Parties is an important foundation for the relationship between South Africa and China. The ANC congratulated the CPC on the successful holding of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Mbalula introduced relevant situation of the South African general election of 2024, and said that the ANC will hold a National Executive Committee meeting to thoroughly summarize the experience and lessons. Calling China a reliable friend of South Africa, the ANC thanks the Chinese side for the long-term valuable support and assistance to South Africa. The South African government’s long-term commitment to the one-China principle will not change, and its friendly policy toward China will not change. Under the new situation, the ANC is willing to continue to strengthen high-level exchanges with the CPC, and learn experience in governing the Party and the country from the CPC, so as to overcome the current challenges, achieve self-reform, and lead the country to develop better. 

Lindiwe Zulu, Member of the ANC National Executive Committee, Nokuthula Nqaba, Secretary General of ANC Women’s League and others, were present.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Ronald Lamola, Member of the ANC’s National Executive Committee, South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Pretoria, August 1st (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with Ronald Lamola, Member of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress (ANC) and South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

Liu stated that Chinese President Xi Jinping and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa have provided important strategic guidance for the development of bilateral relations, ushering in a “golden era” of building a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future. The Chinese side is willing to work with the South African side to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state. Focusing on the implementation of the “Nine Programs” of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and the 10 Years Strategic Programme on Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa (2020-2029), both sides need to strengthen the deep alignment of development strategies, consolidate cooperation in advantageous areas, cultivate new growth drivers for cooperation, achieve mutual benefits, win-win results and common development, and continuously benefit the people of both countries. 

Liu said, both China and South Africa are influential developing countries and emerging market nations. The Chinese side supports the South African side in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs and is willing to continue to work with the South African side under multilateral mechanisms such as the BRICS cooperation mechanism and the Group of 20, practice true multilateralism, strengthen the Global South countries’ representation and voice in the global governance system, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. The new meeting of the FOCAC will be held in Beijing. The Chinese side is willing to work with African countries, including South Africa, to achieve more win-win outcomes in China-Africa cooperation.

Lamola stated, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s successful visit to South Africa last year injected strong impetus into the future development of bilateral relations. South Africa is grateful to the Chinese side for providing valuable support in its struggle for national independence and construction. He expressed the hope to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with the Chinese side in areas such as trade and investment. The South African side also hoped that the Chinese side can help it address prominent issues in its development process, advance industrialization, and promote the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between South Africa and China. He said the foreign policy of the new South African government will not change and that South Africa will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China principle, steadfastly support China’s positions on issues concerning China’s core interests related to the Taiwan question, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Xizang. South Africa highly appreciates China’s significant role in promoting the improvement of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and facilitating the reconciliation of Palestinian factions. He expressed the hope to strengthen coordination with the Chinese side within BRICS and the Group of 20. South Africa looks forward to participating in the 2024 FOCAC Summit in Beijing, believing that the summit will help African countries advance the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and promote greater development in Africa-China relations. 

Both sides exchanged views on international and regional issues such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Solly Afrika Mapaila, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party

Pretoria, July 31st (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with Solly Afrika Mapaila, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP).

Liu congratulated the SACP on its 103rd anniversary. He said that the CPC and the SACP are both Marxist parties, share the same ideals and beliefs, always understand and support each other, and are time-tested good comrades and good brothers. Under the new situation, the CPC is willing to work with the SACP to implement the important consensus reached by President Xi Jinping and President Cyril Ramaphosa, continue to deepen strategic communication, strengthen experience exchanges on issues such as party building, promote practical cooperation in various fields, better promote the construction of respective countries, and bring more benefits to the people of the two countries. 

Mapaila said, the SACP cherishes its friendly relations with the CPC, and thanks the Chinese side for its long-term valuable assistance to South Africa’s economic, social development and improvement of people’s livelihood, as well as the strong support for the SACP, the African National Congress and other progressive forces in South Africa. Under the new situation of the formation of a government of national unity in South Africa, the SACP hopes to strengthen exchanges with the CPC, deepen experience exchanges in state governance and administration, and promote South Africa-China relations for greater development. Mapaila also introduced the situation of the South African general election of 2024 and the current political situation in conjunction with the process of South Africa’s national democratic revolution. 

Joyce Moloi-Moropa, SACP National Treasurer, Cde Thulas Nxesi, SACP Deputy National Chairperson, Jenny Schreiner, Member of SACP Political Bureau and others, were present.

Liu Jianchao Meets with Party Leaders in the National Assembly of South Africa

Cape Town, August 3rd (IDCPC) — Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with the leaders of some parties in the National Assembly of South Africa. Mzwanele Nyhontso, President of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) of Azania and Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development, Mogamad Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks, President of the Al Jama-ah and Deputy Minister of Social Development, Brett Herron, Secretary-General of the GOOD Party, and Thandi Nontenja, National Treasurer of the United Democratic Movement (UDM), attended the meeting.

Liu said, China and South Africa enjoy a time-honored friendship. As early as in the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and racism, the two peoples have supported each other and forged a profound friendship. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 26 years ago, the two sides have upheld sincerity and friendship with bilateral relations continuously reaching new heights. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Cyril Ramaphosa, China-South Africa relations have entered a “golden era”. The Chinese side is willing to work with the South African side to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, firmly support each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us, expand practical cooperation in various fields, and continuously enrich the connotation of the China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership.  

Liu said, relations between political parties are a vital part of state-to-state relations. The CPC is willing to strengthen communication and exchanges with the political parties in the National Assembly of South Africa, exchange views on important issues of common concern, enhance mutual understanding, further gather the forces of China-South Africa friendship, and push China-South Africa relations to a new height to bring more benefits to the two peoples. Liu also introduced the major experience of China’s economic and social development and the main features of Chinese modernization.  

The party leaders thanked the Chinese side for its long-term and valuable support to the economic and social development of South Africa, and expressed their hope to strengthen exchanges with the CPC and learn from the CPC’s experience in party building and state governance to facilitate South Africa’s development and advance South Africa-China relations.  

Nyhontso said, the PAC has a long history with interacting with China, with many of its leaders and members trained in China. He hoped to learn from China’s experience in areas such as land reform and rural development to help South Africa solve its prominent problems. Hendricks fondly recalled his experience of interacting with the Chinese side and appreciated China’s great achievements in poverty alleviation. Calling the strong leadership of the CPC the key to China’s success, he said he would like to learn from the Chinese side’s experience. Herron said, South Africa can benefit from China’s rapid economic and social development, and hoped that the two countries will strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, closely coordinate and cooperate in BRICS and other multilateral mechanisms, and promote a more just and equitable international order. Nontenja said, as South Africa is undergoing special changes in its political landscape, the UDM is willing to play a role in the country’s development, hoping to strengthen exchanges with the CPC on national and party construction. 

China supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity

China has declared that it supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity in accordance with the law, supports its efforts to safeguard regional peace and stability, and is willing to maintain close communication with the country.

This important statement came in an August 11 telephone conversation between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani. It followed the assassination by Israel on July 31 in Tehran of Ismail Haniyeh, who chaired the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital to attend the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian.

Wang Yi reiterated that China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination, believing that it gravely violates the basic norms governing international relations, seriously infringes on Iran’s sovereignty, security and dignity, directly undermines the Gaza ceasefire negotiation process, and shocks regional peace and stability.

China stands ready to work with the new Iranian government to continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning their respective core interests, steadily advance practical cooperation in various fields, unswervingly promote the sound development of bilateral relations, and constantly add new content to the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership.

Iran is welcome to actively participate in the events hosted by China as the rotating chair of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and China is also willing to strengthen cooperation with Iran within the framework of the BRICS mechanism, further increase the voice and influence of the Global South, and promote more just and reasonable development of international governance, Wang said.

Analysing the significance of the Chinese stance, the online publication, The Palestine Chronicle quoted its Chief Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, as saying:

“The official Chinese position did not include such phrases as ‘using restraint’, or ‘avoiding further escalation’. In itself, this is very important.”

Baroud added, “also considering the guarded nature of Chinese foreign policy, it would not be expected that the Chinese openly declare that Iran has the right to attack Israel or Israeli interests as a form of retaliation for Israel’s infringement on its sovereignty through the assassination of the Palestinian leader.

“A careful reading of the statement of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, however, suggests that China is willing to accommodate, in fact, support an Iranian retaliation against Israel since such retaliation can be considered part of Iran’s ‘safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity.’”

“This development”, Baroud continued, “indicates two things: One, that Iran is succeeding in garnering enough international support for its forthcoming response to the Israeli assassination of Haniyeh; two, that China is inching closer to the pro-resistance camp in the Middle East, a position that would surely frustrate Washington’s designs in the region.”

Earlier, on August 11, Wang Yi also held separate telephone talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty and Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

In his talk with his Egyptian counterpart, Wang said the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh has pushed the regional situation into a more dangerous height, adding that China resolutely opposes and strongly condemns such assassination acts that violate the basic principles of the UN Charter, infringe on Iran’s sovereignty and dignity, severely undermine efforts to promote peace, and make a ceasefire in Gaza increasingly unattainable, adding that that double standards should not be applied to the crisis in Gaza.

He also pointed out that China will continue to stand on the side of international justice, strengthen solidarity with Arab countries, and work with all parties to avoid further escalation and deterioration of the situation.

Speaking with Jordanian Foreign Minister Safadi, Wang pointed that the key to avoiding the deterioration and escalation of the situation is to achieve a full and permanent ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible and the international community should raise a more consistent voice on this issue and form a joint force.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency.

Chinese FM holds phone talks with Iranian counterpart on bilateral ties, Mideast situation

BEIJING, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday held phone talks with Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani at request, focusing on bilateral relations and the situation in the Middle East.

Noting that Iran is a country with important influence in the region and a comprehensive strategic partner of China, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China has always promoted its relations with Iran from a strategic and long-term perspective.

Continue reading China supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and national dignity

China strongly condemns “heinous” Israeli air strike on school in Gaza

China has once more spoken out at the United Nations against Israeli aggression and in support of justice for the Palestinians.

Speaking at a Security Council briefing called at the request of Algeria on August 13, Ambassador Fu Cong said that:

Israel’s air strike on the Tabeen school in Gaza last week claimed around 100 innocent civilian lives. China strongly condemns this attack. Civilians and the civilian infrastructure must not be the target of military operations. This is a red line under the international humanitarian law. Attacking schools where a large number of civilians are seeking shelter again and again is a heinous act. Over the past ten months, millions of people in Gaza have seen their homes destroyed and their loved ones separated. They have been forced to move from place to place in search of a corner of peace, only to be met with indiscriminate bombardment and deaths that could befall them at any moment. As we speak, nowhere is safe in Gaza.

Underlining once again the pressing need for an immediate and durable ceasefire, Fu noted: “Two months ago, when pushing for Security Council Resolution 2735, the US claimed that Israel had accepted a ceasefire agreement. But the reality is quite the opposite. Instead of credible signs of Israel’s commitment to a ceasefire, what we see is ever-expanding military operations and ever-increasing civilian casualties.”

Pointing out that the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to worsen, with hunger and disease spreading rapidly, the Chinese Ambassador continued: “Recently, a high-ranking Israeli politician described it as just and moral to starve two million people in Gaza. Such appalling remarks are totally unacceptable.” He added that: “We are gravely concerned about the incidents of sexual abuse by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian detainees. We call for investigations and accountability.”

We print below the full text of Ambassador Fu Cong’s remarks. They were originally published on the website of China’s Permanent Mission to the UN.


I thank Algeria for requesting this meeting, and thank Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo and Director Lisa Doughten for their briefings.

Israel’s air strike on the Tabeen school in Gaza last week claimed around 100 innocent civilian lives. China strongly condemns this attack. Civilians and the civilian infrastructure must not be the target of military operations. This is a red line under the international humanitarian law. Attacking schools where a large number of civilians are seeking shelter again and again is a heinous act. Over the past ten months, millions of people in Gaza have seen their homes destroyed and their loved ones separated. They have been forced to move from place to place in search of a corner of peace, only to be met with indiscriminate bombardment and deaths that could befall them at any moment. As we speak, nowhere is safe in Gaza. In Khan Yunis, a place once declared a so-called safe zone by Israel, people there have been forced to flee in the face of new bombing rains. The desperate people of Gaza want to know where is the end of the war and where is the hope for survival.

An immediate and durable ceasefire is what the people of Gaza yearn for. It is also the overwhelming consensus of the international community. Two months ago, when pushing for Security Council Resolution 2735, the US claimed that Israel had accepted a ceasefire agreement. But the reality is quite the opposite. Instead of credible signs of Israel’s commitment to a ceasefire, what we see is ever-expanding military operations and ever-increasing civilian casualties. The US, as the largest supplier of weapons, has enough influence over Israel. We hope that the US will take sincere and responsible actions to push Israel to stop its military operations in Gaza as soon as possible and to stop slaughtering civilians.


The humanitarian disaster in Gaza has continued to worsen. Hunger and disease are spreading rapidly. Recently, a high ranking Israeli politician described it as just and moral to starve two million people in Gaza. Such appalling remarks are totally unacceptable. Hunger must not be weaponized. Humanitarian issues must not be politicized. Civilian lives must not be trivialized as bargaining chips. China urges Israel to fulfill its international humanitarian law obligations by opening all border crossings and guaranteeing rapid and safe access for humanitarian supplies at scale. The World Health Organization is conducting a polio vaccination program for children in Gaza, which is crucial for stemming the spread of infectious diseases and protecting children’s health. Israel is obliged to protect the safety and freedom of movement of the medical workers involved.

Continue reading China strongly condemns “heinous” Israeli air strike on school in Gaza

NATO, nukes and a New Cold War

We are pleased to republish below a series of three articles by Kenny Coyle analysing the new Labour government’s foreign policy, in particular the “progressive realism” espoused by Foreign Secretary David Lammy.

This putatively “clear-eyed approach to international relations” shares a great deal with the pro-Washington, pro-NATO, hawkish foreign policy of recent Conservative governments. Kenny notes that Prime Minister Keir Starmer has pledged to commit 2.5 percent of GDP to military spending, and Lammy’s critique of his Tory predecessor at the Foreign Office is largely focused on the need for a more aggressive stance against China, Russia and Syria.

Lammy praises Ernest Bevin, Labour foreign secretary from 1945 to 1951, for “bringing us the Nato alliance that is still the bedrock of our security” and “fighting for a nuclear bomb as he put it with the Union Jack on top”. Meanwhile, Lammy’s most coherent policy in relation to the Global South is to develop deeper relations with India. As Kenny points out, “clearly this is part of Western efforts to woo India away from its close relations with Russia and to maintain a level of mistrust between Delhi and Beijing”.

Labour is proposing to intensify Britain’s involvement in the US-led campaign of China encirclement. Lammy makes clear his support for the AUKUS nuclear pact, demanding that it be considered “as a floor, not a ceiling” for the UK’s military posture in the Pacific. He also calls for deepening Britain’s military coordination with Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, with the obvious aim of contributing to the US’s island chain strategy against China.

Meanwhile there seem to be shifts occurring in Labour’s position with regard to Taiwan Province, including the establishment of Labour Friends of Taiwan in March 2023 and a recent Labour Party delegation to the island led by Lord Leong. Kenny writes: “The danger is that a current or future British government will abandon [its] One China positions and lean toward the ‘One China, One Taiwan’ policy that is gaining ground in Washington. The emergence of a generously funded Taiwan lobby within the Labour Party and at an all-party level needs to be further exposed.”

The series concludes:

Whoever enters the White House, the cosmetic modifications on offer from Starmer and Lammy commit Britain to a dangerous path in the Asia-Pacific, particularly the under-the-radar military agreements with Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The left needs to ensure that the arguments against ‘progressive realism’ reach deep into the labour and peace movements.

The articles were originally published in the Morning Star in August 2024.

A new window on the world?

August 2 (Morning Star) — The guiding philosophy of Sir Keir Starmer’s foreign policy has been described by Foreign Secretary David Lammy as “a clear-eyed approach to international relations: progressive realism.”

In a series of speeches, interviews, articles and pamphlets over the past year or so, Lammy has elaborated this apparently innovative outlook in British foreign policy.

The most substantial of these were an article for the influential US journal Foreign Affairs in May, The Case for Progressive Realism, Why Britain Must Chart a New Global Course later republished in The Guardian, and a 2023 pamphlet for the Fabian Society, Britain Reconnected A Foreign Policy for Security and Prosperity at Home.

“Progressive Realism” is designed to meet the challenge of a whole range of global issues, including, AI, climate change, international economic supply-chains and development.

However, since Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to commit 2.5 per cent of GDP to military spending and to conduct a thorough security and defence review, it’s essential to analyse the military and diplomatic aspects of what this new Labour government stands for on the international scene.

Continue reading NATO, nukes and a New Cold War

Germany’s Left Party delegation visits China

A delegation from Germany’s Left Party (Die Linke) visited China in late July, headed by co-chairman of the party Martin Schirdewan.

In an important round of engagements on July 22, the delegation met with Li Hongzhong, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

Li said that China is ready to work with Germany to take the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the all-round strategic partnership between the two countries as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges between political parties and legislatures, promote mutually beneficial cooperation and push forward China-Germany and China-EU relations.

In his meeting with the German delegation, Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), said that in April this year, President Xi Jinping had in-depth exchanges with visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, charting the course for the future development of bilateral relations. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen communication and dialogue with the German side, promote practical cooperation in various fields, and push China-Germany relations for steady and sustained development.  Liu also briefed on the just concluded third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.  

Schirdewan thanked the Chinese side for inviting the delegation of Germany’s Left Party to visit China. He said he gained a better understanding of China’s economic and social development, especially the Chinese modernisation, through this visit, and congratulated the Chinese side on its great achievements in poverty alleviation. The Left Party paid close attention to the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. It appreciated the CPC’s determination, showcased at the plenary session, to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and achieve common prosperity. The Left Party is willing to strengthen exchanges with the CPC and promote the development of Germany-China and EU-China relations.  

The delegation also held additional talks with IDCPC Assistant Minister Ma Hui, who said that the CPC attaches importance to its traditional friendly relations with Germany’s Left Party and is willing to, together with the Left Party, strengthen personnel and concept exchanges, promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Germany, jointly oppose bloc confrontation and Cold War mentality, and work together to meet global challenges.  

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

Senior Chinese legislator meets co-chairman of German Left Party

BEIJING, July 22 (Xinhua) — Li Hongzhong, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, met with co-chairman of the German Left Party Martin Schirdewan in Beijing on Monday.

Li, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that China is ready to work with Germany to take the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the all-round strategic partnership between the two countries as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges between political parties and legislatures, promote mutually beneficial cooperation and push forward China-Germany and China-EU relations.

Continue reading Germany’s Left Party delegation visits China

US economists ‘expose’ China’s economy

In the following article for Fighting Words, Chris Fry unpicks and debunks a recent Axios piece about how China’s economy is supposedly failing.

According to the Axios article, it is a serious problem that “household income growth is outpacing that of spending”, with per capita disposable income rising by 5.4 percent in the first half of 2024. Chris comments: “In the US, 60% of the workers live paycheck to paycheck, putting them and their families at risk in case of an unforeseen crisis. Yet bourgeois economists seem to believe that it is a bad thing for Chinese families to be able to sock some of their income away for emergencies.” Meanwhile, “banks in China, unlike in the US, are publicly owned, so the savings are used to fund the country’s development instead of stock buybacks and cryptocurrency manipulation.”

Another major ‘problem’ is that prices in China are barely rising. “To the well-heeled economists at Axios, it’s a bad thing that the inflation rate in China is a fraction of 1%, while in the U.S. workers now face an inflation rate of some 4%, with prices remaining sky high after previous climbs of over 9% for essential items like food and gas.”

Chris goes on to contrast China’s merciless war on poverty with the alarming rise in poverty, inequality and homelessness in the US. And yet, “whoever wins the next election, the billionaire class and their minions from both parties in Washington will no doubt blame the unfolding crisis here on the People’s Republic of China”.

The article concludes with a powerful call to take inspiration from, and show solidarity with, Chinese socialism:

The high prices that we face for food and gas, the lack of affordable housing, the sky-high prices for education, health care and childcare, the collapse of the infrastructure, the catastrophic effects of global warming, the monstrous prison system, the billions wasted on the war industry, none of these are the fault of the Chinese working class or their Communist Party. The blame lies entirely with the tiny parasitic ruling class of billionaires right here at home.

We must explain to our class here that the extraordinary development by China provides us a beacon of hope. It tells us that the struggle here to empower the workers and oppressed communities, to wrest the ownership and control of the productive apparatus from the billionaires, to use scientific planning to direct both the production and distribution of goods and services instead of Wall Street’s drive for massive profits, all this can offer real benefits for ourselves and our families and for the planet as a whole.

Bourgeois economists, ever ready to proclaim the impending demise of the socialist economic model in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), find every opportunity to throw shade on China’s economic system.

At the same time, they devote their energy to proclaim the supposed superiority of the capitalist economies in the imperialist world, in Europe and the U.S.

And sometimes they have to stretch all logic and common sense to make their billionaire masters and the workers and oppressed here believe in the eternal superiority of U.S. imperialist hegemony over the social and economic system of China, even as the Pentagon scrambles to prepare their war on the PRC.

Continue reading US economists ‘expose’ China’s economy

Karol Cariola: Chile attaches great importance to comprehensive strategic partnership with China

Friendly and cooperative relations between China and Chile were underlined and reinforced with a July visit by Karol Cariola Oliva, Speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies.

In a series of exchanges on July 19, Cariola met with Zhao Leji, Chairman of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee. He noted that Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic ties with the New China [shortly after the election of socialist President Salvador Allende], and China-Chile relations have set a good example of solidarity and cooperation between developing countries.

Cariola said that the Chile-China friendship is based on common values, and that both countries are committed to upholding international law and supporting multilateralism and free trade. She said that Chile upholds the one-China principle firmly, and that political parties and all sectors of society in Chile are highly consistent in their development of relations with China.

 Next year will mark the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Chamber of Deputies of Chile is willing to strengthen friendly exchange with the NPC of China, share legislative experience, enhance the friendship between the two peoples constantly, and promote bilateral cooperation in such varied fields as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the economy, culture, and science and technology.

In her meeting with Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Cariola said Chile attaches great importance to developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, and Chile abides by the one-China principle, admires China’s development achievements, and is willing to learn from China’s successful development experience.

A former student leader, and a leading member of the Communist Party of Chile, Cariola is also the General Secretary of the Communist Youth of Chile, which lent extra significance to her meeting with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC).

Liu said that the CPC is ready to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in party building and state governance, promote the construction of their respective parties, along with national development, and push forward the China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership for sustainable and stable development.

Referring to the  third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which had concluded in Beijing the previous day, Liu said the  Chinese side is willing to introduce the contents of the plenary session to Chilean political parties in detail, share experience, and support each other in the process of realising the modernisation and development of their respective countries, and unswervingly serve as each other’s comprehensive strategic partner based on equal treatment, mutual benefit and win-win results.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the IDCPC.

China’s top legislator holds talks with speaker of Chilean Chamber of Deputies

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) — Zhao Leji, China’s top legislator, held talks with Karol Cariola Oliva, speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, on Friday in Beijing.

Zhao, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said that China has always regarded Chile as an important cooperative partner in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, and is willing to work with Chile to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continue their traditional friendship, upgrade their level of cooperation, and continuously enrich the connotations of the China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership.

Noting that Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic ties with the New China, Zhao said that over the past half century and more, China-Chile relations have maintained sound, steady growth regardless of changes in the international situation, setting a good example of solidarity and cooperation between developing countries.

Continue reading Karol Cariola: Chile attaches great importance to comprehensive strategic partnership with China