Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

Daniel Ortega: The continuing Chinese Revolution brings peace, wellbeing and solidarity

We are pleased to republish this article from the Tortilla con Sal website, consisting of the speeches given on March 8, International Women’s Day, at the latest ceremony to mark the handover of buses as part of the comradely support of the People’s Republic of China to the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.

Speaking first, Santi Zhou, representative of the Yutong Company, the bus manufacturer, said:

“Since the start of our collaboration, we have introduced several batches of buses, with a total of 2,000 units in Nicaragua. Yutong accompanies Nicaraguans in their development.

“We thank Compañero Comandante Daniel Ortega and Compañera Rosario Murillo for the opportunity to contribute to the modernisation of Nicaraguan public transport, which is now not only present in Managua… but also expanding to other territories.

“It gives us pride to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our peoples, expanding new horizons for the growth of transport and the important tourism industry, promoting access to the beautiful landscapes of Bluefields and Bilwi… Our team is committed, living and working here, to provide the greatest possible support to the Nicaraguan people.”

Fátima del Carmen German, a transport worker, said: “On this special day, March 8th when we celebrate this important date, we commemorate the struggle that women waged for equal rights; and likewise, we celebrate the strength, resilience and passion of every woman… On behalf of all these strong, brave, hardworking and empowered women, we reiterate our gratitude to our good government and our brothers and sisters in China for having confidence in us.”

China’s Ambassador to Nicaragua Chen Xi noted that this was the fifth time that he has participated in the handover of Chinese vehicles to Nicaragua.

“I wanted to salute the Nicaraguan people for the recent publication of the Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, unanimously approved by the Legislators of the National Assembly of Nicaragua. A revolutionary and democratic constitution, a constitution that strengthens and further consolidates the rights of education, health, security, wellbeing and all the rights that assist the honourable Nicaraguan people.

“I also want to salute Co-President Daniel Ortega, Co-President Rosario Murillo, for their great responsibility and commitment, their determination to lead the Nicaraguan people to a brighter future.

“Of course, I also cannot fail to salute you, the Nicaraguan transport workers, for the successes you have been able to achieve, to improve the means of transport, supported by the Sandinista government led by your Co-Presidents, so that you can, with all your goodwill, with all your professionalism, improve the transport service to the Nicaraguan people, so that the Nicaraguan people can enjoy better bus services, which have been a very important means of transport for the country and the people, to achieve a better development.

Noting that due to its special geographical and climatic situation, Nicaragua is particularly susceptible to national disasters and the effects of climate change, the Ambassador said that:

“But really human beings now do not have to face this with just their bare hands, we can now resort to technology, and China is an immense country but also vulnerable to natural disasters, we too face typhoons, earthquakes, floods, and so on but thanks to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government, and the efforts of the Chinese people, of the technicians, we have been able to develop some experiences, some very efficient, advanced technologies, to face all those emergency situations.

“And we have wanted to share those experiences, those Chinese technologies, with the Nicaraguan people, so that we can fight together against all those emergency situations, all those natural disasters; so that our peoples can enjoy life in tranquility, in security, more and more every day… And to sum up, China is willing to work together with our Nicaraguan brothers and sisters to develop many other projects, especially projects dedicated to the social sector, so that the Nicaraguan people can enjoy the benefits of our friendship, of our brother and sisterhood.”

Co-President Daniel Ortega began his speech by noting that March 8 was International Women’s Day. Noting its history, he said it was, “Clara Zetkin, who in 1910 at a Conference of Socialist Women, in Copenhagen, proposed and approved the celebration of Working Women’s Day, because it was mainly working women who were marginalised and exploited. And very soon, the following year, in the month of March, the first commemoration took place.

He went on to say that this is a “struggle that we have been waging here in Nicaragua as well, to defeat and eliminate, to extirpate, from our nation, the manifestations of machismo, which in some cases result in causing pain, even tragedy in some families.

“And there, fighting for the peace and security of the Nicaraguan people, the right of women was incorporated, and has also been enshrined in the laws, that when aggression and crimes are committed against working women, Self-sacrificing Women, then the maximum penalty goes to those who commit this type of crimes.”

Ortega pointed out that the ceremony was taking place at the Comandante Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías Roundabout and highlighted the role that the late Venezuelan revolutionary leader had played in the resumption of diplomatic relations between Nicaragua and China:

“A few days ago, on March 5th, we commemorated the 12th Anniversary of his Departure on the Journey to Immortality, but he is present here with us and we remember him well for how he connected with the Nicaraguan people.

“And I remember, dear Ambassador, that on the occasions when I would talk with Comandante Hugo Chávez, he would say to me: Well, and when…? The brothers of the People’s Republic of China are waiting for us. And he loved the People’s Republic of China, like the love we have too have for China.

“But, unfortunately, when the neoliberal governments arrived, they broke our relations with the People’s Republic of China, and three neoliberal Governments passed. And we had to return to the government and achieve a majority in Congress, in the National Assembly, to finally make Comandante Chávez’s dream come true.

“And we can tell you: Here we are, united as brothers and sisters, with the People’s Republic of China, with the Chinese people, with the Chinese Communist Party, and we are proud of that unity, which is a unity in which, we well know, the heroic people of China made an extraordinary revolution led by Mao Zedong, one to which President Xi Jinping has come giving it continuity and new brilliance.

“That is, the revolution in China has not stopped, the revolution in China continues, and now offers itself to the world as a revolution bringing peace, bringing wellbeing, bringing solidarity to the peoples. It does not carry sanctions, nor does it carry threats, nor does it carry wars. It is a revolution of peace, the revolution led by the Chinese Communist Party.”

The final speaker was Co-President Rosario Murillo, who said:

“While Comandante Daniel was talking about that plague, the plague of machismo, which is still something in our culture that we have to combat and overcome, I was remembering how we always thought and said that without revolution it is difficult to achieve women’s rights. And 45 years after the triumph of the revolution, 45 years later, what do we see? That it has been possible to achieve justice for us women, from us as women, because we have a revolution, a revolution in which we all participate with our strength, with our work, with our pride, with our sense of national dignity…

“For years immemorial, the years of the guerrilla Sandinista struggles, women have been there… But now women are in power! At that time, women were combatants, guerrillas, fighters, warriors, and we have always been warriors, fighters and combatants, but now we also constitute power, institutional power.”

Address by Compañero Santi Zhou
Representative for Central America from the Yutong Company

Dear Co-President-Comandante Daniel Ortega; dear Co-President, Comrade Rosario Murillo; dear Ambassador Chen Xi, of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China.

Dear Gentlemen, Compañero Laureano Ortega; Vice Minister Mauricio Aguilar; Compañero Fidel Moreno; Compañeras Fátima and Idalia and your compañeras and compañeros.

Compañeras and compañeros, cordial greetings. A very good afternoon to everyone, and a happy Women’s Day to all the Compañeras present today.

It is a pleasure and an honor for me to be present here. On behalf of Yutong, I want to express to you our pleasure at being able to continue as part of the growth and development of public transport in Nicaragua by supporting its People.

We have been part of this vision of the Government since 2023 and we are grateful to have been chosen for this important development. Yutong is a partner in this challenge and proof of this is our interest and commitment to accompany you throughout the process.

Since the start of our collaboration, we have introduced several batches of buses, with a total of 2,000 units in Nicaragua. Yutong accompanies Nicaraguans in their development.

We thank Compañero Comandante Daniel Ortega and Compañera Rosario Murillo for the opportunity to contribute to the modernization of Nicaraguan public transport, which is now not only present in Managua, Ciudad Sandino and Tipitapa, but will also expanding to other territories, such as Chinandega, Carazo, Masaya, León, Matagalpa, Estelí, Jinotega, Boaco (…)

In addition, it gives us pride to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our Peoples, expanding new horizons for the growth of transport and the important tourism industry, promoting access to the beautiful landscapes of Bluefields and Bilwi.

We are working and moving forward together to offer new Yutong products in the future. Our Team is committed, living and working here, to provide the greatest possible support to the Nicaraguan People, and guarantee accompaniment throughout the life cycle of our products.

Finally, I sincerely hope that the quality of life of the Nicaraguan people continues to improve every day.

Thank you very much, everyone.

Address by Compañera Fátima del Carmen German
A transport operator from Carazo

Good afternoon. First of all, a very happy Day to all Nicaraguan Women. I wish you a joyful Day, Compañera Co-president Rosario Murillo. Good afternoon, beloved Comandante Daniel Ortega; good afternoon, Compañeras, Compañeros and Friends, Representatives of the country of China; good afternoon to everyone.

On this Special Day, March 8th when we celebrate this important date, we commemorate the struggle that Women waged for Equal Rights; and likewise, we celebrate the Strength, Resilience and Passion of every Woman.

We Women Transport Workers want to pay a Special Tribute to an Exemplary Woman, whose Vision, Leadership and Love for her People, has been a Beacon of Hope and Transformation. This is, our Compañera Co-president Rosario Murillo.

Her commitment to Social Justice, her tireless work for Peace and the Well-being of the Family has been fundamental for the construction of our dignified and Sovereign Nicaragua.

Thank you, Compañera, for restoring our Rights and ensuring that women’s participation in every field is respected and treated with dignity.

We also want to express our deepest gratitude to our Comandante Daniel Ortega for not forgetting about us, for recognizing our courage. Thank you for your commitment and support to the Transport sector, your Leadership and Vision has been key to strengthening our work, guaranteeing stability, better conditions and opportunities for those of us who make possible the mobilization our Country every day. Thank you for increasing the participation of our Female Gender and empowering us more in our role every day.

Thanks to our Good Government which today makes us Protagonists of this beautiful Project, namely the delivery of new Units of Chinese Buses.

Many of us Women today have the opportunity to change and improve our Buses and thus be able to provide a better service to our users, demonstrating that the participation of women in the Transport Sector is fundamental for the development of our Nation.

Women Transport workers, let’s keep on making our way together with Hope, Strength and unwavering Commitment to continue transforming our beautiful Nicaragua, inspired by our courage and stewardship, determination and Love.

Let’s keep building a Future where every Woman can shine with her own light, without limits or barriers.

On behalf of all these Strong, Brave, Hardworking and empowered Women, we reiterate our gratitude to our Good Government and our Brothers and Sisters in China for having confidence in us.

Nor can we forget to thank God, who is the Architect of this beautiful Work in the Transport Sector.

Long live the Sandinista National Liberation Front!

Let’s hear it for all of us women on this our Day. Thank you very much.

Address by Compañero Chen Xi
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Nicaragua

Many thanks to Comandante-Co-President Daniel Ortega of the Republic of Nicaragua, to Co-President Rosario Murillo, to Compañero Laureano Ortega, to Compañero Fidel Moreno, and to all of you for your kindness in inviting me and my colleagues once again to attend this Ceremony delivering Yutong Vehicles to the Nicaraguan Cooperatives.

This is the fifth time I have participated in the handover of Chinese vehicles to Nicaragua.

First of all, I wanted to salute the Nicaraguan people for the recent publication of the Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, unanimously approved by the Legislators of the National Assembly of Nicaragua. A Revolutionary and Democratic Constitution, a Constitution that strengthens and further consolidates the Rights of Education, Health, Security, Well-being and all the Rights that assist the Honorable Nicaraguan People.

I also want to salute Co-President Daniel Ortega, Co-President Rosario Murillo, for their great responsibility and commitment, their determination to lead the Nicaraguan people to a brighter future.

Of course, I also cannot fail to salute you, the Nicaraguan Transport Workers, for the successes you have been able to achieve, to improve the means of transport, supported by the Sandinista Government led by your Co-Presidents, so that you can, with all your goodwill, with all your professionalism, improve the transport service to the Nicaraguan people, so that the Nicaraguan people can enjoy better bus services, which has been a very important means of transport for the Country, the People, to achieve a better development.

Throughout the three years of diplomatic relations between China and Nicaragua, we have been guided by the same Ideals of developing our Countries and benefiting our Peoples.

All the Projects that have been developed, both by the Chinese Government and by Chinese Companies, in this case the Yutong Company and many others, are guided, oriented to the Social Sector, such as Education, Health, Transport, Housing, Security, Science and Technology, among many others, which have been strengthening and broadening their perspectives every day, for the development and well-being of the Nicaraguan people.

About two weeks ago I attended the Launch Event of the SINAREM Program, the National Emergency Response System, a project that is also very important to protect the Nicaraguan people. This is a Project which also shows the importance of the Security, both Human and Material of the Nicaraguan People, for the work of the Nicaraguan Government, because Nicaragua is, geographically and climatically, a country vulnerable to disaster.

The Government led by Comandante Daniel Ortega and Compañera Rosario Murillo has achieved great successes over the last 18 years of the Sandinista Government, I say so because through the presentation of the Compañeros and Compañeras of SINAPRED I have been able to learn something: namely, all the effort, all those sacrifices, those works, of the Nicaraguan Government to mitigate, to prevent natural disasters to which Nicaragua is always subject as a result of its special geographical and climatic situation.

But really Human Beings now do not have to face this with just their bare hands, we can now resort to technology, and China is an immense country but also vulnerable to natural disasters, we too face typhoons, earthquakes, floods, and so on but thanks to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Government, and the efforts of the Chinese People, of the technicians, we have been able to develop some experiences, some very efficient, advanced technologies, to face all those emergency situations.

And we have wanted to share those experiences, those Chinese technologies, with the Nicaraguan people, so that we can fight together against all those emergency situations, all those natural disasters; so that our Peoples can enjoy Life in tranquility, in security, more and more every day.

This is just a more recent example, bit I have many other examples of these Projects, of these examples of cooperation with our Nicaraguan partners. Soon, next week, and thanks to the invitation of Compañero Laureano, I will attend another Inauguration Ceremony of a Wind Power Plant, a Plant that will also provide important support to the development, production and life of our Brothers and Sisters of the Nicaraguan People.

And to sum up, China is willing to work together with our Nicaraguan Brothers and Sisters to develop many other Projects, especially Projects dedicated to the Social Sector, so that the Nicaraguan people can enjoy the benefits of our Friendship, of our Brother and Sisterhood.

I don’t want to talk too much, everyone has come to know the Good Will, the Friendship, of the Chinese People, of the Chinese Government, working together with our Compañeros and Compañeros, our Nicaraguan Sisters and Brothers.

To conclude, I also want to take this opportunity to greet with all affection and endearment the Heroic and Glorious Nicaraguan Woman, represented by Co-President Rosario Murillo.

Also our great Tribute, our great admiration for the Nicaraguan Woman, for her infinite and immense contribution to the Nicaraguan Revolution, to the Sandinista Revolution, and also to the development and production of Nicaragua, to the Family Joyfulness of the entire Nicaraguan people.

Thank you very much to everyone. Good evening.

Address by Daniel

Good afternoon, beloved, invaluable Women of these Heroic Lands, of this Heroic People of Darío and Sandino. Congratulations to all of you.

Today, on this Day that came to be recognized some years ago, at the beginning of the last century, there were the struggles of women, and above all, where the economy was developing the most, with more industry needing more workers, no spaces were opened for women. It was the Capitalist System imposing its rules, where they even discriminated against women.

And it was precisely a Woman, Clara Zetkin, who in 1910 at a Conference, which was a Conference of Socialist Women, in Copenhagen, and there she proposed and approved the Celebration of Working Women’s Day, because it was mainly Working Women who were marginalized and exploited. And very soon, the following year, in the month of March, the First Commemoration took place, which was held on March 19th 1911.

A long struggle! A long struggle! More than a century of struggle. And then the struggle would develop, not only for the Right to Work, but for the Right to have equal Respect and equal Rights with Men.

A struggle that we have been waging here in Nicaragua as well, to defeat and eliminate, to extirpate, from our Nation, the manifestations of machismo, which in some cases result in causing pain, even tragedy in some Families.

And there, fighting for the Peace and Security of the Nicaraguan People, the Right of Women was incorporated, and has also been enshrined in the Laws, that when aggression and crimes are committed against Working Women, Self-sacrificing Women, then the maximum penalty goes to those who commit this type of crimes.

I would say that we still have a challenge there. We have made great progress, it is true, as we have made great progress in the fight against poverty, but we have yet to eradicate all the manifestations of Extreme Poverty in our Country.

And in the midst of these battles, of these struggles, the Youth who have been forming, who have also been waging this struggle, who have raised up the Banner of Women’s Rights, becomes a determining Force, so that in these next few years we will be able to eradicate, exterminate, the manifestations of aggression, of machismo, against Nicaraguan women, both in urban areas and in rural areas too.

Youth is the determining force! We have a Youth that has been forged in the heat of the battles that we have fought over these years; in the heat of the battles that the Transport workers have led, defending the Rights of Women, defending the Rights of the People. And these battles are the ones that determined and created the conditions for the dream of the Heroes to finally come true, from the time of the Heroes who confronted the Spanish Conquistadors.

The Caciques Nicarao, Diriangén and the Cacique Chontal, the Caciques of the West, who knew how to confront, resist and defeat, at the beginning of the Conquest managed to defeat the Conquistadors who came with, manipulating, using as a weapon, the symbol of the Cross, accompanied by the Sword, and murdering our Indigenous Ancestors. Because, as Sandino and Darío also said, we have a mixture of blood, we are Mestizos and we are proud that this miscegenation also flows, and first of all, the Indigenous Blood that runs through our veins.

And today, in tribute to the Nicaraguan Women, from very young girls, to the great-great-grandmothers, they are all Heroic Women, Courageous Women, and we are carrying out this Event here in the Roundabout of Comandante Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías.

A few days ago, on March 5th, we commemorated the 12th Anniversary of his Departure on the Journey to Immortality, but he is present here with us and we remember him well for how he connected with the Nicaraguan people.

And I remember, dear Ambassador, that on the occasions when I would talk with Comandante Hugo Chávez, he would say to me: Well, and when…? The Brothers of the People’s Republic of China are waiting for us. And he loved the People’s Republic of China, like the love we have too have for China.

But, unfortunately, when the neoliberal governments arrived, they broke our relations with the People’s Republic of China, and three neoliberal Governments passed. And we had to return to the government and achieve a majority in Congress, in the National Assembly, to finally make Comandante Chávez’s dream come true.

And we can tell you: Here we are, united as Brothers and Sisters, with the People’s Republic of China, with the Chinese People, with the Chinese Communist Party, and we are proud of that Unity, which is a Unity in which, we well know, the Heroic People of China made an extraordinary Revolution led by Mao Tse-Tung, one to which President Xi Jinping has come giving it continuity and new brilliance.

That is, the Revolution in China has not stopped, the Revolution in China continues, and now offers itself to the World as a Revolution bringing Peace, bringing Well-being, bringing Solidarity to the Peoples, it does not carry Sanctions, nor does it carry threats, nor does it carry wars. It is a Revolution of Peace, the Revolution led by the Chinese Communist Party.

We very much appreciate the Cooperation they are offering us in all fields, just now the Ambassador was talking about how they can support us in the battle against what is known as Climate Change and everything that it brings; taking into account that they too face all kinds of catastrophes every year, but they know how to face them, they have organization, they have the will, they have the resources.

And we, of course, appreciate the willingness of the Ambassador, and we will, of course, also join in the battle, so that when phenomena that affect our People occur, and we already are familiar with them, from earthquakes to floods and hurricanes, that we strengthen our Defense Systems and in that regard the contribution of the Brothers and Sisters of the People’s Republic of China will be decisive. So, welcome brother. Thank you.

Today, we are delivering 500 more buses to the Nicaraguan people, which now makes a total fleet of 2,000 Buses. That is to say, the contribution of the People’s Republic of China, in the field of transport, has been sustained, and sustained with great certainty, with a great Spirit of Solidarity.

This, of course, makes our People happy, and also makes the inhabitants of even the most remote areas happy, in the Caribbean Region, in the Northern Caribbean, in the Southern Caribbean, because buses are now beginning to mobilize in areas where vehicles like these did not operate before.

And I want to tell our beloved Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Compañero Chen Xi, that the Nicaraguan people are grateful. We thank you on behalf of our People, on behalf of the Transport Operators. Thank you. We thank the Chinese people, the Chinese government, President Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party. We Are Fraternal Peoples!

China today is waging battles and struggles to bring well-being to the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America. But the Imperialists of the Earth do not want this, because they are used to waging wars on the Peoples of the Earth; they are used to occupying and colonizing, turning the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America into Colonies.

By contrast, the morality, the Revolutionary Spirit of the Chinese People, is constantly being repeated by the President: We are for Peace. But the Imperialists do not want to see the participation of the People’s Republic of China in any country in Latin America, or in Africa, or in Asia, or in the Caribbean.

However, despite the attitude of the Imperialists, imposing sanctions against Countries that have established relations with the People’s Republic of China, every day more and more Countries are establishing those relations, and more and more Countries are benefiting from these relations. Because there is an attitude that has to do with the Revolutionary Principle of Solidarity, which is a Christian Principle: Treat your Brothers and Sisters as yourself.

And here we, in our Constitution we say: Nicaragua is Christian, Socialist and Solidarity-inspired so, thank you Brothers and Sisters of the People’s Republic of China for having that practice with which we totally agree.

I see a strong contingent of Women present this day and that surely, several of those among you are going to be driving one of these buses. There are also other compañeras who drive taxis. In other words, women have joined the transport activity, something that would have seemed incredible a few years ago.

And so, here we have this gift, this gift from Our Lord God , which has led us to establish these relations with the People’s Republic of China, relations which mean Progress, Well-being, the Combat against poverty, and better transportation for the Nicaraguan people.

Long live the People’s Republic of China!

Long live Nicaragua!

Long live Nicaragua’s Women!

Long live the Women of China!

Sandino Lives On, the Struggle Continues!

A Free Patriotic Nation or Death!

Remarks by Rosario, Co-President of Nicaragua, after the Event Delivering Buses to the Transport Cooperatives

March 8th 2025

Good evening. It has been a beautiful, intense day, a day to celebrate us all and in particular to celebrate the Character and Courage, the Struggle of us Women.

While Comandante Daniel was talking about that plague, the plague of machismo, which is still something in our culture that we have to combat and overcome, I was remembering how we always thought and said that without Revolution it is difficult to achieve women’s rights. And 45 years after the Triumph of the Revolution, 45 years later, what do we see? That it has been possible to achieve Justice for us Women, from us as Women, because we have a Revolution, a Revolution in which we all participate with our Strength, with our Work, with our Pride, with our Sense of National Dignity.

It is the Revolution that guarantees for us, this Revolution which all of us make, guaranteeing us equity, in the legal, institutional sense, and full participation in all the Powers of the State… As Protagonists! Being true Protagonists, Combatants and Protagonists of the Power of Everyone including the Power of Women.

That’s why I really believe that what some people have dared to criticize and say”No, the women’s struggle goes on now!”. Of course, the Struggle of Women always goes on, but it requires a Triumphant Revolution, a Victorious Revolution, a Revolution of Everyone, to make the Protagonism and Triumphs of us women, a reality in every sense.

For years immemorial, the years of the guerrilla Sandinista Struggles, women have been there… But now women are in power! At that time, women were Combatants, Guerrillas, Fighters, Warriors, and we have always been Warriors, Fighters and Combatants, but now we also constitute Power, Institutional Power.

And we are also Protagonists of all spaces and we can work harder to guarantee Full Justice for Everyone, including for Women. Because where women are disadvantaged, where Dignity is not respected, the Family suffers, the children suffer, and how much pain also when crimes are committed against the Dignity and Humanity of us as Women.

That’s why I say, today our conditions are better and we have the Power to combat expressions of machismo in every sense, and fight for justice to be done when a Woman is beaten down. And as Women, we fight to ensure that we are indeed respected. In other words, give us respect. That is, to ask for and demand the Justice we deserve whenever there is some outrage against Women.

One is never satisfied, and it is good not to be satisfied, because there is always someone else to live for and to fight for, and every day we have to know that we must advance, in Protagonism, in Power, and in the Rights and inalienable Respect for Nicaraguan Women, and for the Women of the World.

Do we feel Happy and Proud? Yes. And we feel especially indebted to ourselves, because we have to work more and work harder, so as to put behind us this uncultured machismo, as so much of it has been left behind, and as we have left behind for good so much… Because machismo is a form of hatred, it is a culture of hatred that must be abandoned, and a lack of culture which injures us all, and destroys us.

So that’s the challenge: To advance against machismo, to assert what we have, our Rights, from a Victorious Revolution that we have all made, and continue to make. Because that’s how it is. The Road to Victories does not end; on the contrary, we must continue forging Triumphs each and every day, every day. That’s why we are Combatants, that is why we are Valiant, why we are Warriors, and that is why we are Patriotic Women, Blessed and Forever Free… A Patriotic Nation in Revolution!

Thank you Compañeras and Compañeros, and Congratulations.

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