Qiushi, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China (CPC) recently published the full text of the Speech at the Forum on Literature on Art, delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping on October 15, 2014, but now officially published in full.
The main body of Comrade Xi’s speech is divided into five parts, and these are some of the key points he makes in each section:
- A thriving Chinese culture is essential for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
- Every leap forward for human society and civilisation has been accompanied by historic cultural progress… Throughout history, China’s position and influence in the world has never relied on military might or outward expansion, but rather on the compelling power and appeal of its culture.
- Literature and art serve as a clarion call for progress in every age… During the European Renaissance, giants like Dante, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Michel de Montaigne, Miguel de Cervantes, and William Shakespeare ushered in the dawn of a new era and awakened people’s minds. Remarking on the Renaissance, Engels noted that it was “a time which called for giants and produced giants – giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning.”
- The famous Chinese writer Lu Xun once said that to transform the intellectual world of our compatriots, we must first work on literature and art. Our endeavours to provide intellectual guidance, forge inner strength, and build a common cultural identity are all inseparable from literature and art. At a time when towering skyscrapers are rising across the land, we must also make sure that the intellectual and cultural towers of our nation stand tall and majestic.
2. We should produce excellent works worthy of the times
- Excellent works are not confined to one style, form, or standard. They can be highly refined compositions or popular entertainments, monumental masterpieces or universally accessible creations. What makes a work great is its capacity to warm and inspire audiences, to spread and endure through time, and to win people’s affection with its positive energy and appeal.
- When I visited Russia last March, I met with several Russian sinologists and mentioned that I had read many works by Russian authors, including Chernyshevsky’s What Is to Be Done?, which had such a profound impact on me when I read it in my youth. During a visit to France this March, I discussed the influence of French literature on my life, explaining that I developed a strong interest in French literature and art in my youth, because many of our Party’s early leaders had studied in France. While in Germany, I shared my experience of reading Faust. At the time, I was working in rural Shaanxi Province. When I learned that a fellow student had a copy of the book, I walked 15 kilometres to borrow it from him. Later, he walked the same distance to retrieve it. Why do I share these stories with foreigners? I do it because literature and art are a universal language. When we talk about literature and art, we are really talking about society and life. This makes it one of the easiest ways to create understanding and connection with others.
- Problems such as plagiarism and imitation are leading to a sameness in many works, while assembly-line production and fast-food-style consumption are also problems. In some works, we see a mockery of the sublime, a distortion of classical narratives, and a subversion of history, as well as the denigration of ordinary people and heroic figures. Some works fail to distinguish between right and wrong or good and evil; they glorify the ugly as beautiful and exaggerate the dark side of society. Others indulge in sensationalism, catering to low tastes and treating creation as a “money tree” for personal gain or a “party drug” for sensory gratification. Some works are poorly written, hastily produced, and contrived, contributing to the creation of “cultural garbage.” Some creators overemphasise luxury, excessive packaging, and ostentation, allowing form to overshadow content. Moreover, some are fixated on the notion of “art for art’s sake,” focusing solely on personal experiences – tempests in teacups that are of no relevance to the general public or real life. All this serves as a warning: literature and art must not lose their direction in the tide of the market economy, nor deviate from the question of whom they are supposed to serve. Otherwise, literature and art will be devoid of vitality.
- I have spoken with several artists about the most pronounced issues in literature and art today. Coincidentally, they have all mentioned the same word to me: impatience. Some people believe that it is not worth their time to continue refining a work until it reaches its potential because they cannot quickly convert their efforts into practical value – or, in other words, they cannot swiftly cash in. Not only is this attitude misguided, it also allows low-quality works to thrive and leads to a situation where the bad drives out the good. The history of artistic development shows that the pursuit of quick success, excessive resource exploitation, and shoddy production harm not only art but the cultural life of society. Vulgarity is not the same as accessibility; desire does not equate to hope, and mere sensory entertainment does not equal spiritual joy. For literature and art to gain the people’s recognition, superficiality, opportunism, self-promotion, and empty grandstanding will not cut it. Mutual flattery and self-congratulation are also not going to work.
- We should adhere to the principle of “letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend,” in order to promote academic and artistic democracy, create a positive, healthy, and harmonious atmosphere, encourage open discussions among different viewpoints and schools of thought, and advocate the development of various genres, themes, forms, and techniques. This will help promote mutual learning and exchange of ideas, content, style, and schools of thought.
- The internet and new media have transformed artistic forms, giving rise to many new genres and profoundly changing how art is conceived and practiced. The shifts toward digitised text, more visually-oriented books, and online reading have spurred a major transformation in the arts and broader social culture. To adapt to these developments, we should focus on the creation of online art and provide stronger positive guidance in this evolving landscape.
- The recent years have seen a surge of new artistic organisations, such as private studios, private cultural agencies, and online artistic communities. New artistic groups, including online writers, contracted writers, freelance writers, independent producers, independent actors and singers, and freelance artists, have all become very active. There is a strong likelihood that future artistic masters will come from among these groups, given that throughout history and across cultures, many renowned artists have emerged from society and from among the people. We should broaden our outreach efforts, expand our connections, and look at these groups with a fresh perspective. With new policies and methods, we can unite and engage such artists and guide them to become a vital force in the flourishing of socialist art.
- We should encourage people-centred cultural creation