Our next webinar is on 24 September: China encirclement and the imperialist build-up in the Pacific.

Statement: Say no to Trump’s tariffs and anti-China policy

The following statement has been issued by the Friends of Socialist China US Committee in response to the Trump administration’s announcement of new tariffs on Chinese imports.

The Trump administration’s decision to slap additional tariffs on the People’s Republic of China is something that should be condemned by every person who cares about peace and progress. These moves are making the world a more dangerous place and are part of a larger anti-China policy being pursued by the Trump administration – a policy begun under the Obama administration and deepened during the Biden administration.

These tariffs are in effect a tax on working people here in the United States and will result in rising prices for our necessities and wants. They will have no impact whatsoever on the lifestyles of the billionaires. Indeed, the money raised from increased prices will be used to fund the Trump regime’s tax cuts for the super-rich. Furthermore, these tariffs will harm the U.S. economy more than China’s. People’s China has a more diversified economy, more trading partners, and a greater share of world trade.

To quote Mao Zedong, “Lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet is a Chinese folk saying to describe the behavior of certain fools.” This certainly applies to Trump and his wealthy backers.

The tariffs against China exist in a larger context. The U.S. empire is in a state of stagnation and decline, while People’s China is developing at an incredible speed. Wall Street and the Pentagon are working to “contain” and encircle China. They are increasing the spending for war preparations, attempting to draw countries in the region into hostile alliances aimed at China, and encouraging separatist forces in Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang. The tariffs supplement the hundreds of U.S. sanctions against China in textiles, solar energy, computers and more.

For the past decade, U.S. policy makers have talked about “decoupling” the U.S. economy from that of China. Washington DC’s trade war is a part of that process, and it cannot be separated from preparations for other kinds of war in the Pacific, including those fought by military means.

Socialist China has made incredible achievements. China has waged a real war on poverty, while the U.S. government is waging a war on working people. China is by far the world leader in renewable energy production, electric transport, biodiversity protection and afforestation. China takes public health seriously. That’s why its life expectancy consistently goes up. Here in the U.S., we have measles outbreaks, and vaccine “skeptics” running the show. China wants peace. No serious person can say that about the U.S. today.

We demand that the tariffs directed at China be rolled back. We oppose the Trump administration’s anti-China policy, including any and all preparations for war. And we stand in solidarity with socialist China as it heads into a bright future.

Statement condemning the OHCHR’s ‘Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China’

The following statement has been initiated by Friends of Socialist China. You can add your name as an individual signatory using Google Forms. Once you do so, your name will appear on this page within a few hours. Organizations wishing to add their signatures to this statement should contact us at info@socialistchina.org

We strongly condemn the publication by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) of its Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China. In the words of former OHCHR lawyer and human rights expert Alfred de Zayas, this document “should be discarded as propagandistic, biased, and methodologically flawed.”

Based on substandard research methods and biased sources, the Assessment is completely lacking in credibility. It treats arms of the military-industrial complex such as the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), along with professional anti-communists such as Adrian Zenz, as legitimate sources. Meanwhile the voices of Chinese NGOs, academics and individuals are suppressed, as are the numerous reports of diplomatic trips to Xinjiang – including by representatives of Muslim-majority countries – that have taken place in recent years.

The Assessment pointedly ignores China’s extraordinary progress in promoting the human rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang: in relation to poverty alleviation, social welfare, economic development, safety from terrorist attacks, and more. Instead, the document uses deliberately ambiguous language – that China’s actions “may” constitute crimes against humanity – in order to slander the People’s Republic of China whilst maintaining some plausible deniability.

It is highly suspicious that the Assessment makes no mention of then-UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s visit to Xinjiang in May 2022. Having visited a prison and spoken to former trainees at a vocational education and training center; having interacted with civil society organizations, academics, and community and religious leaders; Bachelet found no evidence of crimes against humanity. The numerous conversations she had do not form part of the data set for the Assessment.

What is the reason for the disparity between the OHCHR report and Bachelet’s end-of-mission statement? It is painfully obvious that the OHCHR has come under intense pressure from the US to bolster the credibility of the lurid slanders that have been thrown at China by Western politicians and journalists. Such propaganda forms part of the West’s imperial agenda of undermining China.

The OHCHR Assessment does a profound disservice to the cause of strengthening global human rights cooperation. The report does not enjoy a mandate from the General Assembly or the Human Rights Council, and it runs counter to the wishes and interests of the mainstream of the international community. A joint statement delivered by Cuba at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council in June this year stated its firm opposition to the “politicization of human rights and double standards, or interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights”. This statement was signed by 69 countries, the overwhelming majority from the Global South.

Given the OHCHR’s relative silence in relation to persistent human rights abuses by the imperialist powers, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the Assessment is politically-motived, produced under pressure from the US, and designed to contribute to a dangerous, escalating New Cold War.

We call on the OHCHR to withdraw its Assessment, and we stand in solidarity with the people of China, subjected to abhorrent and baseless accusations.

Initial signatories (organizations)

Initial signatories (individuals)

  • Kojo Amoo Gottfried (former Ambassador of Ghana to the People’s Republic of China)
  • Roland Boer (Professor, Dalian University of Technology)
  • Ben Chacko (Editor, Morning Star)
  • Michael Dunford (Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex)
  • Raymond Ferguson (National Secretary, Australia-DPRK Friendship and Cultural Society)
  • John Foster (Emeritus Professor, University of the West of Scotland)
  • Robert Griffiths (General Secretary, Communist Party of Britain)
  • Kenneth Hammond (Professor, New Mexico State University)
  • David Laibman (Editor Emeritus, Science & Society)
  • Dee Knight (DSA International Committee member)
  • Doug Nicholls (General Secretary, General Federation of Trade Unions)
  • Dirk Nimmegeers (Editor, ChinaSquare.be)
  • Ben Norton (Editor, Multipolarista)
  • Suzanne Berliner Weiss (author and activist for social justice)

Individual signatories

Statement condemning Nancy Pelosi’s reckless visit to China’s Taiwan

Organizations wishing to add their signatures to this statement should contact us at info@socialistchina.org

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the provocative and war-mongering visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to China’s territory of Taiwan.

Pelosi is a reactionary, anti-working-class imperialist politician with a long record of inveterate hostility to Socialist China and the Chinese people. Her visit to Taiwan is a major political provocation that carries with it a grave danger of leading to regional and even world war. It is a gross violation of international law and, in particular, of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and the clear provisions of the three joint communiques by China and the United States.

There is only one China in the world and its sole legal government is that of the People’s Republic of China. This is an absolute and immutable fact on which there is no room for compromise. This much is recognized by 180 countries around the world, including the US, as well as by the United Nations. When and how China completes its historic goal of complete national reunification is the internal affair of the Chinese people and the Chinese people alone. No outside interference of any kind is acceptable.

Pelosi’s visit once again makes clear to all humanity that the United States is the world’s number one rogue state. Its diatribes about a so-called ‘rules based international order’ are nothing but a fig leaf for its hegemonic behavior, its gangster-like bullying and its flagrant disregard for international law.

The idea that Pelosi’s visit is some kind of unilateral action, for which the US administration is somehow not responsible, is ridiculous. She is constitutionally the second in line of succession to the Presidency. As Pelosi’s military aircraft landed in Taipei, the US assembled a veritable armada in waters off Taiwan’s east coast, including an aircraft carrier strike group, a guided missile cruiser and a destroyer. As Commander-in-Chief, President Biden bears full responsibility for this.

Pelosi’s visit caps – and escalates – a series of moves by both the present US administration and its predecessor to encourage the separatist element in Taiwan, to undermine the One China principle, to escalate the militarization of the region, and to gravely threaten peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and indeed the world. This includes public remarks by Biden himself on several occasions. As President Xi Jinping solemnly pointed out to Biden in their recent telephone conversation, those who play with fire will end up getting burned. The United States bears full responsibility for its egregious actions and for all the consequences arising therefrom.

We stand by the Chinese people, government and military in their just response to this serious infringement of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We join with the brave people of Taipei who gathered outside Pelosi’s hotel, to demand, in words that echo and resonate from Cuba to Korea and from Venezuela to Iran: “Yankee, go home!”

Statement issued by Friends of Socialist China.

Organizational signatories

Statement opposing the propaganda war on China

At the Friends of Socialist China webinar on the propaganda war against China, held on Saturday 9 October 2021, the following statement was adopted.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the escalating propaganda war being waged by the United States and its allies against the People’s Republic of China.

Although China in recent years has recorded some truly remarkable achievements in the realm of human rights – notably, eliminating extreme poverty and successfully containing Covid-19 – it has been subjected in the Western media to the most terrible slanders regarding its human rights record. Unsubstantiated accusations of genocide and forced labour in Xinjiang echo endlessly in Western media and governments, along with conspiracy theories about the origins of the pandemic.

This information warfare accompanies, complements and seeks to build public support for a dangerous New Cold War; it serves to distract from, and justify, the construction of nuclear alliances in the Pacific, the deployment of warships to the South China Sea, the fomenting of a new arms race, and assorted attempts to obstruct China’s economic rise.

We believe that this demonisation campaign is an obstacle to urgently-needed cooperation between the world’s major powers on the questions of climate change, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and economic development. Such cooperation cannot be built in an atmosphere of fear, distrust, enmity and slander.

Therefore we demand that Western governments adopt a principled and responsible approach to improving relations and deepening cooperation with China; and that media outlets cease their vilification campaign and adhere to journalistic principles of honesty and balanced reporting.

Initial signatories

  • Chen Weihua, EU bureau chief, China Daily
  • Li Jingjing, Reporter, CGTN
  • Ben Norton, Assistant Editor, The Grayzone
  • Daniel Dumbrill, Political analyst and broadcaster
  • Radhika Desai, Professor, University of Manitoba; Convenor of the International Manifesto Group
  • Danny Haiphong, Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China
  • Jenny Clegg, Author, ‘China’s Global Strategy: Towards a Multipolar World’
  • Michael Wong, Vice President, Veterans For Peace, San Francisco
  • Kenny Coyle, Director, Praxis Press
  • Qiao Collective
  • Ben Chacko, Editor, Morning Star
  • Julie Tang, Retired superior court judge, Pivot to Peace co-founder
  • Mohammed Arif, General Secretary, British Afro-Asian Solidarity Organisation (BAASO)
  • Keith Bennett, Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China
  • Roland Boer, Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China
  • Claudia Chaufan, Associate Professor, York University
  • Michael Dunford, Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex
  • Miguel Figueroa, President, Canadian Peace Congress
  • Alan Freeman, University of Manitoba
  • Dr. Hugh Goodacre, Teaching Fellow, University College London; Director, Institute for Independence Studies
  • Ian Goodrum, Senior editor and columnist, China Daily
  • Peter Hogg, Writer, Bibliographer, Translator
  • Elias Jabbour, Adjunct Professor of Economics, Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Rania Khalek, Journalist and host, BreakThrough News
  • Margaret Kimberley, Executive Editor, Black Agenda Report
  • Hon. Alderman Mushtaq Lasharie CBE, Chairman/Founder, Third World Solidarity
  • Kamal Majid, Emeritus Professor, Cardiff University
  • Carlos Martinez, Co-editor, Friends of Socialist China
  • Chris Matlhako, Second Deputy General-Secretary, South African Communist Party
  • John Riddell, Historian and activist
  • Madison Tang, Coordinator of the CODEPINK China Is Not Our Enemy campaign

Organizational signatories

  • Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War (Canada)
  • Socialist Unity Party (US)


Francis Chow
Dan Smith
Sonya AndermahrCPB
Loy Heng Yustudent from Vineyard Services & Resources
Carrie HedderwickDelegate to Sheffield Trades Council/ Sec of South Yorks CPB
Zefeng Chen
Jason LeeExporter
Bijan SharifiInternational high school art Teacher in Shanghai
Alvin Jaindependent
Stefania Fusero
Guillermo PuyanaChina Colombia Friendship Association, President
Hollis HigginsSecretary, Veterans For Peace, Spokane Chapter #35
Phoebe Tickner
Kai Chiang
Tyson HarrisThe Industrial Workers Of The World
Suni O GrantNo organizations
Milad Maierstudent
David BurešWriter, journalist, political activist
Paulius EidukasLithuanian communist & activist, member of the Communist Party of Norway
Annanya Bhaskar
K. Philippe Gendrault
William Yukcheung Fungvoccc
Bethan BlakeCommunist Party of Britain
Bob OramChair Morning Star Management Committee
Justin Jutzeler
D Wilson
Jane AkatayEditor and writer
Rindang Anggit WibisonoChemical Engineering Student
Octaviane Stefina Enggra G.Student of Universitas Kristen Petra
Christian Féard
Richard Keenan
Richard LeungRetired bank CEO & consultant
Raymond Chin Asang
Jeffery HullEngineer and Activist
Josephine Angelina Harsoyo
Dr Ping HuaFounder/Director, Chinese Arts Southampton
Tian ZhaoProduct designer at Flinks
Jorge RuizUC Riverside Transfer Student
Erwin Franzenretired, fomer journalist
Dr George MickhailProfessor of Accounting
Robert Gerold
Michael WongsamBranch Secretary/Labour Party
Dio AffrizaWorker
Zuzanna Zak
Alexandros SchulmanSocialist and activist
Seth Goddard
Tova Fry
Maciej Przylecki
David SmoklerLeague of Revolutionaries for a New America
JJH van den Broek
Zayarastudent at MAHE
Markus KeaneyChair, Bedfordshire & East Buckinghamshire Communist Party of Britain
Manuel Iglesias-GuerreroMédico
Yunfan Hao
Tara May
Michael KramerPresident, Veterans For Peace / Chapter 021 (Northern NJ)
Jeanine Maland retired teacher; activist
Gregory ElichSolidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea
Andrew Lin
Amodani GaribaChairman, The Nkrumahist Circle
Gabriella AlexanderFreelance ESL tutor and translator
G Vandervort
Camara Starks
Joan Mao
David ElvarAuthor
Matt Widdowson
Tony KinderUniversity Professor
Christian Yahya
Mitchell ShorePolicy Analyst
Ng Kong HungVP/ Sun Cheong Pte
hira singh
Doug NichollsGeneral Secretary General Federation of Trade Unions, UK.
Callum Joseph WilsonMember of Communist Party USA
Arnold AugustAuthor/Journalist
Magnar Husbypenionered teacher, stayed in China 6 weeks, studied Chinese history, especiallay the warlord period from 1911 to 1949.
Robert Svorinich
Ed Burley
Capitalist countries leaded by us imperialism tried to condemn china
Wendy EmmettCommunist Party of Britain
Brandon Walleyartist/activist
Joel Wendland-Liu
Annamaria Artnerpolitical economist
Louie Lurati
James DarsleyUndergraduate at University of Cambridge
Sunil Kumar BanerjeeVeteran
Rabiha Antar
Darius Diogenes Logos XristosHIM Imperator divi filius aei Augustus
Anna ChenWriter and broadcaster
Stefan Langenborg
Eric StruchFreedom Road Socialist Organization
Ben MaenCommunist Party of Britain
Joshua JenkinsWorker
J B RimmerCustomer Relations
Paul LookmanE4ditor, Geopolitiek in context
Stephen DavidA link in humanity
Phillip Courneyeur
Javier TelletxeaHunan Normal University
Ezio MaoDirector, IT industry
Madeleine Brierley
Tomohiro Maeda
Dmitri Sotnikov
ML CorvidelleComrade Birb Podcast, Online Educator
Ben DavisN.C.P
Thomas ToRetiree
Peta ElmesHorizons Specialized Services
Ruipeng LiStudent at CUNY
Dr Stephen WilkinsonInternational Institute for the Study of Cuba
Revd Ray GastonTeam Vicar, Church of St Chad and St Mark, Parish of Central Wolverhampton
James Barratt
David Müller
Magnus kjærgaardStudent
Emad Gharavi
Terry Woo
David ThomasChair Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association (CCFA) of Niagara
Charles McKelveyWriter/Substack
Francoise Hembert
Changlin ZhaoCollege Student
ADNAN AKFIRATChairman of Turkish Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association
Andre SabourinAnti-Imperialism
rageh ali
Prof. Claudia ChaufanAssociate Professor, York University
Francis yeung
Dee Knight
Susan Mah
Youri Smouterhost of 1+1 at Yuri Muckraker at youtube
John Fox-Cameron
Alex SouthernLondon Clarion Cycle Club
Nigel GreenRetired activist in the PCS Trade Union
Bill MeyerMichigan Peace Council
Gendo Ikari
Dean Peterspensioner
Joseph ThompsonCPUSA
Luciana BohneEmerita Professor, Edinboro University
LIZ REMMERSWAALWorld beyond war Aotearoa New Zealand
Taylar MorrisonInvasive Species Officer
Kay Strathusnone
Renate BridenthalRetired Professor of History, CUNY
Wiliam DavisAttorney/Law Offices of WO Davis
Michal NowickiPolish Worker on emigration in France. Youtube channel Rebirth of communism and Odrodzenie Komunizmu
Aya YoungMarxist-Leninist
Mark AndersenWorker
Geoff Lee
Kevin JamesStudent
Joseph M. HerosyMassachusetts Teachers Assicaiation, Boston DSA, PSL
Stefan Schmid
Bernard HarriesRetired concerned citizen
Roger Anniswriter, Canada
leanne lindsay
Yunfang YuEngineer
MayAnti- imperialist
michael murrayLabour Party
Holt, John PaulPrincipal, School of Vocation (HK)
Helen WhooleyCFMEU Union Teacher
Al SargisGoogle Group Moderator: China Study Group Boston
Christer LundgrenJournalist, Sweden
David Bracewell
Dr. Kim Eng KooMember/ Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group
Mr Michael J M Quinn
Christian ShingiroShow Host/The Socially Radical Guitarist
Alexander Toufexis
Paul S. GrahamVideographer
Steve Roddy
Elia AnsaloniChemist and writer
Harry TargCommittees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Arnold KawanoAttorney; member, National Lawyers Guild (U.S.); Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers (U.K.)
Jamie Lang
David CooperRetired community engagement professional
Jerry Path
Simón SánchezStudent
Don Mervyn
Keith Heywood
Julia DefalcoStudent
Kate Lattimore
Mark Earp
MiaSocial work
Haoruo Zhang
Rachel Pirani
RAFAEL QUEIROZ ALVESMaster’s Degree Student – Researcher/Unesp
Geoff JonesLong term resident of Hong Kong
Mark Prentergeologist
Ghani Abdul
BabaClay Hathor
Marco MucciarelliStudent
Alexander StolzUniversity student
Connor Spence
olivia chusocialist
Wei Weng LEONGRetired
Romina Beitseen
Tyler Theodore SoubieAmerican concerned citzen
Prof Mobo GaoUniversity of Adelaide
meeling wee
Yick Foon WONG
Jon Harrington
Seshadri SrinivasAnti-war activist
Peter PurichTechnical Writer, retired
E.E. TinguelyWriter
Samuel Alvarez
Orlando Campopiano
Calvin HoTsinghua University
Doug Taggart
Suzanne HoASEAN citizen
Grace Ng Listkowski
Ian Sun
Ange PowerHomemaker
yewlay Tan
Qi Guang
Felipe Alvarado PlataHistory Student / National University of Colombia
Cian de Bhaldraithe
Kelly Kwon
LilyLaw student
William Grosh
Georg Vavra
Wolfgang Masariéretired Landesmusikschulwerk Upper Austria
Paolo CruzaleguiActivst & Writer, Los Ronderos de las Redes
Rasigan MaharajhChief Director, Institute for Economic Research on Innovation
Matthew CahnConsultant Wijja.co
Scott GoldieIndividual
Victor KoppeLawyer, student History
KK Wren
Camilla Gaia MiottoPhD. candidate in Political Economy at SWUFE
Kevan NelsonRegional Secretary UNISON North West
Lekx Imers
christopher kelly
Charles Weston CaliffAmerican Vanguard
Jodie Martin
Peter Karl FleissnerTU-Wien retired
Jonathan SmithNone
JM Considine
Daniel Knapp
Josefina ArcosPensioner
Garret M Hayes
Kevin Patrick McCannKevin McCann
S M BaichooAMB Property Lettings
James De BurgheMember, Society for Anglo China Understanding, Nanning, China
Paul OwRetiree
Man LeePublisher / wenyahonline.com
Sami Ghidini
Marius Ebener
Pete FoleyMember, CPB
Colin Thomson
Adam StaudacherANSWER Coalition
Chris Morosini
Thomas TarrantsActivist
Keith O’BrienDKP
Francis James C. PagdangananNA
James LeeInvestor
Dhruv Golani
Michael Swartzbecka.k.a. “Mike Flugennock”, political cartoonist, Washington DC
HHIrish citizen in solidarity with the Chinese people
Gabriel RockhillProfessor of Philosophy, Villanova University
Deniz KızılçeçCanut International Publishers
Jürgen Bürger
Joe IosbakerFreedom Road Socialist Organization
Ian leggat
Miguel San Vicente
Jean LaplanteSelf
Sutan Jang
Shirley PateWriter, activist
Alison Murray
Denise ShinRetiree
Harbin HumphriesIndependent
Maure Briggs
Maxwell SchwarzCPUSA member, student
Chun LuongFitness Instructor
Marie LynamLabour Party and GMB (personal capacity)
Ron BrownCommunist Party
Nick Baker
Scott Pimpsner
Roberto TorreHealthcare professional Italy
Sergio VarelaStudent & Software Translator
Sonia Yang
Iris Yau FRSA FHEAEducator and Curator
Niels Duus Nielsen
Andrew Fung
Jeffrey Jin
Kwame Appiah KubiCEO of Earth Care Ghana
Kwok FungRetired
Mark Charles Rosenzweig
Giacomo MoriconiTranslator, Geopolitical observer
Tristyn Watermanworker
Facundo Coelhoactivist from Uruguay
Xiaoming GuoRetired
Sunil Anand
sarah scott
Jonathan HerrinStudent
Frank WillemsCo-editor, chinasquare.be
Raven E. Blake
Iain InglisPermanent resident, P.R.C.; presenter, Hainan Television; Member, C.P.B.
Nadeem Lawji
David Gamble
AdamConcerned US Citizen from Utah
Ayden StrunkPSL (party for socialism and liberation)
Robert LaffinUS citizen in support of peaceful bilateral international relations.
Cooper JohnsonRetail Worker
Reb Z.
Angela RongStudent
Linda KingCommunity activitis
Simon McGuinness
Dave PWorker
Aster EckertStudent
Christopher MurryLibrarian
Jessica RyanConcerned US citizen
Sasha Gervais
Jenny LamArtist, Chicago
Damien MarsicPrincipal scientist, Porton Biologics
Yi LiLecturer, The University of Sheffield
Evan RichardsYoung Communist League
Katherine Cuiconcerned Chinese Australian
Josephine BauStrategic Planning Specialist
Connie Woo
John Leehane
Daniel J. BrownRite of Strings
David Harris
Alex Adisorn
Jordan K
Zhu Gong
June PattersonCommunist Party of Canada – Fredericton Club / 2019, 2021 CPC Candidate for Fredericton
Christy FranklinUS citizen, activist, socialist, and a friend of China
Jack Shneidman
Handsun XiaoFamily Doctor, Montreal
Robert GreenRetired
David Erick AltimariRevolutionary Marxist Leninist
John Thompson ParkerCoordinator, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Vincent HuiInternational Socalist
Tom WickhamFilm-maker
Angela Gao
Miguel FigueroaPresident, Canadian Peace Congress
Colerain McCardlePCUSA
Scott HegartyTeacher
Ron Judd
Ted TrippRetired. Part-time work with CareerSource Gulf Coast, Florida
Carlos L GarridoEditor at Midwestern Marx
Andre PowellSocialist Unity Party
Peter GoselinLabor Attorney
John Beard
Chris LarssonActivist and political observer
Eddie Liger SmithMidwestern Marx Founder and Editor
Albano CoelhoIT consultant
Chin K SeahRetired Structural Engineer
Albert Ang Chun
Maria Fe Celi
Torbjørn Melbye
Robert MonksClerical worker
Masao SuzukiProfessor of Economics, Skyline College
Wong Mun LaiEngineer
Wong Mun Lai
Dong LongLegal Professional
Manuel Kiener
Stan SquiresRetired Health Care Worker
Mario SimeunovicJournalist
Z. SullivanNone
Dr Agnes Kory
Michael Pollock
MIck KellyEditor, Fight Back!
Henrik Niemeyer
John Frederick MaryonNew Communist Party
Elizabeth BurtonRetired Doctor
Andy BrooksGeneral Secretary, New Communist Party of Britain
Patxi SuarezTxinarekin.com Basque Country
Winfred Liu
DakotaCanadian citizen
Ian Furness
Ocean MarksSoftware Engineer/Musician
Daniel SihombingKristen Hijau
Kevin Lindemann
Arsenio PanuelosPresident/ AP Oriental
Hassan Abdelhady
Laurence Wright
Yuxiang HanAccountant, Australia
Matt PalmerSydney, Australia
Bhavik GroverPublisher at The Revoltist
Shane Short
James J Bush
Gary WaltonCommunist
Jean PestieauProf.em., UCLouvain, Belgium

Note: once you sign the statement via Google Forms, your name will appear on this page within a few hours. If you are having difficulty accessing the form, please email your name and organization/role to statement[at]socialistchina.org