China’s UN representative: Ending the occupation is not an option but a legal obligation for Israel

On Tuesday 17 September, the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine addressed the United Nations General Assembly, introducing a text entitled Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The text was adopted by a two-thirds majority, with 124 voting in favour, 14 against, and 43 abstaining. China voted in favour, as did the other socialist and progressive countries. The US voted against and Britain abstained.

Speaking in support of the resolution, Fu Cong, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN, said:

“Decades of occupation and oppression have inflicted untold sufferings on the Palestinian people, and made the long-cherished dream of independent statehood ever more elusive… Ending the occupation is not an option, but a legal obligation for Israel… Independent statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people as a nation, which is unquestionable and undeniable.”

Ambassador Fu added:

“Today is a historic moment. The State of Palestine has taken a seat among Member States and introduced a draft resolution to the General Assembly that focuses on the implementation of the advisory opinion of the ICJ. China will vote in favor of the draft resolution. We hope that this GA resolution will give new impetus to ending the occupation, implementing the two-State solution, and advancing the Middle East peace process.”

At a Security Council briefing the previous day, Geng Shuang, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, noted that, “despite strong joint international calls for a ceasefire and the cessation of killings, Israel has not halted its military operations, which have led to the death of over 41,000 Palestinian civilians”. It is “past belief” that this terrible tragedy continues in spite of the repeated calls of the international community for a ceasefire. Ambassador Geng pointed to the US’s repeated blocking of ceasefire attempts:

“Had the US not shielded one side time and again, multiple resolutions of this council would not have been flagrantly rejected and defied… We urge the United States to show a responsible attitude, use the significant influence it holds over the party, and take tangible actions to push Israel to cease its military operations without delay, as demanded by the Council resolutions, to give the long-suffering Palestinian people a chance to live.”

We republish below the full remarks by Ambassadors Fu Cong and Geng Shuang.

Remarks by Ambassador Fu Cong at the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on the Palestinian Question

Sep 17 (MFA) — President,

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been dragging on for over seven decades. Generations of Palestinians have lost their homes and been displaced. This is a gaping wound of the world today. Decades of occupation and oppression have inflicted untold sufferings on the Palestinian people, and made the long-cherished dream of independent statehood ever more elusive. 

Ending the occupation is not an option, but a legal obligation for Israel. The International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion issued on July 19, unequivocally concluded that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is a violation of international law which impedes the realization of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and that Israel is under an obligation to immediately bring to an end its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territories. The advisory opinion of the ICJ affirms the long-standing consensus of the international community and pinpoints the crux of the Palestinian question. We urge Israel to heed the strong call of the international community by immediately ending its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory. 

Ending the occupation is to redress historical injustice and, more importantly, lay the foundation for peace. Independent statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people as a nation, which is unquestionable and undeniable. The prolonged illegal occupation has hindered the realization of self-determination of the Palestinian people and given Israel an exclusive veto over Palestine. This is unacceptable. History offers ample proof that occupation would not make Israel more secure, but would only breed more hatred and antagonism and sow the seeds of instability throughout the Middle East. Only a complete end to the occupation and the establishment of the Independent state of Palestine will truly make it possible for Palestine and Israel to live side by side in peace, for the two peoples to live together in peace and tranquility, and for lasting peace to be achieved in the Middle East.

The implementation of the two-State solution is the only viable way to resolve the question of Palestine. This is the broad consensus of the international community. It is worrying to hear Israel’s repeated rhetoric rejecting the two-State solution. The 11 month-long conflict in Gaza has made the prospect of the two-State solution even more remote. The international community should make greater efforts and demand that Israel implement the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, cease its military operations in Gaza, and stop its illegal settlement activities in the West Bank. China advocates the convening of a more broad-based and effective international peace conference to revitalize the political prospects of the two-State solution and to work out a timetable and a roadmap for its implementation. 


Today is a historic moment. The State of Palestine has taken a seat among Member States and introduced a draft resolution to the General Assembly that focuses on the implementation of the advisory opinion of the ICJ. China will vote in favor of the draft resolution. We hope that this GA resolution will give new impetus to ending the occupation, implementing the two-State solution, and advancing the Middle East peace process. 

Thank you, President.

Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question

Sep 16 (MFA) — President, 

I thank Senior Coordinator Sigrid Kaag and Executive Director Moreira da Silva for their briefings. China commend the Senior Coordinator and humanitarian agencies for their efforts to expand humanitarian deliveries to Gaza since over the past nine months. We support Ms. Kaag’s continued reporting to the Security Council. 

As we have heard from the briefers, despite the four resolutions adopted by this Council, the ICJ orders on provisional measures, and the huge efforts of the UN and other humanitarian agencies, the humanitarian situation in Gaza has been constantly worsening, and violations of international law, in particular, IHL, have persisted non-stop. Just last week, a UN convoy supporting the polio vaccination campaign approved by Israel was forcibly detained for nearly eight hours, during which shots were fired. Also last week, six UNRWA employees were killed in an airstrike. China strongly condemns such appalling attacks on humanitarian agencies and personnel, which are unacceptable. UNRWA is mandated by the General Assembly to provide relief for Palestinian refugees and is a pillar of strength for humanitarian operations in Gaza. Even at the most perilous times, the Agency has not abandoned Gaza, and to date, 224 of its staff have perished in the line of duty. We pay highest tribute to all the humanitarian workers who are still hanging in there, and our condolences over the demise of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We call on Israel to investigate in earnest all attacks on humanitarian workers and hold the perpetrators accountable.

That the polio vaccination campaign could go ahead is a telling proof that when the parties show political will, scaling up humanitarian operations in Gaza is perfectly achievable. China renews its call to Israel to fulfill its obligations under IHL by putting lives and humanity first, immediately lift the blockade, open all crossings, scrap restrictions on humanitarian deliveries, cease and desist from attacking UN and other humanitarian agencies, and provide safe and unimpeded access to the operations of those agencies.


We are now near the first anniversary of the conflict in Gaza. Over the past year, despite strong joint international calls for a ceasefire and the cessation of killings, Israel has not halted its military operations, which have led to the death of over 41,000 Palestinian civilians. This is alarming. This is past belief. The Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. But why has it been unable to stop this human tragedy, the worst of its kind to this day? As the analysis point out, had the United States not stood in the way on all those occasions, the Council could have adopted a resolution demanding a ceasefire early on after the conflict erupted. Had the US not shielded one side time and again, multiple resolutions of this Council would not have been flagrantly rejected and defied. We urge the US to show a responsible attitude, use the significant influence it holds over the party, and take tangible actions to push Israel to cease its military operations without delay, as demanded by the Council resolutions, to give the long suffering Palestinian people a chance to live. China supports further actions on the part of this Council to put out the flames of war, mitigate the humanitarian disaster, and bring peace to the region as soon as possible.

Thank you, President.

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